
"I know I left my arrows somewhere..."
Name: Reylan | Desmond Anderson
Title: None
Age: 19
Race: Human
Class: Archer
Subclass: Ranger(Upon reaching lvl 20)
Heath: 8 (800/800)
Mana: 8 (800/800)
Strength: 9
Agility: 16
Intelligence: 3
Level 8
Renn: 1,710
Experience: 1,194/1,713
Bow wielding: 24
Sword Wielding: 1
Art: 15
Acting: 8
Linguistics: 8
Smithing: 5
- None
-Double Shot, 50 MP
-Power Shot, 100MP
-Sharp Eye, Passive
-Bounty, Passive
-Cloth Armor
-Cheap Shoes
-Cheap Clothes
-Arrows(44): 10 per 50 Renn
-Obsidian Arrows(3)
-small knife
-12 Gems (Common)
-16 Crystals (Common)
-30 Wolf Pelt (Common)
-20 Wolf Pelt (Uncommon)
-15 Wolf Pelt (Rare)
-Jacques's Bow
-Telescopic Monocle - Grants user the ability to have telescopic vision up to 300m.
-Korax’s Lost Arrows (3) - Has a 50% chance to instant-kill target. Deals no damage.
-Guild Funs: 6,051 Renn
Race: Human
Desmond sometimes wishes that when he was born that his father would have just disappeared or just paid the child support and left him alone. His mother was only 19 when she had him while still going through college and working to support him while his Dad partied and drunk his life away. The man his mother started dating a couple years later, and would eventually marry, filled the void left behind. They weren't poor but they certainly weren't rich either which fostered a frugal mindset in him, never buying stuff that was too expensive or pointless. Despite it all, Desmond could never turn away from the longing to have a relationship with his biological father and it would be the source of much misery until he would turn 18. With every promise came a devastating let-down later as they hardly ever came true. The horrible temper didn't help much either which amounted to much more verbal abuse than actual physical abuse. No matter how much he hated being over his house or the disappointment he felt too often, he always believed it was something wrong with him. Why didn't his father love him? It wasn't too long after his 10th birthday that he began to numb himself to the disappointment and sorrow he would feel by choosing not to feel anything at all. He believed if he didn't feel anything or get excited for new things, he couldn't be hurt by anything or anyone. The parts of his life that were filled with happiness began to slowly succumb to his new mindset until the only smile he bore was a fake act. Depression had set its roots firmly into his mind however he would try his best to seem 'normal' to everyone else.
Despite all the hardships his real father put him through, He was the one who introduced video-games to the young Desmond as a ploy to buy his love and occupy his time so he didn't have to spend actual time with Desmond. Desmond became instantly enthralled with them as they took him to other worlds where he didn't have to think about his sadness and could enjoy just being someone else. His father believed he had found the cheap way to his heart but to Desmond he just wanted the chance to escape, a chance to pretend like he wasn't hurting inside. Each year Desmond found himself distancing himself farther and farther to his emotions and thus developing a strong opposition to any kind of social interaction. He became afraid of meeting new people because he felt he was simply not worth their time despite not even talking to them first. Luckily he managed to make friends during school, mostly those who had a similar interest in video games. Desmond never tried to stand out during School and tried to be as nice to everyone as he could and was hardly bullied.Even though he was sad himself, Desmond made every effort he could to help someone else in need when the chance arose. He was the shoulder others would cry on while suffering himself, not wanting to bother anyone with his troubles. His shyness didn't seem to bother him when someone needed a helping hand and nothing made him feel better than to see another smile. His best friend, Robert, was a tad weird but he showed him the door into the world of writing and character building. Desmond was fascinated by the way Robert drew characters and made up an elaborate backstory behind each one. Endless nights of practice finally allowed Desmond to draw out his demons and write was stored in his soul. This proved to be more therapeutic than escaping to another reality with video-games.
