Name: Czigani Veranieth Hanoxx
Age: Early twenties, a fledgling really...
Bloodline: Tyro (Fire & Earth)
Group: Former member of the Sureiya/Dragon Slayers, any recognition within the guild has been stripped since her self-imposed exile.
Physique/Appearance: At just over six feet of a petite, yet lean build, Czi’s stature is relatively short in comparison to the average female of her species. Still, her presence is generally never missed, even when she would rather remain invisible, especially due to the massive scar across most of the right side of her face. A mark to remind her of just how cruel and savage the world was. Or perhaps, still is. The wound also caused a severe vision impairment in her right eye, the crimson pigment inherent to her race faded to a colorless and milky wash allowing only muted colors and hazy, blurred lights and images to enter. Her skin takes on a sort of muted purple tone, while her hair is black as midnight, and two thick, curled horns adorn the top of her head, each decorated with ancient etchings of her lineage.
Wearing charcoal grays and blacks mostly, Czigani dresses modest enough not to attract the wrong kind of attention, showing very little skin, save perhaps her head and hands. Even so, the scar along the right side of her face is a point of contention and she tends to keep good on her cloak up and over that area to thwart any awkward questions or unwarranted stares.
Her leather armor, which is indicative of the influential gothic-style architecture from its origins, is form fitted, flexible, quiet, and elegant in its design.
Weapons: Rapier, secured in a leather belt sheath, and two daggers, crossed and secured in the rear of her belt. One of the daggers is used for parrying if needed. She also, as of late, carries a quarterstaff used for travelling as well as a means to defend herself.
Abilities: A duelist by nature, Czigani has gained substantial skill and knowledge of swordplay, specifically with the rapier-style of weapon and an off-hand parrying dagger. She specializes in calculated defense techniques, in order to wear down her opponent and leave them open for a winning strike. She could be considered above average, with much room to grow with the right instructor...
Unarmed combat, while skilled, is very much second rate comparatively, and is focused more so on defensive and disarming opponents.
Hunting and tracking were staple disciplines within her family, and she is considered above average in these skill sets, as well as building and maintaining traps for particular targets.
Highly resistant direct flames and heat for a short period of time
Weakness: Impaired Vision - Her right eye was badly damaged in a duel, resulting in very poor peripheral vision from that side, and some level of difficulty gauging distance overall, but she is learning to overcome the handicap.
[ Spells ]
Fire Based:
Fire Touch - cause small objects to set fire with a mere touch, generally uses this spell on her weapons.
Earth Based:
Volcanic Stone skin - for brief periods of time, her skin can be as tough as the hardest stone, and hot to the touch
GeoKinesis - With enough mental focus, surrounding stone matter can be manipulated.
Earth Meld - by laying down on the ground, the body can sink into the surrounding earth, thereby hiding her physical form. Heart rate slows and the body goes into a kind of hibernation for a short period of time. Can even travel short distances as long as there are no large impassable obstructions. (i.e. a wall)
Experience: Aside from an excellent academic education, she was taught several variations of hand-to-hand combat and swordplay by her uncle, the King of Fotia, Magnix Hanoxx. In addition, seeing great progress in his niece, Hanoxx trained her in the ways of the Dragon Hunter, which landed her a place within the Sureiya after her first successful kill. She has also held the title of “Duelist” as being one of the kingdom’s leaders in one-on-one dueling competitions.
Motivation: Truth and Survival. Czigani has seen enough corruption within her own family, specifically dark dealings in slavery and oppression, and seeks to end the slave trade if that is even possible...
Birthplace: Fotia Castle
As niece to King Magnix Hanoxx -his sister’s daughter- Czigani’s life was anything but private, and very rarely did she have a secret that many within her family didn’t already know. From her first steps as an infant, to the last male companion she’d had the pleasure of connecting with, her business seemed to always be kingdom business, something of which the young Fotian was anything but thrilled about. However, she put aside the petty whispers of gossip that sailed throughout the halls of the castle and focused on doing what she could to further her Uncle’s kingdom. As she aged, academics were not taken lightly, as each of the royal children within the kingdom were not only taught the vast history of their great race, but of other races, species, and geographic locations to the best of the Fotian scholars knowledge. So much of world was still unknown, which made it an even more dangerous yet intriguing place. Without ever really admitting it though, Czigani enjoyed her studies even though she would much rather be out exploring the places learned about from the ancient textbooks and scrolls.
As per tradition and culture within her family and race, combat was just a way of life, whether for sport, education, or defending against those who would tear apart the fabric of Fotian society, it was simply in the blood. Not to say they were a violent people, but rather recognized that physical fortitude and mental resolve in its raw form ruled over most other virtues. As soon as she could grasp a sword in her tiny hands, Czigani’s arduous training began, which took her down a new path of thinking, applying her academics with both ranged, melee, and unarmed combat forms and tactics. Eventually, she leaned toward the lighter, faster rapiers, using her supernatural dexterity and reflexes to defend and counter each attack, leaving the opponent open for a final strike. Going along with tradition, Czigani competed in dueling tournaments, which pitted several royal families against the other for profit, respect, honor, and in some cases, to settle disputes.
