Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SirSqueakalot91
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SirSqueakalot91 Geek of the Round Table

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

“I don’t like this.” Said a voice. The speaker stood from his spot at the table, looking at the other two in the room. “This is complete bullshit. We have already taken plenty from the Hunter family. There is no reason to bring in the other boy.” He said, then looking at the red hair woman next to him.

“I agree with him. Besides, it has been five years since the Savior Incident. We haven’t heard anything from him, or from our allies exploring the stars. Maybe he is gone.” She said.

“Well, Lily and Wolf, I’m sorry but I don’t live in the world of “maybes”.” Voiced the final person in the room. He stood up, looking at the two. “Should Savior return, we need to be able to stop him. To stop him, we need powerful beings.” He told them.

“But, Mr. Knight...” Lily started.

“No buts!” Knight said, looking at the two. “The ones that were picked will do. All of them.” He said, looking at Arthur Wolf. “Now, get down there and be ready to meet your students.” He said.

“Your soldiers, you mean?” Wolf asked, leaving the room.

“Permission to speak freely sir?” Lily asked, and Mr. Knight nodded. “You can go suck a fat one.” Lily said, following Wolf out of the room. Knight shook his head as he sat back in his spot, watching the monitors.

“They better not screw up.” He muttered.


Justin sat up, looking around. A voice said something, but he missed it. He took his headphones off, listening again as the voice talked. “My stop!” He got up, grabbing his bag of belongings.

Once the train stopped at the station, he left, hardly paying any attention as he read his nap, unsure of where to go next.

Justin had to admit being surprise when he received the offer from the school. It wasn’t often that the school promised to handle the price of everything, from the tuition, all the way to a room for himself. Of course, the email mentioned him being part of a team, so maybe one of them would be able to help him.

“Welp, guess it’s time to go make a friend.” He said, grabbing his bag and walking off, looking for a good spot that would make it easier on himself and other to locat him. “Location location location.” He chuckled, looking around for anyone else that might be helpful.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Clyde Jacobs

Interacting with: @SirSqueakalot91

The Lyft driver had mercifully fallen quiet after his first attempts at conversation driving away from the airport had failed. Clyde glanced at him from the backseat and frowned slightly, tugging lightly at the ends of his shirt in an effort to make himself look more presentable. Whatever casual conversation they would have had died before exiting Clyde’s lips as he attempted to suppress the butterflies flocking to his stomach. His eyes fell once more to the map laid out on the open seat next to him from The Email, noting that it was not too much further now. His right shoe betrayed him by tapping softly against the floor, shortly followed by the left, traitors both.

”Hey man, you can let me out here. I can walk the rest of the way.”

The car pulled over in a gentle stop, letting out Clyde who quickly pulled out all his luggage and waved the car off with a quick thank you. He pulled out the phone and waited for the buzz of an incoming notification, giving the driver five stars and a little more tip than Clyde’s allowance would warrant, more to assuage Clyde’s guilt over his rudeness than anything else. Careful not to dirty the new suit his father had worked several weeks of overtime for to give him for this event, Clyde began to make his way towards the destination The Email had indicated.

His feet moved upon the earth, but Clyde’s thoughts were in space. Specifically, whatever part of space Savior may, even now, be on his way back from. The world needed protection,that much was clear. The stakes were high, and the old heroes needed fresh blood. It was even rumored that Lady Gaia herself might be attending this school. Thinking back to the televised broadcast of the birth of her abilities, Clyde wondered again why he had been summoned as well.

“Location, location, location” chuckled a young man close by. The strange phrase broke Clyde out of his own head and could not help but glance at the source of the strange utterance. That was the moment Clyde recognized the map in the man’s hands and noticed the luggage he had with him. Turning to stop in front of the potential future classmate, he pulled out his map with the schools logo emblazoned on the front so the stranger could see it.