Slowly Desmond began to made a mental recovery from all the abuse and suffering his father had caused him and his self-cofidence began to build back up. He graduated in the top ten of his high-school after struggling during one semester and was soon enough on his way to college to study Computer Programming, in the hopes of developing his own games to give struggling kids like him the chance to see a better world. He never fell out of the loop with games and was constantly getting the greatest and latest titles always fantasizing about the day he could enter the world for real. When news of Talrae, a revolutionary development that could allow for a full virtual experience, was announced he was one of the first to jump onto the hype. Desmond had played only a few MMOs before and never really got into any of them, but the chance to live in a different world was too great. Desmond made sure to tell his gamer friends from high school the moment he heard and they all agreed to get the game and play together. He felt an excitement he hadn't had in a long time when he slipped the helmet on and entered the persona he had been living in the virtual world all his life: Reylan
Despite all the hardships his real father put him through, He was the one who introduced video-games to the young Desmond as a ploy to buy his love and occupy his time so he didn't have to spend actual time with Desmond. Desmond became instantly enthralled with them as they took him to other worlds where he didn't have to think about his sadness and could enjoy just being someone else. His father believed he had found the cheap way to his heart but to Desmond he just wanted the chance to escape, a chance to pretend like he wasn't hurting inside. Each year Desmond found himself distancing himself farther and farther to his emotions and thus developing a strong opposition to any kind of social interaction. He became afraid of meeting new people because he felt he was simply not worth their time despite not even talking to them first. Luckily he managed to make friends during school, mostly those who had a similar interest in video games. Desmond never tried to stand out during School and tried to be as nice to everyone as he could and was hardly bullied.Even though he was sad himself, Desmond made every effort he could to help someone else in need when the chance arose. He was the shoulder others would cry on while suffering himself, not wanting to bother anyone with his troubles. His shyness didn't seem to bother him when someone needed a helping hand and nothing made him feel better than to see another smile. His best friend, Robert, was a tad weird but he showed him the door into the world of writing and character building. Desmond was fascinated by the way Robert drew characters and made up an elaborate backstory behind each one. Endless nights of practice finally allowed Desmond to draw out his demons and write was stored in his soul. This proved to be more therapeutic than escaping to another reality with video-games.
Slowly Desmond began to made a mental recovery from all the abuse and suffering his father had caused him and his self-cofidence began to build back up. He graduated in the top ten of his high-school after struggling during one semester and was soon enough on his way to college to study Computer Programming, in the hopes of developing his own games to give struggling kids like him the chance to see a better world. He never fell out of the loop with games and was constantly getting the greatest and latest titles always fantasizing about the day he could enter the world for real. When news of Talrae, a revolutionary development that could allow for a full virtual experience, was announced he was one of the first to jump onto the hype. Desmond had played only a few MMOs before and never really got into any of them, but the chance to live in a different world was too great. Desmond made sure to tell his gamer friends from high school the moment he heard and they all agreed to get the game and play together. He felt an excitement he hadn't had in a long time when he slipped the helmet on and entered the persona he had been living in the virtual world all his life: Reylan
Class: Archer
Subclass: Ranger(Upon reaching lvl 20)
Heath: 8 (800/800)
Mana: 8 (800/800)
Strength: 9
Agility: 16
Intelligence: 3
Level 8
Renn: 1,710
Experience: 1,194/1,713
Bow wielding: 24
Sword Wielding: 1
Art: 15
Acting: 8
Linguistics: 8
Smithing: 5
- None
-Double Shot, 50 MP
-Power Shot, 100MP
-Sharp Eye, Passive
-Bounty, Passive
-Cloth Armor
-Cheap Shoes
-Cheap Clothes
-Arrows(44): 10 per 50 Renn
-Obsidian Arrows(3)
-small knife
-12 Gems (Common)
-16 Crystals (Common)
-30 Wolf Pelt (Common)
-20 Wolf Pelt (Uncommon)
-15 Wolf Pelt (Rare)
-Jacques's Bow
-Telescopic Monocle - Grants user the ability to have telescopic vision up to 300m.
-Korax’s Lost Arrows (3) - Has a 50% chance to instant-kill target. Deals no damage.
-Guild Funs: 6,051 Renn

Name: Cinna Arelle
Kingdom of Origin: Mistral
Age: 17
Cinna stands at a modest 5'7" with very long, red hair. She is exceptionally fit as her tone physique and muscles will attest to. Her hair is often just like in her picture, with some kind of bow tied near the end. Cinna weighs nearly 135 pounds and is on the rather slim size. Style is not a huge factor in her clothing as he prefers her outfits simply to be comfortable and practical, especially those in which he fights in. Her only preference is pieces of clothing that either make her look cool or intimidating. While she had not been extremely gifted in her assets, she is perfectly content with what she has.
Race: Human
Team: None
Year: 1
Cinna wants to lead a better life than one of crime and help others instead of harm them.
It was for a long time that Cinna had to look out for herself and only herself. That attitude has only begun to change, albeit very slowly. She has a natural distrust and dislike of people in places of authority and power, which often ends in her breaking some kind of rule. It is one of her core beliefs that only those with strength have the power to change anything, while the weak have to endure the strong's choices. She struggled for most her life forcing her to adopt a much more cynical view of the world. Despite being slow to trust others, she is very protective of those who earn that trust. When it comes to assignments, she is very mission oriented and seeks to finish quickly in the best manner possible. Her will to survive is incredibly strong and is willing to do anything to make sure she stays alive.
