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Ten long, bloody years have passed, since the emperor was murdered. The fine spark, that ignited the powderkeg that was Zengrav. We were humiliated by the nations of the world, nations that once payed us tribute, back when we were the grandiose heavenly empire. But things have changed, and the days when the heavenly blue banner was flying proudly ahead of the Minga riders, are long past.
Too long, we have been the spice-rack of the world, a country to be exploited and robbed! They looted us and forced us to write the unjust treaties, opening up our cities and ports for their decadent ways. And the emperor, grand son of heaven, just watched! His ancestors must tear out their braids in anger, his soul shall ever rot in the afterlife! Yet, his death caused the empire to collapse, as petty warlords and opportunists carved the once mighty empire into minor fiefs and territories. But wolves learn quickly that there is strength in a pack! Four packs there are, all claiming to have the sole plan for the future!
The Monarchists want to install a new heavenly emperor, to cast out the foreigners....yet happily buy their guns and ammunition!
The Nationalists want to turn Zengrav into a modern nation, under a single leader...while the empire of Lavania holds their strings!
The Republicans want a multi-state solution, after an outlandish concept of democracy...while filling their own pockets!
The Communists want to create the Peoples Republic of Zengrav...while holding daggers against each others throat!
The world just watches, as their final battle draws near...the age of warlords is far from over!

