The dusty, smoggy air lingered in his nose and made it curled as a blonde man leaned back against the wall in an alley. Eye carefully studying the landscape and layout with arms crossed.
Korbl Meier inwardly remarked to himself that there was far too much noise in this city. Was every American city like this?
While not a stranger, this was his first time setting foot on this side of the continent.
Though he bitterly remarked, it should've been in a much more joyous moment instead of his current predicament. His fist clenched tightly and his finger ran through his hair, a bit longer now alongside a small stubble on his chin.
Pulling on his own shirt and sniffing it, it was also starting to smell alongside the coat he had hastily stolen when no one was looking. Leading him to let out a weary sigh.
At least the blood hadn't caught onto his clothes.
There was so much blood-
Korbl shook his head and cleared it of intrusive thoughts as he looked onward to solving his current situation. He was after all an illegal immigrant and murderer. Staying low and blending was the right choice.
I'll need a job, a roof, and a passport.
He supposed that in these streets, someone must be looking for hire. Perhaps a club or bar? They probably have the least chance of rejecting someone from a sketchy background.
Cleaning toilets at worse and such is beneath him but he had nothing to lose at this point.
Except for one issue, his eyes hovered towards the alley and near the pipes of houses as one object stood out—a traditional one-sided sword in its sheath, almost like it's facing and mocking him.
Of all things to bring along by mistake, that was the worst. Yet it was his sword, the one he trained alongside that it might as well be a part of his body.
Damn his muscle memories, Korbl grumbled inwardly as he grabbed his sword and wrapped it with his coat before tucking it under his left arm. It just didn't feel right doing it since it'll slow the draw.
Still, looking at the skies and sun positioning, it'll take some time for them to start opening for business.
Best to scout around for which one that'll likely give him a job.
Close to the piers and water, it gave a nice view of the city ocean and from afar, a small figure of the famous and vaunted Titans HQ.
One person, however, took a far greater interest as they stood behind a telephone pole from afar as they tried to be as inconspicuous. It was only due to their lanky build that it helped boost the image.
Taking a look from afar, Korbl studied the club. It looked unassuming but all the information he gathered from a mix of booklets, asking around, and checking on the internet from unattended terminals, showed that this was a supposed reputable place.
Squinting his eyes, it didn't build any confidence in him but the place was clean, well-kept, and maintained properly. The location was nearer to the pier but he supposed that was because of the noise.
Although, it could also be because it's a convenient place to empty one's stomach after a night of heavy drinking. Korbl stayed a bit further from the pier railing when he spotted some stain of unknown origin.
From the closed doors, he gently rapped once and then twice.
A moment passed and he repeated the motion. Again, this time, finally caught some footfalls from inside and he straightened himself.
"Yea? What ya want?" What greeted him was a swarthy man bearing a red cloth wrapped around his head, barely able to contain the afro underneath his head as his sunglasses peered down at him. "Look, come back at 8, or don't, you look like you've been kicked out whi-"
"I need a job, will clean, carry boxes, anything." Korbl just got right to the point stoically as he pointed to the walls decorated with graffiti. "Can start now with that."
"Hell naw dog, it took me hours to get that shit correct!" The man yelled as he protectively stepped out of the door completely, showing the simple white t-shirt in contrast to his fashion-laden jewelry and necklaces. "Look here boy, you coming here looking for a job? You should've go start tossing newspaper, this here is a well-respected establishment you hear! And I intend to keep it that way!"
"I understand, and I don't plan to do anything. Just something I can do to help out-"
"Tut, tut, I got nothing else to say to you, so why don't you go and buzz off..." His words trailed off despite him about to wave off Korbl before pulling his sunglasses down to study him for a bit as his eyes flicked to the sides and saw his coat.
Does he know? Korbl hands tightened around his sword, he wouldn't be able to draw it in time, but he was confident he could strike the man down before the latter could move.
"Tell you what, you see those garbage bins over there? Move them to the recycling center and I'll pay you 50 for each one and you keep the change."
Korbl blinked at the sudden change of attitude but his eyes went to the aforementioned bins and it looked filled to the brim.
At least it look packed neatly enough. He rolled his shirt upward and tucked the coat behind his back, before lifting it to carry several bags full of trash. The sounds of clacking bottles and waste assaulted his nose but ignored it.
"And where's the centre?"
"That way." The proprietor thumbed over his shoulder, leading to quite a distant away as Korbl caught sight of it. It would'v taken a normal person about half an hour of back forth alone
Well, good thing he wasn't a normal person. Nodding, he quickly jog his way there.
Unaware that the owner was stroking his chin inquisitively before going back inside the club.
"Hey, someone continue cleaning this mess up. I got something important to do!"