She swallowed badly, whiskey burning on the way down. She coughed and lit a cigarette.
It was close to closing, only five or so regulars left, the die hard drinkers. Sinatra or someone like that was crooning about time wasted and love turning sour on the bar's tinny speakers. The Copperhead was hot and dank, the ancient AC doing nothing but make noise. Don was wiping down the bar, the dim light gleaming on his pate. Sergeant Bask was talking at him while slurping down his ninth beer.
"... old stations, the ones they closed after the flooding, kids down there like you wouldn't believe, tons of 'em, all strung out on this new shit," he said.
"Yeah, you said," said Don.
"Atlas," said Bask, "It's the whole department these days, all we deal with. Like wildfire, three months ago- nothin', now it's every-fucking-where. Rich kids, ghetto rats, everyone."
"Must be good stuff," said Don, sliding another beer across the bar.
Bask turned from Don, gave her a bleary, appraising look, "What do your people have to say about all this?"
"My people?" she asked, raising an eyebrow and rapping the bar for Don to refill her glass.
"Don't be cute," Bask said, "Oswald, what's he doing about this new shit? I know he ain't selling it. Ain't comin' from him."
"I don't come here to talk work, hon," she said, "and anyway, I work for a casino, not a drug dealer."
"Yeah okay," said Bask, "and my daughter's still a virgin. Peter Oswald runs half the fuckin' city, and you're his what?"
She smiled, "Executive assistant."
"Uh huh," said Bask, "the secretary- 'scuse me, assistant- of the fucking king of the under world knows nothing about this Atlas craziness. Why do you drink in this shit hole, anyway?"
"Shit hole?" said Don, a scowl creasing his impressive jowls.
"The mind is its own place," she said, smiling and snuffing out her smoke, "put the drinks on my tab, Donny boy, see ya soon."
Welcome to San Judas, a city of five million in the American heartland. This will be a noirish, urban fantasy RP. Emphasis on low fantasy- no elves or vampire covens. We'll be exploring- and building- the creepy, crumbling, neo-gothic/art deco, crime-infested city of San Judas. Collaborative world building is a big one here, lets design a memorable setting. For inspiration, think Tim Burton's Gotham meets True Detective, with the lovecraft dial turned up a notch or two. There will be a central plot involving a new drug flooding the city, Atlas, that players can participate in or ignore as they like. It is a small purple pill that causes ecstatic states, and (of course) the occasional horrifying, mind-breaking trip.
Characters can be pretty much whatever anyone wants. We can figure out just how 'low' we want the low fantasy to be based on what folks would like to see. As the story progresses, I'll start adding setting details here in the OP based on what everyone comes up with.
To begin with, each player may submit one character sheet. Once they have ‘proven’ themselves (by engaging in roleplay, being active OOCly etc) they may apply for a second character. You may play up to three characters.
Appearance: (Short, physical description of your character required, pic optional)
Personality: (An IC scene here giving us a glimpse of your character would be best)
Bio: (A brief synopsis of what got your character to this point, and where they fit in to San Judas. Optional if you can work the gist of that into your IC scene.)
Other: (Any other notes, pieces of information, etc that you wish to include)