”Hey. You gonna be one of my teammates?” I’m Clyde.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Velma Flew along in her Private Jet which had been a gift from one of the Sheiks of the Gulf area when she and the relief team had come in after the coasts in that area had suffer a Tsunami. He had said it was the least he could do for the woman who had single handedly kept his people fed and no matter how she protested he won in the end and she was stuck with the expensive toy and she felt guilty everytime she used it.

As she recalled once more her invitation she wondered why she’d accepted.

Hello. If you are hearing this message, then congrats! You have been chosen! For what, I’m glad you asked! You see, while those who wish to become a “hero” are required by law to spend at least one year in this school, you have been chosen to join a team to be trained by one of the greatest teams of heroes!

This training will be to get you ready to face some of the greatest threats to the world. While the other students are being trained to deal with low level threats such as bank robberies and terrorist, you will be trained to handle global threats.

So, if you are interested in this training, then show up at room AR71665 on orientation day. You will receive further information there.

Good luck, and welcome to the team!

It was the Global threat that had won her interest; she and her family had long ago even before they had gained the meta-marker in their genetic pool served the Crown as defenders of the realm then as the world became the global community it was today protectors of mankind.
This stage of her family was represented by she and it had all begun in the dark days of WW1 when her great-great grandfather Lord Victor Marberry aka. Skymaster (died in the Battle of Britain 1939) had revealed his power at the Battle of the Marne and thrown back the forces of Harry the Hun. Next was her great uncle Lord Samson Marberry aka. Photon (N/A) who fought the Ubermensch to a drawn and prevented the destruction of the Landing forces at Normandy. Then grandfather Lord Alfred Marberry aka. Dream Master (still living retired due to injuries) and after him her mother Dame Cynthia Marberry aka Nera (died in the line of duty); Velma’s was a long and historied family and those born into power marked to burn out quickly.

Like Nick Romano said in; Knock on any Door, her unofficial family motto was “Live fast, die young and have a good-looking corpse!”

So it was when offered a chance to expand on the possibilities of danger in her life Velma accepted much to the lament of the UN’s disaster relief organization who had drug their feet to long even thinking she was caterer and florist to their charity functions that were more about perception than action Gaia responded.


The elegant Raffel Do R-20 private jet looked out of place landing as it did at a municipal airport mostly used by the single engine props of pleasure fliers but she was more than suited designed as she was to land even on grass strips and rough packed earth.

With a whisper she slid into a parking spot not even removing her engines from idle as three Black SUVs cruise to a stop near the lowering steps and cargo hatches. The exchange from air to ground went smoothly showing that the service she’d hired was worth their exorbitant cost and the transition from obvious to concealed also well done showing that the men and women involved had extensive military training.

Gone was all the pretense of her SUV Motorcade driving off to an exclusive hotel in the mountains known for their Hotsprings in an effort to shake any of SINN’s journalists or their lower ranked cousins and independants. Velma was riding in a Minivan with tinted rear her two escorts and guides to her eventual destination looking like Suburban Soccer Moms out and about for the day. Velma spent the trip marveling at the interior of the Minivan realising that she couldn’t tell how they’d up-armored it but the sounds the little machine made told her it was a bit overweight for its type.

Finally after 47 minutes of navigating from the opposite side of the city the little Minivan arrived at the School the doors to the vehicle opened and out she stepped ready to see if she could measure up to becoming a protector of the realm.

She was casually dressed in cleaned and pressed khakis as if she were on safari all that was missing was a pith helmet and large rifle. Rather than wear dainty heels or other elegant footwear she was wearing Italian made bush boots that came to just below her knees the laces perfectly even and the bows that held them symmetrical. Her gold hair was held in a high-mounted ponytail her face as usual photogenic even with the light touch of makeup she used her complexion seeming to hold a hidden glow which is the side effect of her ability especially in sunlight.

On her Back was a beaten leather backpack adorned by signatures and several medals awarded by various world powers for the ultimate act of herosim; following her like two loyal dogs were two pieces of robotic luggage as she headed towards the building entrance.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 12 days ago

Alice Godspeed

Alice was not the sort to fully trust father. Ever since they’d grown a bit apart. This when he'd told both her mother, and Alice the truth about who, and what he really was. It’d been when she’d used her powers for the first time. It was on a fellow classmate. They’d ended up with several broken bones. As they’d gotten a nasty case of vertigo when they were when they were going up a long flight of metal, and stone stairs.
It wasn’t that her father had omitted the fact he was a god. But, it was the fact that it’d taken Alice hurting someone badly to force the truth out of him. Alice’s father tried teaching her how to use her powers, but due to the mistrust she held towards him. They couldn’t get very far in that, but they had managed to regrow their familial bond.
When that message came about being trained it was a, pardon the pun, a god send. One Alice's father was very adamant she follow up on. As he knew one day that Alice's powers could get away from her again, if she didn't train them. It was also fortunate that Alice, and her father lived just outside the state of the schools location. Alice’s father drove her there himself, but parked a few blocks away at Alice’s request.
“You know I can get closer if you want. You don’t have to walk all this way,” her father said concerned. “Don’t worry about it Dad. I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself.” Her Dad let out a soft whining noise of concern from deep in his throat. “Alright, but, at least allow me to pull your luggage out of the car.” Alice sighed playing with a strand of her wine colored hair. “Alright, fine Dad... Just make sure you take care of Mom. Mother hen her for a while instead of me.” Alice’s father let out a chuckle. “Yeah right, if I tried that I’d be hanging by my ankles for a week. She may have forgiven me already, but she’s still mad. Plus she’s busy with the making that deal for our company to sponsor that Half time show. For that sports thing I don’t watch.” Alice let out a laugh as she exited the car. “For a god of alcohol, you sure do hate watching sports. The prime imported of all things alcohol. What is up with that?” Her Dad got out of the car, and just shrugged half heartedly. “Dunno, guess I’m just not competitive enough to like watching it.”
Alice’s Dad pulled out her large wheeled suitcase, and then her smaller carry on suitcase. “Okay, that’s it... So, you remember everything? Toothbrush and toothpaste, comb, hair products?” “Check, Check, and triple check Dad.” Her father stood their a little awkwardly it was clear he wanted a goodbye hug. But, he didn’t know how to go about getting one. Thankfully Alice took pity on him. “c’mere you big oaf.” Alice gave her father a big hug. Which was adorable because Alice’s father was a bear of a man. With a big gut, and a biker beard with a bald head. “I love you, and I know I sound like a broken record. But, m’sorry for lyin to you through omission.” Alice just sighed softly, and parted from her dad. “bye Dad, I’ll make sure to send emails when I can. Or snail mail if for some go..... reason...” Her Dad laughed boisterously as she was about to make an unintentional pun. Alice turned bright pink in the cheeks,
and pouted. “I’m leaving now.” Alice turned, and then promptly walked away.


Slade walked towards Mr.Knight’s office looking a little lost on what it was he was exactly supposed to be doing. This was his first year taking part in this whole boot camp thing. Mostly because he hadn’t been in a very good place to be teaching anyone anything for a while. When he saw Lily, and Wolf walk out both looking equally pissed he took pause.
Then he walked into Mr. Knight’s office, he knocked on the door first.“Hey, did I catch you at a bad time? I’m sorry if I did. It’s just I don’t exactly get this whole curriculum thing... Last time I had any sort of teacher they’d throw stuff at my head, and shout “dodge”... So you know... Not sure if you want me doing that to the students.” Slade stepped inside of the office, and took a seat as he talked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by 2plus2isnot5
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Interacting with: @RumikoOhara

It was with a somewhat heavy heart that Dawn hauled her tattered blue no-brand holdall over her slender shoulder, and waved goodbye forever to the B&B where she’d been both living and working for the past two months. It’d been a good deal in her book – three dollars an hour under the table plus room and board, and a promise from the elderly owner not to ask any questions or spread any rumours. But still, there comes a time to leave behind even the best of arrangements, and this time, it had come in the form of the letter nestled neatly at the bottom of her bag’s front pocket.

Was registering somewhere this public a good idea considering her situation? Probably not. Was she going to do it anyway? Of course.

As stupid as it was, Dawn needed answers, and it was looking like the school, full of demigods, magicians, and people in possession of some of the most intrigueing (and useful) secrets and skills on the planet, was going to be the only place where she even stood a chance at finding them. And if she got caught? Well, it’d be worth the risk.

And so, Dawn got a taxi to the station, and payed in cash for an overnight bus to the city nearest the school. Add on a taxi to the school itself, and already over half of Dawn's last pay was gone. That was okay though, room and board was provided by the school, and as soon as she got settled in and figured out her routine, she’d start looking for a part time job in the local area.

The journey was short and sweet, and before long, the minicab was pulling away, and Dawn was standing, alone, outside the school. For a few seconds, she just stood there. Heart trembling in a way that made it difficult to distinguish whether she was excited, or nervous. Probably both, she decided, before looking down at her hand where she’d written the room number in bright pink sharpie - AR71665.

She took a moment to adjust the hem of her dress – a floral affair, with little pink roses and twisting green stems that fell short a few centimetres above her knee, topped off with a soft brown leather jacket. An ugly feeling, insecurity, twisted through her gut, much to Dawn’s dismay. She didn’t normally care what people thought of her appearance – she dressed for herself, so what did it matter if most of her wardrobe came from a charity shop, and her lipstick was two dollars from the discount store? Except… she’d just seen a woman walk past with robot suitcases of all things, and suddenly she felt about two feet tall and woefully inadequate to the task at hand.

It wasn’t a nice feeling. She was going to have to do something to fix it, and soon. And, as Dawn had quickly come to find, the best way to challenge your preconceptions about someone was to go up and talk to them. She glanced at the number on her hand again, she had no idea where this place was.

It seemed like she’d found her icebreaker.

She walked quickly to catch up with the woman, before awkwardly blurting out “H-hey, do you, err, by any chance happen to know where this room is?” She shoved her hand in the woman’s face, barely giving her time to respond,“I-it’s fine if you don’t but err, I’m kinda lost and… y’know” she trailed off, before dropping her hand and looking away awkwardly.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Interacting With : Dawn@2plus2isnot5 & Lady Gaia@RumikoOhara

"When do you get your costume?" Jake rolled his eyes and looked at his friend in the driver seat. "I'm not getting a costume. If anything it would be a uniform."

"So, what your saying is that you'll be getting a quote-unquote uniform. Ya gonna send pictures?" The two friends started laughing as they realized how weird this scenario really was to both of them. Jake looked at his best friend, Alex, and said, "If you promise to shut up about it I will send you a stupid picture of what it looks like. But not with me in it cause I know what you'll do with it. This situation is already embarrassing enough." Sitting in silence for a while Jake started remembering what it was like to fight as a superhero.

The first thing he remembered was how awesome it felt to take down a criminal and see the smiles on the faces of whoever he saved. However, he also remembered when people he fought alongside with would get hurt and he couldn't do anything to stop it. He had initially decided to be a cop because he wanted to get away from that danger but he still wanted to help people. He knew that being a cop wasn't really any different so that was one reason why when he was given the invitation it was somewhat easy to get him to come back to this life. If he was being honest with himself he just wished that he had the power to protect everyone, but with the knowledge of Savior, he knows how dangerous that kind of power can be.

