Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The World Undone


“But now, for the first time, I see you are a man like me. I thought of your hand-grenades, of your bayonet, of your rifle; now I see your wife and your face and our fellowship. Forgive me, comrade. We always see it too late. Why do they never tell us that you are poor devils like us, that your mothers are just as anxious as ours, and that we have the same fear of death, and the same dying and the same agony--Forgive me, comrade; how could you be my enemy?”
― Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front

The Known World, analogous to our own but remarkably different. The food almost assuredly tastes the same, the weather can be just as miserable but it is so definitely different as to remain unique. In the Known World, it is the Year of the Nineteen Hundred and Five, with technology settled much the same as our year, in a similarly linear progression that no one need a history lesson here if they are familiar with our own world. The geography may be different, but the men are all the same. Colonialism, imperialism and industrialization have all taken root. The parties and monarchs may have different names but they rule no differently than of our own ancestors. The difference here, is that you set the stage. You help shape the narrative.

Eurania and Faresia, 1905

Turn 1

January, 1905

January 1st: The play The Emerald Dancer opens at the Grand Theatre in Cogoli, Vigentino and begins the first of an anticipated run of 122 performances and numerous revivals throughout the country. So popular is it that head of states of the Helrox Empire, Tyrian Empire and Mashir Sultanate intend to attend showings. It's own problems aside, the play is all anyone in the Holy Empire can talk about for weeks on end. [+1% Legitimacy]

Silvana Golino, the infamous actress of the Emerald Dancer, pictured circa 1904

January 2nd: In 1888, after eight years apprenticeship at his father's watch-making business, Giovanni Mateo started building Wolfram bicycles, so named because Tyrian names had more sales appeal in Vigentino. In October 1898, Giovanni then co-founded Forino GB & C and started producing the Wolfram electric bike in 1899. Its coachwork was by Marcelo Francisco. In July 1899, the Wolfram' plant and patents were sold to Giovanni Mateo who then produced the 4 HP, which became the first ever FEA design. He attached it to a carriage, which he abbreviated to car. The car had a water-cooled 0.7-liter (679 cc) 2-cylinder, rear-mounted engine producing 4.2 horsepower at 800 rpm, coupled with a three-speed gearbox without reversing gear. Its top speed was 35 kilometres per hour. and it had a fuel consumption of 8 litres per 100 kilometres. The Forino Estadi Automobili opens it's doors for business in Cogoli, Vigentino on January 2nd, 1905. Giovanni Mateo unveils the patented Forino 4HP gasoline engine, the first of it's kind. With potential utilization for a "motor car" or for farming mechanization, whether or not it will be successful is the guess of many. More a mechanic than a designer, Mateo's first attempts at a "street car" prove to be unwieldy at best.

F.E.A. logo, circa 1905

January 7th
In a move surprising to many, the City-State of Julia put out a request for a new rifle design to the international community with a requested answer by 1907. Given that it was the armaments capital of the world, many wondered why the nation would look elsewhere for armaments design when it's Mataxi Model 1905 was wide and far considered the best rifle in the known world.

Mataxi Model 1905
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Republic of Paraka-January 1905

The Corruption Persecution of 1905

The Sovereign Freedom Party had won the elections of 1904 with a rather large margin of voters surpassing both the Populists and the Liberal League of Citizens with promises of a better government for the people, to help the development of the country without heavy government involvement. Such was the political platform of Armaq who fought tooth and nail for every vote he had won in the elections. Armaq Talaqo had been born as the son of a plantation owner in the west and had steadily risen in a political career after he saw a case of corruption within his town after the major choose to contract a rather peculiar company over the more trusted local construction company, by the way, they spoke it was clear that they were old friends doing favors.

The major was indeed sued for corruption later on, but the trial was long and the punishment not really of the scale of his misdoing. Thus wishing to put an end to such acts Armaq Talaqo proceeded to seek and persecute cases of corruption within the government, he often called them "Thieving bastards" to all those who would take the money of the people for their own ends.

Many saw this as the start of the government having a firmer hand against corporations and trusts in the country, however, the real results of this new approach was yet to be seen and thus the competitiveness of the president and his new cabinet was at risk of being ridiculed and put to shame, or if they were successful being looked upon as bringers of justice to the country.

President Armaq Talaqo thus prepared for a very busy year as he sought to tackle many big issues within the country.

The Grey Chromium Act of 1905

The lands of the republic while rich in resources had yet to develop to their full capacity, the president wishing to smooth the scarcity of said resource decided to pass an act to make it easier for companies to receive land grants in places where chromium had been found, of course, this was to be closely reviewed by government officials in order to avoid the abuse of this act, needless to say, the act also stipulated that if people were living in the land, the company would have to fullfill a reparation that would cover moving costs among other things for the people living there, this was done in hopes of the companies avoiding to intrude in agricultural land or more urban locations.

It is of note that the industries that used the most of said resources were the newly not so thriving arms industry which was severely lacking in comparison to other industries within the country and to that of the world being severely behind that of countries such as Julia and other Euranian nations.

Shooting Tournaments around the country.

The administration of the Sovereign Freedom party had always been as conservative and isolationist, however, that policy of isolationism didn't mean that the country shouldn't have a strong army or navy, even though these were only to be considered as tools of the government for the protection of the rights and freedoms of its citizens, at least, that was the posture of the SFP and it seemed like it would take a while for the army and navy to get to par with their peers in Eurania.

The first step of the party members was to promote shooting seasonal shooting tournaments within the country in the hopes of attracting more volunteers to the army and to also make the public more familiar with modern weaponry, of course, this needed cooperation with the small arms industry of the country, for this reason, the minister of defense saw it opportune to meet with several of the leading companies both private and state ones, to speak about sponsoring said tournaments. The meeting would take at the capital and depend on how it went, the tournaments may have seen more sponsorship and better prizes.

