Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Midori
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Set in a time when Japan was constantly at war with itself. Daimyo across the land fight to gain power, influence, and territory. The current Takahashi Shogunate is on the brink of losing power and many eager Warlords have set their eyes on the seat of power in the capital city of Kyoto in the Yamashiro province.

In the southern Hyuga province, Daimyo Ito Akio has sent his first and only daughter, Ito Azumi, along with several of his bravest warriors to be married to the son of his new ally Daimyo Amako in the province of Izumo. The marriage would solidify a formidable alliance between the two lands, however they would have to pass through both the Otomo and Mori lands. It would be a dangerous journey for the young princess of only sixteen years. They are sure to encounter many dangers along the way. Daimyo Ito has entrusted you , his bravest warriors, with her safe keeping.

About the IC
Each of your characters will be members of the Bushi (warrior class citizen), which means they are Samurai (males) or Onna-Bugeisha (females). Having been chosen to protect the Princess Ito you will all be skilled warriors in your own right. It is highly likely that not all of your characters will make the entire journey but I promise that won't be the end of your time in the RP unless that's how you choose to retire. We obviously won't be travelling in formal clothing as that would attract too much attention so we will be in plain clothes. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.

  • Standard Guild rules apply here so no god modding and all that.

  • Be nice to each other and the GM (that's me).

  • Have fun!

  • Perfect characters are boring, if your character is too perfect I will have Ninja kill you on the toilet.

  • Write down "Ito hime" at the bottom of your CS so I know you care enough to read the whole post.

  • No arguing with the GM.
  • [/List]

    CS Template

    Name: (Surname, Given name)
    Age: (No less than 20)
    Sex: (M or F)

    Appearance: (If pic please include height and weight)

    Weapons: (Please keep it appropriate to the era, that means no guns of any kind and only Japanese-made weapons)


    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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    GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    No shinobi allowed? Just samurai?

    I just need clarification on this before I start on a CS
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by digger4400


    Member Offline since relaunch

    I'll start on CS tomorrow after school. Hopefully it'll be up by the end of friday.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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    Marcus XVI

    Member Seen 1 yr ago

    Name: Shimazu, Toshiro
    Age: 32
    Sex: M

    Appearance: Toshiro is comparatively tall and quite scrawny looking fellow - to the point that he is usually the tallest in any group he travels with. His face is qute effeminate and if he didn't have a scruffy little beard covering the tip of his chin it would be possible to think him a woman. A little scar runs from the left side of his lower lip down to his jaw, which gives him a permanent half smile. He has another little scar on his left temple which is usually hidden by a bandage or a scarf of some sort. His hair is rather messy - even when put on a proper topknot or a ponytail it still manages to look like a mane of an animal instead of proper human hair - this fact paired with the constant half smile makes the man seem a bit unhinged.

    For the duration of the trip Toshiro has chosen to dress up as a monk - well a Sōhei, or a warrior monk to be exact. He wears two layers of kimono like robes - a more or less white underrobe and over it one that has at some point been the color of saffron, but has faded quite greatly. On his feet he wears tabi socks and geta. Toshiro's head is covered by a wide straw hat.

    Weapons: Kanabo, naginata, bow and some arrows.

    Personality: Toshiro has a rather dry sense of humor - which some may find rather disrespectful. He is a very devout man and often reacts with some passive agressive behaviour if his faith is questioned or insulted in some way. Admittedly this can be seen as a rather hypocritical way of acting on his part, since Toshiro himself does not show much respect to the faith of others - for instance he shows noticeable dislike towards Jōdo Shinshū followers.

    Bio: Toshiro is the fourth son of the head of his clan and he has always been a devout man - though to claim that he's more interested in scriptures than fighting would be a bit of an insult. Though technically a samurai he has always been more at home in the temples and around monks - be they warriors or not. Admittedly years spent with local monks has made Toshiro respect their ways and he considers himself more a monk than a samurai. He feels very honoured about the fact that he's one of the chosen protectors of a princess. Though the Ito and Shimazu clans have not always seen eye to eye the current heads of the clans have formed an alliance of sorts - which has given Toshiro this opportunity.