The Quin: Making up the vast majority of the people of Zengrav, the Quin are the inhabitants of the fertile land near the great Zang sea. Forming the first Kingdoms of Zeng, the Quin have willingly accepted Minga overlord ship, and prospered under it. Working mostly as farmers and plantation workers, it was for a long time a capital crime, for a Quin to carry a sword, a law enforced with brutal efficiency by the Minga overlords.
Smaller then the Minga, the Quin are sturdy, with lighter skin then most of the other people, and dark hair.
With most of them living now under republican or communist rule, the Quin are the backbone of the "peoples" ideologies, as many students are of Quin origin, belonging to the rich merchant class of the cities, while the vast majority are farmers, factory workers and artisans.
Smaller then the Minga, the Quin are sturdy, with lighter skin then most of the other people, and dark hair.
With most of them living now under republican or communist rule, the Quin are the backbone of the "peoples" ideologies, as many students are of Quin origin, belonging to the rich merchant class of the cities, while the vast majority are farmers, factory workers and artisans.
A nomadic people from the north, the Minga conquered Zengrav 2.000 years ago, and caused the people that would become the Geisel, to leave the country, while subjugating the rest of the realm, forming the heavenly empire, and building up a ruling cast of warrior-nobility.
Proud and warlike, the Minga still hold many positions of power, while their language have become the sole accepted tongue under white-shirt rule. Lean and broad people, with grayish hair and dark eyes, the minga bind their hair into knots and braids. Touching another persons hair, is a great show of trust and can be taken as an horrible insult if done without permission.
In the racial hierarchy enforced by the nationalists, the Minga are seen as the perfect people, who are destined to one day rule the world. Claiming, that all people of Zengrav have some Minga blood in them, they are seen as just one step below them in this very order. Almost all nobility is part of this class, and every emperor was of Minga blood.
Proud and warlike, the Minga still hold many positions of power, while their language have become the sole accepted tongue under white-shirt rule. Lean and broad people, with grayish hair and dark eyes, the minga bind their hair into knots and braids. Touching another persons hair, is a great show of trust and can be taken as an horrible insult if done without permission.
In the racial hierarchy enforced by the nationalists, the Minga are seen as the perfect people, who are destined to one day rule the world. Claiming, that all people of Zengrav have some Minga blood in them, they are seen as just one step below them in this very order. Almost all nobility is part of this class, and every emperor was of Minga blood.
The Uzra [4%]: Nomads of the northern steps, the Uzra were ancient enemies of the Minga, and subjugated in their conquest of Zengrav. Forbidden from entering the riverlands, yet also from riding horses taller then a mans shoulders, these people had to settle down in the rough northern country, building up a reputation as dishonest and vile, due to their old rivalry with the Minga people.
Still discriminated, many Uzra have left their homes in search of a better live, since the heavenly empires time. As such, many cities in this world have an Uzra-District, as well as seat of their despised criminal network called "Zagra", named after the Minga tradition to brand criminals onto their foreheads. The ones that remained in Zengrav are mostly supporting the Royalists out of opportunistic mercenary spirit, yet many ask themselves what will happen, should the tables turn on the monarchists!
Still discriminated, many Uzra have left their homes in search of a better live, since the heavenly empires time. As such, many cities in this world have an Uzra-District, as well as seat of their despised criminal network called "Zagra", named after the Minga tradition to brand criminals onto their foreheads. The ones that remained in Zengrav are mostly supporting the Royalists out of opportunistic mercenary spirit, yet many ask themselves what will happen, should the tables turn on the monarchists!
Living near the eastern border, shared with Lavania, the Gailzri people, are ancient ancestors of the Geisel people, having fled from Minga aggression towards the south of the continent. Famous for their ability to work stone, and building grand cities, the Gailzri that remained in Zengrav were valued for their abilities, forming the Classica-Zengravi style, that to this day is rather common in Zengravian cities.
With the collapse of the heavenly empire, the ancient source of wealth, the building of palaces and cities, has been taken from the Gailzri people and unleashed poverty and discontent in their land. Willingly welcoming the nationalists, who promise work, bread and a future, the Gailzri make up the backbone of their army.
With the collapse of the heavenly empire, the ancient source of wealth, the building of palaces and cities, has been taken from the Gailzri people and unleashed poverty and discontent in their land. Willingly welcoming the nationalists, who promise work, bread and a future, the Gailzri make up the backbone of their army.
The traditional boat nomads of mighty rivers of the Zang Sea, the Zeh are people of the water, living in thight-knit communities of massive river barges, worshipping water spirits, and holding a pacifistic tradition of non-leathal duel-combat between champions, to settle disputes. During the war, horrible acts of violence have been commited against them, as they are seen as a welcome scapegoat for an impoverished population. With the republic unable to stop such atrocities, many have left the boats behind to join the communists.
Living in the far nother of Zengrav, as traditional ice fishing people, the Bashur are most notable for their worship of the Conclave faith. Hailing from the native Binga people of the area, they intermixed with Conclave settlers and missionaries, staying Isolated for hundred of years, paying lip-service to the heavenly empire.
During the great Internal war, they were offered independence by the royalist for their serivce in the war. Fearless warriors, the Bashur are fanatical in their devotion, and are counted among the best soldiers the royalist can muster, with the sole exception of Minga troops...
During the great Internal war, they were offered independence by the royalist for their serivce in the war. Fearless warriors, the Bashur are fanatical in their devotion, and are counted among the best soldiers the royalist can muster, with the sole exception of Minga troops...
Called after the mocking Minga term for "Walking" (literal: He who falls from horse/He who can not ride), the Bingal are traditional bison and yak herding people of the norther steps of Zengravi. Similar to the Uzra, they were forbidden by law to ride horses by the Minga invaders.
Traditional enemies of the Bashur people, and their faith which annexed most of their settling grounds, while brutally repressing their ancestor worshiping faith. Many harbor great resentment against the Royalists, knowing about their offer of an independent Bashur Republic, which most likely will include ancient Bingal land. Many harbor sympathies for the nationalists, who openly proclaim support for the loyal Bingal people...
Traditional enemies of the Bashur people, and their faith which annexed most of their settling grounds, while brutally repressing their ancestor worshiping faith. Many harbor great resentment against the Royalists, knowing about their offer of an independent Bashur Republic, which most likely will include ancient Bingal land. Many harbor sympathies for the nationalists, who openly proclaim support for the loyal Bingal people...
The Jorguk are a large ethnic group primarily found in the provinces of Delraat, Quzuo, and Kotgai. Due to the wide range of landscapes in which the Jorguk traditionally inhabit, ranging from the open steppe, thick marshes, and rolling highlands, the Jorguk developed a form of simple terrace farming capable of being practiced throughout the region. Typically known as a diligent people by other Zengravian ethnic groups, most folktales about the Jorguk involve their work ethnic being abused to trick them out of wealth or prestige. In addition to their diligence, or perhaps because of it, the Jorguk are also typically seen as hardy folk who make the best of their homeland's more harsh climbs and sprawls. They are, as well, not known for political interest and generally prefer to be left to their own devices. In the current conflict the Jorguk have remained mostly neutral beyond minor clan-government disagreements with Royalist conscription. As of yet, no violence has sprouted in the region as a response but growing tensions have begun to see the fissure between the Jorguk clansmen and the Royalists developing.
Making up a small localized ethnic group to the west of the major Yaar mountains and directly south of the Minga lands. Primarily farmers and other lower class professions the Kāzé can be found in isolated communities throughout the Northwest regions although there is only one region where they are the majority, and particularly only one major city of a majority population. The Kāzé have lighter hair then either the Quinn or the Minga although their skin color is quite similar to that of the Quinn.
Pre-Mingan conquest the Kāzé had been ruled by a Kāzé-Quinn Kingdom of distant relation to the Zeng having been conquered by some ancient King of that dynasty. Under Mingan rule the Kāzé have been slowly displaced by Quinn populations in no small part to their sometimes resistance to the Minga’s overlordship and the Quinn encroaching numbers.
Pre-Mingan conquest the Kāzé had been ruled by a Kāzé-Quinn Kingdom of distant relation to the Zeng having been conquered by some ancient King of that dynasty. Under Mingan rule the Kāzé have been slowly displaced by Quinn populations in no small part to their sometimes resistance to the Minga’s overlordship and the Quinn encroaching numbers.
A traditionally-pastoral “Mingalic” people sharing heritage and some linguistic ties with the former rulers of Zengrav, but strong cultural-religious ties to the Conclave. They form a majority in the open grasslands to the Southwest of Commune, but the vast majority of Tu’wa globally have always lived in lands now part of Belzarov. Historically, the Tu'wa had many independent Khanates to the West of Zengrav with shifting dynasties and territory, and at various points served as either subjects or allies to the Minga. Starting a millenium ago, Conclave missionaries convinced Tu'wa elites to move away from their old shamanist faith, though to this day they retain many syncretic elements and a highly mystic interpretation of the Conclave religion. Over the last three centuries, the Tu'wa Khans were subjugated -and later deposed- by the expanding Tsardom of Belzorov. Their role in the Revolution there would earn them limited national self-determination in the "United Tu'wa Autonomous Oblasts."
Isolated Mountain people, the Yaar are deeply religious in their worship of the giantic mountains of Zengrav, which they see as visual gods. Pacifistic in spirit, most try to remain out of the conflict, while wandering from mountain to mountain in their yearly pilgrimages, crossing borders and battlefields alike.
""It is very fortunate, that the giant that is Zengrav lacks a head! For if he had one, he would trample down the world around him!"Lord General Louis William of Greenbourgh-Flannese, commander of the Sairish Expedition army, after witnessing the mass surrender of 100.000 Zengravi soldiers on order of the Emperor
The area around the great Zeng-sea has always been a hotbed for civilization, as its fertile soil, and lush rivers have provided food and transport for the first Zengrav people, settling down on its shores. One of the first empires to ever be recorded in the history of Idiea, its wealth, glory and grandness became the stuff of legends, and even the short dark age, during its conquest by the nomadic Minga lead to a second rise of the Empire, demanding tribute from neighboring realms, becoming a partron of arts and science, while building monuments that last till the modern day. Yet, the wealth would turn its downfall, as the Heavenly empire, became more and more inept, corrupt and burocratic, its former conqueres lazy tyrants, and its realm overloaded with insolent nobles. Isolationism began to spread, and soon, all major technological advances of the outside world, were fully ignored.
This peace was broken, when envoys from the rising power of the Sairish Empire arrived, 220 years before the modern day. Demanding the opening of Zengrav to the world market, the emperor demanded their heads in an fit of anger, before rallying his armies to punish the vile barbarians. Yet, Zengrav had not been aware, that swords and shields had been replaced with gunpowder and cannons. The Defeat of the army of Zengrav was devastating, and would usher in the "Dark age of humiliation" of Zengrav. Years of shame followed, in which the Zengrav people, lost their believe in being the greatest nation on Idiea, and becoming aware of their own weakness.
A failed uprising to restore the time of old, crushed by the dominate powers, lead to an incredible humiliation of the heavenly emperor, destroying the sacrety of his position in the eye of all of Zengrav, and leading to his assassination by the hand of his bodyguards. Zengrav broke apart before his body became cold. Warlords carved out their own realms, other nation oppertunisticly annexed borderlands and minor states declared independence. The "Dark age of humiliation" became a found memory of the people, oppressed by Warlords, leading their own feuds against each other, while some even claimed the Heavenly throne for themselves. It is Zengravs darkest ages...