OOC: +1 to all actions of January
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Tyrian Empire

"Unbowed and Unbroken"
January, 1905

A Treatise on the Government of the Tyrian Empire
By Laurenz von Ostenburg

As written by Count Laurenz von Ostenburg whom in the service of the Imperial Family, has endeavored to chronicle and record every facet of that prestigious gem known as the Empire of Tyria. Whom in this Treatise seeks to enlighten his readers of the long and significant history of the beloved nation. So too, has the Count endeavored to chronicle the governance of the Empire as-well as matters of war and diplomacy, among many other aspects of that happy union of peoples which has thrived under the Wolfram's Crown. In today's expose, of which there will be many more, we will be examining the government of the Kaisertum Tyria.

The Empire of Tyria stands today as one of the continent's great powers, a multinational constitutional monarchy aligned under the Wolfram's Crown. Guiding the Empire stands the Monarch and their government, the Imperial Diet which convenes in the Kamperdown Palace in Landorf. The Imperial Diet serving as the legislator of the Tyrian Empire, is a bicameral body made up of an upper House of Lords and a lower House of Deputies. To become law, bills have to be passed by both houses, signed by the government minister responsible, and then granted royal assent by the Emperor. As befitting an honorable nation such as the Empire however, the Wolfram Monarchs, as appointed by divine mandate, are granted further powers within government. Beyond the right of Royal Assent, the Emperors of Tyria also wield the right to Veto all legislation passed by the Imperial Diet, the power to prorogue or dissolve the Diet and call to new elections aswell as the power to both appoint and dismiss the Prime Minister and Imperial Cabinet should they be found in breach of the Emperor's trust.

An artist's depiction of the Kamperdown Palace in Landorf, circa 1900.

House of Lords
The House of Lords within the Tyrian Empire is the upper house of the Imperial Diet. Like the House of Deputies, it meets in the Palace of Kamperdown. Unlike the elected House of Deputies however, all members of the House of Lords are appointed with membership drawn from the Archdukes of the Imperial House, the Lords Spiritual, Hereditary peers and Life peers. Acting in their capacity as a check to the House of Deputies that is independent from the electoral process, the House of Lords wield powers such as the ability to delay bills and in some circumstances prevent them from passing entirely.

House of Deputies
The House of Deputies is the lower house of the Imperial Diet, it's numbers made up of Deputies elected by the Crown Diets of the varied Crown territories that make up the Tyrian Empire. The number of Deputies each Crown Diet may send to the House of Deputies is directly proportional to the population of the territory that Diet governs at a local level in the name of the Emperor. Members are elected by majority vote with all men over 25 eligible to vote within their Crown Diet. If no candidate receives a majority of the votes, a runoff election is to be held.

It is from within the ranks of the House of Deputies that the Prime Minister and the Imperial Cabinet are elected with royal assent from the monarch.

Current Imperial Cabinet of 1905
- Prime Minister: Steffen von Kohlhas
- Minister for War: Field Marshal Hans von Mollard (Not elected but appointed by the Emperor)
- Foreign Minister: Alexander von Koller
- Minister for Finance: Ludvik Bauer
- Minister for Infrastructure: Ruldof von Morzin
- Minister for Labour: Moritz Pitreich
- Minister for Food: Otto von Wyntersburg
- Minister for Public Health & Social Care: Joseph von Gallina

OOC: +1 to all actions of January
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Holy Empire of Vigentino - January 1905

Pope Carlo Bocci was an old man, having seen more than seventy years pass during his life, twenty of those as Pope and de facto leader of the Holy Empire of Vigentino. He had seen empires rise and fall, the borders of the nations around him shifting, but the one perpetual had been his burning faith. Through all the trials of his life; the death of his parents; the struggles that priesthood in the Holy Empire brought with it; the trials of his faith; and the wars that raged both around, and throughout Vigentino. Despite his age, he still held his head high, walking proudly and giving off an aura of inner strength that contrasted with his frail form.

The Pope was more of a figurehead to the Holy Empire. While still a pivotal figure within the nation, over the years he had taken to leaving the running of Vigentino to a handful of ministers, who wielded power in his name. Under their reign, the Holy Empire had thrived. Cogoli was one of the most cultural city across the Known World, a boiling pot of different cultures and professions that allowed for innovation to blossom. When he was a younger man, Carlo Bocci had spent long days wandering the cities streets, breathing in the scents, sounds, and bright colours around every corner. Now that he was an older, more important man, he sometimes yearned for that freedom, watching the city move beneath him from his chambers within the High Cathedral.

But it was not in the High Cathedral that the Pope now found himself, but within the Grand Theatre, deep within the heart of Cogoli. Carlo’s position meant he did not often find time to visit the theatre, nor was he himself an overwhelming fan of the plays and opera’s that passed through the Holy Empire, but he knew that what he saw before him was special. ‘The Emerald Dancer’ had become a sensation almost overnight, and as the Pope watched Silvana Golino move across the stage, her face an ever shifting mask of emotion, he lived every moment as she did. When the play drew to a close, he applauded without thinking, and when the young actress bowed towards the top box, where the Pope sat with his gathered ministers, Carlo nodded his head towards her in gracious thanks and praise.

He smiled, even as he was carefully escorted by a handful of his bodyguards, through the theatre and out to where his carriage was waiting for him. Stepping inside, he turned to watch the city pass as the carriage returned to the High Cathedral. He smiled again. A new age was coming, he could feel it in the air.

OOC: +1 to all actions
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TrippyNightmare
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TrippyNightmare 𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔯

Member Seen 29 min ago

Sat on top of his throne was Viscount Zach Nato, the eccentric and aging leader of the City-State of Julia pondered in thought. Founded by his family, The Nato blood line had built the city from the ground up. The city was rich in history, a trading hub, multicultural as well as it being a corporate-friendly environment it allowed some of the greatest minds to produce world-changing equipment. Most recently it was Triple M and SEM who created cost affordable, effective and battle proven rifles. It beat their competitors and would surely be used by many nations and mercenary groups.

His thoughts of profit was interrupted by Minister Jericho Galloway, he had another proposal a scheme more like it. "We have to increase our coal and agriculture industry, this will help reduce our deficits and improve quality of life for visitors and citizens." Nato waves him away. "Go ahead, be done with it." He says as Galloway scurries off to begin the preparations.

