This is a story that's been in the works for a while. I'd like to thank those who have taken interest in this.
Some more details:
- The removal of your tether whether by force (or let’s say you wound up getting your hand chopped off) would be faced with a curse of death.
- The coup d’état failed for a mysterious reason
- When it comes to communication with one another, some would reunite every other decade while others have isolated themselves from the movement. (You can talk to one another if you would like to be acquaintances before the time that the story begins).
- You will essentially be playing either minor deities or followers of a deity. Either way you've all participated in the revolution for a specific reason.
**Please read the rules before creating your character**
- Follow the fundamental rules of the forum
- No godmodding without permission or power playing. When creating your ability I will determine whether or not it’ll be reasonable. (Yes we are essentially gods but for the purpose of this story power will be limited)
- Please be as active as you are able to:
- If you have not posted in IC for more than a week without any notice or reason given we’ll move on without you. (Most likely killing off your character)
- However, if you are stuck on what to post or need any help at all do not hesitate to send me a PM. I’ll try to help out as much as possible in order to keep this alive and going.
- My standards for this RP:
- It’s a high casual RP so I expect at least 2 paragraphs each post. (aka 10 lines)
So please try to avoid 1-3 lines for a post. - Spelling and grammar should be decent although I’m not a huge stickler, but if every other word in your post is misspelled correctly I’ll have to ask you to edit.
- It’s a high casual RP so I expect at least 2 paragraphs each post. (aka 10 lines)
- Be fair, be nice, be kind. Disputes can be handled in PM, GM has final say. And no trolling. Have fun yo but don't ruin the fun for others.
Please use this sheet format as your CS:
My advice when you are choosing a picture for your character, shoot for semi-realism or real. It would best fit to the story but again, it’s completely up to you.
No need to include a detailed biography as I have something planned for everyone’s first post once we get started.
Here is an example CS you can use as a reference: