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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

It had happened, magic had been created and Pixie gave in to her anger and hatred. It had been a few days now since that happened and chaos was rising quickly.

Dust and Sky

Dust had just woken up, he rubbed his head and heaved himself up from the ground. He looked around for a moment wondering where he was. He couldn't remember anything. Where was he? What happened? He looked around then, he heard a voice behind him. He quickly turned around, his eyes wide.

"Hello, Dust. I am Ahrah. One of the six legendary blades of Elysium. I have chosen you as my master."

Dust stared for a moment before reaching out to grab the sword called Ahrah.

"Who am I? Where am I?"

The sword glowed as it spoke again.

"That is soon to be revealed Dust. You will regain your memory in due time. For now, I'd advice you to go forth. There is a city close by. You will want to speak to the leader there."

Dust looked at his hand for a moment before looking around once more. All he knew was that he was called Dust. He couldn't remember anything else. He gave a small nod, it didn't have much choice. He needed to find some help, he needed to know what was going on. He needed to find some way of regaining his memory. Dust walked slowly towards the city, it only took him half an hour to reach it. When he did, a strange small yellow creature came flying towards him. Sky stopped in front of Dust and pointed her sword at him.

"Who are you? You humans have caused enough trouble already, wait. You're different."

She stared at him but before he could talk Ahrah spoke.

"This is Dust, you can trust him I promise you that, Sky. He is affected by corruption however he is immune to the corruption, it makes him stronger, I guarntee."

Immediately Sky lowered her sword and flew back a little.

"Ahrah, the most powerful of the Legendary swords of Elysium. Dust was it? You are very welcome here. If Ahrah has chosen you, then you must be very powerful. I am Sky, the Nimbat leader. Nice to meet you."

Dust looked around as Sky spoke. There were so many of these "Nimbats" around. He had never seen them before. He looked towards Sky and gave her a nod.

"Nice to meet you Sky. I seem to have lost my memory, is there any way you can help with that?"

Slowly Sky shook her head. With that, she flew off quickly. What was this place? What was going on? He needed to learn more. At that point Ahrah glowed once more.

"Dust, I am connected to all of the Swords of Elysium. I will try and contact the other users who are currently awakened. We must all gather if we are to survive."

With that he glowed brightly, connecting to the others legendary swords. It would be at that moment, all the legendary swords would receive the message. 'Come to Husa Raénix, City of the Nimbats. We need to gather to survive' when the message had been given Ahrah stopped glowing.


Sekhemi listened to one of the guards as the guard explained the situation with Pixie and one of the Ten Kings of Power who ruled and govened the world. He gave a soft nod and stood up with a smug expression on his face.

"Fool. I at least recognise power. That idiot King shouldn't underestimate anyone unless he knew what he was dealing with, but don't worry. I won't make that mistake. This should make out to be an interesting war. Have the army follow close behind me. I think I'll look into this personally."

He gave a sadistic smile, a Nimbat, a creature he had never heard of before who had created magic. He was looking forward to fighting someone who created magic. With this new 'Magic' he could become a God. He smiled and held out his hand. It wouldn't be long before he learned it all.

Prince Kuro

Kuro had just been informed of the death of one of the Ten Kings of Power. He stood up immediately and gave a nod. This was bad, he knew how humans were. Take out one of their Kings, 90% of the time, there is a war.

"Keep a close eye on the rest of the Nine Kings of Power. There is certain to be a new King soon to replace the one that died. If there is a war, we need to make sure it doesn't get out of hand, and with this new 'magic' I must learn to use it. If one of the Nimbats have gone rogue it will help us greatly to defend ourselves with."

The nekos bowed to him and left. Afterwards, Kuro went to his personal Quarters. He sighed softly and sat down on his bed. Humans weren't the smartest but surely they knew it was a bad idea to insult a Nimbat. Sure, he didn't know what was going to happen either, but either way, no matter what happened it was going to be bad.

Lady Red

Lady Red heard the news about the creation of 'magic' and the death of the tenth King of Power. She stood up slowly and sighed, some humans were fools. She needed to learn more about this magic, however first, she wanted to travel to the Nimbat City to formerly apologise on the behalf of all humans. She knew that if there were to be a war, they would need all the help they could get.

"Guards, I am going to Husa Raénix. I need to speak to the Nimbats there, it would be wise to try and make peace with them."

She nodded to the guards and they bowed to her in return. With that, Lady Red set out for the Nimbat City. She knew with a rogue Nimbat on the loose with a new weapon nobody else had, she was extremely dangerous. They needed to work together if they were going to solve this problem before it got out of hand.


