:Krogier Vanaal

Age: 55
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Personality: Fearless in the face of danger and relentless in the field of battle, he will rush to the aid of his companions at a moments notice with weapons drawn and a song on his lips. That is the way of his ancestors. Protecting those around him from harm. Hoisting a large oak spear with a green flag emblazoned with a golden bear, Krogier believes himself and the Denmother to be peerless pillars of their group.
Outside of combat and the glory of victory he is a gentle giant exploring the world beyond his forest home. Boisterous and friendly, Krogier is quick to toast the deeds of the day and retell legends of his homeland. Has a bad habit of getting overly rowdy or over-protective of his other traveling companion.
The strong and noble forest folk are not limited to just the elves. Humans live in tandem with the forces of nature and dwell in harmony with the forces of nature, nurturing the forest with magical practices inherited from Dryads. At least that is how they explain it. In truth the people of the Black Forest were trained in the spiritual arts of communion to nature.
In time the Elves and Human tribes drifted apart, claiming their own territories in the forest. It was not a hateful relation with the tribes of humans and the elven settlements, merely a difference in interpretation of the wildlife. Peace was prominent among them first and foremost lest their potential war bring ruin to the trees.
Krogier is the eldest child born to the tribes eldest independent clan of Druids, their customs and training differing from the tribes many hunters. His communion with nature was deeply associated with the animals and beasts of the forest. Born with a strong body he was also trained by necessity to wield a weapon in the forests defense.
Raiders from the frozen north, Greedy humans from Averland to the east, and an ever present mire of rot have slowly creeped up to the Forests edge. The decay could not be bested or slowed but the humans could. Raiders from other tribes making their homes in the northernmost reaches of the Black Forest were ruthless. They would kill any animal they crossed, butcher the natives gathering in peace, even burn whole acres of forestland just to clear a patch for their towers and homes.
A betrayal that was often punished.
Krogier has lost kin to the raids, the humans, to illnesses previously unknown, and could abide it no longer. On an ill fated raid upon one of the keeps brought up by the raiders his party had been ambushed, slaughtered, herded into the untraveled southlands of the forest rife with rotting trees and the stench of corpses. Routed and left to die he wandered the forests path.
A cave amid the hills offered sanctuary from a growing storm as he ran, weapons in hand, to the entrance prepared to die. Abominations had stalked the hilltops for months. Inside he saw it. Weakened but not cowed was a brown bear larger than any he had seen. Its fur was matted with blood, mud, den littered with rotting meat it had been forced to consume.
The Denmother. A legendary story told by his ancestors had spoken of the titanic bear said to have birthed the species common to the forests now. Even at a glance Krogier would say he felt its noble spirit stare in defiance of yet another mere intruder to its dieing domain. Armed and armored he was a threat to be crushed.
The weapons were cast aside in an instant as the awe of such a being filled his spirit with new hope to survive as it had against the odds. His druidic teachings urged him to speak and he did, his voice carrying to the Denmother with clarity.
Months would pass as they built trust, feeding the bear with what little there was to forage until at last she could move. Could stand to her full height. To roam again. Weeks of fighting brought no relief from the pestilence consuming the forest and both knew something must be done.
The answers were not here, amid the mush of what was once home. Together they set out on the roads to learn of this unbreakable force smothering the trees.
Together, Krogier and the Denmother, joined along with any kind soul that had news of ill tidings. Any in need could depend on their aid in return for information.
Weapons - Every weapon he wields represents a friend lost on the road.
- Throwing dagger x5 - Hatchling crows lost to careless poachers felling trees on the border.
- Warhammer - Agnar Rockblood, a hunter from the Black Forests. Killed in an avalanche.
- Heavy mallet - Maira, the humble cook of his tribe. Tenderized meat and men.
- Longsword - Char, the wolfhound that served his parents its entire life. Faithful to the end.
- Woodsman axe - Arlo the cutter, single minded warrior peerless in combat. Brought low by a strange infection. Killed by his own hand in defiance.
- Shortsword - Karras. Even among the stalkers of his tribe she was exceptional beyond comparison. Had it not been for the sheer number of the raiders, none doubted she would have returned.
- Runic tattoos - Bound by druidic magic from his homeland, Krogier channels the energy of the earth itself into his body to enhance his natural abilities; Increased strength, speed, endurance, regenerative abilities. The tattoos under his skin and on the Denmothers fur alter in color depending on which enhancement is active.
- Beast tongues - Krogier speaks to animals of all kinds.
- Denmother - Many criticize Krogiers lack of a formal name for his colossal companion. They are largely ignored. The great bear stands over 6feet when on all fours, towering over most everyone when reared up. With druidic tattoos and glyphs coating its fur, it can swipe through heavy armor like paper and bite through steel. Who would dare name something so majestic?
- Openly states that he and the Denmother are married.
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