Brief Bio
Cinna was born in the poorer parts of Mistral, where criminal activity is at its highest. All she knows is that her parents abandoned her at a very young age before a group of criminals took her in. They cared for her when no one else would so naturally Cinna grew attached to them. When she grew old enough, they showed her how to pick-pocket and to steal when no one was looking. Soon enough, Cinna was falling quickly down the same path as her care-takers. What she has done is her secret to keep. One day she was sent out into the wilderness by her so-called family, something about an exchange, when a pack of grimm appeared and attack. No matter how fiercely she fought, there were too many for her. If it wasn't for the help of a huntsman, she would have died right there having never accomplished anything.
The huntsman took her into his home in Vale, away from the vile environment she had been living in. Cinna owes everything to her rescuer and made a promise to herself that she would change. The huntsman told her about beacon and becoming a huntress, someone who works to protect the world from the forces of grimm. Cinna had already determined that she wanted that kind of strength the moment he rescued her. A chance to change someone's life for the better just as he had done for her. She got admitted to beacon and she couldn't recall a happier or prouder moment in her life. The huntsman helped her make her weapon, Sovereign Right, before she left for Beacon.
Kinetic Release
Cinna's body absorbs a portion of force of anything that strikes her, storing it for later release. She can use this stored energy for making her own strikes harder or release it in a large area attack that pushes back foes. Recently she has figured out how to send this energy directly through her legs, allowing her to increase her speed greatly in short bursts. The explosive nature of her semblance has forced her to stay very fit. The kinetic energy naturally fades with time and is only absorbed at her will.
Sovereign Right
A large lance fitted with small boosters for increased striking power, the front tip of the weapon retracts and fold away to reveal a mini-gun hidden within. Different canisters of dust can be stored in the weapon to affect the qualities of its projectiles. When not in combat, the weapon compacts into a much smaller design to make it easier to travel with.
Cinna has a minor obsession with metal bracelets
Name: Helene Mauss
Age: 30
Nationality: Germany
Base of Operations: Europe
If asked about her life or service before XCOM Mauss will typically reply along the lines of "I don't see the relevance of the question. Read my record if you want to know."
What her record would tell is she was born to a wealthy, notable family to Sigmund and Katrin Mauss descended from German nobility. Her father is the current CEO of Mauss Armanments, a well-known weapons manufacturer at the cutting edge of their industry. The German military currently employs a wide range of Mauss products producing a steady profit for the family.
Helene was fortunate to have quite the extensive education thanks to this wealth however she consistently found herself bored with most subjects presented to her, not out of dis-interest but because they were too easy. She was quickly deemed a prodigy by many of her instructors and advanced by two grade-levels to compensate for her advanced learning abilities. One of her favorite hobbies she acquired was Chess, a game she would play with her father whenever he was home like a ritual. After only a few months of practice, she never lost a single game against him except for occasions in which she would let him win so he wouldn't quit their tradition.
Those early games of chess created a deep obsession with large-scale planning and strategy, and so she began playing any strategy games she could get her hands on. The thrill of completely outmaneuvering and devastating your enemy in one calculated strike brought her the greatest delight which no amount of money could buy. Her siblings refuse to play any type of game that isn't random chance with due to her ability to figure out the optimum strategy for playing and even then, they would complain she cheated at random chance as well.
The rapid pace at which her mind matured left a gap between those of a similar age and thus she had very few friends during her time in high school. This left plenty of time for her to pursue her other passion, martial arts. Helene was a firm believer than in order to have a sharper mind she needed to train her body as well, her intelligence and serious attitude quickly rose her through the ranks. By the time she graduated high-school, she was already a black-belt.
Her ears were filled day in and day out of all these grand designs and dreams her parents held for her, to the point she finally was fed up with others trying to control her life. The choice to join the army was one made by her own hand and of her own desires. Helene had no trouble climbing to the top of her training class and never lost a mock battle when she was squad leader. Those who admired her gave her the nickname 'The Iron Maiden' for her harsh attitude and fierce presence on the battlefield. She was enlisted in 10th Armored division after her training was complete leading her own squad.
In all the missions she would go on, there was never a single casualty in her squad. In personal combat, Helene preferred to be the first one breaching building and clearing rooms. After a few years of experience, she put in a request for screening to become part of the KSK, or Special Forces Command, to further her pursuit for the ultimate tactical challenge. She declined many offers for an cushier officer position stating that she prefers to lead troops on the field than in a safe tent.
The first part of the training was nothing compared to the endurance section that was to come. Helene not only thrived under the conditions presented by her but finished in the top percent of her group and earned a special accommodation. She was assigned leader of a tactical assault team who would later become the most decorated operating unit in the KSK, with Mauss intent on keeping her clean record of no deaths.