Pixie clenched her fist tightly as her eyes glowed red. As she flew, the forest around her slowly turned to black as darkness and corruption flooded from her.

"I will kill every last human. I will make sure they know and fear my name. Pixie, the Dark Nimbat. Soon, they will all regret pissing me off."

She continued to clench her fists angrily, until a pure black fist made out of pure darkness and corruption rose up. It was enough to surprise Pixie. She was still learning what this magic could do. It was fairly simple though really. Anything she wanted to do, she could. All she needed was the power to do it. That however she was still working out. She needed to know how she could grow stronger if she was going rule this planet and kill all those who made her suffer.


Aqua had set off in search of Terra. She had to keep her eye on him and she needed to bring Ventus back. Master Eraqus had given her an important task and she would obey. Her next stop was Yen Sid’s Tower. As she flew on her Keyblade Glider, a huge shockwave hit her. The Keyblade Glider quickly went out of control. She went to the furthest reaches of space, sent to a completely different world. Aqua crashed in a small clearing and groaned in pain. Slowly she got herself up and grabbed her Keyblade. Where was she? After a quick look around, she didn’t see anyone else. She wondered how far the shockwave had sent her and what sort of world was she at now?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Azriel Lilith

Azriel was with Sky at the time when Dust arrived. She stayed quiet while Sky spoke to him and Ahrah then when Sky left, one other arrived and began to talk to Ahrah. Knowing how Sky was with humans however she had heard Ahrah tell Dust he was going to gather the other users of the Legendary Swords. These must be one of those users. She gave a small smile and spoke up shyly.

"Excuse me, but I must ask you who you are. Those must be one of the legendary swords, so you will be very welcome within the city. My name is Azriel, one of the Nimbats here."

She gave a friendly smile to Vlad as she flew in the air in front of him, looking down towards the floor.

King Malson

King Malson laughed loudly, it seemed there was a Nimbat who was attacking the humans. She had killed one King already and apparently had created magic. He stood up slowly and rose his scythe.

"Men, rise. We shall set forth at once. Together, we shall show the puny little pixie that we are to be feared."

The soliders cheered loudly as King Malson began to walk toward the exit of the castle followed by his men.


Korta was just informed that one of the Ten Kings of Power had been killed, and apparently magic had been created. She gave a small nod and stood herself up. She knew it would be foolish to attack this Nimbat right now, whoever she was. Instead her goal was to learn this new concept of magic and with it she would be able to defend the tribe better, and perhaps be able to stand a chance against this new threat.

"Thank you for telling me. Tell everyone to start training immediately. We need to try and learn how to use magic."

The man nodded and imeddiately went off. With that Korta headed off to her own personal training room.


Ra was in his kindom when Inferno spoke to him, telling him that he was to go to the Nimbat City, for he was being called. Of course he was, he was one of the wielders of the Legendary Swords. He held out Inferno and suddenly flames wrapped around him. In an instant, he was swallowed by those flames. A moment later in the city of Nimbats, the ground burst into flames. Those flames quickly formed and Ra appeared. He stepped forward and looked around, quickly recognising Ahrah and Bloodfang.

"So, what are we doing here?"

He stepped forward slowly and waited for Ahrah to explain himself, knowing that he was the one who had called all the Legendary Swords throughn the link that they all shared.


Ventus had just left Radiant Garden, he had met Terra and Aqua again, but Terra had left and he wanted to follow however a huge shockwave hit him and he lost control of his Keyblade Glider. The shockwave sent him to the far reaches of space, to a strange new world. Luckily his armour had protected him from his crash landing. He looked around slowly as he picked up his keyblade, wondering where he had been sent to. What world was this?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Ruby, Amidamaru

Ruby and Amidamaru where sparing in the castle courtyard like they do every morning when suddenly Ruby and Athena received a message from Ahrah calling all the wielders of Elysium to the city of the nimbat it sounded urgent so she lowered her sword
"we must leave for the nimbat city immediately"
With that she held out her hand and open a portal to Ahrah both Ruby and Amidamaru walk though the portal and in an instant appeared next to Dust Ruby took a look around and looked to the crowd of nimbats and Dust
"greetings i assume the situation is dire for you to call all the wielders of Elysium so perhaps we should forgo the usual explanation in favor of using our link to instantly shear the relevant information"


Artemis and Nemesis was patroling the forest around the nimbat city until Artemis sensed Ahrah suddenly appear not to far from the city Artemis and Nemesis quickly flew to the city they arrived there moments before Dust and Ahrah they hovered over the front gate while Dust and Sky spoke and followed Sky as she lead Dust into the city Artemis and Nemesis next to Dust as Nemesiss wings temporarily blocking out the sun Artemis looked to Dust and placed her hand on his shoulder
"I'm right here no need to shout"