Dragging him out of his reverie, Jake's friend alerts him to the fact that they have arrived. "Well, bud. See ya once you've become the top hero on the planet." Jake smirked as he hopped out of the truck and waltzed up to the doors with his duffel bag slung over his shoulder. Entering the building he saw two women talking not far from the spot he stood. Jake wondered if maybe they were going to be a part of the team he was joining. If they were then that would mean his class was already filled to the brim with beautiful people. Jake would never admit it but those who know him know that he has a bad habit of trying to charm practically anyone of the opposite sex. "Why hello there. I couldn't help but overhear you were lost. This may be my first time here but I'm sure I can be of assistance." Then Jake got a good look at the other woman and realized that she looked familiar. "Wait, you're Lady Gaia, right?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Velma was just about to enter the school’s man building when a brunette with large brown eyes walked up and nervously asked “H-hey, do you, err, by any chance happen to know where this room is?” followed by her thrusting the hand she’d used as a notepad close to her face adding “I-it’s fine if you don’t but err, I’m kinda lost and… y’know” to demonstrate her self defeating nature.

Velma looked down at the shorter girl and drew out her Pad repeating the number she’d seen scribbled in pink felt pen ”AR 71665” as she typed the room ID into it.

Then she looks at Dawn with a bright smile saying Your’s is rather close to mine, we just need to follow my bags and we’ll get there soon.

Oh bye the bye, I am Velma Marberry and a pleasure it is to meet you

Velma loved meeting people and knowing that the girl she was meeting might become a peer level friend wonderful to consider so she wanted to put Dawn as at ease as she were able to.
So her expression is totally honest and her eyes gentle from years of working with people in disaster areas who needed her to help calm them.

Then a young man she also didn’t know presenting himself as a white knight stepped up making her wonder if he was what they called a player? She had met them before and knew the good to the clumsy in that call to fame because of the circles she had learned to navigate in her life.

"Why hello there. I couldn't help but overhear you were lost. This may be my first time here but I'm sure I can be of assistance." He asked his motive easy to see then he showed he could mulititask "Wait, you're Lady Gaia, right?"

Velma flushed slightly her smile softening even becoming slightly guarded now as she turns to the new guy.

Yes that is what the Press calls me but people I work with and hopefully become friends with call me Velma she says in a friendly tone that shows a sort of exhaustion mingled with embarrassment.

She offers her hand to him as she struggles with her more negative self who warns her “Player Wana” and she calms reminding herself the folly of prejudgement

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 12 days ago

Alice got to the entrance, and saw three people talking to one another. She walked over to them with curiosity. She then noticed one of them was Lady Gaia, or Velma. Alice had met Lady Gaia only once before at a charity event. One that her families company sponsored, it was to help send doctors overseas to help refugees. They’d asked Lady Gaia to attend in order to draw more attention to the event. They hadn’t seen each other since then. So Alice assumed Lady Gaia completley forgot about her.

Though being the polite person she was decided to say hello to the three people. Though she did take pause to to wait for a moment to speak. “Hello Velma, it’s nice to see a somewhat familiar face.” She looked at the other two people there, and waved hello, offering a wave hello. “Hi there, I’m Alice, Alice Godspeed. It’s nice to meet you all.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by NinaDivine
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

"'Some of the greatest threats to the world,'" Rachel Reigns said, repeating a section of the message her daughter had received. "Some people used to consider your father a threat." Rachel sat across from her daughter with her arms crossed, studying Stelara with her baby blue orbs intently. Stelara made no acknowledgement to mother, staying silent as she stared out the tinted window of the black limousine that had picked them up at the airport with her beautiful green eyes. "Do you think any of those people care that your father is dead? That that monster killed him in cold blood?"

The limo slowed to a stop in front of the school as it came to its destination. Stelara placed her rather expensive sunglasses upon her face still showing no reaction to her mother's words. While the driver got out to come around and open the door for the young woman Rachel had more to say. "Keep your guard up, Stella. Do not trust them. They will only use you." Then, the door opened.