Nothing lasts forever however as Helene was to find out during an escort mission of a high-ranking military general. The entire day Mauss had a deeply unsettling feeling in her gut which she expressed to the general half-way to their destination who dismissed her feelings say he "Had nothing to fear with your team around.". That was right before green flashes of energy spewed from a tree-line they were passing through and the lead car burst into flames and molten metal. She had just suffered her first causalities and it happened in a matter of seconds. The sounds of crackling plasma and smell of burning flesh have never left her mind since that day, it was a recurring nightmare for her. Shots came from all sides and for the first time in her life she felt out-played, just when she was prepared to die alongside the rest of her comrades a unknown jet dropped off reinforcements as the aliens moved in for the VIP. As she struggled to hold the line, she could hear the inhuman screams of their attackers as the unknown squad carved their way through the aliens. By the time they got there, she and the general were the only ones not seriously injured. She practically demanded that XCOM take her to which they didn't refuse.
Those of her team would suffered only injuries recovered but she was no longer their leader. For the first time in awhile, Helene found herself not in charge of her own squad and instead part of the Vanguard unit, Night Owls, as a point-guard. She found herself grow quite attached seeing she was not leading them, a change of perspective she appreciated. She is the only survivor of the Night Owls from the Battle of Berlin, known as Operation Swift Strike, the most costly operation in XCOM history. She currently lead the most elite XCOM squad, the Grim Crows, made up those survivors from that mission. Each member is willing to do whatever it takes to ensure humanity's victory.

Class: Assault
Squad: Grim Crows
Rank: Captain
Utility Skills/Strengths:
Tactical Genius - Able to come with an effective strategy no matter the circumstances
Expert in urban warfare
Expert Agility - Intense training and control over her body allows for better maneuverability and acrobatics in combat
Personal Skills:
Iron Will - There a very few things that can get under her skin and remains calm in the most dire of situations
Dedicated - Always puts in extra effort no matter the job.
Perfect Memory - Remembers everyday events in perfect detail
Emotionally Scarred - Trauma from the battle of Berlin has left her near-emotionless
Grudge - A burning hatred for the aliens can cause her to perform reckless actions
Age: 30
Nationality: Germany
Base of Operations: Europe
If asked about her life or service before XCOM Mauss will typically reply along the lines of "I don't see the relevance of the question. Read my record if you want to know."
What her record would tell is she was born to a wealthy, notable family to Sigmund and Katrin Mauss descended from German nobility. Her father is the current CEO of Mauss Armanments, a well-known weapons manufacturer at the cutting edge of their industry. The German military currently employs a wide range of Mauss products producing a steady profit for the family.
Helene was fortunate to have quite the extensive education thanks to this wealth however she consistently found herself bored with most subjects presented to her, not out of dis-interest but because they were too easy. She was quickly deemed a prodigy by many of her instructors and advanced by two grade-levels to compensate for her advanced learning abilities. One of her favorite hobbies she acquired was Chess, a game she would play with her father whenever he was home like a ritual. After only a few months of practice, she never lost a single game against him except for occasions in which she would let him win so he wouldn't quit their tradition.
Those early games of chess created a deep obsession with large-scale planning and strategy, and so she began playing any strategy games she could get her hands on. The thrill of completely outmaneuvering and devastating your enemy in one calculated strike brought her the greatest delight which no amount of money could buy. Her siblings refuse to play any type of game that isn't random chance with due to her ability to figure out the optimum strategy for playing and even then, they would complain she cheated at random chance as well.
The rapid pace at which her mind matured left a gap between those of a similar age and thus she had very few friends during her time in high school. This left plenty of time for her to pursue her other passion, martial arts. Helene was a firm believer than in order to have a sharper mind she needed to train her body as well, her intelligence and serious attitude quickly rose her through the ranks. By the time she graduated high-school, she was already a black-belt.
Her ears were filled day in and day out of all these grand designs and dreams her parents held for her, to the point she finally was fed up with others trying to control her life. The choice to join the army was one made by her own hand and of her own desires. Helene had no trouble climbing to the top of her training class and never lost a mock battle when she was squad leader. Those who admired her gave her the nickname 'The Iron Maiden' for her harsh attitude and fierce presence on the battlefield. She was enlisted in 10th Armored division after her training was complete leading her own squad.
In all the missions she would go on, there was never a single casualty in her squad. In personal combat, Helene preferred to be the first one breaching building and clearing rooms. After a few years of experience, she put in a request for screening to become part of the KSK, or Special Forces Command, to further her pursuit for the ultimate tactical challenge. She declined many offers for an cushier officer position stating that she prefers to lead troops on the field than in a safe tent.
The first part of the training was nothing compared to the endurance section that was to come. Helene not only thrived under the conditions presented by her but finished in the top percent of her group and earned a special accommodation. She was assigned leader of a tactical assault team who would later become the most decorated operating unit in the KSK, with Mauss intent on keeping her clean record of no deaths.
