Please note that while this role play takes place in the Wizarding world created by JK Rowling I am asking that it not take place in the same story line (In other words I ask you remember the rules and world, but not the characters and story)

I have an idea for a Harry Potter theme role play and wanted to see if there was interest. Below is a short write up of what I am picturing.
Each of our characters are currently part of a new crop of professors at Hogwarts (No more than 3 years of teaching) while on patrol a rather large group of students is discovered to have snuck out and was conducting unsupervised magical experiments. Once found and gathered all of us are in the process of undoing their wild magic and punish them when a few things go wrong and causes damage to each of our wands. The issue seems minor.
Only problem is the next day when each of our characters wake up we are no longer professors at Hogwarts... we are students and somehow have gone back in time. Only instead of everything being the same and as we remember several things are very different (Some are in a different house, others seem to have lost their affinity to types of magic while one is possibly even a squib all of a sudden.
The role play will have our characters navigating the time travel troubles while trying to undo whatever magic was done to us.
Only problem is the next day when each of our characters wake up we are no longer professors at Hogwarts... we are students and somehow have gone back in time. Only instead of everything being the same and as we remember several things are very different (Some are in a different house, others seem to have lost their affinity to types of magic while one is possibly even a squib all of a sudden.
The role play will have our characters navigating the time travel troubles while trying to undo whatever magic was done to us.
I am happy to answer any questions you might have and have not COMPLETELY mapped out this entire idea, but that is what I have so far.