Hidden 9 mos ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 1 hr ago


Gringor looked around before spotting the dead lady, he hefted his axe and waved towards her. “Dead lady.”

“Oh, Io! How are you feeling?” Skarsneek also noticed her as he approached the lich, taking a brief glance to see if she’s okay. “We got fish for morning breakfast, eat up if you like.”

“You also got that invitation I see? Looks like everyone is going for that mission. Which reminds me…” Skarsneek turned towards the orc. “Hey, orc, you got your ass kicked previously right? You should sit this one out then.”

“Gringor didn’t lose,” The High Orc said stiffly in annoyance, much to Skarsneek glee.

“Huh, you ran between your tail basically? Figures, all talk and no balls.”

“Gringor can show you some balls, here, come closer.” He gestured to Skarsneek with a threatening hand.

The two might get into another argument, if others decide not to break or distract them with another topic soon.
Hidden 8 mos ago 8 mos ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

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ATTN: @PaulHaynek, @The Irish Tree (Eula/Liliana), @AzureKnight (Shizuka) &@Rezod92 (Kerry)

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Hidden 8 mos ago Post by Crowvette
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Crowvette Shock Unlocker

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Io remained silent when asked how she felt. It was a difficult question to answer, all things considered, but she managed to shake her head when offered breakfast. "That won't be necessary..." Eating seemed like more trouble than it was worth for the lich, at least right now.

Despite her awkward entrance, the others seemed to brush it off without much issue. Io hadn't noticed it in the past, but these two male mamono seemed to be anything but friendly with each other... Was this a natural clash of personalities, or perhaps something more primal between the two? Io mulled it over in her head. 'Perhaps the presence of a worthy female has caused them to become competitive.' Io knew that she could have that effect on a room of males. 'I should be more cautious in the future.'

Io wasn't sure how she could really de-escalate the impending argument between the two, given her lack of way with words, and perhaps it was best if they did become ready to fight in their own way. Plus, if they did get a little rowdy with each other... Io's face flushed ever so slightly as she considered the sight (with a healthy dose of imagination added in). Though the lich was hardly expressive, anyone paying attention could tell she was keeping her attention on the two with less-than-admirable thoughts on the mind.
Hidden 8 mos ago 8 mos ago Post by PaulHaynek
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Terauchi Temple


~ @Crowvette, @Restalaan (SKA & GRI) ~

Before Gringor and Skarsneek could come to blows, Takeshi Oja came between them while holding two bowls of hot peppered rice with sunny-side egg on top. The freshly-cooked dish's scent quickly invaded the two male monsters' noses, inviting them to let go of everything else and simply finish the bowl down to the last grain of rice. A deliberate defusing tactic by the young lord.

"Come on, now. It's too early in the morning for this!" Takeshi complained to Gringor and Skarsneek. "Why not just eat breakfast first before we do any sort of fighting?"

Once the bowls were accepted, Takeshi had a third serving prepared for Io. "Hey, Io! It's been a while since I saw you. Not sure if undead like you needs to eat but surely eating for the taste and the satisfaction is a thing for the undead, right?" He offered the rice bowl to the Lich, also revealing his lack of knowledge for the necromantic race. "Also, were you hoping these two would fight?"

~ @AzureKnight (HIN, ATS & SHI), @Enkryption (ALI & CRL), @The Irish Tree (EUL & LIL), @Rezod92, @Crowvette, @Restalaan (SKA & GRI) ~

Once breakfast was over, the entirety of the taskforce assembled to finally move against the traitorous students of the Heavenly Strike technique. Takeshi Oja came with them, partly because these students were formidable warriors so the taskforce will need every capable fighter they can muster and partly because Takeshi himself wanted to see this technique for himself.

"I... suppose we should first get information on where Kenshiro's Rest, huh?" Takeshi told the taskforce, scratching the back of his head. Since the area was supposed to be a secret, getting the location might prove a tad difficult.

"An interrogation of a student should suffice." Revuel piped in. "A small Varjan warband was sighted to the north, not far from here. They were seen with Shizuyaman bladesmen in... Haori and hakama. Yeah, those were the words. Those might be some Heavenly Strike students you can capture and question."

"Many thanks, Sir Revuel." Takeshi bowed at the spellcaster. "Alright, let's move out."

Shizuyama Wilderness


~ @AzureKnight (HIN, ATS & SHI), @Enkryption (ALI & CRL), @The Irish Tree (EUL & LIL), @Rezod92, @Crowvette, @Restalaan (SKA & GRI) ~

The taskforce along with Takeshi traveled northward from Terauchi Temple, following a dirt path. The drizzle earlier had now become light rain and the winds began to howl. The soil around the group had become moist, but not yet enough to become outright mud. The occasional breeze could bring chill to the exposed, but Takeshi did not seem to be affected despite wearing relatively light clothing.

Soon, the group came upon the Varjan band and true to Revuel's report, there were Shizuyamans among them in the description the spellcaster gave. The band consisted of four of the Heavenly Strike students with the rest being Varjans. The Varjan elements were made of mostly Brigands, being 8 of them, armored in fur and leather and armed with round shields and simple axes and javelins. Then there was one Varjan who was armored like a Scarce Legion legionnaire but his armor's hue was gray, as if unpainted, and he wielded a rather large battle hammer. It was clear he was a legionnaire, just not of the Scarce Legion.