Nothing lasts forever however as Helene was to find out during an escort mission of a high-ranking military general. The entire day Mauss had a deeply unsettling feeling in her gut which she expressed to the general half-way to their destination who dismissed her feelings say he "Had nothing to fear with your team around.". That was right before green flashes of energy spewed from a tree-line they were passing through and the lead car burst into flames and molten metal. She had just suffered her first causalities and it happened in a matter of seconds. The sounds of crackling plasma and smell of burning flesh have never left her mind since that day, it was a recurring nightmare for her. Shots came from all sides and for the first time in her life she felt out-played, just when she was prepared to die alongside the rest of her comrades a unknown jet dropped off reinforcements as the aliens moved in for the VIP. As she struggled to hold the line, she could hear the inhuman screams of their attackers as the unknown squad carved their way through the aliens. By the time they got there, she and the general were the only ones not seriously injured. She practically demanded that XCOM take her to which they didn't refuse.
Those of her team would suffered only injuries recovered but she was no longer their leader. For the first time in awhile, Helene found herself not in charge of her own squad and instead part of the Vanguard unit, Night Owls, as a point-guard. She found herself grow quite attached seeing she was not leading them, a change of perspective she appreciated. She is the only survivor of the Night Owls from the Battle of Berlin, known as Operation Swift Strike, the most costly operation in XCOM history. She currently lead the most elite XCOM squad, the Grim Crows, made up those survivors from that mission. Each member is willing to do whatever it takes to ensure humanity's victory.

Class: Assault
Squad: Grim Crows
Rank: Captain
Utility Skills/Strengths:
Tactical Genius - Able to come with an effective strategy no matter the circumstances
Expert in urban warfare
Expert Agility - Intense training and control over her body allows for better maneuverability and acrobatics in combat
Personal Skills:
Iron Will - There a very few things that can get under her skin and remains calm in the most dire of situations
Dedicated - Always puts in extra effort no matter the job.
Perfect Memory - Remembers everyday events in perfect detail
Emotionally Scarred - Trauma from the battle of Berlin has left her near-emotionless
Grudge - A burning hatred for the aliens can cause her to perform reckless actions
Name: Alexander the 4th Smith
Age: 25
Base of Operations:
North America
Alexander was destined for military service before he was even born into the world, the first and only son of family lineage of soldiers dating generations. His father drilled into him the military way of life so when he joined the military instead of going to college, he barely noticed a change. The first time he felt the weight of his sniper rifle during training is a memory forever burned into his skull, the heavy metal chassis, the resistance of the trigger, the pain from the knock back as the first shot shook his body, and the sight as the target dummy's head exploded. He could remember the smile on his face as he knew he had realized his dream of joining the SAS, all those years of harsh training and missions had made him one of the youngest members to join it. Or so he had thought. His time with his new unit was relatively short on going on a few missions before a unknown party became interest in his unit. They were told the man was there looking for the best we had to join a black ops group he wouldn't name. There were some who were naturally wary about all the secrecy but Alexander wanted to showcase what he could do. Again he cold remember it so clearly, the piercing brown eyes staring downrange with not a dip in his posture from the man, his heart racing faster than it ever has, and the instructor ordering him to fire as targeted moved across the field. One by one Alexander took them down not missing once despite a strong westward wind. His body remained locked in his firing position as he heard the faintest whisper "I'll be taking him off your hands if you don't mind, not that it matters if you do.". That is when he was told of XCOM, the organization funded by the countries of the world to protect Earth against an unknown enemy. It didn't take a lot of convincing before Alexander had accepted the invitation determined to push his limits even further. He became faster, quicker, and stronger thanks to the training XCOM gave him and found himself able to switch targets faster than he ever could beating his own record. He was immediately transferred to XCOM's North American HQ who and assigned to the squad 'Steel Tigers' which he struggled to get along with being used to being the best in his team. His first alien kill came during a covert opeartion in Vancouver, a report had come in that suggested 'thin-men' were holding a important french dignitary hostage along with the mysterious cell known as EXALT. What surprised him is the feeling of calm he felt as he saw ERT members with burning holes in them, a part of his training he supposed. If it hadn't been for the UFO, the mission would have went smoothly but one of the first rules they teach you at XCOM is nothing ever goes according to plan. He hadn't known the major very well but his death impacted the whole team yet no one broke because of it. He couldn't believe the woman the UFO captured had survived the crash. The war had just begun.

Casual Wear

In Combat Gear(SAS)
Class: Sniper
Squad: Steel Tigers
Rank: Corporal
Utility Skills/Strengths:
Dead-eye - Able to hit his target with the first shot
Expert in infiltration
Fast Reactions
Personal Skills:
Calm - Remains cool under pressure
Sharp - Quickly notices something out of place.
Lone wolf - Prefers to be left alone and takes longer to bond with squad-mates.
Poor Leadership skills - Unable to handle the pressure of command and leading others
Age: 25
Base of Operations:
North America
Alexander was destined for military service before he was even born into the world, the first and only son of family lineage of soldiers dating generations. His father drilled into him the military way of life so when he joined the military instead of going to college, he barely noticed a change. The first time he felt the weight of his sniper rifle during training is a memory forever burned into his skull, the heavy metal chassis, the resistance of the trigger, the pain from the knock back as the first shot shook his body, and the sight as the target dummy's head exploded. He could remember the smile on his face as he knew he had realized his dream of joining the SAS, all those years of harsh training and missions had made him one of the youngest members to join it. Or so he had thought. His time with his new unit was relatively short on going on a few missions before a unknown party became interest in his unit. They were told the man was there looking for the best we had to join a black ops group he wouldn't name. There were some who were naturally wary about all the secrecy but Alexander wanted to showcase what he could do. Again he cold remember it so clearly, the piercing brown eyes staring downrange with not a dip in his posture from the man, his heart racing faster than it ever has, and the instructor ordering him to fire as targeted moved across the field. One by one Alexander took them down not missing once despite a strong westward wind. His body remained locked in his firing position as he heard the faintest whisper "I'll be taking him off your hands if you don't mind, not that it matters if you do.". That is when he was told of XCOM, the organization funded by the countries of the world to protect Earth against an unknown enemy. It didn't take a lot of convincing before Alexander had accepted the invitation determined to push his limits even further. He became faster, quicker, and stronger thanks to the training XCOM gave him and found himself able to switch targets faster than he ever could beating his own record. He was immediately transferred to XCOM's North American HQ who and assigned to the squad 'Steel Tigers' which he struggled to get along with being used to being the best in his team. His first alien kill came during a covert opeartion in Vancouver, a report had come in that suggested 'thin-men' were holding a important french dignitary hostage along with the mysterious cell known as EXALT. What surprised him is the feeling of calm he felt as he saw ERT members with burning holes in them, a part of his training he supposed. If it hadn't been for the UFO, the mission would have went smoothly but one of the first rules they teach you at XCOM is nothing ever goes according to plan. He hadn't known the major very well but his death impacted the whole team yet no one broke because of it. He couldn't believe the woman the UFO captured had survived the crash. The war had just begun.

Casual Wear

In Combat Gear(SAS)
Class: Sniper
Squad: Steel Tigers
Rank: Corporal
Utility Skills/Strengths:
Dead-eye - Able to hit his target with the first shot
Expert in infiltration
Fast Reactions
Personal Skills:
Calm - Remains cool under pressure
Sharp - Quickly notices something out of place.
Lone wolf - Prefers to be left alone and takes longer to bond with squad-mates.
Poor Leadership skills - Unable to handle the pressure of command and leading others
Rath Drazkowski

Rath Off-Duty
Age: 25
Height: 6'4" / Weight: 204 lbs / Gender: Male
Nationality: Polish
Branch of Service: Soviet Army - 211 Batal'on Zhar
Rank: 2ndLt
Experience: Veteran
TSF: Su-27SM
TSF Role: Storm Vanguard
TSF Loadout:
A-97 Assault Cannon (4x36mm and 2x120mm Magazines)
Spike Vanes/Blade Vanes
2 X Arm Blade Motors
Personality: Rath is never one to miss an opportunity to tell a good joke or two..or three. He is the first one to try and cheer someone up if they are sad, no matter what their relation is to him. Rath is often described as light-hearted, care-free, and easy-going by his comrades. He is very adamant about not getting hung up about sentimental things, rather focusing on the present and moving forward. Anytime he suffers a tragedy he uses humor to mask how upset he actually is and would rather pretend something doesn't bother him than face it. Every once in awhile Rath will go to a secluded room or area and let loose a scream of anguish and anger, that he will not let anyone to see. It is incredibly important to Rath that everyone see him as the bright, cheerful guy he makes himself out to be and is. When two fellow soldiers have physical quarrel, he is the first one to step in whether to break it up with words or by force.
History: Born without a father a day after the fall of Poland, Rath was raised solely by his mother without much knowledge of his dad or homeland. His entire early childhood, Rath's mother would never truly smile and always held a solemn look in her features. This caused Rath a lot of distress until one day he walked into the kitchen after a rainy day and said "Mama, birdie won't fly!" with tears in his eyes, he held a frog. The smile and few seconds of laughter he saw from her were like the prettiest gems in the world, he had made her smile. From then on Rath would try everyday to accomplish the same feat, succeeding some days but also falling short on others. That was when he decided his mission was to bring back smiles and laughter not just to his mother, but to everyone in the world.