Minister Troye Darcy of the army came in later on while Viscount Nato was engaged in his usual 'planning'. Darcy was a no-nonsense general, having led defenses against bandits and enemy forces before. He was serious, really serious. "My liege I must confess that we could use another wonder-maker... Just like the corporations we have, there must be someone out there who may can aid us in making and refining out rifles... I propose we send out a two-year contract for a 1907 rifle and a six month for a modification for the 1905SEM. In turn if the designs and prototypes are good we can adapt and then bring a corporation or genius who may fall into our laps".

Nato waved off the Minister "Then let it be done, we shall see what the international community thinks.. Should anyone rival us, then they should join us less they starve unknown to the world of their greatness."

Nato was doubtful of the results, but he'd rather appease his minister than to tell him off.

(+3 on ECO roll)
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The World Undone


“But now, for the first time, I see you are a man like me. I thought of your hand-grenades, of your bayonet, of your rifle; now I see your wife and your face and our fellowship. Forgive me, comrade. We always see it too late. Why do they never tell us that you are poor devils like us, that your mothers are just as anxious as ours, and that we have the same fear of death, and the same dying and the same agony--Forgive me, comrade; how could you be my enemy?”
― Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front

The Known World, analogous to our own but remarkably different. The food almost assuredly tastes the same, the weather can be just as miserable but it is so definitely different as to remain unique. In the Known World, it is the Year of the Nineteen Hundred and Five, with technology settled much the same as our year, in a similarly linear progression that no one need a history lesson here if they are familiar with our own world. The geography may be different, but the men are all the same. Colonialism, imperialism and industrialization have all taken root. The parties and monarchs may have different names but they rule no differently than of our own ancestors. The difference here, is that you set the stage. You help shape the narrative.

Eurania and Faresia, 1905

Turn 1

January, 1905
January 9th
Nearly driven mad by the order of having to trade with other nations, the Holy Empire of Vigentino was ordered, very concisely (with the words whatever it takes) to increase coal production. The summarily and hastily written Extraction Act of 1905 was passed, stripping work hour regulations from coal mines and what bare safety permits were present to increase coal production. Miners showing up to work on January 10th would find their work shifts had gone from eight to eleven hours, and that many former safety precautions (requiring a helmet before being allowed to enter a mine) were no longer present. Those who protested were fired. Whether or not this would reveal an increase in coal production in the coming months was unknown.

January 12th
President Armaq Talaqo orders the prosecution of nearly thirty different politicians with the Talaqo Administration for bribery, laundering money and corruption. The first case begins today, and because of it, several more whistleblowers come forward accusing others, including the Minister of Finance, of severe corruption in the administration. [-1 Corruption in Republic of Paraka.]

January 13th
In the Tyrian Empire, the Imperial Defence Act is passed to subsidize several prominent armaments industries. While bringing these companies under state control would mean their ability to procure and noticeably control small arms in the future, falling under the umbrella of government control would undoubtedly stifle innovation as their ability to operate in the international market was now gone. An addendum to the Imperial Defence Act made a request for a sizable increase in arms production for the coming months, totaling nearly $7,000,000 in expenditures.

January 14th
"And I say again to you brothers, sisters, whose land does Methyrnia belong to, I say?" The man preaching from the street side pulpit was agitator Etelo Scianno, a minor politician in the City-State of Julia and known war hawk. "How long have these resources been held and used and exploited by the Vigentinians? For too long we have been held in debt by our inability to expand our industry. But no longer!" Scianno, a leading member on the Committee for Natural Resources was put in charge of solving the problem of Julia's minimal resources. His solution: resources stripped from Julia in the 18th century during a half dozen territorial wars. Methyrnia, mostly Julian in it's population, was rich in chromium and petrol but had belonged to Vigentino since 1733.

"Vigentino has long been our foe. Vigentino has long coveted our factories, our lifeblood." Shouts came from the crowd. More gathered. Flyers were hung. And on January 15th the headline on the Julian Centrist read: JULIANS SEEK JUSTICE. [+1 Tensions between Holy Empire of Vigentino and City-State of Julia.]
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago

High Kingdom of Itherae

The High Kingdom of Itherae, within the bounds of its power, seeks to expand coal production and increase national production so that the nation no longer uses more of the invaluable resource that it uses. That is where the government has stepped in. The Supra Dobranie, the legislative branch of the government with 105 seats filled with politicians voted in from around the country, has worked in tangent with her majesty, Queen Athena, to approve of the expansion of Coal mines all throughout the countryside more as a long term solution to the problem they immediately faced. Though the problem they faced was time as they would not be able to rely upon this method in order to turn the deficit for what may be many months or even years for the Kingdom. While imports were considered, many nationalist elements within the Supra Dobranie criticized the idea that if they could not rely upon themselves for the basic production of a resource that they might as well not be an independent nation.

While seemingly extreme, these politicians swayed the view of the idea very steadily until they had the majority or others simply lost the will to object to the view any longer. However, this did not solve the problem that the nation faced. That is where politician Proetus Meles, a fifty-nine year old hailing from the Kingdom's capital, Thermydon, drafted the Coal Rationing Act of 1905. The act stated that, "In order to preserve the nation's coal supply, until the deficit has been lifted or otherwise stated, a government mandated ration is to be placed for the usage and sale of coal..." Thus all coal is subject to governmental control for the time being, though none wish to see a likely fall in production from the nation's factories. This act would later be signed by Queen Athena herself and made the act officially passed.

While many do not wish to see coal limited, it is a reality they must accept, especially with the Queen's backing. Corporate heads especially dislike the rationing as they view it a threat to their production and profits, however there is little they can do against it as the Queen's signature has sealed the fate of the act. Luckily, the act would only be a temporary solution to the larger problem, hopefully allowing the nation to recover from the deficit in a timely manner.

(+1 to all Rolls)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The World Undone


“But now, for the first time, I see you are a man like me. I thought of your hand-grenades, of your bayonet, of your rifle; now I see your wife and your face and our fellowship. Forgive me, comrade. We always see it too late. Why do they never tell us that you are poor devils like us, that your mothers are just as anxious as ours, and that we have the same fear of death, and the same dying and the same agony--Forgive me, comrade; how could you be my enemy?”
― Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front

The Known World, analogous to our own but remarkably different. The food almost assuredly tastes the same, the weather can be just as miserable but it is so definitely different as to remain unique. In the Known World, it is the Year of the Nineteen Hundred and Five, with technology settled much the same as our year, in a similarly linear progression that no one need a history lesson here if they are familiar with our own world. The geography may be different, but the men are all the same. Colonialism, imperialism and industrialization have all taken root. The parties and monarchs may have different names but they rule no differently than of our own ancestors. The difference here, is that you set the stage. You help shape the narrative.