Arthur was flying over his kingdom like he does most morning to clear his mind and to relax a little before he begins yet another stressful day of dealing with incompetent servants and lowly peasant when he heard Dusts messages he was a little annoyed that someone nobody had the nerve to summon a king but he still let out a small smile he knew there must be some serious trouble to call all those who possess a sword of elysium together and what ever it was should provide some small measure of entertainment he quickly turned around and headed in the direction of the Nimbat city it didn't take long for him to arrive he landed next to Dust and looked him right in the eye
"you better have a good reason for calling me here or i will crush you for wasting my time"


Leona listened to Kuro and thought for a moment before speaking
"my lord forgive me for my interruption but if you wish to learn about magic the best place to start would be at the birthplace of magic the city of the nimbats its possible that we would find someone who knows about this strange new power and how to harness it"


had just left Destiny Island he hat to find Xehanort and figure out what and causing the monsters to appear thoughout the different world and discover who was controlling them suddenly a huge shockwave hit him and knocked him off corse he lost control of his Keyblade Glider. The shockwave sent him to the far reaches of space, to a strange new world h landed in a dark forest confused and as to where he was and what caused that’s shockwave but he knew he wouldn’t get those answers just standing around he began to walk though the forest looking for a way out but unknowingly wondering even deeper in to the dark woods
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The One
Avatar of The One

The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Dust and Ahrah listened to Vlad then listened to Azriel. He gave a soft nod in greeting. He stared at her for some time and for some reason, he felt a cold shiver down his spine. He didn't know why, but he felt like he had known her before. Yet, if that was so why was she just greeting him? Ahrah glowed and spoke up when the last of the Legendary Sword wielders showed up.

"Arthur, Ra, Ruby, Artemis each of you hold great power with both the creation of magic and the swords of Legend. Before I tell you about magic however, I suspect we shall have visitors from other Kingdoms. I believe it wise to wait for them so knowledge can be shared among all allies at once."

He stopped glowing and with that Dust gave a small nod.


Sky came back shortly after just in time to here Ahrah speak. She flew done and nodded to everyone.

"Hello, my name is Sky, leader of the Nimbats. Ahrah, I will stay to listen to what you have to say. Hopefully you will able to aid the Nimbats in defending against Pixie."

She held her katana in her hand sheathed as she waited for the others to arrive.


Sekhemi walked out of the castle and got into his royal carriage. The guards quickly began to set off out of the Kingdom, as they did they asked him where Sekhemi wanted to be taken. It took him for a few minutes to decide. He didn't know where Pixie was currently hiding, all he knew was that she created magic within Husa Raénix. That was the best place to go, City of the Nimbats.

"Husa Raénix, make it quick!"

It didn't take Sekhemi too long to arrive. Once they had set foot in Husa Raénix Sekhemi stepped out. He looked around, seeing many different Nimbats. These worthless creatures were the ones who created magic? Pathetic. Stepped forward towards the center and spoke up loudly.

"Where can I find the one named Pixie? I, King Sekhemi will fight you right here, right now! Show yourself you worthless scum!"

He looked around, but nobody came to face him. Instead all the Nimbats just stared at him completely shocked and speechless.

Prince Kuro

Prince Kuro listened to one of his most trust worthy guards, Leona. He gave her a nod them looked to Yoruichi who had listened as well. She turned to Kuro and spoke to him.

"Prince Kuro, it would be best to go to the Husa Raénix like Leona had suggested. There we can find out more information about this magic."

Kuro noded and then looked at Leona with a serious face.

"Yes, that is what we'll do then. We will go to Husa Raénix. We need to find out as much as we can as possible. We'll leave immediately."

Kuro then got himself up and began to quickly walk to the carriages, Yoruichi along his side. Once there, he got inside. He waited for Leona to get in then set off. It didn't take them too long to arrive to the city. When they did arrive, he got out of the carriage and looked around slowly. There were a few non nimbats around, it seemed other people had the same idea as well.

Lady Red

Lady Red had already set out in her carriage. By the time she arrived, Kuro had just gotten there himself. She stepped out of her carriage and slowly walked forward. The city looked very beautiful, but she was not here to admire the view. She had come to meet the Nimbat leader and apologise on behalf of all the humans. She spoke up loudly to announce herself.

"Greetings everyone, I am Lady Red, Queen of the Fourth Kingdom of Power. I wish to speak to the leader of the Nimbats, do not fret, I have come here to speak in peace."