This band of invaders seemed to have just finished slaughtering a small caravan of refugees and were currently helping themselves to whatever meager loot was in the refugees' cart. The sight of the villagers' dead bodies strewn about incensed Takeshi into a tranquil fury. The young lord strode towards the warband head-on, ignoring any plans-of-attack the taskforce would put suggest. His approach did not go unnoticed, and the warband readied their arms.

"So it's true. The young Oja has thrown his lot with the yokai." One of the students faced Takeshi.

"And you have thrown yours with Varjan invaders." Takeshi shot back.

"You and your father are foolish for resisting the Varjans. You readily lead Shizuyama's people into the arms of the yokai. Into depravity and debauchery." The student responded. "The Varjans ask for so little and in return, they gladly help us protect the island from those infernal beasts you now call friends."

Takeshi motioned at the villagers' corpses. "Is that what you call protection?"

The student shrugged. "They were heading for Terauchi Temple, seeking 'refuge' under the yokai. Joining the beasts can only be punished with death... as dictated by the laws your clan made. Laws that you are--"

"Enough!" Takeshi put his hand on the hilt of his sword and began walking towards the student. "Fight me..."

"Hmph." The student drew his sword and approached too, before suddenly disappearing.


The student reappeared behind Takeshi... and had a gaping gash on his neck. He dropped his sword and clutched his wound, staring wide-eyed at the taskforce in disbelief. He coughed up blood before collapsing into the ground. Takeshi, meanwhile, had his sword drawn out - a bit wet with the student's blood. The young lord, by virtue of being unscathed, knew he was the victor of that standoff and spared no glances at his defeated opponent.

The warband was taken by surprise at the legendary technique's defeat. But when Takeshi charged them, the legionnaire raised his hammer and released a war cry that rallied the warband back into battle.







Hidden 8 mos ago 8 mos ago Post by The Irish Tree
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Hidden 8 mos ago 8 mos ago Post by Rezod92
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ATTN: @PaulHaynek, @Enkryption (Alice/Carroll), & @The Irish Tree (Eula)

Hidden 8 mos ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Rezod92@The Irish Tree@PaulHaynek@Crowvette@Enkryption@Azureknight

Gringor and Skarsneek

“Bah.” Gringor took the bowl and slurped on it.

“Sure, beats getting mad.” Skarsneek calmed down, and decided to ate his food.

Once done, the two were summoned for a mission, much to their displeasure but kept it quiet.

In turn, Skarsneek had opted to stay close to his wife and Hinami while Gringor stood on the other end.

Hearing that they’re going back to fight the heavenly students, got Gringor slowly riled up.

“Calm down already, your pheromones is all over the place.” Skarsneek said, not liking that it gives out a clue to the enemies that someone is near.

Gringor ignored his words but forced himself to bottle all that excitement and energy, All of it ready to be unleashed once he’s closed.

“Huh, so the whole party is going. This is going to be fun.” He remarked to Takeshi and Shizuka.

So as all of them headed out as one large unit. Skarsneek realized this was probably the biggest group that they had going at once.

He was dressed similarly to the Shizuyamans, with a straw hat covering his head. If one ignored the two holes poked by it due to his horns.

“Careful, the weather is terrible.” Skarsneek said to Atsuha and Hinami as he looked at the light rain. It was easy to catch a cold in this, even with their monster heritage.

Gringor for his part, just soldier on, the rain barely affecting him and the armor creaked. It was much more comfortable due to the rain, and now, he had gotten used to the armor enough that moving around with it at full speed was no longer a problem.

His nose sniffed the air, able to pick up the scent of fresh rain and ground. A very welcoming scent.

Meeting the students was simple enough, and both of them readied for battle.

Gringor saw Takeshi took point, and like him, managed to succeed in the first duel.

He slammed his axe against his armor once, in honor of the victor and Takeshi. The bubbling envy and eagerness rose to do the same and reclaim his victory.

Once it started, Gringor singled out a student that stood far back like a bull.

Ignoring the rest as others handled it, Gringor edges of his vision turned red as he focused his entire being.

He wasn’t like the rest, he can’t do the strike and was pointless to replicate it. He was a High Orc, a Champion, and Tribe Leader.

A certain lazy monk words echoed in his mind.

A fish swims, a hare runs.

And a boar gores.

Raising his axe for a vertical strike, he saw the student got ready for that technique again.

He waited.

An axe swung forward much too early, giving an opening and one that was taken.

Gringor eyes saw it, and he snarled ferociously in glee.

A single armored knee nailed the student head-on, snapping his head and neck backwards, knocking them out in an instant.

Against technique, brute force and cunning. That was how High Orcs fight.

Gringor wasn't finished raised a single foot and slammed it down hard enough to shake the ground as it left a deep imprint. Right next to the Student.

Then without a word, he shot off towards the hammer-wielding Legionnaire. Eager to fight this one, and most of all, he saw that armor. He wanted it, and that hammer.


Roaring, he raised his axe high for a downward strike

Skarsneek approached from the sides, his own clubs in hand. Tossing a stone and catching it mid-way before nothing that the Student Gringor knocked out was alive.

