Set in a time when Japan was constantly at war with itself. Daimyo across the land fight to gain power, influence, and territory. The current Takahashi Shogunate is on the brink of losing power and many eager Warlords have set their eyes on the seat of power in the capital city of Kyoto in the Yamashiro province.

In the southern Hyuga province, Daimyo Ito Akio has sent his first and only daughter, Ito Azumi, along with several of his bravest warriors to be married to the son of his new ally Daimyo Amako in the province of Izumo. The marriage would solidify a formidable alliance between the two lands, however they would have to pass through both the Otomo and Mori lands. It would be a dangerous journey for the young princess of only sixteen years. They are sure to encounter many dangers along the way. Daimyo Ito has entrusted you , his bravest warriors, with her safe keeping.

In the southern Hyuga province, Daimyo Ito Akio has sent his first and only daughter, Ito Azumi, along with several of his bravest warriors to be married to the son of his new ally Daimyo Amako in the province of Izumo. The marriage would solidify a formidable alliance between the two lands, however they would have to pass through both the Otomo and Mori lands. It would be a dangerous journey for the young princess of only sixteen years. They are sure to encounter many dangers along the way. Daimyo Ito has entrusted you , his bravest warriors, with her safe keeping.