Lavanian Battlecry
The Empire of Lavania, lead by the absolute leadership of the fascistic dictator called Primus Populare Maximus, has been brought into the modern era through a civil war, which itself was quite similar to the one raging in Zengrav. A declining local power, was taken over by the fanatical Populare party in a bloody struggle, before being modernized and industrialized. Annexing and reclaiming lost territory in multiple colonial conflicts with the Commonwealth, they are the rising power in this world, eager to challange the status Quo.
The Primus Populare Maximus himself, has declared the Whites as allies and heavily supports their efforst in the war, be it with drill-instructors, voleenters, weapons and equipment. Providing an economic backbone for the whites, the refuse to trade with the "offical" recognized republic, claiming the Nationalists to be the sole true Zengravi state.

"The old order must be maintained, yet war shall not be risked! I am quite sure, that we secured peace in our time!"
Champerlin Lablanc, Chief-Diplomate proclaiming Commonwealth Neutrality after the Lavania intervention
The Commonwealth is made up of three old empires. The grand Geisel Reich, the Sairish Empire and the Kingdom of Arcanain. The dominant power in this world, their hegemony has reigned for almost 100 years now. It was their alliance who forced Zengrav once to open their borders for their trade and they still maintain legation cities on the coast, with a garrison made up from Commonwealth military.
In the conflict ahead, the Commonwealth keeps a strict neutrality, due to the unwillingness of their population to enter a conflict in a nation far off their borders. "Where the hell is Zengrav anyway" is the common response of the masses to the mentioning of the war, yet the adventures and opportunistic are quite willing to inqure. Offically, the Commonwealth sees the Republic as the legitimate Government of Zengrav, yet happily trades with all sides, while the youth volunteers of flow to the blues and the reds.

The realm of the Conclave is what many call the "Graveyard of Zengrav" as thousands died in the shifting dunes to the harsh people that call it home. Multiple times, did the Heavenly empire try to conquer during its golden age, and multiple times, its armies would vanish into the sand, never to be seen again. With little contact, except minor trade at the borders, raids from both sides of local tribes are common place, even before the war.
The conclave has remained neutral in the conflict, going so far as blocking all trade with the nationalists and the monarchists alike. Raids from their side have increased, and rumors have spread, that they may soon want to size territory now held by the nationalists!

A massive, yet cold and rough land, Belzarov is Zengrav neighbor to the east, ruled by "the peoples council", a social democratic institution, formed after the second uprising of Belzarov, in which the old, oligarchical republic was toppled in a bloody coup. Still reeling from its times of troubles, famine and most of all, the independence movement of its Bravsaara region, the world mostly ignores the country, even through many see the potential for greatness in it, should it solves its own problems.
While neutral in the conflict, the Belzarov share sympathies with the struggle of the communists, as they see the Republicans as decadent and oligarchical, just like their first republic. With the Bravsaara region sharing a border with Zengrav in the Jekai province, the crisis threatens to spill over, as the Nationalists in this region are sympathetic to the Nationalists cause in Zengrav, and receive support from Lavania as well.