Eurania and Faresia, 1905

Turn 1

January, 1905
January 16th
Emperor Adalar von Wolfram of the Tyrian Empire visits Cogoli, Vigentino in anticipation of a showing of the "Emerald Dancer." While there, he visited with the Mashiran Sultan, Abdul II. A quick friendship was made, as both Adalar and Abdul spoke fluent Helroxi.

January 17th
Forino Estadi Automobili, given incremental assistance from the Vigentinian government and a subsidy of nearly $50,000, continues development of it's Forino 4HP. Owner and inventor Giovanni Mateo did not wait for any production orders domestically or abroad before continuing development of the first world built petrol motor. Instead, he went to work perfecting the device, implementing fine tuning elements and working to increase the capacity. [FEA Point spent on Engines.]

January 20th
In the High Kingdom of Itherae, the Coal Rationing Act of 1905 is passed with an intention to decrease current coal consumption by 10 to 15%. Whether or not it would be immediately successful would have to be seen. Without an active trade partner, many local manufactories in Itherae could not remain open and it's employees were put out onto the streets.

January 24th
An invitation for seasonal shooting tournaments in the Republic of Paraka ends with 1,107 participants and an increase in recruitment in the Parakan Republic Army by 415 men. The estimated cost to have hosted nearly two weeks of tournaments across the country is $44,000,000. Many argue that the Gun and Prize Act is a long term investment and it's results could not be measured by it's short term success. [Parakan Republic Army gains 415 men. -$44,000,000.]

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SonOfALich
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Toubres Empire

Empress Maia Bastos closed her eyes, feeling the warmth of the sun on her face, hearing the purr of the engines beneath her, and smelling the salt in the air as the modest ship cut through the ocean. For the last three years, Maia had spent much of her time in the cluster of islands collectively known as the Toubrian Cyraxis’, and her skin had been bronzed by long days in the sun. She had not returned to the Empire’s homeland, to Amzores for long months, growing sick of the corruption that had begun to fester there under her father, the Emperor Adriano. But now her father was dead, and she was returning as an Empress.

Opening her eyes, Maia looked out across the water. In the distance, she could make out the winding coastline of her homeland, and she felt a slight shiver run down her spine. A shout from the starboard of the ship caught her attention, and she turned to see a Toubrian warship pull alongside her own vessel, the two crews hailing each other. She shook her head, turning away slightly to watch the coastline draw closer, her attention focussed on the dark shape of Amzores, built in a natural bay. Another Toubrian warship detached itself from the handful docked in the grand harbour of the city and steamed towards them. When she would enter the city, it would be with an honour guard fitting of her new position and title.

Sensing a presence at her shoulder, Maia turned to see that Vicenti Queiros had joined her at the ships rail. A weathered man, his skin hardened by long years under the sun, and on the sea, the young Empress had refused to leave the Cyraxis’ without him. He had been a tutor to her at first, but he had soon become like a father, and was her truest friend, and one of the few people she allowed herself to trust.
In return, he had come to love her as a daughter, swearing his service to her. Feeling her looking at him, Vicenti turned and nodded in respect. Maia waved away his courtesy with one hand before frowning slightly.

“I do not have fond memories of Amzores, Vicenti.”

The older man was silent for a moment, turning back to watch the city as they continued to draw closer to it.

“Neither do I, Maia. But now you have power at your back.”

A smile crept across Maia’s pretty face.

“And I plan to use it.”

OOC: +1 to all actions.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The World Undone


“But now, for the first time, I see you are a man like me. I thought of your hand-grenades, of your bayonet, of your rifle; now I see your wife and your face and our fellowship. Forgive me, comrade. We always see it too late. Why do they never tell us that you are poor devils like us, that your mothers are just as anxious as ours, and that we have the same fear of death, and the same dying and the same agony--Forgive me, comrade; how could you be my enemy?”
― Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front

The Known World, analogous to our own but remarkably different. The food almost assuredly tastes the same, the weather can be just as miserable but it is so definitely different as to remain unique. In the Known World, it is the Year of the Nineteen Hundred and Five, with technology settled much the same as our year, in a similarly linear progression that no one need a history lesson here if they are familiar with our own world. The geography may be different, but the men are all the same. Colonialism, imperialism and industrialization have all taken root. The parties and monarchs may have different names but they rule no differently than of our own ancestors. The difference here, is that you set the stage. You help shape the narrative.

Eurania and Faresia, 1905

Turn 1

January, 1905
January 25th
In the quaint Republic of Ustrela, brother and sister Emilia and Sebastian de Halt stood, overlooking a wide and grassy plain that rolled in quiet waves. The blades of grass shifted under the strong currents of wind. "Are you ready, brother?" She asked, watching him strap into the device near the apex of the hill. He nodded the affirmative. She raised a hand and he struck a pose. The camera flashed. Satisfied the eleventh attempt was now documented, he took off at a full sprint down the hill, his arms working the device.

Sebastian de Halt in the De Halt Flyer I, circa 1905

The wind caught, but just barely and yanked him from the ground. He angled and banked, barely crossing the ground. By Emilia's count, he was airbone for forty-two seconds and flew nearly three hundred sixty feet. The landing, more like a forced skid that nearly wrecked the flyer, ended with a set of bruised ribs. Man's future laid in the clouds, but only the de Halt siblings knew it. [The Republic of Ustrela discovers Heavier than Air Flight.]

January 26th
In the Republic of Paraka the Chromium Act is passed, hoping to allow future chromium deposits. Until new chromium deposits were discovered however, the lasting effects of allowing land grants within the vast Parakan territory would be unknown.

January 27th
The government of the Helrox Empire places an order for a month's worth of Syndére machine guns after several orders are botched. The factory given the contract predicts 53 machine guns a day can be cranked out, but it's uncertain whether these lofty production goals will be achieved.