“Huh, lucky you.” He said before kneeling on the Student to bind him. The rest of the Students were dead, only he was the survivor.
Hidden 8 mos ago 8 mos ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

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ATTN: @PaulHaynek, @The Irish Tree (Eula), @Rezod92 (Kerry), & @Restalaan (Gringor)

Hidden 8 mos ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 29 days ago

Shizuyaman Wilderness

The Heavenly Strike: ~ 紫電一閃 ~

Shizuka had nodded in agreement with Lord Takeshi's proposal, and silently followed him as he and the taskforce made for Kenshiro's Rest. The light rain accompanied by slight chilling breezes did little to bother the ronin, in fact, he actually welcomed it. His teaching instilled in him the belief that the rain cleanses the soul and brings relief. He attuned his chi to the weather, silently prepping for the certain battle ahead as he felt Takeshi's aura rousing.

Eventually, they group had found the Varjan warband described in the report, and as typical fashion they surrounded themselves with corpses and decay. A sight that caused Shizuka to share in Takeshi's building rage, and he witnessed as the young lord decided to start the hostilities. Takeshi challenged one of the students of the school and watched as he vanished, only to appear behind Young Oja and fall to the ground with a fatal gash.

While Shizuka instructed the taskforce on how to deal and even incorporate the Heavenly Strike technique for this very mission, this was the first time he ever laid eyes on the attack. True to it's name, the slain user had blended masterful footwork with a clean motion slash aimed at the enemy's vitals. Normally, a person wouldn't even be able to see the attack coming, but beings like the taskforce wouldn't have that problem. The young man's chi left a trail to follow, plus his blinding speed left a subtle hint of shifting wind with it. Takeshi, of course, saw this as well, and easily countered.

All of the other members of the taskforce decided to follow suit and begin there advances as well.

Liliana was emboldened by Alice's words, found the courage to fight on this bloodied battlefield, and wield her sword Whimsy with a renewed vigor. The precision she wielded her blade with was something not yet seen, and Shizuka couldn't help but be impressed. She used her own variant of the Heavenly Strike technique while also showing a greater control of her volatile magic, quickly toppling one of the students.

Shizuka had looked toward Eula with worried eyes, as she was faltering and was so conflicted that ebon tears began to spill from her eyes. Alice had slammed Carroll down as she continued her advance. This allowed Eula to take her up, and the demon weapon's words had helped her to find a new resolve to keep going. She, too, used her own unique spin on the aforementioned technique, creating a thunderous boom that echoed across the entire battlefield.

Kerry and Alice were in perfect sync, with the Rebellion defending her lover whilst wielding one of her lances with deathly swiftness. Their advance was like a bloody waltz on dirty ballroom. Their banter befitted a married couple to boot, which earned them a light chuckle from the swordsman.

Gringor, on the surface, had recklessly rushed forward, as per his modus operandi. However, upon clashing with one of the students, he made an interesting maneuver. Baiting out the student's strike, Gringor swung his axe earlier than he let on, allowing him to catch the practitioner off guard and soundly defeated him with a couple of well-placed strikes. Most notably, Gringor realized that he couldn't copy the Heavenly Strike, so he instead internalized the training to remember what facing the technique was like and relied on his natural instincts and upbringing to counter it.

In the end, he chose to spare the student's life, as noted by Skarsneek. The High Orc turned his attention toward the Varjan Legionnaire, as did Alice. The latter knocked the High Orc's axe out of his hand, opting to use it herself for a bit. She and Carroll then took on the forms that Shizuka and the rest of the force were first introduced to them in. Shizuka maintained a straight face, as the forms brought back rather...interesting memories. She used her vines to have the spear Dusk reinforce the handle of Gringor's war axe, using it and her monstrous strength to apply menace to the Varjan commander.

Eventually, she cornered the Legionnaire, throwing Dusk back to her lover and discarding the giant axe. It seemed, the fight was for now over. Shizuka stood in front of the taskforce and began giving a light round of applause.

"I must say, that display was most impressive!" He cheered. "One has to wonder if you even needed me. I must Alice, the way you lead the others during that skirmish was most impressive, giving them the strength to push forward whilst still fighting off the enemy in the heat of battle was no small feat."

He then turned to the others. "Liliana, Eula, I can understand that many things have happened here on this island within a short amount of time, and it's caused you to have doubts about the path forward. Just know that you won't have to face these challenges alone. We'll all here to aid each other. Gringor, I understand that you've taken some advice from that monk back at the temple? I certainly shows, and I'm glad to see that you've found your own way to break the Heavenly Strike."

"Kerry, you and Alice were in perfect sync, as if you two had been fighting together for years. Not to mention how you've both seamlessly incorporated the technique into your respective repertoires, imbuing it with your magics." He was silent for a moment, looking at the original forms of Alice and Carroll, who likely sensed his complex emotions, however small.

"Alice and Carroll, I suppose I shouldn't expect anything less from you. Well done, both of you. Now, the question remains, what to do with our new friend here. Do you have anything thing in mind, Takeshi-Dono?" He said, turning to the heir of the island. "I also agree with Alice and Kerry in that the master of this technique is something that should be treated with our full attention. If possible, I'd like to be the one to face him. Especially since most of our members have just got through fighting."

Shizuka looked to Atsuha and Io for a moment.

"We can't afford to be too careful here, would you two mind casting some healing magic on everyone who just fought?"

The sisters were washed over with a sigh of relief as the battle seemed to have been decided, although they too, were left wondering if they were needed for this battle.