+ Lavanian Support:
The Whites can rely on a steady stream of supply, weapons, planes, tanks and mechs from Lavania. While their army may at this time be the smallest of all factions, it is by far the best equipped and trained.
+ United under the Great Leader
Yesui Olya, the leader of the White-Shirt uprising is a hero for all nationalists in Zengrav, and her endurance under the torture of the Royalists has only build more of her legend. Few would dare to make a move against her leadership at this time, making the Whites the most stable faction in term of infighting...for now!
+ Impending Victory at Delsai
The great northern army, which crushed the nationalist at Saraat, is now trapped between two rivers in Delsai, with 50.000 well equipped and trained nationalist soldiers, ready to face 250.000 starving, un-supplied and demoralized Royalists. This could be the greatest Victory in the history of the war, and a wake-up call for all faction, to take the nationalist as the serious threat they are.
- No successor for the Great Leader:
While Yesui Olya position as leader is for the moment unquestioned, should she die to her wounds or assassination, the whites will face a crisis of succession, with no clear successor in sight, and an bloody struggle for dominance inside the faction almost inevitable.
- Bleed-Dry:
The region of Greizual has been bleed dry of food, manpower and resources by both nationalists and royalists. Forceful conscription into the nationalist army has yet to be implemented, yet it could easily break the support of the Gailzri people for the Nationalist cause.
- Enemy for all:
While the Communists may work along the Republicans, and the hint of an constitutional Monarchy has been spoken out by royalist diplomats, the nationalists have made it clear, that they will not negotiate, nor compromise on their goals.
Just a year ago, the whites were seen as all but defeated, crushed by the royalist warlords near the border-city of Saraat. With its army shattered, most of its leaders captured and no more territory held, few believed that they would survive. The movement, born from the white-shirt uprising in the streets of the capital, was always the smallest of the four factions, sometimes even overlooked in the word news. With it leader, Yesui Oyla, a former leader of an communist volunteer brigade, turned nationalist, enduring weeks of nightmarish torment, rescue came, from an unexpected source. The powerful nation of Lavania, lead by the all powerful "Primus Populare", the elite Iron guard broke the unexpected royalist forces, and sized Saraat for the Nationalists. Liberating all prisoners, the Whites returned with a vengeance! Supported not only by an industrial power, but also by the local Gailzri people, most of whom lost their livelihood in the terrible war. With fresh troops, trained and equipped by Lavania, the Whites are looking forward, to collect overdue debts with an interest in blood.

Total Number of soldiers: 120.000 (additional 10.000 Lavanian "volunteers")
The Nationalist army has been rebuild from the ground up, by Lavania, using seasoned veterans as instructors and their modern equipment, to turn the once roaming mob into an impressive army. Under Lavanian officers, the nationalist have archived multiple victories and pushed the elite northern army northwards. Armed with modern equipment by Lavania the Nationalists are at an comeback. Well supplied, their crews are trained but unexperienced, while much of their old leaders perished in Saraat. It is a highly motivated, yet fresh army, with many starting to question how much Lavania does just advise and how much it leads!
GMs note: As a Nationalist, quality is not a choice, but a necessity! Your army is just a fraction of the size of the others, and your territory is poor. The only chance of survival you have is to push on, and find new places to recruit. Your army WILL include Lavanian advisers and Volunteers, but also some of the best Tanks and Mechs Zengrav has yet to see in this war. Just keep in mind, that there is little room for losses, and much to lose, should the Monarchists be able to push back!

Unbreakable Figurehead
Name: Yesui Olya
Title: Great Leader
Age: 33
Ethnicity: Minga
Personal Ideology: White Shirt Party-National Populism
Influence in the faction: 62%
Yesui Olya, was born into a family of minor Minga nobility. Growing up in an small estate, she quickly grew disgruntled with the decadence and left on her own, to see the world. In the City state of Hoval-Squata, she began to study politics and history, and met the young Leon Holst, who ten years later would lead the red uprising in Hoval-Squata. Winning her for his communist ideology, and rumored to had a short affair with her, Yesui would return into the civil war in her homeland, joining one of the many Communist Volunteers as an junior officer.
For a year, she lead an brigade with distinction against the Royalist, and was multiple times mentioned as an heroic and dedicated woman, yet never received any awards due to her Minga origin. It was when the Commonwealth sized the six cities that she would be overtaken with anger, and against her orders, would lead an assault against the Republican forces. Losing lost of her men in the battle, she deserted the army, after she was refused reinforcement, in an battle, that she still insisted could have won the reds a way to the capital, and with that, ended the republic. Wandering on foot to the capital, she was overtaken by disgust for the lavish lifestyle of its leaders, realizing that both democracy and socialism would lead Zengrav nowhere. It was the breaking of an ancient stature of an old Zengravi Emperor, that lead Yesui to attack an Commonwealth soldier, beating him to death, before taking his white shirt form him. What began as an single act of violence, sparked an uprising in the city, as a violent mob looted armories and formed the white-shirt uprising. Leaving the capital for the Delrat, disgruntled army soldiers, royalist deserters and minor warlords would join her, and soon, the Nationalists proclaimed "The Reformed Nation of Zengrav".
It was shortly after that, that the royalist would send their elite norther army against them, soon driving them out of Delrat, through the desert into the dry region of Greizal. There, after many minor skirmishes, the White-Shirts were crushed in front of the gates of Saraat, and Yesui was captured among many other white-shirts. 30 days of brutal torture would follow, leading to her losing an eye, ear and half of her arm. Then, after the 30th day, the iron guard of Lavania would storm the city, and liberate the white-shirts, proclaiming their support. With winter coming, the White-shirts had time to rebuild their forces, before starting a spring offensive that drove out the Royalists army, who is now trapped in Delsai and close collapsing. Yesui, crippled and mutilated is still clinging to her life, addicted to morphine and a shadow of her former self, yet still having her old fire in her eyes...

