Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Zamorak789
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Zamorak789 Archmagus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hello everyone! Today I wish to present and gauge interest for a RP I wish to run.

War of The Gods is a setting I have been working on and expanding for over 7 years. In total I have run 5 D&D campaigns in the setting which has added greatly to the setting. I really hope to gather a group and try a forum RP for this.

The setting is primarily medieval with extreme fantasy tones. The world is large and contains many places and peoples. All your normal Tolkein races make an appearance (Humans, Dwarves, Elves, and Halflings) plus some of my favorite D&D races (Such as Tiefling and Dragonborn) as well as my own races.

I am hoping for a realistic approach to fighting. By this I mean if you aren't wearing armor and a sword collides with your arm you sustain a grave injury, probably go into shock, and die in ten minutes from blood loss. I understand not everyone knows the exact physics of how melee combat works in real life so I'm not terribly harsh about it as long as you are willing to learn and adapt (Such as the fact that a sword is literally the worst weapon to use against plate, especially when compared to a warhammer or waraxe.)

Magic in this world is diverse and varied. Different people use different energy sources and some can only use certain ones due to the nature of their births. These are very simple explanations just to give an idea (I'll go into greater detail if I make a main post). The magic that any creature is able to use is commonly referred to as Sympathy, additionally stored magic can be used by them. Sympathy is a very weak and difficult to use magic which involves pure willpower. An example of sympathy is cutting a coin in half and lifting one end causing the other to lift with it, however it will still require the strength to lift both halves. Stored magic is magical items or artifacts. Natural born mages use mana - an energy source abundant across nearly the entire planet. Mages draw and store mana naturally and are able to expend it to create magical effects. Running out of mana for a mage is non-lethal. The Monks from the north use physical energy to create magical effects, although limited. A monk may not throw fire balls but he can float to the ground to avoid injury or attack with blinding speed. There is life energy or blood magic which is considered the most evil and forbidden of magical energies. These mages use literal blood or life energy to cast spells, often killing to empower themselves or using their own blood in a pinch. Life energy is naturally stronger than others due to it's nature. Lastly we have soul energy which is primarily used by dragons, half-deities, and deities. When using soul magic the user gives up an amount of their life to power magic which makes it the strongest of all magics, especially when used by long living creatures such as Dragons who can expend entire centuries at a time to cast spells.

My main hope is to take a group of characters and tell their story in my world. I always make sure to document what happens and it's effects on future characters. Saving a village not only makes you feel good but makes you an important figure in their history, one future characters may hear about in legend. No doubt if you visit some of the major cities you'll hear tale of my past players and what they've accomplished.

If you have questions or wish to contact me you may add me on Discord. My name is Zamorak789#0009.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MasterOfChaos
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MasterOfChaos The Overlord

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hello, I'd be interested in doing this roleplay. I sent a friend request on Discord if you wish to communicate further there.
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