Syndére machine gun blueprints supplied to the Helroxi factory for license production, 1905

The mechanism of the Syndére gun employed one of the earliest recoil-operated firing systems in history. The idea is that the energy from recoil acting on the breech block is used to eject each spent cartridge and insert the next one, instead of a hand-operated mechanism. Syndére’s earliest designs used a 360-degree rotating cam to reverse the movement of the block, but this was later simplified to a toggle lock. This made it vastly more efficient and less labor-intensive than previous rapid-firing guns, such as the Parakan Veltruse, Tetring, Engner, or Sudenhuber, that relied on actual mechanical cranking. The Syndére gun design was provided with water cooling, giving it the ability to maintain its rate of fire for far longer than air-cooled guns. The disadvantage of this was that it made the gun less flexible in attack than the lighter air-cooled weapons, being heavier and more complex, and requiring a supply of water.

Trials demonstrated that the Syndére could fire 600 rounds per minute. The Syndére was heavy, bulky, and awkward. A lone soldier could fire the weapon, but it was usually operated by a team of men, usually 4 to 6. Apart from the gunner, other crew were needed to speed reload, spot targets, and carry and ready ammunition and water. Several men were needed to move or mount the heavy weapon.

January 28th
In the High Kingdom of Itherae, the small arms company Leonidian Manufacturing finishes a patent on basic stabilization technology for rifles and potential rapid fire automatic guns.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Republic of Ustrela

A house divided

For the second time in the history of the republic the nation stands on the brink of civil war. The death of President Marcos Andrade less than a year into his term had placed the current President Armando Prats into power. A controversial figure, he had polled an astonishingly dismal 12% approval rating due to scandals regarding his connections to anarchist figures such as the infamous Diego Cazalla. These rumors have consequently destabilized President Armando Prats’ regime, resulting in desperate attempts to spur a sense of nationalism and pride within the people of Ustrela.

Meanwhile conservatives rally behind Fernando Costa, a popular figure during the campaign against the late President Marcos Andrade. Fernando maintains powerful allies throughout the national congress and the Ustrelian armed forces. Whispers of a potential coup are growing in legitimacy, creating a great deal of unrest from the public.

Keeping on track

A key promise during the late President Marcos Andrade’s campaign was a significant overhaul to the national railway system. Hundreds of villages throughout the republic have remained isolated from major urban centers, hundreds more deposits of national resources untouched, and vital territories along the outskirt of the nation inaccessible.

Barely passing with a majority within the national congress, the Ustrelian Railway Act of 1905 has gone into full effect. Aiming to interconnect hundreds of communities within the nation to major urban centers. Railway companies interested in carrying out the operation are requested to submit a bid alongside project proposals, estimated expenditure on the project, alongside a proposed completion date.

Representative Julio Carballal, who formally proposed the initiative within the national congress commented in the popular news paper The Viande Times “Though his passing was both unprecedented and unfortunate, President Marcos Andrade dreamt of a nation united. Thanks to the Prats administration this dream can finally accomplished.”

Lights, camera, action

The blossoming film industry, while relatively young, has gained immense popularity among the upper and middle class. General Rodrigo López, a fan of this innovation, has commissioned the creation of a film titled “Life of a military man.” The studio Cine-ojo is set to begin production immediately, though several have begun to question the benefits of the investment due to the inherent unpredictability of young industries. The studio, consisting of Emilio Carita, his brother Juan, and his wife Amelia, are set to arrive in Fort Costa and spend a period of three weeks filming the lives of the Ustrelian soldier.

OOC: +1 to all rolls
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jolteon
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Jolteon No mother its just the northern lights.

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Confederation of Hokkan-Shirito

A decade of death for a millennium of life.

The world, for many other nations, had suddenly become very busy. New inventions, new interactions, new deals, and new tensions. It would certainly be a worry for Mikkado(Translation: First Emperor) Tento Shinderotto if he had to hurriedly read through all of the news so that he would gain an edge over rival nations. But Shinderotto did not even have a headache, and leisurely looked through reports of foreign peoples and nations instead. He was at the helm of an expansive nation, dwarfed only by Helrox, with a population that would intimidate any other nation including Helrox, and most importantly the Confederation was Faresian and thus would be ignored by the Euranians as long as it wanted to be.

And yet the Mikkado was not bored at all, but rather busy in most aspects other than foreign affairs, and even that was to change.

While it had been ten years since the unification, the country had been stagnant in all manners except reconstruction of the damaged lands and incorporation of the previous 7 countries into 5 states under a single, strong government. As a result the new nation was outdated, underdeveloped, and isolated. The Mikkado decided to change that.

He sent for Liu Jiang, a 35 year old who was an extremely young but extremely skilled diplomat during the Iron Dokkan Massacre and the final Hokkan-Shirito Solution a decade ago, and had maintained his position as diplomat ever since. He was sent to Itherae to 'refresh his diplomatic skills against a nation that has an admirable military that would probably make good trainers for ours, but poses no threat to us whatsoever should the meeting go south'.

However upon arriving officials and a representative of the kingdom meet Jian with enthusiasm, seeking to obtain coal and establish basic relations. A deal was struck with little issue and both representatives left the table happy that things went so smoothly.

Once Jiang had left the throne room, it felt empty once more which only brought Shinderotto's mind back to the underdeveloped state of the nation. On the table there were articles documenting the miracles of the motor and the even more impressive human flight. Even though he wasn't yet competing with the other nations, times were changing and advancing and he needed to catch up.

He called the parliament into secession after drafting three new laws and worked with them to refine them into two acts that would set the foundations for a 20th century Confederation.

With the Parliament's unneeded approval (both because the parliament created the acts and because the emperor can technically go over the parliament) the two acts would go into action. Shinderotto now had to wait to see how well his improvements to the economy and military preformed.

1: +1 to all actions
2: Clarified that road construction includes and is mainly preformed by the government
3: Clarified that military personnel and paid volunteers will work on research and development of shipyards.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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The World Undone


Eurania and Faresia, 1905

The Fifth Continent, 1905

Turn 1

January, 1905
January 29th
In the Republic of Ustrela, the Segaso car company is started by Francisco Pereilla. He unveils the Modello 1, the world's "unofficial" first city car. Powered by the Segaso Systéme 3.2HP motor, Pereilla's invention on the Fifth Continent is lauded as a massive success and by the end of January, 306 units are sold at an average cost of $709, achievable only by those with large enough pocket books.

