So here it is guys! <3
The start of our adventure! <3 

Elves and dragons and dwarves are known as high fantasy :) I'd prefer that if it's an option :)
<Snipped quote by EldarionI>
That's cool - I didn't realize the fantasy genre was broken up into different subs.
<Snipped quote by Alluring Dhark>
It actually has way more subs than you realise! :P It's probably one of the largest genres :o
Just putting my two cents in but orcs, trolls, and mages (witches/wizards/sorcerers etc) could be part of that fantasy too. Along with mythical beasts...(Centaurs, minotaurs, and etc...).
Alright, I'm gonna go hide again.
<Snipped quote by King Tai>
Thanks for that ^.^
I'm getting a LOTR mixed with Piers Anthony books vibe.