I had been frozen and couldn’t move. Before my eyes I saw the others get slain. Green spells shot from the corners of the quarry and upon impact they fell lifeless. I knew I was going to be next and as they fired others come to my aid. Blue shields blocked the attack and I was instantly unfrozen, two witches, Ariel and Emelia had joined my side. Together we fought back our foes and when the area was secured I asked where the rest of their company had gone. They too had been slain. We decided it was best to head south towards town and regroup with the others. On our way we were ambushed by vampyres and Ariel was lost in the fighting. Emelia had been badly injured by a sword and her wound was too deep for me to heal. I levitated her to town hoping to find a healer but there was none. Just a few other injured and tired souls like us. Hoping that healers would soon arrived we waited, Emelia died soon after. Before we could move werewolves had surrounded us and it became impossible to move the wounded, Lycans soon followed so we retreated back into town.

We have fortified and charmed the entrances and all around town those of us that remain are ready to defend. The wounded have been locked away below. We expect that they will launch their attack at night, the coalition has been getting into position all day. Dark wizards and witches, vampyres, and lycans can be seen moving about. Hopefully help arrives soon.

~Last entry of Lucas Manfred a Council of Mages Warlock.

Europa in The Age of 1.0.1




The Isles of Lund

Western Europe

Central Europe:

Eastern Europe