Segaso Modello 1, 1905

In the High Kingdom of Itherae an imperial edict to expand her coal mines is issued under the pretense of possible autarky. The long term results are yet to be determined, but construction work gets underway on expanding nearly half a dozen already existing coal mines.

January 30th
In the Toubrés Empire, Diego Mendez sails to Etelia to speak with King Armando di Mavoia IV, the 21 year old king of the Kingdom of Etelia. While trade negotiations are dashed due to worker strikes in her major cities, Etelia sends Diego Mendez back home with offer of a Non-Aggression Pact lasting no longer than 5 years which would simultaneously extend to all colonial holdings. It would be up to the Toubrian government to accept, decline or counter offer. On the same day, Raul Ferraira left the Empire of Sessau with offer of a Military Alliance lasting 8 years with promises of a declaration of war in the case of attack by an ally. It would be up to the Toubrian government to accept, decline or counter offer.

January 31st
In the Empire of Vigentino, the small arms manufacturing company Fabbrica d'Armi Pietro Turano finishes a patent on a pair of stabilizing grips for long rifles and a set of bipod legs for scoped rifles.

In the Confederation of Hokkan-Shirito, funding for the development of new shipyards is begun, as well as the Essential Road Construction Act. It will be many months until the fruits of this labor is finally seen.

End of January
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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The World Undone


Eurania and Faresia, 1905

The Fifth Continent, 1905

Turn 2

February, 1905
February 1st
Operating as an entirely stated owned industry, Imperial Armouries of the Tyrian Empire finishes it's prototype Austerf MG 05/1. An almost exact replica of the Syndére from the neighboring Helrox Empire, the MG 05 was specifically designed to be a lightweight and more portable version. A lightened and thus more portable version — produced by "stepping-down" the upper rear and lower forward corners of the original MG 05's rectangular-outline receiver and breech assembly, and reducing the cooling jacket's diameter to 92.5 millimeters — was tested as a prototype in January by a team of weapon designers under the direction of Austerf der Wachat, the Imperial Design Bureau—the MG 05/1.

The MG 05/1 had been designed to be manned by three trained infantrymen spread on the ground around the gun and in the prone position. To accomplish that purpose, the MG 05/1 featured a short bipod rather than a heavy four-legged sled mount, plus a wooden gunstock and a pistol grip. At 18 kg, the MG 05/1 was lighter and less cumbersome than the standard MG 05, since the MG 05/1 had been designed to provide increased mobility of infantry automatic fire. It nevertheless remained a bulky water-cooled weapon that was quite demanding on the quality and training of its crews.

Tyrian MG 05/1 drawing from December, 1904

February 2nd
The Sallas-Jiang Trade Deal is finalized after a week and a half of negotiations by the Confederation of Hokkan-Shirito and the High Kingdom of Itherae. Given a lack of specificity, the trade is brought overland through Tyria and Helrox.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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High Kingdom of Itherae

Diplomacy was a great tool for those who knew how to use it for the word was more powerful than many weapons that had been invented in these days, a fact Itherae was fully ready to utilize to advance itself as it sat between a great power, a large republic, and happened to sit just above the Commonwealth of Marn. It's placement in the world was to be surrounded by those who would wish to do it harm, and if any great war would to start, it would be started by some damned country near them. Thus, they needed to maintain a certain stability in the region so that war was no on their doorstep. It was for that reason and that reason alone that they sent envoy Herodes Pittheus to the nation of Cydernia in order to preserve the stability of the region with a Non-aggression pact.

The High Kingdom would love for themselves to not be dragged into some blasted thing, that was the only reason that they would extent their kindness beyond their borders. Plus the Queen did not precisely trust the other world's leaders to uphold the peace that the world was currently experiencing, especially no nation close to the Helrox Empire. Though it was amongst the greatest powers of the world with a presence in the seas close to Itherae and even the Kingdom's bordering nation the Tyrian Empire which would allow for a future of diplomacy between the two nations to halt Helrox expansion should that empire feel the need to go on the warpath again once more.

Other than the (somewhat) paranoid views of the government, the majority of Itheraens were indifferent with other nations, nor did many in the nation feel the need to expand the national borders, including the Queen herself. Of course there were those in the Tyrian and Sessauan communities that would like to see themselves in the their respective borders that was considered an extremely low minority for those people in those already minority groups.

In other areas of the Kingdom, the group hoped to establish trade with nations nearby, despite their autarky views. With eyes set to Yognir to the north, the Itheraen Kingdom may be able to lessen their shortage by a considerable margin when the trade between themselves and the Faresian Confederation eventually began.

(+1 to all orders)
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

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The Tyrian Empire

"Unbowed and Unbroken"
February, 1905

Never Again Defeat

The Imperial Minister for War, Field Marshal Hans von Mollard cut a dashing figure today before the Imperial Diet. Garbed in full military dress and armed with a bristling mustache, he sung the praises of the Imperial Defence Act, a piece of legislation he had been directly responsible for and one which had been successfully pushed through the Imperial Diet to be made law in the previous month. Known as the Emperor's blunt instrument in politics, the Field Marshal who had earned renown during the Tyro-Helroxian War had not been elected but appointed directly by the Emperor to his current position, to some observers this was a testament to the monarch's increasing desire to take a more active role in matters of the military. Before the assembled House, the Field Marshal had this to say:

"Through the passing of this bill we have taken a step towards assuring this grand nation's place in the world. Not since five years ago has this nation been tested and in that incident we were found wanting, I am here to promise that in my capacity as Minister for War I will assure that Tyria will never again know defeat. Never again will we be forced to endure living in the shadow of another nation in disgrace, for we shall be a leading light in this world, righting the wrongs committed against us and the anvil against which any foe who would seek to test us will break. Such is my promise to the Emperor and this government.