Without saying a word, the twenty year old got out of the car. Once out of the car Stelara smoothed out her plaid circle skirt and straightened her red, light weight crop sweater. Sheer luxe pantyhose, red ribbed knee high socks, a pair of black platform T-strapped pumps and a silver heart-shaped locket completed her outfit.

Rachel rolled down the window as the driver retrieved her daughter's luggage. "Stella," Rachel said looking up at her daughter, her voice much softer than it had been a minute ago. "You know your father and I have only ever had your safety as our upmost priority."

"Yes, mother."

"You are our shooting star. Please, be careful."

"I will."

I love you, Stelara," Rachel said with a smile before blowing her only daughter a kiss.

"I love you too, mother," Stelara replied and did the same.

And with that small exchange Stelara began her walk up to the front door of the school. Through her dark lenses she could see a quartet of young adults loitering in front of the doors. Were the doors locked or were they merely hanging out? As her heels clicked along the pavement Stelara would soon find out.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SirSqueakalot91
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SirSqueakalot91 Geek of the Round Table

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Justin snapped out of his own little world and looked at the man next to him. “Oh! Hey nice to meet you.” He said. “Yeah, I think we’ll be working together.” He said, noticing the group heading into the room. “Come on, I think it would be bad to be late on the first day.” He chuckled, walking in with the others.


It wasn’t hard to find the room they were told to meet at. A man stood at the front of the class, looking at them as they entered, before turning on a monitor, the screen feeling up with images and videos of the students using their abilities.

“Welcome class. I am Mr. Knight.” He said, looking at them. “I’m going to cut to the chase. You were all picked because someone from the original team saw something special in you.” He told them. “Be it that are showing more control over your, for lack of a better term, powers or because you had some kind of ties with the team.” He said, shaking his head.

Mr. Knight looked at them, then back at the screen. “You are here to be trained to deal with, how should I put this, global problems.” He said. “While the other students will be dealing with small scale things, such as a legion of doom or some crap, you will be dealing with alien invasions. If the world is about to end, that will be your mission.” He told them. “And we believe the biggest threat to earth is returning.” He said, then the screen changed to show Savior.

“FUCK THAT GUY!” Justin yelled, standing up. He blinked a couple of times before sitting back down. “Um, sorry.” He said.

“Anyway,” Mr. Knight continued, “we believe that Savior is on his way back here. A few years ago, we developed a device that send Savior far out into the universe. We hoped that either he would be killed in space, or that it would give us time to find a weakness for him.” He told them. “Daniel Hunter gave his life to ensure that the device was attached on him.” He said.

“Now, we have reports from some of our allies in the stars, that Savior is very much alive, and heading this way. Some have tried to stop or slow his journey here, but to no avail. That is why you all were picked. To join the original team, and hopefully be enough power to stop Savior once he arrived here. Let me make this clear, you can leave now, and go on as a normal student. Or, you can stay here, receive the best and hardest training you can think of, and possibly be killed by a madman.” He said. “I’ll give you all a few moments.” He said, walking towards the door, letting them have the room for sometime.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 2plus2isnot5
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Dawn relaxed as the woman instantly proved herself to be actually pretty nice, and, perhaps more importantly, willing and able to find the room they were supposed to be heading to. Dawn watched as she competently pulled out some kind of pad… thingey and searched up the room number.

“Oh bye the bye, I am Velma Marberry and a pleasure it is to meet you,” she said with the kind of smile that just oozed warmth and approachability.