+ The old Banners :
The Blacks can call upon the old banners of the heavenly empire, and with that, thousands of minor-minga nobility, who themselves can levy huge amounts of troops. The royalists have by far the largest army of all factions, lead by men and women, trained their whole lives to be leaders, yet be it, with tactics that may be outdated.
+ Ten thousand cups of gold
The forces of the Royalist have made sure to secure the vital gold and silver mines of Delraat, as well as the royal treasury. Able to pay for equipment and weapons with an secure currency, their supply, brought in by daring airship captains, is secure for now.
+ The Sixty Forts
The Royalist hold onto the ancient Sixty Forts, massive fortification complexes, build into the mountains of central Zengrav, to pacify the region. Ancient and mighty, they have been hastly modernized and still are nightmarish barriers for any would-be conqueror to cross.
- Enemies on all sides:
The Royalists are forced into a two front war, with the Republic/communists in the south, and the Nationalists in the east.
- Feudal Army:
The royalist army is a feudal army, based on ancient laws of birth, rather then merit. As such, potential capable minds are locked away from command, while incompetent commanders may lead their men from one defeat into the next, without fear of removal. The countless screams for reforms are mostly ignored by the royal palace.
- Impending Desaster at Delsai:
Once, the 500.000 thousand strong "norther army" has been seen as the most elite force of the royalist, proving their fearful reputation against all three factions, and hunting down the nationalists to the city of Saraat where they crushed their forces. Now, after the Nationalist offensive supported by Lavania, the remnants of the army are trapped between two rivers in Delsai, with little supply left, and no leadership. Starving and desperate, sick and dying, a disaster is impending. With no Warlord willing to risk any connection with the greatest military disaster in Zengravs history, the army has yet to be lead by a capable leader!
The Heavenly Empire, once was the most powerful entity in this world, collecting tribute from all nations surrounding it and leading the world in technical innovation. A great plague, followed by a horrible civil war and social unrest would end this golden age and lead to an era of Isolationism, which was broken by a coalition of empires, calling itself the Commonwealth. The age of humiliation and shame followed, leaving the old warrior aristocracy of the Minga powerless and disgruntled.
The death of the emperor and the fracturing of the realm, lead most minor Minga lords to rally their banners, becoming feudal warlords in a modern conflict, that would see millions dead. It took years of internal struggle, before the Blacks formed, accepting the child emperor Otgonbayar the V. as the rightful emperor of Zengrav. The true power in the party lies with Lord Field Marshall Bede Sukh, a grim and cruel warlord, with imperial ambitions of his own.

Total Number of soldiers: 2 - 4 million men
Shortly before the murder of the old emperor, the Heavenly Empire began an ambitious project of reforming its army to match the modern age. Forced to buy from the Commonwealth and to pay in gold, for older equipment, the sixty forts soon were filled with weaponry, vehicles, tanks, mechs and planes. Plans for a reformed new army were made, to replace the old levy system. These reforms died with the assasination of the emperor, yet the arms of the new age, still found its way to the Royalist armies. Even ten years after the war, they still make up for the strongest military faction, yet they know, that with every passing year, their equipment gets more and more outdated, and every tank, plane or mech lost, can hardly be replaced.
GMs note: As a Monarchist, you levy your troops through an ancient system of feudal loyalty, rather then drafting. While ancient, the men drafted this way, were raised in this very system, their loyalty unquestioned and unmatched. Horses are the Mingas best friend, and the vast steps of northern Zengrav make them a welcome alternative to the few railroads and poor roads. The ones that dare to question the effectiveness of cavalry in the age of the machine-gun dont have endured a roaring Minga horseman storming towards him!
In terms of tanks, mechs, plans and other vehicles, you have free picking, as long as you keep in mind, that they are on the edge of being outdated (not obsolete!) and damn near impossible for you to replace. Manpower is cheap for you, while a tank is worth its weight in gold!

Iron Warhero
Name: Bede Sukh
Title: Lord Field Marshall
Age: 63
Ethnicity: Minga
Personal Ideology: Imperial Loyalists-Paternal Autocratism
Influence in the faction: 44%
Bede Sukh, was an decorated war hero, even before the emperor was assassinated. Fighting against the Xiath invaders from he north, in an attempt to size Delsai, he won great popularity and prestige during the conflict. A stern royalist, he declined the offer of leading the republican army, by beheading the deliverer of the message and calling for the banners of his personal fief, before securing the last surviving son of the murdered emperor. A distant relative of the boy-emperor, and insisting on him calling him "uncle", he proclaimed the "Holy army to restore harmony and balance by restoring the rightful emperor" in the shadow of the Crimson fort, the most impressive of all the sixty forts. Losing much territory in the early war, the Nationalist rising, and its march to the north gave Sukh a much needed chance for an offensive, retaking Delraat soon after the nationalist had left. Ordering their destruction to his son, Bede II. Sukh, the news of his death left him devastated. Now, with the Royalist facing a two front war, some question if the old Warhero is still able to lead the faction...

