So, I have been inspired to write/create a STAR WARS RP based around an elite clone recon unit.
The story will begin after the battle of Geonosis, as the Clone War is truly beginning and the galaxy is torn asunder by conflict.
The plot line will be focused on a pair of clone sharpshooters, or clone scouts, whichever you prefer.
These two clones will of course be played by myself and my respective partner.
Their story will begin on their first deployment (to be decided), progress throughout the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War, and will end at the battle of Endor.
As you can imagine, this will be a lengthy RP, and will require for me a partner of commitment, dedication, and patience.
Also, I intend for this RP to have a combination of action and thrill as well as deep character development and personality exploration.
Meaning; I want to explore the clones off-duty as well as on-duty, their feelings on the war and the Jedi and whanot, their personalities and grievances and so forth.
I don't want this RP to strictly be pew-pew-pew boom!
"Damned clankers!"
Think of movies like Saving Private Ryan and Windtalkers, only in the STAR WARS universe and from the perception of an elite recon unit. (If that helps any.)
If your interested, please PM me directly so we can further discuss this as well as get to know each other as far as writing style, writing level, activity level, and etcetera.