When he was only twelve years old he was 'conscripted' by the Soviet Union officials, tearing him away from his mother and the only person he had in the whole world. The last gift he received from his mother was a small stack of photos of both his father and various pictures of Poland before it fell. During his training, He realized that before the whole world could smile and laugh again...the BETA would need to be eliminated. This realization gave into conviction and he saw past his situation to the goal ahead and always gave it his all keeping his humor alive through it all. Of course Rath's eagerness to become better and stronger did not sit well with the other kids abducted by the Soviets, and was often ridiculed, but by the end of their training he was friends with most of them.
He got his first taste of real-combat when his Battalion helped the Soviets drive back BETA that were targeting the Milkovsky District. This battle codified his dream in his mind, the reason why he would continue to fight until every last BETA was killed on Earth and beyond. The conflicts leading up to the defenese of the soviet base ц-04 would only strengthen his skills as an front-line aggressor and hone his piloting ability. It was after the defense of ц-04 that he screamed in anger and loss for the first time. The losses they endured only for the Soviet Union to stab them in the back? That day the naive veil that was over his eyes lifted. It was hardly a year after that Rath went through what can only be described as hell. Operation Ouka. Rath by then had some experience under his belt but nothing could prepare him for the losses his battalion endured fighting the Laser-Fort class BETA. Rath was no longer fighting for victory, he was fighting for his own survival. During the final attack run on the Laser-Fort Class he prepared himself for death and suddenly he understood the sacrifice his father made all those years ago. Rath managed to dodge one of the stingers and prevented himself from getting impaled however his TSF was badly damaged after the stinger destroyed its one leg and both of his thrusters. He never got to see the massive BETA fall as he carefully made his way back to allied forces, the entire experience would haunt his dreams for the next two years.
The Soviet Union were eager to send Rath as part of their contribution to the multi-national battalion "The Grey Wolves" after a few.....'disagreements' between him and a senior officer. Rath was happy for the transfer excited to meet pilots from around the world. Despite the loss and tragedy, the one thing Rath has been able to hang onto is his humor...and those photos.
-After Operation Ouka, Rath took up smoking to calm his nerves and swears that smoking stops him from having nightmares when he sleeps. He carries with him a beautifully carved metal lighter that he refuses to answer where he got it.
-Before every mission, Rath selects two of the photos his mother gave him and puts them in his TSF.
-Unknown to almost everyone he has ever met, Rath has an insatiable sweet tooth which he desperately tries to hide.
-Old School
Name: Haley Anders / Age: 19
Height: 5' 7" / Weight: 64.8 Kg (145 Lbs) / Gender: Female
Nationality: American
Branch of Service: United States Army - 117th Tactical Armored Battalion
Rank: 2ndLt
Experience: Recruit
TSF: F-15E Strike Eagle
TSF Loadout:
4x 36mm/120mm AMWS-21 Combat System (8x36mm and 2x120mm Magazines)
2x CIWS-1B Close Combat Knife
TSF Role: Gun Sweeper
Personality: Haley is very confident in her abilities and is not afraid to let others know that, often coming off as cocky and full of herself. She is adamant that no one else can out-shoot her and claims her handling of her TSF as better than everyone else. Those who operate more close-quarters TSFs are often looked down by her. National pride is evident in her superior attitude towards those whose country has fallen to the BETA.
Her humor is often made at the expense of someone else, often high-lighting their faults. Halely has a highly-competitive nature and will never back down from a challenge. Blame is not something she easily accepts and will often put the blame on others instead. Trust is almost a foreign concept to Haley and prefers to keep her distance.
History: Haley was born the youngest of four children to a wealthy family in the North-Eastern United States. The eldest son, Dominic, was someone she always looked up to her entire childhood for his kindness and bravery. This admiration only increased when Dominic joined the United States Marines as a TSF pilot to protect the world from aleins. Dominic was her hero in every aspect of life and there was nothing he couldn't do in her mind, she wanted to be the best just like him. Her other siblings, two twins named Julia and Noah, were more interested in books but Haley would often convince them to play "TSF vs. BETa" with her.
Haley enjoyed a comfortable upbringing always seeking to be the center of attention and only being humble when in comparison to her older brother. Her family's status though did mean that they expected nothing but the best from Haley as well, as her twin siblings were quickly showing great potential in the sciences. The twins would later be hired by Boening to develop and refine TSFs, working as an inseparable pair. When she was finally old enough, she signed up to begin training to pilot a TSF just like her hero. Whether it was sports or her grades, no one in her class could match her ferocity or skill. There were a few who thought that she was just some loud-mouth hot-shot but by the end of her training, she stood high above the rest.