“Oh, err, you too,” she said, a shy but grateful smile blossoming on her lips, despite the fact that the words came out far more jumbled and nervous sounding than she’d originally intended, “My name’s-“

"Why hello there. I couldn't help but overhear you were lost. This may be my first time here but I'm sure I can be of assistance." Dawn practically jumped a mile in the air at the approach of a man from behind, one practically oozing confidence, and not necessarily the altruistic kind. She’d met a fair few people like that, and frankly they never failed to set her on edge. It didn’t matter though, because soon enough, he and Velma were involved in a conversation which revealed Velma to be someone called Lady Gaia… wait, that name was familiar…

Suddenly Dawn remembered watching a feature on her classmate on TV. Dawn was the first to admit she was a little… out of touch when it came to things like celebrity superheroes, mostly because she preferred to spend what little free time she had on her, so far fruitless, quest for answers. The idea of being around someone so famous was nerve wracking to say the least, but hopefully the press wouldn’t be following Velma, or ‘Lady Gaia’ as she was apparently known, onto the school campus.

Dawn’s train of thought was interrupted by the arrival of yet another classmate, this one introducing herself as Alice, and appearing to already know Velma. Dawn cringed slightly – this was a lot of people, and all of them seemed to know more about each other than she did – never a good situation to be in. But still. It was unlikely any of them had ill intentions. They were probably fine.

She wiped her, now sweating, palms on the hem of her dress, before biting the bullet and introducing herself, “I’m Dawn,” she said, quietly, “N-nice to meet you too, Alice, err…” she looked up, noticing that the courtyard was empty, suggesting that it was probably time for them to be getting a move on, “It looks like maybe we should probably get going the place-err classroom, rather. It really has been nice meeting you all.”

There were surprisingly few people seated in the classroom, Dawn noted – most of them she’d met outside, in fact. Cautiously, she found a seat near the door, and kept her bag within grabbing distance of her chair.

She listened in silence as the man began to speak “Welcome class. I am Mr. Knight. I’m going to cut to the chase. You were all picked because someone from the original team saw something special in you,” that was… disconcerting, to say the least. The idea that someone had sat in a room, looking at Dawn’s profile, and selected her for something sent chills running up and down her arms. She’d applied as a normal student, not expecting to be subject to that level of scrutiny. She felt watched. More so than usual. The only problem was, the ones doing the watching were probably the good guys, and she was probably going to need their help if she wanted to do what she came here for.

It was only at a loud shout of “FUCK THAT GUY!” from one of her fellow students that Dawn was snapped out of her reverie. An… extreme reaction perhaps, but he probably had his reasons. Probably best to avoid mentioning this ‘Saviour’ guy around him anytime soon, though.

She listened as Mr. Knight continued his speech, and she stayed quiet when he finished it and left. Yes, the line about possibly killed in this fight was chilling, but she’d barely escaped these past three years as it was.

A familiar tingling feeling pierced her toe, and she bit down on the inside of her mouth at the pain. She didn’t mind though, it was a useful reminder. She needed the best training she could get, or chances are she wouldn’t make it out alive anyway. It wasn’t a matter of choice, not for Dawn at least.

It was a matter of survival.

She took a deep breath before speaking, “I don't know about anyone else but... I’m in.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Velma had smiled enjoying Dawn’s refreshing natural nature and honest openness when an unknown young man (Jake) came up and recognizing her called her by her Handle “Lady Gaia” a name the World fund had stressed made her a softer profile and wonderful PR Representative.

Then Alice Godspeed who may or may not have met the actual deity Gaia being a Demigod and all then walked up and Vel couldn’t help but express her surprise and delight by filling the air around her with the slightest scent of honeysuckle and fresh grass.

It was one her strongest tells “Scent” She didn’t blush except when exposed to strong light which was her skin’s method of absorbing sunlight while filtering out those frequency that interfered with the conversion.

She was about to respond when the world decided to drag her along for the ride.


Velma listened to Mr. Knight still curious if he shaved it or it was natural. His speech was a bit militant but it was him. As he continued she studied him and as she did so she compared herself with him adding in that which she knew she shared with her mother.

Once more she was disappointed but understood she could still be wrong and Mister knight the Father her mother never spoke of; for all she knew she had no father. Mutant reproduction was still filled with unexpected possibilities.