"My Dearest, you always fuss over my and Hinami's well being, but you're always the one throwing yourself into the Lion's Den." Atsuha said to the goblin by the unconscious student. "That goes doubly to you, Takeshi-san!" She scolded the young lord, who technically did cast the first stone. "I know your skill with the blade is to be feared, but you make us worry all the same"

Atusha would bade Shizuka's request, as a gentle and fuchsia breeze flowed from the cherry blossom tree on her abdomen. The pink petals danced around the taskforce, who would begin to feel any minor wounds and fatigue brush away from their persons.

Hinami looked at the cornered legionnaire, pondering with a finger below her lips. "Hey! If you want someone to interrogate him, I vote my Big Sis! She can use various toxin and her own natural poison to coax stuff outta him, plus she can get really mean toward jerks like the Varjans!"
Hidden 8 mos ago 8 mos ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 5 days ago

Shizuyama Wilderness


~ @AzureKnight (HIN, ATS & SHI), @Enkryption (ALI & CRL), @The Irish Tree (EUL & LIL), @Rezod92, @Crowvette, @Restalaan (SKA & GRI) ~

Takeshi readied to engage the rest of the band but the taskforce, at least most of them, was fast and thorough in their attack. He bore witness to their teamwork, noticing that Alice and her living weapon Carroll were pretty synchronous with Eula, Kerry and Liliana. The young lord was a little envious, and wondered if he could ever fight like that with his Shizuyaman friends.

He also witnessed how they used the Heavenly Strike technique. Observed how they did it.

"Surrender or face extinction. There is no other option."
Eula 039

When Eula and Carroll did their version of the Heavenly Strike technique, it went too fast for the legionnaire to block. The attack was fully successful, hitting the legionnaire's abdomen and making him stumble back from the blow. However, he was not out just yet and still held his war hammer. But the Automaton would not be his foe for now, since a rather masculine High Orc rushed after him.

Only for some regal-looking woman to interrupt the High Orc, even stealing the latter's axe, and attack herself. His armor was pierced, but it still managed to absorb the blow. The legionnaire noticed these monsters were using their versions of this Heavenly-whatever technique the collaborators used. No wonder they asked for legionnaire help and keep a lookout for the monsters.

"I offer you surrender, Varjan, and nothing else. Deny, and death is the only outcome. You are outgunned."

"Go ahead, buddy. Make your choice."

The legionnaire relaxed and released one of his hands from his weapon and let the latter stand, apparently surrendering. He used his free hand to remove his belt that contained bombs and gadgets for quick use during battle and tossed it in front of the unique Mad Hatter.

"That goes doubly to you, Takeshi-san! I know your skill with the blade is to be feared, but you make us worry all the same"
Atsuha Hangai

"Well, it all worked out in the end, didn't it?" Takeshi laughed. Truth be told, he lost count on how many times he already had been scolded by Atsuha. Perhaps she felt a bit maternal towards him after rescuing him in Sanjo Beach. "I'm not even sure if we were needed in this fight. It really looks Alice and her gang have this in the bag!"

He then looked back at the surrendering legionnaire, and noticed that the Varjan was not... that relaxed. He also recognized the legionnaire belonging to the Iron Grinders, masters of siege warfare. They knew how to breach castles and fortresses, but they also knew how to take them without attacking walls. Infiltration and baiting strategies.

"Alice and Carroll, I suppose I shouldn't expect anything less from you. Well done, both of you. Now, the question remains, what to do with our new friend here. Do you have anything thing in mind, Takeshi-Dono? I also agree with Alice and Kerry in that the master of this technique is something that should be treated with our full attention. If possible, I'd like to be the one to face him. Especially since most of our members have just got through fighting."
Shizuka Kannazuki

"Very well. I shall let you face him." The young lord accepted Shizuka's request. "Buuuut someone of his caliber would probably rather claim my head, the heir apparent, than a relative stranger's, no?" He then quickly apologized. "Err, no offense."

His gaze was still fixed at the legionnaire. The Varjan's posture was still tense and ready to move. This was no surrender.

"Hey! If you want someone to interrogate him, I vote my Big Sis! She can use various toxin and her own natural poison to coax stuff outta him, plus she can get really mean toward jerks like the Varjans!"
Hinami Hangai

Takeshi warned his allies. "Wait, I don't think he's--"


A thick red smoke started emanating from the legionnaire's belt. It wafted upwards quickly, reaching the heights that birds usually fly. From somewhere in the distance, burning boulders were launched and heading towards... the taskforce's position!

"Take cover!" Takeshi yelled at his taskforce allies.


Flaming artillery rained on the area, but their impacts and fire were mitigated by the stormy weather. Still, it did its job scattering and disorienting the taskforce who were forced to dodge the shots. However, the same could not be said for the unconscious Varjans and technique students who were claimed by their own side's siege weaponry whether through impact or through flame.

The legionnaire took this opportunity to escape, running towards the wilderness. Takeshi immediately noticed, but had a plan. "Chase him! But don't catch him! Let's see where he goes!" The young lord ordered as he started the 'chase'.