The child
Name: Otgonbayar the V.
Title: Heavenly Emperor, great Khan of all Minga, King of Zang, Lord of the sixty fords, defender of Zengrav, master of heaven and earth, son of the sky and scion of all ancestors
Age: 8
Ethnicity: Minga
Personal Ideology: No Bedtime Party - National Populists
Influence in the faction: (100%)
The last surviving son of the old emperor, Shigi-Qutuqu the II., Otgonbayar is the son of a concubine, hidden away far from the eyes of the world for many years. Following the power struggle, all of the twenty sons of the emperor vanished, with many suspecting foul play, yet few dare to question the role of Bede Sukh in their vanishing. Still hidden away, in the lavish summer place of the Royalist capital of Nonsu, he knows little of the war raging in his empire, with thousands of servants and eunuchs tending to his every whim. Many Royalists hope, that one day, the palace doors will open, and a strong, powerful emperor will lead Zengrav out of the chaos, into a new glorious age.

+ The true Republic :
With the exception of Lavania, all nation of the world recognize the United Peoples-State of Zengrav as the only "real" government in the country, even allowing them to hold a seat in the league of nations. This provides them with a massive prestige and diplomatically edge.
+ Wealth of Trade
With the Injust treaties loosened for the duration of the war, and in control of the majority of plantations for silk, tea and spices, an incredible ammount of wealth is flowing into the Blues pockets on a daily basis, allowing them to pay for modern equipment, mercenaries and experts from all across the globe.
+ Volunteers from abroad
Thousands of young men and women are coming to Zengrav to fight for what they see as the "newest republic" and the "struggle against ancient tyranny". Recorded by hundred of cameras and reporters, they form the "volunteer brigades", much needed manpower for the war effort.
- Ludicrously corrupt:
The lure of endless wealth, with the lack of an efficient supervision has lead to a level of corruption that the world has seldom seen before. Few members of the new republic are able to resist, as many enjoy the luxuries of the Western Quarters, be it fast cars, mistresses, horse-races or lavish feasts. The president alone pays himself a wage, that could feed 10.000 common farm workers. The chancellor himself, is little better, as he is famous for his lavish tastes in commonwealth wines and fast cars.
- The Commonwealths grip:
After the White-shirt uprising, and the massacre in the streets of the capital, which say hundred of foreigners dead (mostly colonial personal of the commonwealth, in truth only nineteen commonwealth-born people were among the victims), the Commonwealth has sized six major cities, maintaining military personal and their fleet in them. Unable to protest, the Republic has lost much face simply accepting this occupation of their own capital.
- Conscription Crisis:
Two times, the Republic has tried to change their volunteer army to a conscripted army, yet two times, violent riots in almost all cities have quickly ended these plans. Heavily supported by communist and syndicalist demagogues, a third time seems unlikely to change this, and while the volunteer army so far is able to hold its own in terms of manpower, few doubt that a longer conflict will need an greater army.
During the decline of the empire, many looked at the nation of the world for inspiration of reform. Called "the blue vests" they were mostly students of minor nobility and the merchant class, reviving educations in the universities of the world. The idea of democracy spread with them, and soon "Blue-Idea clubs" would form all over the major cities of Zengrav. The crumbling empire was in no state to stop them, and with the death of the emperor, they saw their chance. Storming the old academies and newly build Universities, they began to proclaim the "United Peoples-State of Zengrav", with the young and charismatic Heegon Wu, elected as first chancellor of the new republic.
And while the nations of the world are skeptical over the legitimacy of the election held in the territory held by the blues, many intellectuals, artists and students all celebrating Chancellor Wu, and an endless stream of donations and volunteers have arrived, forming the Liberation Brigades to bring the light of democracy all over the ruins of the heavenly empire!

Total Number of soldiers: 400.000 to 600.000 men
The republican army was shortly founded after the declaration of its existance, rallying the Quin soldiers to their banners, promising promotions of merits and fair pay. Motivated civilians would swell the ranks in the first two years of war against the monarchists, before slowly the euphoria of a new age, faded, and the grim realization took place, that the war would not end quite that soon. Still lacking a proper military acadamy, nepotism is ripe in the republican army, as plantation owners, rich sons and daughters and even movie-stars can buy themselves into the ranks.
GMs note: As a Republican, your army is dependent of the Commonwealths arms and the support of the people. A volunteer army, the republicans have to be careful with mass offensives and human wave attacks as the people are tired of war, and long for peace! Mercenaries are abundant for those who can afford them, as are dependable mechs, tanks and planes, what ever the money of the plantations can buy.