She bowed before all the nimbats and then gave a gentle smile, for now she waited to be addressed as it seemed there were a few others here as well.


Once everyone had arrived, Ahrah began to glow once more. He spoke quickly, knowing that he didn't have much time.

"Welcome everyone. I am Ahrah, the most powerful legendary sword of Elysium. Being the Elysium sword of Magic, I can predict things far into the future before they happen and I am afraid, that Pixie has created magic which has been the start of this world's destruction for centuries. However, despite me being able to see this event unfold long before it happened, I nor did Dust have any power to stop it. It is time for us all to gather and put our power together to stop Pixie. I must warn you all however, do not underestimate her. She holds unimaginable power, we need to stop her before she learns how to use it to the best of her ability. If I am correct, Pixie will be starting her attack at any moment, declaring war on all of humanity."

Dust listened to Ahrah, shocked at how much he knew. He didn't know that such a powerful sword had chosen him. If what he said was true and Pixie held that much power then she needed to be stopped before she got too dangerous. He looked around slowly, wondering what the others would think. Surely, with them being wielders as well, they would agree to help?


Pixie's goal was simple, take out the Ten Kings of Power first. That would cause chaos and war among the humans. She had already taken out the tenth King, but the city needed to be punished, she needed to destroy the city altogether, it would be an example of what would happen when humans underestimated Nimbats however before she could fly towards the city, she sensed someone nearby. She looked around slowly until she saw a human walking in her dark forest. Then, she sensed the power within the sword which he was holding, and she gave a small smile. He seemed powerful, and she could use all the allies she could get. Human or not, she would use him and then when he became useless to her, she'd dispose of him like the trash that he was. She flew up to him and floated in front of him.

"Who are you and what are you doing within my forest? Answer me quick before I grow bored, human."

She stared at him with the intensity of her hatred and anger. Her hands clenched tightly as she waited for his answer. Her red eyes drifted to his sword before looking back to him.

"And tell me, what is that blade which you wield? I sense great power within it."

She looked to the sword again, a wicked smile came upon her face. If she could gain that power, if she could steal it, then her goal would be halfway met already. She looked back to Terra as she waited for his answer.

Aqua and Dust

Aqua looked around some more and slowly began to explore. Right now there didn't seem to be any unversed around. Was this world pure? Was this world the only place which unversed hadn't touched? She could only hope. She continued to walk until she came to the gates of a city of some kind. Two creatures stopped her, asking her what she was doing at the city.

"I am Master Aqua, and I have arrived from another world. I was taken off course from my destination by a powerful shock wave. I had a mission from my Master, to find out what these monsters called Unversed were, to find out their origin. Have you seen any monsters around? Anything that shouldn't belong?"

She watched as the two creatures looked to each other before slowly shaking their heads. However Ahrah immediately glowed and spoke up as he overheard what Aqua had said.

"Let her in, I believe she might hold important information about Pixie."

With that, the two creatures stepped aside and allowed her entry. Aqua slowly walked in the city and towards the sword as well as it's wielder.

"A talking sword? Strange, I've never seen anything like it before. Where am I?"

Ahrah spoke up once more to answer her question.

"You are in the world of Falana. What you said just now, about these Unversed. I believe it will be of great importance very soon. I am Ahrah, and my master is Dust. This is the Nimbat City Husa Raénix. There is a certain Nimbat that has given herself to darkness called Pixie. She is extremely dangerous which is why I have gathered the wielders of the Swords of Elysium to try and form a plan to stop her. If these Unversed are the creatures I fear so much, then....I am afraid our mission may never be a success."

Ahrah stopped glowing and stayed deathly silent. Dust looked around before quickly speaking.

"But Unversed, I have never seen or heard of them before. Why are you so afraid of them Ahrah, what are they?"

Sky spoke up next.

"I agree with Dust, what are these 'unversed' what makes you fear them so much? You are the Elysium Sword of Magic, you can do almost anything."

Once again, Ahrah didn't say a thing, instead he stayed extremely quiet. Aqua just looked around slowly, not sure what exactly was happening.


Xehanort was keeping track of Aqua, Terra and Ventus however, when they landed on a strange world he had never seen or heard of before, he had to investigate. After all, one of them going was a coincidence, but all of them going at the same time? No, there had to be something going on, and he needed to know what. He traveled to the world of Falana himself and landed in a small clearing. He would wander around and explore. He could sense where Terra, Ventus and Aqua were easily because of their Keyblades, but he could also sense another great power. This place, this world was filled with powerful magic and power. He smiled, perhaps this place could be of use to him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Ventus continued to look around slowly, he had no idea where he was. He had never meant to come here, still he wasn't going to find anything out by just standing around. He began to walk slowly until he came upon a village. Ventus looked around amazed, this place looked fantastic.