Now I am also here to remind you gentlemen, that in our efforts to assure the defense of this nation we will have to do more. I am speaking of complete rearmament, an endeavor which I trust this government will support for the alternative is to risk peril. Make no mistake my friends, this is a path we must take to ensure the sanctity of this nation and her rightful place as a great power against the baying wolves who would see her humbled. God save the Emperor! God save Tyria!"

The Field Marshal's speech has earned varied responses from within the Imperial Diet, with monarchists, conservatives and notable warhawks praising the emboldened direction of the Ministry for War while members from the liberal benches continue to decry the idea of increased budgetary expenditure on the military as preposterous with more radical members declaring the military a relic of a bygone age.

Portrait of Field Marshal Hans von Mollard, Imperial Minister for War, Circa 1905

OOC: +1 to all actions of February

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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The World Undone


Eurania and Faresia, 1905

The Fifth Continent, 1905

Turn 2

February, 1905
February 3rd
In the Cydernian Republic, protests over Prime Minister Hataxuris' decision to cease grain exportation under the desire for autarky in agriculture leads to the February Strike, with farmers and rural workers flocking to the cities. Law enforcement is called out to maintain order and in a brief scuffle, three men are shot with one dead.

Cydernian February Strike, 1905

The strikes are temporarily ended but the leaders decide they will continue until the Prime Minister begins exporting much needed grain again.

February 4th
In the City-State of Julia, the weapons manufacturer Thamber Corp finalizes theoretical blueprints on a 106mm fixed artillery piece capable of firing a shell over half a mile. [Thamber Corp Specialization Point added to Heavy Weapons.]

February 5th
Military officers of the High Kingdom of Itherae set sail for the Confederation of Hokkan-Shiroto as per the Sallas-Jiang Trade Deal, they are expected to arrive at the end of the month to begin training the Confederate Army.

On the same day, the Empire of Toubrés launches the ETS Sadamastor, the first of her kind, a Sadamastor-class battleship and the largest in the world. ETS Sadamastor was laid down at E.N.V.C. Shipyard on October 14th, 1903, launched on February 5th, 1905, and planned to finish trials in June, 1905.

Although Sadamastor of the Sadamastor-class was a direct descendant of the Vincente class, they were also the first class to make a significant departure from the Vincente design, displacing about 1,000 tons more and mounting for the first time an intermediate battery of four 9.2-inch (234 mm) guns in addition to the standard outfit of 6-inch (152 mm) guns. The 9.2-inch was a quick-firing gun like the 6-inch, and its heavier shell made it a formidable weapon by the standards of the day when Sadamastor was designed; it was adopted out of concerns that Toubrian battleships were undergunned for their displacement and were becoming outgunned by foreign battleships that had begun to mount 8-inch (203 mm) intermediate batteries. The four 9.2-inch were mounted in single turrets abreast the foremast and mainmast, and Sadamastor thus could bring two of them to bear on either broadside. Even then, Sadamastor was criticized for not having a uniform secondary battery of 9.2-inch guns, something considered but rejected because of the length of time it would have taken to design the ships with such a radical revision of the secondary armament layout. In the end, it proved impossible to distinguish 12-inch and 9.2-inch shell splashes from one another, making fire control impractical for ships mounting both calibers, although Sadamastor had fire-control platforms on her fore- and mainmasts rather than the fighting tops of earlier classes.

Like all Toubrian battleships since the Vincente class, the Sadamastor had four 12-inch (305 mm) guns in two twin turrets (one forward and one aft). Mounting of the 6-inch guns in casemates was abandoned in Sadamastor, the 6-inch instead being placed in a central battery amidships protected by 7-inch (178 mm) armoured walls. Otherwise, Sadamastor's armour was much as in the Azmores-class battleships, although there were various differences in detail from the Azmores.

Sadamastor was the first Toubrian battleship with balanced rudders since the 1870s and were very maneuverable, with a tactical diameter of 340 yards (310 m) at 15 kn (28 km/h). However, they were difficult to keep on a straight course, and this characteristic led to them being nicknamed "the Wobbly Girl" during her sea trials. She had a slightly faster roll than previous Toubrian battleship classes, but had good gun platforms, although very wet in bad weather.

Primarily powered by coal, Sadamastor had oil sprayers installed during her construction, the first time this had been done in Toubrian battleships. These allowed steam pressure to be rapidly increased, improving Sadamastor's acceleration.

ETS Sadamastor on sea trials, February, 1905

February 6th
The High Kingdom of Itherae orders production of Type 91 rifles, they are slated to be finished by the end of the month. Like the Kaiser 1891 rifle, the Type 91 uses two front-locking lugs to lock up the action. However, the Type 91's lugs lock in the horizontal position, whereas the Kaiser locks vertically. The Type 91 bolt body is multi-piece whereas the Kaiser is one piece. The Kaiser uses interchangeable bolt heads like the Helroxi Toshterin K1888. Unlike the Kaiser, which uses a "controlled feed" bolt head in which the cartridge base snaps up under the fixed extractor as the cartridge is fed from the magazine, the Type 91 has a "push feed" recessed bolt head in which the spring-loaded extractor snaps over the cartridge base as the bolt is finally closed. Like the Kaiser, the Type 91 uses a blade ejector mounted in the receiver. The Kaiser bolt is removed by simply pulling it fully to the rear of the receiver and squeezing the trigger, while the Mauser has a bolt stop lever separate from the trigger.

Like the Kaiser, the bolt lift arc on the Type 91 is 90 degrees, versus 60 degrees on the Toshterin K1888. The Mauser bolt handle is at the rear of the bolt body and locks behind the solid rear receiver ring. The Type 91 bolt handle is similar to the Ustrelan MLR-1 Rifle: It is attached to a protrusion on the middle of the bolt body, which serves as a bolt guide, and it locks protruding out of the ejection/loading port in front of a split rear receiver ring, also serving a similar function to Kaiser's "third" or "safety" lug.

The rifling of the Type 91 barrel is right turning (clockwise looking down the rifle) 4-groove with a twist of 1:9.5" or 1:10". The 5-round fixed metallic magazine can either be loaded by inserting the cartridges singly, or more often in military service, by the use of 5-round stripper clips.