Flamboyant Reformer
Name: Heegon Wu
Title: Chancellor
Age: 46
Ethnicity: Zeh
Personal Ideology: Zengrav Republican Party- Market Liberalism
Influence in the faction: 38%
A young and passioned student, Heegon Wu, was the son of a wealthy family of Zeh traders, who send him abroad to study in the Sairish Empire, where he joined one of the many "Blue-Idea clubs" soon publishing highly popular papers, criticizing the Heavenly empire and its leadership. It was after the assassination of the last emperor, that he returned as quickly as he could, to be welcomed as a hero. reciving a seat in the senate by the age of 25, his retorical talents allowed him to win massive popularity among the common people, who he also learned to entertain with lavish gifts and displays of wellfare. He was seen as a candidate for presidency, yet would step down from his run, when the equally popular Arslan Toghon offered him the chancellorship in return for his support. Eager to bring equality, welfare and education to the Zengravi people, he did fell for the temptations of wealth, and lavish gifts from captains of industry as well as plantation owners have lead him to veto multiple land reforms as "socialist poison"

Benevolent Dandy
Name: Arslan Toghon
Title: President
Age: 32
Ethnicity: Uzra
Personal Ideology: Zengrav Republican Party- Market Liberalism
Influence in the faction: 53%
Arslan Toghon, leader of the "Reformation to glory" society, exiled to the Sairish Empire, has become the face of the republic, quickly outgrowing Heegon Wu in popularity, due to his charming personality, and his clever use of cinema and radio. Married to an Sairish Movie-Star, lavishly rich from his own plantations, Arslan knows that it pays far more to play the benevolent leader on a large stage, rather then being one. Yet, his speech in front of the League of nations lead to widespread acceptance of the Republic as the rightful government of Zengrav. Driving a hard-line against communism, he has stated multiple time, that the truce with the reds is just temporary, gaining much support from the rich plantation owners, which make up most of his donations. Displaying himself with republican soldiers and farmers, his calls for wellfare are seen as just a token by the socialist elements of the state.

+ Sized the Means of production :
In the great red-turban uprising, the heavy industrialized regions of Hankhan and Kubon were taken by the reds with little republican resitance. Holding 1/3 of all Zengravi Industrial capacity, the Socialists have quite an edge in terms of self-reliant production of weaponry, tanks, planes and mechs.
+ A uneasy truce
Even through the red-turbans have taken a great chunk of valuable land from the Republicans, clever negotiations by the Red-Father Lee have lead to an non-aggression pact between the two factions. With tensions high, and skirmishes common, the question remains how long the peace will last...
+ Volunteers from abroad/Partians everywhere
Thousands of young men and women are coming to Zengrav to fight for what they see as the "socialist utopia" and the "struggle against ancient tyranny". Recorded by hundred of cameras and reporters, they form the "volunteer brigades", much needed manpower for the war effort. At the same time, demagogues spread the words of the socialist all across Zengrav, and in almost every village they find ear ready to receive their rebellious ideas.
- Purged leadership:
After the assassination of the Red Father Lee, Reg-ahn has lead a violent purge against "the traitors in the own ranks", killing thousands in a violent reprisal. Many question how many of these traitors really were conected to the murder and how many were just in the way of Reg-ahn. Losing many skilled engineers, officers and politicians in the process, the reds are crippled for the moment.
- Lack of food:
The reds find themselves in a crisis of supplying their population with enough food, which is heavily used by all other factions as anti-socialist propaganda. The truth is, that the region their sized always was quite reliant on food import from the fertile land of the coast, which is still held by the republic, who, while still trading with them, does its best to limit the amount of send food to weaken their uneasy ally...
-Risks of fraction :
Almost all factions have parts of them with differing views of the future. Yet few differ as much as the Socalists. While some more conservative members dream of an social democracy, they still fight shoulder to shoulder with radical communists, syndicalists, anarchists and the growing totalist movement, lead by the Wise-Brother Reg-ahn.
Zengrav was humiliated during the time of the unjust treaties, and few deny that it what finally lead to the decline of the empire itself. Yet, the League of seven still enforces its power with an iron grip, demanding its payments and sizing major cities along the Zeng-Sea as international territory. It was this step, that provoked the radicals of the blues to split off, and form their own faction, the reds. Following a radical Ideology under the leadership of the "Wise old Brother" Reg-ahn, their Red-Turban uprising took control of the heavily industrialized three river region, nationalizing outside factories and plantations.
Split between countless factions, with the red turbans believing in empowering the worker and soldier unions, while others believe in the "Wise old Brother doctrine", proclaiming an total control of all means of production by the peoples state. Radicals, Anarchists, Syndicalists and Communists alike are following the call to arms and the Reds can rely on a huge mass of international support, brought in by smugglers and hidden railways into their territory. A fragile peace reigns between the reds and the blues, yet future conflict seems inevitable.

Total Number of soldiers: 600.000 to 800.000 men
The army of the revolution has grown quickly, arming themselves with the newly produced weapons meant for a reformed army, while refitting civil vehicles and mechs for their own goals. With many Quin NCO´s and Junior officers joining the cause of simple man, their military could see great victories early on, before the Royalists could form a proper resistance against the Socialist menace. Using the whole might of Zengravs most industrialized region, the revolution is a waking giant, ready to take crush the old order.
GMs note: As a Red, you have manpower and industrial capacity at your back, yet both are flawed. While your manpower pool is great, so is the fractured nature of your faction and the requirement for workers in the factories. Your industrial capacity is strong in producing simple tanks, mechs and planes, yet for the more delicate secrets of mechanical engineering does your faction lack the skilled personal for now.