    Ito Hime ^^
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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    Member Seen 6 yrs ago

    Name: Miyasato, Tetsuo
    Age: 51
    Sex: Male


    Tetsuo is a man of modest height (approx 5, 6) and of slim build. His hair has greyed heavily and is pulled back into a chonmage. A hard life of toil has done his face little favours, and his abundance of wrinkles make him appear even more ancient than he really is. However there is a powerful energy in his dark brown eyes, an energy that can unnerve the average warrior.
    He appears old, and perhaps nearing his life's natural end, but he is by no means physically diminished – a trait that more often than not puts him at an advantage against his martial adversaries. Beneath his simple black kimono are muscles that have withstood the test of time; they are decorated with various scars claimed from a life of military servitude.

    Weapons: Yari/Wakizashi/Tanto


    Miyasato Tetsuo is as stubborn as a mountain, and fiercely devoted to ideals of martial valour and loyalty that have been pummelled into him from the moment he could walk. One can not expect to change Tetsuo's mind, or ask him to view things differently; no, they are better served if they simply accommodate Tetsuo's views and judgements.

    He is a nervous man, and constantly assumes caution even when it is not required. This is because he is afraid of failure, and of becoming like his brother Miyasato Shoda who failed Lord Ito Akio and died in disgrace over two decades ago. However, this nervousness and caution does not openly show on the outside, as he is keen to not to advertise any form of weakness to other men.

    And perhaps it is his ability to conceal his emotions that have earned Tetsuo such respect amongst his fellow retainers. He is viewed as a rock in the ocean; unmoved, unstirred, and now it appears that he heroically defies the dreaded crawl of time. He may fear a crisis more than most men, but he's the man you want at your side when you face one.


    Tetsuo was selected for the important task of escorting his Lord's daughter on a very simple basis, or so he was told: He is an old Samurai, versed in the ways of blade and spear, but more importantly, he is dedicated and loyal. He has served his master for well over thirty years, and has proved much of himself. It is assumed that he would sooner cut down his fellow bodyguards than face disgrace. Yes, Tetsuo has been entrusted with ensuring that the journey precedes unhindered by the younger, less tested minds and loyalties of the group.
    However, this journey means more to Tetsuo than simply another task handed out by Lord Ito. Though he has partially staved off the decay of age, he is under no illusion that he is in fact very old for a lower ranking retainer. He is reminded of his failing strength everyday on the testing grounds, with each bout taking a greater toll upon his heart and mind.
    Through fulfilling his Lord's wishes, killing the dishonoured and cunning austerity, he has accumulated enough of a meagre wealth to see him into his final days in relative comfort. Before he can ask his Lord for a release from servitude however, he feels he needs to have a bartering chip so that his honour may not be questioned: successfully escorting the young Azumi to her marriage is such a chip, and one he will pursue with every last ounce of strength and shred of will his old body still possesses.

    Ito Hime... doh...
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Midori
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    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    GreenGoat said
    No shinobi allowed? Just samurai?I just need clarification on this before I start on a CS

    Daimyo Ito would not employ Shinobi to escort his daughter since he could not trust them.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alehkra


    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    Name: Yoshitsune, Matotsuru
    Age: 21
    Sex: M

    Appearance: Matotsuru is an average sized man, about 5'4 and thin, though well-muscled. His skin is rather pale for a military man, and his eyes are noted as being very wide. He wears his long hair in a ponytail, unless a more formal situation calls for the traditional topknot. For this particular journey he has adopted the sort of sturdy, simple clothes that might be seen on any moderately well-to-do peasant. While traveling he has taken to wearing a straw jingasa, of the sort popular amongst the Ashigaru.

    Weapons: A yumi longbow passed down from his grandfather, and the traditional Samurai daisho, in his case a katana and wakizashi.

    Personality: Matotsuru, despite his youth, is a brave and dedicated Samurai. He, like most young men of his class, was raised on tales of bravery Samurai heroics. For his entire life he has tried to live up to the example set by the old heroes of the Gempai War. He is confident in his abilities, perhaps more so than he should be, and is ever eager to prove himself to be a valiant and loyal warrior.

    Still, Matotsuru is mindful of his relative inexperience, especially when compared to some of his more illustrious traveling companions. He has the utmost respect for his elders, and is constantly seeking to learn whatever lessons that they are able to impart after their long years of service. After all, only a foolish man would ignore the lessons of one who has lived to old age in a time where war and death is a commonly accepted part of life.

    Bio: The Yoshitsune family has a long and proud history. The claim descent from one of the most loyal and skilled vassals of Minamoto no Yoritomo, the founder of the first Shogunate. According to family tradition, their ancestor once saved the life of the young boy who would someday become Shogun. Thereafter he was Yoritomo's most trusted companion, and fight by his side throughout the entirety of the Gempai war. For his service he was granted extensive lands and many honours, and for a time the Yoshitsune family was one of the most powerful in Japan.