Kenshiro's Rest


~ @AzureKnight (HIN, ATS & SHI), @Enkryption (ALI & CRL), @The Irish Tree (EUL & LIL), @Rezod92, @Crowvette, @Restalaan (SKA & GRI) ~

The rain poured as thunder roared in the sky. Dark, gray clouds blocked out the sun, almost drowning the world in darkness. The winds blew fiercely now, trees and leaves danced as they howled. But none of these deterred Takeshi from 'chasing' the Iron Grinder. Did the young lord ever consider that he was following the legionnaire into a trap? Perhaps, but Takeshi hardly cared. His goal was to end this menace once and for all, and he would step in as many traps as needed.

The 'chase' ended when the Iron Grinder reached the base of a steep, two-leveled plateau covered by a row of natural rock formations. The legionnaire's boots glowed with orange-hued magic as he leapt up, jumping over the rocky wall and disappearing behind it. Still undeterred and not waiting for the taskforce to offer help, Takeshi began to scale the cliff face quite deftly. Identifying which ledges he needed to grab, Takeshi was soon at the first level and facing the rocky wall.

There was a slit in the rock formation big enough for the young lord as well as the biggest of the taskforce to fit through. Of course, those capable of flight need not enter through the tiny entrance. Takeshi was the first one through and was greeted by a pleasant scenery: The entire first level of the plateau was some sort of shrine-garden. Two large, rectangular stone pillars with inscriptions engraved on them stood on each side of the small dirt path, serving as a welcome everyone who entered this sacred place. Beyond the pillars was a pool of water, constantly refreshed by the natural stream that flowed out of this elevated landform.

The most striking sight in this place was the huge amount of katanas embedded on every patch of soil that wasn't the path. They were not clear at first, almost blending in with the grasses that stood beside them. From Katsuhiro's tale, this was probably Kenshiro's Rest.

What was not pleasant, however, was the row of Varjan bowmen standing at the edge of the second level, overlooking the first. And populating the first level was a whole mixed unit of legionnaires and Heavenly Strike students. There were about four of the Iron Grinders, including the one the taskforce was chasing. And yet, he was not the apparent leader of the legionnaires. The one with the mouthguard and the sword and shield seemed to be the one in charge.

But all held their weapons and allowed one of the students to approach Takeshi. Only, this one didn't feel like a student despite looking like his fellow swordsmen. He confidently strode towards the young lord and the latter soon recognized who this Shizuyaman traitor was.

"Tetsuo Okinaga. The butcher of the Ichimonji Rebellion." Takeshi crossed his arms. The normally-outspoken heir was replaced by a stoic but seething warrior. "I see time hasn't changed you."

"You were a child when Ichimonji burned, boy." Tetsuo replied. "For ten years, I dreamed of cutting Lord Oja to the bone."

"You won't live long enough to face him." Takeshi finished the 'pleasantries'.

Tetsuo smirked as he drew his sword. "I've mastered the legendary attack, and the Varjans are willing to reward me for sharing it with them."

Takeshi unsheathed his sword and poised to attack--


A sudden and unexpected lightning struck a section of the second level's ledge, sending that section tumbling down along with a few of the archers while leaving the rest stunned silent. Even Takeshi, and probably the taskforce, was surprised. Tetsuo returned his glare at Takeshi and pointed his sword at the young lord. "Yokai devilry! I should've known than to expect honor from one as corrupted as you!"

Tetsuo disappeared and reappeared behind Takeshi, leaving a nasty slash wound on the young lord. The two then locked swords and dueled, Shizuka's wishes unfulfilled.

The Iron Grinders charged forward with their two-handed hammers while their leader stayed back for now. The Heavenly Strike students followed closely behind, appearing to be taking cover behind their armored Varjan allies. The remainder of the Footmen archers started loosing arrows at the taskforce too as lightning continued to strike at the battlefield's vicinities, setting fire to the grasses in the plateau.







Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 1 hr ago

@AzureKnight@Enkryption@The Irish Tree@Rezod92@Crowvette

"OI!" Gringor hollered as his weapon was pulled away from him before being used unceremoniously by Alice, the mad girl.

Seeing his weapon being handled so poorly annoyed him greatly, more so when she just flung it away. Prompting him to go after it before dusting it off gingerly. "Phah."

Seeing the killjoy finish the fight, Gringor spotted the man reaching for something.

Skarsneek followed up immediately as he recognized a trick. "Step away from him!"

The red smoke that popped out of him confused him for a moment before a cold chill ran down his spine as Skarsneek looked to the air. True enough, just moments later, numerous artillery begin to fall upon.

Scooping the one lone Heavenly Student over his shoulders and pulling Atsuha backwards, Skarsneek screamed his lungs out "ROCKS!"

Gringor for his part saw the attack and step to the sides, seeing the fire boulders as he escaped from being buffeted. Shrapnels pinging off his skin harmlessly, the fire he had to brush it out as he spotted the quickly fleeing Varjan.

Hearing Takeshi's instructions, Gringor had to stop his eager pursuit and followed from afar. Following the logic of it.

Skarsneek in the meantime, dusted himself as he hissed. Recalling the Iron Grinder warriors, he hadn't seen them much outside of it.


They followed from behind, reaching and confronting most of the Iron Grinders alongside the Heavenly Students. However, one in particular stood out.

To Gringor, that big leader behind alongside that armor, shield, everything. It was perfect. He wanted that.

For Skarsneek, It was this Tetsuo as he studied the other hidden forces in this place.

Archers on high ground, heavy armor and skirmishers. This wasn't a fight he'll like to take head on. Thankfully there were others here.