Breakdown of the Itheraen LR Type 91 Rifle, circa 1894

February 7th
  • In the City-State of Julia, the Julian Independent Army begins Operation Sunrise, accomplishing it's military perimeters with ruthless efficiency and without errors.
  • In Toubrian Serranthia, the Mullah Kahmar Mustafa announces his rebellion of the Tehmig people. His first act of rebellion is an ambush of the coastal fort Porto Guimarães and it's 280 man garrison. With nearly 1,100 men, he assaults the small town, killing 91 and taking the rest prisoner. Following his victory at Porto Guimarães, Mustafa's warriors leave the city--with it's prisoners in tow--back east into the desert. [Tehmig Rebellion begins in Toubrian Serranthia.]

    Mullah Kahmar Mustafa, circa 1901

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TrippyNightmare
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TrippyNightmare 𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔯

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Operation Sunrise was a go, what was it exactly? No on really knew outside of the Viscount and his board of Generals. Old men from his father's generation but they were still ready to serve faithfully. They knew how to run the army, and how to run a fight but perhaps they were outdated. Regardless, they were needed - required by the people to fulfill their duties. It had been earlier this month when the Viscount had called a general meeting - a meeting that rarely happens. Everyone showed up, the wrinkled old faces of the men sat at the table as the young, cool and calculated leader spoke on a very special plan. Not a word was leaked from the room on strict orders, it was on a need to know basis.

On the business end of the bureaucracy was some diplomatic meetings, in the shadows and back rooms. As of yet nothing had occurred, no magical trade deals or alliances. However, the Vignentino ordeal appeared to be put on back burner while big issues were dealt with. Like technological developments, yes it was time to advance in the world once again. A few signatures later Zach Nato authorized more work to be done with the corporations of Julia - this time Thamber and SEM. Thamber Corp, in their ever-growing ambition, would go to build a special piece of artillery for the highest bidder.

Eventually, as for SEM they would work on the next rifle for the next major war. Something far East was kicking off, so the telegrams say - good timing to invest in the future. In the end one of the Major 5 will come to Julia for premium, cost affordable weaponry when the shit hits the fan Julia will be there to fan it. Zach stood out to the balcony overlooking the sprawling city of Julia, holding a glass of Julian Wine he took a sip. His son Zach Nato the II stood close by as his father began to speak. "It's all coming to plan Zachariah, soon the world will change for the better."

Far better engrossed in other things, Prince Zachariah ran over sales and statistics for Triple M.

"Yes father." The young sixteen year old said.

(+2 Military Action)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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The World Undone


Eurania and Faresia, 1905

The Fifth Continent, 1905

Nation Snapshot
Cydernian Republic

Capital: Sovachevitsa
Head of State: Prime Minister Iosef Hataxuris (67)
Population: 1,150,000
GDP Per Capita: $1,291
GDP: $1,484,650,000

Having gained independence in 1821, the Cydernian Republic has lived precariously on the Euranian continent under the nickname of the Crossroads to East and West. An amalgamation of Helroxi, Tyrian, Itheraen and Marnish cultures, the Cydernian identity itself has become more a conflagration of language, attitude and ideology in the last eighty years. Cydernia is a trade hub only by accident, as to get anywhere, you probably have to pass through Cydernia.

Following a conservative ideology that saw through to both a non-aggression pact and a defensive military alliance in 1897 with the Tyrian Empire, Cydernia was briefly embroiled in the Tyro-Helroxi War (1899-1900) where the Corpo Cydernia Centralis or Triple C was sent as an independent volunteer brigade attached under the 14th Imperial Army against the Helroxi. Her punishment was punitive debts that were only just paid off in the winter of 1904. The following election just after New Years saw the ultra conservative Iosef Hataxuris of the Cydernǎgarsko Natsionalno Dvizhenie (Cydernian Nationalist Party) win in a landslide victory.

Cydernian State Assembly, circa 1900

Cydernia is mostly agrarian, with scant geography that lends itself to mining or extraction. Instead, she wagers her grains and vegetables to the more arid countries in the east like Sessau and Tara. Industrially defunct, Cydernia's small arms and munitions manufactories are nearly non-existent and she has traditionally purchased equipment from Julia in the South or neighboring Tyria to the North. Due to low wages and high poverty, few businesses see much reason to step into Cydernia to do business, but as both the locomotive and automobile begin to seriously contend for space in the world, it's inevitable they will find themselves in Cydernia.

Prime Minister Iosef Hataxuris, 1905

Likewise, the Cydernian Army was in similar straits. Facing strict budget cuts to keep the agricultural industry afloat after refusing to continue exports, the Cydernian Army--numbering nearly 98,000 men--has seen reduced wages, unreliable equipment and inconsistent training. Split into six infantry divisions and two cavalry divisions, they employ the Kaiser 1891 rifle and a mishmash of various field guns, although they only have 104 to bring to bear at any one time. A fierce jingoist, Hataxuris must navigate keeping his nation afloat and modernizing perhaps one of the most disheveled military apparatuses on the continent.

Soldiers of the Cydernian Army during the Tyro-Helroxi War, 1899

On February 5th, 1905, Prime Minister Hataxuris dispatched Foreign Minister Branko Trajkovski to the High Kingdom of Itherae to negotiate a political arrangement.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago

High Kingdom of Itherae

The Trajkovski Accord was definitely a surprise to most officials in Itherae as none actually believed that the Cydernian Republic would actually seem out such a pact with Itherae. However, Cydernia would prove as a useful ally should the need arise given their location in the world being a valuable trade area. With Itheraen aid, this would give the government some control over that valued trade node and allow Itheraen dominance to extend past its own borders to a minor degree. Thus the government recalled the envoy, Herodes Pittheus, that had previously been sent out to negotiate a mere non-aggression pact with the Cydernian Republic to sign the agreement that was most in the Itherae’s favor.

Herodes Pittheus and and Branko Trajkovski shaking hands after signing the Trajkovski Accord circa 1905

With the Agreement finalized and signed the Itheraen government held high hopes for its diplomatic success in the future as to achieve her majesty’s goal prevent a war in the region. The Republic of Cydernia would be extremely useful as an aid in deterring powers from trying to distabilize the region, even if the Cydernian Military was a bit lackluster.

(+2 Diplomacy with Yognir)
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