    Such was not to last, of course. While the fortunes of the family waxed and waned throughout the years, and at one point they were the largest landowners in Kyushu, they faced a general downward trend. When the Mongols invaded, the Yoshitsune family was part of the fierce beach fighting that took place before the Kamikaze swept the Mongol hordes from the sea. During the fighting, however, it is whispered that the then patriarch of the noble Samurai lineage suffered a great, but unnamed shame. Some says he was lazy and indulgent, some say he was unskilled and easily defeated. Some few even whisper of cowardice, or worse, betrayal.

    Whatever the original shame that the family came to bear, the Yoshitsune lineage never regained it's once grand stature. Their lands and respect were further diminished throughout the years, until at last Matotsuru's father owned only a small grant of land in Hyuga province with meager rice yields, his father's yumi, and a nearly obsolete suit of armor from the Gempai period. While his father was content to bemoan his fate and curse his cruel luck, Matotsuru swore to restore his family to greatness. While still in his teens, he traveled to the seat of the Yoshitsune's liege, Daimyo Ito Akio. He renewed his oath of vassalage, and pledged his service to the Daimyo.

    While still young, Matotsuru has since proven himself to be a skilled warrior, as the Sengoku period has provided many opportunities for him to prove himself. His current assignment, to be part of the escort of his Daimyo's only daughter, came as a great and unexpected honor. It means he is being recognized as a proper Samurai, and is finally beginning to wipe away the shame of his family's past.

    Ito hime (forgot that at first XD)
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by xRobynx


    Member Seen 10 yrs ago

    Name: Tsukino, Sayuri
    Age: 23 years
    Sex: F
    Weapons: Bow & Arrow, Katana

    Personality: Sayuri is rather quiet by nature and can even be called shy by some. She, however, has been known to be sensitive to her sense of honour as well as the honour of her deceased husband.

    Bio: Sayuri was born as an illegitimate child of a samurai her mother only referred to as Kenji. She never knew her father but that never really bothered her. At the young age of 15 she had been arranged to marry a young samurai by the name of Shinori Tsukino. Despite being an arranged marriage she was very happy. Shinori was often away and worried greatly for her safety in such troubled times. He took the initiative to teach her Bushido.

    Sayuri proved to be quite adept at the bow, much moreso than a bladed weapon, although she always would carry one when possible. Shinori would be called to protect the providence. He would not return to her, instead, only his katana would make it home. Having no means to support herself otherwise she had worked to join the ranks as an onna-bushiga. Since she has been working for the Daimyo that her late husband had died to protect only a few years ago.


    Height: 152cm / 60”
    Weight: 42kg / 94 lbs

    Ito Hime
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by digger4400


    Member Offline since relaunch

    Hey guys, sorry but real life came up, I won't be able to keep up with this :(
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Midori
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    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    Is this all the CS we are going to get? In that case I will review them the next time I'm online. I will now officially state that we are no longer accepting applicants for the time being.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cloud3514


    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    There wouldn't happen to be room for one more, would there?
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Midori
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    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    All characters are approved! (^.^)

    Cloud3514 said
    There wouldn't happen to be room for one more, would there?

    I think four is a good number right now but If someone decides they have to drop out I will PM you about the vacancy.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cloud3514


    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    Midori said
    All characters are approved! (^.^)I think four is a good number right now but If someone decides they have to drop out I will PM you about the vacancy.

    Sounds good.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Midori
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    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    Fell free to start posting everyone. I won't impose any kind of post order but try not to run away with your posts.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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    Member Seen 6 yrs ago

    Sorry for my delayed post. Usual excuse: been busy as hell. Hopefully there wont be a lull like that for the foreseeable future, thanks for waiting for me.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by xRobynx


    Member Seen 10 yrs ago

    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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    Marcus XVI

    Member Seen 1 yr ago

    Happy... what day?
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by xRobynx


    Member Seen 10 yrs ago

    *gasp* its Pi day! 3 14. Next year is super pi day so mark your calendars. >3
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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    Marcus XVI

    Member Seen 1 yr ago

    ^^; Umh... O-ok
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by xRobynx


    Member Seen 10 yrs ago

    Also my first anniversary. Hubs and I may or may not have purposely got married on this day and may or may not had a Pi themed wedding. >3
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