Dictatorial Revolutionary
Name: Reg-ahn
Title: Wise-Brother
Age: 43
Ethnicity: Quin
Personal Ideology: Red Turban-Totalistic Syndicalism
Influence in the faction: 30%
With the old order breaking down, and the republic declared, many socialists held high hopes for the future. Among them, was Siban Lee, also called the "Red Father" with his closest student, Reg-ahn, who used the nom de guerre "Wise-Brother". Studying abroad, in the Geisel Reich, they picked up new ideas, before picking up the young writer Guo Yuhan, whos book "A Future without Chains" was among the three great books of the revolution. Returning to Zengrav with the outbreak of the Civil war, the Red Father was elected for an seat in the senate for the "Red Turban Party". Quickly disgruntled by the decadence of the new republic and the stalemate in the war against the Monarchist, he layed down his office, to organize the red-turban uprising. Five years after the start of the civil war, the red would swipe away the republican control of the most industrialized region of Zengrav, easily rallying the disgruntled miners and factory workers after the Commonwealth had sized the six cities. It was Reg-ahn, who with clever negotiation, could secure a peace with the republicans, forming a united front against the Royalists.
The Red Father, was shortly after founded murdered in his bed, shot multiple times. Rallying the people in a impassioned speech, Reg-ahn was able to use the murder to unleash a wave of purges against the "enemies of the revolution" and used the terror to cement his power. Lacking both the charisma and the prestige of the Red-Father, Reg-ahn tries to both bribe and threaten his way to absolute control of the socialist faction.
Geography and people:
|Geographical Location of CLIQUE:| Where your country is located in Idiea. Simple as.
|Cities:| Which cities does your Clique hold? Who lives in them, what do they produce
Your Warlord:
(Just to clarify, your warlord does not have to be an "warlord"! He is just a person of great power and influence in this crumbling state, with his personal army...so just cause he acts, looks and breaths like a warlord does not mean he is one!)
[Picture of your Warlord]
|Name:| Pretty easy, just a name! (For a good name, just look up Mongolian, Manchu and northern chinese names and/or add a russian touch)
|Title:| Be creative here! A title should bring respect, not make people laugh. Nationalists will have grandiose military titles like "Captain of the White Shirts" or "Commander of the Silver scarfs". Royalists will have their old titles of nobility like Baron/Count (Dukes will be awarded over the game), with the addition of an military title if they so desire. Communists have done off with the old standards of military, but still may have colorful titles in that regard. The Republicans may have senators, Mayors, chiefs of staffs or other men lead their armies! Be as creative as you like!)
|Age:|Old enough to shave, young enough to be able to lead an army...simple enough!
|Ethnicity:| (Zengrav has twelfe ethnic groups, yet foreigners may be warlords themselves. The Royalists will be mostly lead by Minga nobility, seldomly by Urza or Quin, who will face an uphill battle. The Nationalists discriminate little against ethnic groups, nor do the republicans or communists)
|Personal Ideology: | (What is your warlords Ideology? What does he strives for? Keep in mind, that your faction kinda narrows down the spectrum you can move your warlords personal ideology. A communist will have a hard time in the ranks of the nationalists, as will a stern royalist in the republicans)
|Influence in the faction: | How powerful is your warlord in his faction! The influence shows how much weight his opinion has, how famous (or infamous) he is, and how much he can hope for leadership...or just take it
|Personality: | (What kind of person is your warlord?)
|His/Her Virtue: | (Give me something good about your warlord! Feel free to take from the seven virtues )
|His/Her Virtue: | (Give me something good about your warlord! Feel free to take from the seven virtues )
|His/Her Sin:| (Give me something bad about your warlord! Feel free to take from the seven sins here )
|History and Background:|
(Give me something meaty to work with here. Where does your warlord come from, where did he go? Feel free to work with your other players, let the leader of your faction appear or otherwise combine stories)
|Armed Forces:|
(Every Warlords power is based in his armed forces. Your creativity has almost no limits here! Some warlords use outside mercenary armies, others local tribal warriors and some even are little more then armed mobs. These fighters are the final base of your warlords power!)
|Their finest hour:|
(When did your Warlord rose above the rest, and stepped into the lamplight? Did he rally the people in an impassioned speech? Provided some diplomatic wonder, or did he fought his way into the spotlight? Show it to us, by doing a little writing example!)
|Their darkest hour:|
(Where there is light, there is also shadow! Where did you warlord failed? Where was he defeated, humiliated or otherwise beaten? Show it to us, by doing a little writing example!)
|Other Important People inside the Clique:|
(Your Warlord is the heart and soul of the Clique, and seldom can anyone hope to replace him! BUT no Clique can work without some people in the second rank! Who are these people?)
We are currently OPEN! You may join us if you want to! Feel free to join the discord and give us a shout!
- - You are playing a member of a faction! You dont need to be the same ideology as the leader, in contrary, you are more then welcome to stride away from it!
- - Ambition brings risk, and your Warlord is not immortal! Dumb decisions kill!
- - You can gain and lose territory for your Clique and even take over your faction over the run of this rp
- - Should you drop out, i would ask you to write a "death post" for your Warlord! Him or her being assassinated is one of the most easy ways to have him/her removed from the story.
- - What I say is final. I am the GM. If I say something, that is what happens. I wish to be a harsh, yet benevolent dictator, don't worry.
- - Follow Guild rules. Be Fonzie cool, no harassment or any of that. If you must have drama, keep it to PMs, or bring in mods.
- - Don't Godmod. Nothing sucks more than someone pulling out a superweapon in the middle of a battle and wiping half an army out without letting the other person respond. If they've agreed to that, that's different, but then that ain't godmodding.
- - This RP is heavily lending from the "Fumes of War" rp, which sadly died. A lot of creativity has been taken from there and belongs to the fantastic writers who build up much of the lore for the other nations. Credit where credit is due!