Later in her life, Czigani had grown to love and despise many of the time-honored traditions within Fotia, but nothing enraged her more than the slave trade that was so prominent within her culture. And if it wasn’t bad enough that many slaves were put to work or put to death, but the shady dealings and ongoing abuse and trafficking of young, innocent Fotian girls who were being sold off to other kingdoms in exchange for trade deals and profit was most definitely the final straw. Czigani had little problems voicing her concerns when it came to a cause she believed in, but unfortunately, no matter how much she pleaded to King Magnix, her Lord’s stubbornness and resolve overshadowed any further speak of the matter. But, the girl would not let it go that easily.
Visiting the trade market, she had words directly with the one who was responsible for the buying and selling of goods, especially the trafficking of slaves, which was not necessarily publicly declared, but it was very much in full swing even under the noses of so many. While in his tent one evening, what started out as a civilized conversation turned into a heated argument, and before the girl knew it, her hand had quickly and violently unsheathed her dagger and slit the throat of the “slave master”, his body crumbling to the ground in a bloody pool. Unfortunately, several eyewitnesses caught the murderous action, and guards were called, where they immediately arrested and incarcerated the girl until the matter could be investigated.
Needless to say, the King was furious with his wayward niece, and while he couldn’t understand how Czigani could allow such a thing to transpire, especially against one of his most profitable traders, Magnix was also against putting her to death, even though that was the penalty for such a deed. As it turned out, a family member within King Magnix’s court was a brother to the slave trader, and demanded justice be taken against Czigani, so the King decided to hold a trial-by-combat, whereas bloodshed and death would be the only solution to clear up the issue.
The Day of Reckoning
The fight itself took place at just after midnight in the courtyard, which settled in the center of the castle, surrounded by countless torches lining the perimeter and spectators from all over. Blood would be paid in blood, and for many Fotians, this was an event worth attending. Both duelists stood at their respective sides, prepared to meet their fate head on. The slave trader’s brother -Alric- brandished his finest blade and burgundy-stain leather armor. Czigani carried her prized rapier and wore the very armor her father had specially made on her sixteenth birthday. Form-fitting and light, the black leather and hide pieces fit together perfectly as they did the day it was received, covering her from neck to toe in sleek elegance and protection.
To say the fight happened quickly would be an understatement as both challengers charged to the center, exchanging attacks, parries, dodges, and everything in between. Alric, the taller and stronger of the two, relished in pummeling down onto the young girl whom he despised, hissing profanities toward her with every thrust and swing of his saber. After some time elapsed, Czigani had begun to recognize many of the fighting styles employed by her opponent. It was the very technique she’d trained in years ago, which helped her keep pace and sustained counter-attacks. It was only when the unexpected (or perhaps it should have been expected) happened that caught her off guard.
A silent poisoned dagger pulled from under Alric’s metal bracer and sliced across the girl's exposed face with one swift stroke, causing her to fall to the ground in agony as the alchemical agents burned the affected area across most of the right side of her face. Using the distraction to his advantage, Alric repeatedly kicked the other, first the ribs, then the head, and again yelling curses and insults. Czigani wanted to die at that moment, for the torment and lies to end, and for the guilt and trauma of what started all the chaos in the first place. Her opponent, however,was in no mood for a quick fight, but rather to drag out her suffering as long as possible, allowing the physical beatings and public humiliation to destroy the girl's spirit before bringing the hammer down for the final deathstroke.
“You're pathetic, fledgling...” He hissed, kneeling down next to Czigani and pulling her head up by her hair as he whispered one final time. “Not even your Uncle, the King, can save you now…”
How it happened, the girl never knew, nor could she tell you to this day, but in that moment she had mustered enough strength and resolve to wrap her fingers around her sword and thrust several inches of the blade up and under Alric’s chin, ending the terrible creature’s rhetoric as blood gushed from the open vein and his body fell across hers. The moments that followed were utter silence, as even the crowds were unsure of the what happened, and all went dark for the girl as both sight and sound faded.
The following day, Czigani awoke within the cell she had been in previously, her body achy and stiff, and her face partially bandaged and packed with healing herbs where the large gash was slowly scarring over. Her mother, Magnix’s sister, was sitting across from her and began explaining that even after everything, she was voted via public opinion to be executed. But, her mother had other plans, and as she secretly slipped the cell key into her daughter’s hand, she spoke to about the upcoming royal meeting taking place in Vrondi, and the Fotian airships that would be leaving that very night.
With her armor and a small travel bag of items, she slipped onto the departing airship, and headed for Vrondi, and hopefully, to a new life...