We've all wanted to explore Rapture before the events of Bioshock. While Burial at Sea gave as a good glimpse of this, we all perhaps yearned to be at the time Rapture was thriving and perhaps even at the moment it opened it's underwater and watertight doors to the public! What if you could explore Rapture at the beginning? To feel the utopia that Andrew Ryan envisioned? What if you could enjoy the excitement of using your first plasmid and be one of the first to have the power of evolution at their fingertips? This would not be a story about the end of Rapture, but the beginning.

Anyone interested?


1.As stated above, this roleplay shall take place at the beginning of the creation of Rapture to it's climax. Thus Frank Fontaine is not known of yet.

2.This will be a mixture of fantasy with science fiction, (like it is in the game), however. This may also be a slice of life roleplay. The troubling events of the game won't be apparent to anyone at the start. Thus it's possible to play this roleplay as a civilian in Rapture.

3.Certain canon characters, (Andrew and Frank) shall be played by myself for plot and moderation purposes. However, you can make your own character and choose your own plasmids!

4.Standard roleplaying etiquette will apply. (OOC: Don't make me send the splicers to take care of the riff raff. ;P)

5.While this story will follow much of the canon, I want to portray Rapture from it's beginning leading up to it's climax of prosperity first. Thus very few should know of Fontaine or the drawbacks of using Adam.

6.Little Sisters, Big Sisters, and Big Daddies will be NPC's in this. I caution you not to take them on unless your character is ready, or really foolish.

7. Plasmids can be picked and you can also purchase them in the roleplay at the local vendors. Your starting off plasmids will have to be on your CS, however you're able to edit your sheet later should you want more.

8. Warning!: The effect of plasmids will be at play, the more plasmids and Adam you get, the more the effects there will be. I expect roleplayers to be advanced to know how to deal with this, (you could be very well the start of the fall of Rapture. Which you know Mr.Ryan will not take kindly too...)

9.You start off coming down into Rapture. Like in the game there will be various sectors, all inspired by the game. (Also some that are not cut off to explore as well.)

10.There are no gods, no kings, only man. Rapture has three big in canon "triggers" in this roleplay that will make your character be in trouble if they're caught with them.
.Practicing religion, (especially Christianity.)
.Being found as affiliated with the CIA or the US government other than through trade and business purposes.
.Being a communist.

While it's perfectly fine to have a character who's either of these three, don't expect a easy life in Rapture.

(Also OOC note: I'm actually a Christian IRL,however Rapture was made a certain way and the theme is going to be played. If you feel that this is concerning to be in due to beliefs please feel free to PM me or speak to me on the matter. I'm trying to make this roleplay as enjoyable as I can for everyone. )

11. Vendors, shops, and locations in game will be opened for commerce. Your character starts out with no weapons, and they start out with no plasmids. However, they can have a set sum of money to purchase what they feel like for a basic level should things get hairy for them. (Remember: Rapture is a city, thus it acts like a normal one would. )