Before she could properly finish her training and become an enlisted TSF pilot, a letter was given her during one of her classes. Dominic Anders, the person she held dearest to her, was declared killed in action. His unit, the VMF-318 Black Knives, were wiped out, except for a single survivor, defending the JFK Naval Garrison Base against a BETA attack. The lost of her greatest role model shattered her spirit for several days before she began to piece it back together. After it had recovered, She found herself determined more than ever to be an incredible TSF pilot and one day the best in the world.
Haley signed on with the 117th Tactical Armored Battalion after graduating at the top of her class, coming out as the best marksman of her peers. The 117th were deployed as an expeditionary force to fight alongside UN/EU armies beginning in early 2004. There is no battle of note that occurred in between her short service with the 117th and her transfer to the 231st, only a pristine record of combat excellence and a few mentions of her 'aggressive' personality. When told Haley had passed her "8 minutes" by one of the senior team members, she simply replied "It is only to be expected.". While Haley shows a great deal of potential as a Gun Sweeper, she lacks experience and has yet to encounter a serious engagement with the BETA that put her in great danger.
-Sleeps with a model of an F-18E Super Hornet, her most prized possession. The initials D.A. are etched into the body.
-Can't handle her alcohol very well and makes her incredibly emotional
-Has no issues insulting her own team but god forbid an outsider do it

Name: Haley Anders / Age: 19
Height: 5' 7" / Weight: 64.8 Kg (145 Lbs) / Gender: Female
Nationality: American
Branch of Service: United States Army - 117th Tactical Armored Battalion
Rank: 2ndLt
Experience: Recruit
TSF: F-15E Strike Eagle
TSF Loadout:
4x 36mm/120mm AMWS-21 Combat System (8x36mm and 2x120mm Magazines)
2x CIWS-1B Close Combat Knife
TSF Role: Gun Sweeper
Personality: Haley is very confident in her abilities and is not afraid to let others know that, often coming off as cocky and full of herself. She is adamant that no one else can out-shoot her and claims her handling of her TSF as better than everyone else. Those who operate more close-quarters TSFs are often looked down by her. National pride is evident in her superior attitude towards those whose country has fallen to the BETA.
Her humor is often made at the expense of someone else, often high-lighting their faults. Halely has a highly-competitive nature and will never back down from a challenge. Blame is not something she easily accepts and will often put the blame on others instead. Trust is almost a foreign concept to Haley and prefers to keep her distance.
History: Haley was born the youngest of four children to a wealthy family in the North-Eastern United States. The eldest son, Dominic, was someone she always looked up to her entire childhood for his kindness and bravery. This admiration only increased when Dominic joined the United States Marines as a TSF pilot to protect the world from aleins. Dominic was her hero in every aspect of life and there was nothing he couldn't do in her mind, she wanted to be the best just like him. Her other siblings, two twins named Julia and Noah, were more interested in books but Haley would often convince them to play "TSF vs. BETa" with her.
Haley enjoyed a comfortable upbringing always seeking to be the center of attention and only being humble when in comparison to her older brother. Her family's status though did mean that they expected nothing but the best from Haley as well, as her twin siblings were quickly showing great potential in the sciences. The twins would later be hired by Boening to develop and refine TSFs, working as an inseparable pair. When she was finally old enough, she signed up to begin training to pilot a TSF just like her hero. Whether it was sports or her grades, no one in her class could match her ferocity or skill. There were a few who thought that she was just some loud-mouth hot-shot but by the end of her training, she stood high above the rest.
Before she could properly finish her training and become an enlisted TSF pilot, a letter was given her during one of her classes. Dominic Anders, the person she held dearest to her, was declared killed in action. His unit, the VMF-318 Black Knives, were wiped out, except for a single survivor, defending the JFK Naval Garrison Base against a BETA attack. The lost of her greatest role model shattered her spirit for several days before she began to piece it back together. After it had recovered, She found herself determined more than ever to be an incredible TSF pilot and one day the best in the world.
Haley signed on with the 117th Tactical Armored Battalion after graduating at the top of her class, coming out as the best marksman of her peers. The 117th were deployed as an expeditionary force to fight alongside UN/EU armies beginning in early 2004. There is no battle of note that occurred in between her short service with the 117th and her transfer to the 231st, only a pristine record of combat excellence and a few mentions of her 'aggressive' personality. When told Haley had passed her "8 minutes" by one of the senior team members, she simply replied "It is only to be expected.". While Haley shows a great deal of potential as a Gun Sweeper, she lacks experience and has yet to encounter a serious engagement with the BETA that put her in great danger.
-Sleeps with a model of an F-18E Super Hornet, her most prized possession. The initials D.A. are etched into the body.
-Can't handle her alcohol very well and makes her incredibly emotional
-Has no issues insulting her own team but god forbid an outsider do it