"Shizuka, Atsuha, the moment this starts." Skarsneek said, head tilting to the archers as he never left them from his view. "I'm going to take out those archers."

"Meathead there is probably going to go for the Iron Grinder leader, you guys pick a target and follow up." He explained his plan to them before nudging Hinami. "Hinami, you protect your sister and Io. Or do what you think is best."

True enough, the moment lighting started to strike the place. Gringor was already moving forward alongside Takeshi. Hefting his axe upwards, before charging towards the Iron Grinders fearlessly. Roaring and howling loudly that it shook the bones as his pheromones, while dulled by the rain, filled the air to energize everyone.


Skarsneek sprinted towards the plateau walls, and in an impressive display of strength, dug his fingers deep before climbing it like a spider himself. No wasted movement before he reached the same level as the archers, alongside rocks in hand as he flung them like darts.
Hidden 7 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

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ATTN: @PaulHaynek, @The Irish Tree (Eula/Liliana), & @Rezod92 (Kerry)

Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Crowvette
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Crowvette Shock Unlocker

Member Seen 8 days ago


Io had barely managed to catch up before the initial fight had ended. And even after that, she had barely managed to pivot towards healing the task force members before her incantation was interrupted by the sudden attack from siege weapons. Though she had always wondered it, she couldn't help but return to her thoughts on the living world being far too fast to deal with. She would need quite a sabbatical after this island's business was wrapped up.

Io could only regret leaving behind a field of fresh corpses as she relied upon a momentary burst of dexterity from her personal scrolls to evade the siege weapons and chase the Varjan down. Though it was likely any raised zombies would end up being literal cannon fodder, Io would have liked to even the odds at least a little. Especially since they were clearly being led into a trap.

Io was sizing up the opposition when the lightning cracked, and in turn had the task force once again descend into the chaos of battle. Io hadn't much time to prepare, but the first move was obvious - the archers would get the first attack in the moment the battle started, and their attack needed to be stopped. Io could trust Skar to handle the archers after the initial wave of arrows were loosed - there wouldn't be a second wave.

Io quickly swept her arms in an arc, using the gesture to cast a magical barrier. It would be strong enough to deflect the arrows from above, and let the task force focus on the enemies in front of them. Io would only need to sustain it for long enough to disrupt the volley of arrows - and then she would turn her attention to Gringor's charge (who gave a roar that, by Io's approximation, could in fact wake the dead). As she expected, Skar's summation of Gringor's tactics was correct: He would take the most direct way to the leader.

Io would help clear a path. Whispering an incantation at a rapid rate, she levelled her arms at the legionnares and students that might try to intercept Gringor's charge. The only sign that her incantation was finished was the sudden flickering of a magical circle behind Io, and the sudden razor-thin beams of deadly magical energy that she directed to dispatch anyone attempting to get between Gringor and his target.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 5 days ago

Kenshiro's Rest


~ @AzureKnight (HIN, ATS & SHI), @Enkryption (ALI & CRL), @The Irish Tree (EUL & LIL), @Rezod92, @Crowvette, @Restalaan (SKA & GRI) ~

"Look at how your yokai 'friends' abandon you, boy! Gaze upon the 'integrity' of your allies!" Tetsuo bellowed a laugh at Takeshi when Dinah departed from the battle, also taking some members of the taskforce with her.

But the taunt only earned a cut to the arm from the focused Takeshi. "I'd focus more on the fight if I were you." Of course, the young lord was not unaffected by his companions turning tail but he had a duel to win. Perhaps the battle was lost, but he was not going to let Tetsuo enjoy that. The two continued fighting uninterrupted, their duel respected for now.

Gringor charged for the Iron Grinder leader. Other enemies moved to intercept him, but they were cut down by the deadly energy beams that Io fired from the magic circle behind her. The protective barrier she erected also blocked the first volley of arrows fired upon them from the archers on the second level. Fortunately, that first volley was all the archers could release for soon, Skarsneek was upon them.

The Iron Grinder leader, realizing that nothing was stopping Gringor anymore, braced for the High Orc's impact. Only to charge at the last moment, tower shield raised. With the shield, he threw Gringor over himself. With the High Orc on the ground, the Iron Grinder brought down his metal boot unto Gringor's chest to keep the monster from moving. He then reverse-gripped his sword, and readied to bring the blade down Gringor's head.

With the taskforce depleted for a moment, a legionnaire managed to reach Io. He lost his hammer from the Lich's earlier barrage and so, could only tackle her from behind and wrap his arms around her to disable her from casting anymore spells. They rolled across the dirt a bit, smashing a few of the planted swords. The legionnaire's strength was great, forcing Io to think of something else to escape the lock.

Skarsneek managed to eliminate most of the archers on the second level while another lightning strike knocked out all the rest. The elevated position gave him a good view of the battle. Takeshi was still dueling Tetsuo, while a couple of students watched them and ready to intervene on behalf of their master. Gringor was on the ground, with the Iron Grinder leader's boot on his chest and Io was captured by a legionnaire.

Shizuka was busy fighting most of the students, getting hit by the Heavenly Strike for every student he dispatched. Hinami and Atsuha were backed into a rocky corner by two of the Iron Grinder legionnaires, supported by several students. The fourth legionnaire was on the ground, killed instantly by the beams from Io.

The situation was grim... but fortunately, nothing really major occurred when Dinah, Liliana, Kerry and Eula returned.







Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 1 hr ago

@AzureKnight @Enkryption @The Irish Tree @Rezod92

Skarsneek of the Redhill

Zooming past the archers arrow, Skarsneek arms blurred as he slammed one archer down, whirled and took out another one. His feet pounding and muscle burned with effort as he moved like a flash.

He wasn't sure if the heavens was helping him but a lightning strike scared off the remaining archers, allowing him a clear view of the battle. Quickly scanning and seeing his options.

Takeshi seemed to be locked in battle, and that damned High Orc fell to the enemy. Then he spotted Io in danger and the Hangai sisters being surrounded, from there he made a split decision.


Raising one of the rocks he picked up and tossing it upwards, he slammed it down like a baseball with his club. Sending it hurling towards the Iron Grinder that was grappling with Io broad back.

Then he ran towards the backline, carving a straight path as he slide down the walls and moved.

But not before helping out Takeshi briefly.


His foot moved silently, and honed in towards Tetsuo. Senses focused to its limit, then just as he stepped with sword range. Skarsneek split his club into half, and slide past Tetsuo and Takeshi, using his club for a single sweeping blow. Hit or miss, it didn't matter. His focused was just distraction.

He quickly got up to his feet and kept running towards Io, hoping to take down the Iron Grinder as he raised both clubs for an attack to the head.

Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

Instead of the clash, Gringor was instead thrown above in one single smooth motion before being slammed into the ground. Knocking his momentum out as he crashed against it.

Then a single boot halted him before he could get up, pinning him place. Gringor eyes catching the flashing steel bearing down towards his head.

His mouth opened like a maw and a shrieking sound echoed.

To the shock of the Iron Grinder Leader, Gringor had bit down on the sword. His jaw exerted enough power to hold it in place as blood dripped from the side of his mouth.

Then shortening his grip and using one hand, Gringor lashed out his axe towards the Leader knees. Slamming the head of his axe repeatedly using the reverse side that was shaped like a hammer, the first blow had the impact transferred towards it painfully but it didn't break.

The second went to the same spot, sending pain but not threatening. Yet by the third, the Leader realized that Gringor planned to break the knee itself as the High Orc was now hitting it like a maddened beast.

All of which is for Gringor to act the moment the leader removes his foot, he will spit the sword out and get to his feet.
Hidden 7 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 3 days ago

ATTN: @PaulHaynek, @The Irish Tree (Eula/Liliana), @Rezod92 (Kerry) & @AzureKnight (Shizuka)
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Crowvette
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Crowvette Shock Unlocker

Member Seen 8 days ago


Io had only managed to pick off a few enemies before she was blindsided by someone who had managed to flank her in the chaos of the fight. The enemy was clearly smart enough to recognize her as a threat, but Io was far from out of options even when grappled from behind. If they weren't in the middle of a tense battle, she might even find the situation a little exciting. Of course, the legionnaire taking her to the ground was less exciting, and if anything a bit of a deal breaker.

The magical circle behind her flickered out of existence as she diverted her incantation. It wasn't pretty, but she needed to convert the spells into something to defend herself in close range - and without use of her arms. As she began chanting under her breath, something interrupted the Legionnaire's grapple on her. Something had struck him, the sudden attack interrupting his grip on Io. That was more than enough of an opening for her. She managed to shift her palm flat against the Varjan's stomach. As it turned out, she didn't need to change her incantation much at all. The pinpoint of light spell she chose would be just fine at close range, with the opening she had to direct it point-blank.

The spell punched through the Varjan's armor and had enough force to knock his body off of Io. As she got back to her feet she briefly glanced at the exit wound. 'Perhaps too much strength.' Io nearly chided herself for the magical inefficiency, though she reasoned that the extra force was necessary to physically push the enemy away as well. One could never be too sure in such close quarters.

Before another enemy could get the chance to ambush her, Io thankfully found herself grabbed by Kerry and flown to a more advantageous position. From her new position, Io could clearly see the battle was about to reach a turning point, and the Task Force just needed to turn the tide. Before Kerry could fly off, Io curtly let her know of a plan. "Keep them busy. I'll support everyone from here." Io gave a nod of appreciation to the Hornet who saved her as she left.

Taking no time in enacting her plan, the lich pulled a scroll that was wrapped around her clothing free, letting it unfurl in the air and fall to the ground around her feet. "With something strong..." Io muttered, beginning a complex incantation in her secret language. The spell itself was simple: It would grant a magical regeneration and strength to those within it. The complexity came from selection and size. To select just Io's allies, and to make it wide enough to reach them from her position... Io closed her eyes to focus, first picking the chaotic energy of the fight apart and finding her allies within it. She had to factor in energy for undead and living, as well.

Her robe, no longer tied by this particular scroll, fluttered in the storm's breezes, revealing glimpses of Io's bare skin and even the magical tattoos usually hidden by her robe. The scroll she used as a base began to glow around her feet as she formulated the spell, a magical circle starting within the scroll and growing.

Chanting the spell would take a longer amount of time than a widespread destructive spell, but Io chose this to prevent any friendly losses (either from a destructive spell directly, or simply being worn down by enemy attacks). She trusted that the enhanced Task Force and allies would likely be more powerful than something like a giant fireball anyway.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 5 days ago

"What are you waiting for, boy? Another yokai to hit me in the back?"