When he finished speaking Vel was surprised; Dawn said “I don't know about anyone else but... I’m in.” with more confidence than when she’d introduced herself.

Flash Back

Vel you can’t keep doing this, look at you. What would be second maybe third degree burns over 40 % of your body and missing two fingers said Sygyn an elder member of the group Velma worked with.

He bit them off before I could restrain him, he should have never done that. she says sitting on her inflatable bed staring at her hand and smiling as she can already see the budding tissue that will be her replacements.

Then her head snapped up as one of the interns brought in a letter and her lunch and she might have paid quicker attention to the letter if not for the disturbing nature of her meal.

Get them off, get them out she says annoyed and turning away

What are you doing boy? demands Sygyn taking the covered tray from him and shooing the boy out with plans to scold him later. Then with the greatest care he searched her hamburger and found the disturbance; fresh lettuce, tomato, and onion which he pulled off and carried out and handed it the the confused Intern telling him to carry it to refuse.

When he reentered the tent he found Vel eating the rare burger in a most unladylike manner.

I don’t like fresh veggies….I can hear them crying.

I want my veggies cooked, pulverized, and liquified
said Vel in between bites.

Sygyn saw the letter and held it up to show Velma it was for her and she waved it off giving him permission. She knew from his expression that Sygyn wasn’t happy with what he read but didn’t ask as she finished the burger then drank a large milkshake down.

It was two hours before he spoke and told her of the invitation letter to be part of a Hero Team.

It was after another 4 hours that she convinced him that she needed to attend; she’d sent her acceptance via channels
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Interacting With : Technically Everyone

Jake reaches out shaking the hand of Velma in greeting but before he can introduce him self another person joins the slowly forming crowd, and it seems this person knows Velma. She then proceeds to introduce herself to the less knowledgeable of the group in regards to the names of their peers. The other girl in the group who seemed to be nervous around the three then introduced herself as well as saying that they should probably get to class.

Before leaving however Jake decided he should at least give them all a name to match with the face."Dawn is probably right. My name is Jake though. Pleasure to meet you all." And once the conversation was done Jake left with the other three towards the assigned meeting location.

Jake watched the monitor as it switched between various images and videos. One stuck out to him. It was an image of him and Emmanuel working together to stop a building from crashing down. He almost got dragged back into that memory until he heard someone shot out in rage as the monitor showed an image of the so-called Savior. Jake had to admit he was pissed of with the guy as well. Jake's father, no matter how horribly a person he was, had been a member of the list of people 'eliminated' by Savior. Jake sat in silence until the first one to properly answer the call to action, Dawn, spoke up. Jake decided to add his two cents to the situation saying, "All my life I've wanted to help people. If this is the way to do that then I'm in as well."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 12 days ago

Alice Godspeed

Alice followed the other three to the class room. She watched, and listened to the speech. She’d never saved anyone before, and what mr. Knight was asking made no sense to her. “Why don’t you ask actual gods to help you combat Savior, instead of a bunch of rookies? Because what your asking of us all is suicide! There’s quite simply no way you could prepare us all in time to face savior.” She stood up glaring down Mr. Knight with anger. “What sort of hero are you? To send the inexperienced to die for you. Now I’m not saying I won’t help, because god help me I can’t just stay back and do nothing.”


Slade has followed Mr.Knight to meet the kids. He sat in the corner just observing. He liked the fire of Justin, he was wolf’s kid wasn’t he? So that’s why his friends were so pissed at Mr. Knight. He was lost in thought for a moment before one of them brought up an excellent point. He believed her name was Alice. Daughter to Dionysus Greek god of wine, and madness.
Slade laughed, and he laughed hard it echoed through the room. He was surprised Mr. Knight had managed to snag an actual demigod. His other side enveloped him quickly as he laughed. Then he stood up to go over to Mr. Knight, and put an arm around his uptight compatriot. “She has you there. Because godness gracious Savior is one scary customer.”
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