"Not waiting. Studying, and learning..."


"...Although that did cross my mind."

Kenshiro's Rest


~ @AzureKnight (HIN, ATS & SHI), @Enkryption (ALI & CRL), @The Irish Tree (EUL & LIL), @Rezod92, @Crowvette, @Restalaan (SKA & GRI) ~

Skarsneek's attempt to assist Takeshi was moderately successful. Tetsuo had to shift his attention from his duel to evade the male Goblin's attack, which left him open to Takeshi's advance. The young lord did not get a hit in, but he took advantage of the brief opening to unleash a string of mighty swings. Tetsuo was forced to fall back, taking back steps ascending to the second level.

The rock that Skarsneek launched at the Iron Grinder was of little effect. His armor protected him from the speeding stone. Fortunately, the follow-up attack was not necessary as Kerry attempted to kick the legionnaire off the Lich. It did not fully work but Io was afforded more room to cast another beam spell that took out her captor. Before someone else decided to attack Io, she was carried off to a relatively safer position by Kerry.

With a scroll from her body, Io casted a healing and strengthening spell targeting only her allies. The Varjans and their allies no longer had the numbers nor the capability to interrupt Io, allowing her to maintain her spell. Still, the taskforce members might get into deep trouble and would require a direct intervention from the Lich.

Gringor caught Iron Grinder leader's sword with his teeth and hit the limb on his chest with his trusty axe. Contrary to Gringor's expectations, it only took one swing to get the legionnaire leader off of him. The Iron Grinder still stood, prepared for Gringor's next move, but with a noticeable limp now. Perhaps that could be taken advantage of.

Shizuka and the Hangai sisters were relieved by the timely arrival of their teammates. Dinah went to help the former while Liliana and Eula, later joined by Kerry, went after the latter. Dinah and Shizuka made short work of the technique students who once had the azure swordsman on the ropes. No more tried to attack them, for what remained of the enemy forces were already occupied by the other taskforce members. Shizuka moved to help the others, but apparently not Dinah.

"Behind us!" A student yelled as he saw reinforcements coming to the Hangai sisters' aid, catching the attentions of the two Iron Grinders.

One of the Iron Grinders slammed his hammer unto the moist soil, flinging drops of mud everywhere to stop Eula and Liliana's advance and momentum. With the initiative theirs, the other Iron Grinder surged forth to take a horizontal swing at the Automaton. The other wanted to go after the warrior Fairy, but his huge hammer wasn't really optimal to hit small, fluttery targets and opted to go after others instead. Like the Hornet, Kerry.

The Hangai sisters were still being attacked by several of the technique students. But the traitorous students were more vulnerable now, now that their armored allies no longer had their backs.

Meanwhile, Takeshi and Tetsuo's duel had taken them to the second level. A small clearing there would be their final arena. Tetsuo was reaching his limits but Takeshi, helped by Io's empowering spell, was about ready to finish this fight.







Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 3 days ago

ATTN: @PaulHaynek, @The Irish Tree (Eula/Liliana), @Rezod92 (Kerry) & @AzureKnight (Shizuka)

ATTN: @PaulHaynek

Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 1 hr ago

@AzureKnight@Enkryption@PaulHaynek@The Irish Tree@Rezod92 @Crowvette

Skarsneek of the Red Hills

Flicking a rude gesture to the man, he whizzed past Takeshi.

“Good luck!” Passing the man as he had faith in him to win.

Though his entire focus turned to helping Io first as she was the one most in peril, and he feared he won’t make it in time.

At least, right up till a few familiar faces appeared as they assisted her.

His mind whirled, adjusted and plotted anew. Strategies revised discarded before he switched targets.

Assisting the sisters, he weaved through the rain easily as it covered his silhouette. Making him hard to see even with the fiery red hair that he has.

Seeing Atsuha being slashed alongside with Hinami made him saw red that he nearly missed the oncoming spell.

Seeing the stampede, Skarsneek eyes widened before he dove deeper. Heedless of the increased speed as he moved alongside the herd of bovine.

Completely hidden.

That when parts of the student of heavenly strike moved out of the way, Skarsneek ambushed them midstep.

His staff already split into two, brain working overtime as he had seen the technique a few times.

A technique that had godlike speed.

One that required two feet planted solidly for maximum strength.

He launched one staff right where the student other leg would land, aiming to disrupt the student footing.

In the muddy, raining fields and obstacles that would made them stumble?

Skarsneek had no intention of even letting them pull it off.


Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

Gringor grinned voraciously, making the split in his mouth wider as blood trickled down and mixed against the beating rain.

Licking it, the pheromones in the air now hung like a cloud. Muted in helping the others due to the rain.

But for Gringor, it was the peak of strength as he was completely in the zone now.

Seeing the Iron Grinder Leader backed off, it didn’t escape his eyes the small limp that was made.

Immediately, like a tiger pouncing on its prey. Gringor rushed forward. Using his axe superior range to batter on the shield, forcing his opponent to either give way or make his limp worse.

He circled around as well, forcing the man to turn around at this barrage of strikes.

Then just when it got to a settling rhythm, Gringor feigned his direction before charging forward. Shoulders first and rammed against the shield, his armor adding to his weight.

All of that, to set up for one colossal downward strike aimed to hook the shield down as Gringor left fist tightened for a haymaker.
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