"Wow.....where am I? What is this place?"

He continued to look around as he slowly moved through the village, he didn't really pay attention to anyone around him for the moment. There seemed to be no real danger, no unversed. This world, whatever it was, was safe for the time being from the looked at it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago


Amidamaru and the 3 Wielders of Elysium listened to Dust Ruby looked to Dust and Ahrah
"using our mental links to communicate is far more efficient and prevents anyone from listing in on our convention i recommend using this method of communication from now on to that end i will provide communication devices to allow us to communicate though telephony"
As Ruby was saying this she picked up a number of rocks one for everone that had gathered around she used her magic to engrave the runes for link, telephony and teleportation on them and held out her hand for the others to take them
"with these we can communicate with each other from across the world and they will allow you to teleport to each other if and when the need should arise"

After Ruby had finished speaking Amidamaru looked to Ahrah
"i sensed a large concentration of hatred and rage not to long ago that has recently dissappeared this Pixie is likely the only one who could produce that much dark energy at least for now"

Ruby listened to Amidamaru before speaking up again
"Ahrah you seemed quite surprised at Aqua arrival dispite predicting the arrival of the other kings of power and considering you mentioned you may not be able to complete your mission is it safe to assume your visions can be averted if this is the case then something you didn't or perhaps couldn't predict has altered the corse of the future you forsaw this attack you spoke off may never come or perhaps it has simply been delayed i suggest we take this opportunity to prepare for the war you spoke off my people are already well versed in the use of magic due to me bestowing powers upon my citizens but the people of the other kingdoms are not i suggest those of us who can use it travel to the other kingdoms and teach them and prepare them for the battles to come this would also allow us to recruit more allies while protecting the 10 kingdoms since if this Pixie does indeed seek to wage war on all of humanity the best way for to prevail would be to cripple the 10 kingdoms while they are unprepared to defend themselves causing mass panic resulting chaos spreading thoughout the kingdoms leaving the citizens as well as the surrounding villages defenseless"

Artemis, Arthur

Arthur listened to the others as he took one of the rocks they would come in handy if one of others ran into this Pixie he could simply teleport to them and have his fun destroying her he then looked to the others

"well since you lot have no idea where this Pixie is or exactly what she is planning i'll head back to my kingdom now that magic has become more accessible i can teach my armies to use it and strengthen my kingdom"

Artemis listened to what everyone had said and thought for a moment she took one of the stones as she looked to the others
"i can teach the nimbats and pixies how to use magic while Nemesis scouts the area for any sign of pixie but who would go to the other kingdoms"


Jade was in her village talking to her advisers about the growing darkness in the forrest as well as the large number of outsiders gathering at the nimbats city when her scouts reported a young boy headed for there village she walked out of the tent and headed for the village entrance to take a look at the boy wondering towards there village he looked lost and confused but Jade was not one to underestimate others no matter how young she allowed him to walk though the entrance and once he was a few feet inside Jade and a dozen of her warriors dropped out of the trees surrounding blades at the ready while another dozen of her archers sat in the trees withe thier bow looked on the boy Jade looked to the boy as she steped forward making sure to stay far out of his striking distance
"who are you and what are you doing here"


Terra looked at the strange talking creature before responding
"i am Terra and crashed not to far from here and started looking for a way out of this forest" he then held up his keyblade "this is no simply blade it my transportation"
as he said this he threw his blade into the air as he did it changed into a hover bike that glided to his side as it came to a stop he held out his hand as the bike reverted to a blade and returned to his hand he then took a loik around before looking back at Pixie
"so where are we?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The One
Avatar of The One

The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Pixie and Xehanort

Pixie listened to Terra with a simple nod. It was a weapon that could transform, essentially. It made her wonder, could it become anything else? Just before she could speak however, a old man stepped forward and spoke first.

"Ah, Terra. I thought I could sense you here."

Xehanort looked to picture and as soon as he focused on him, he could sense something familiar, but different somehow. He just couldn't put his finger on it. He kept staring at Pixie, focusing on her until something clicked. This area was plagued with darkness, yet not a single unversed had been seen. In this creature he could sense great power, darkness unlike any other. In this creature, he could sense the origin of the unversed! Xehanort smiled widely and gave a soft laugh.

"Terra, do you sense that? This creature, she is powerful. Can't you see, Terra? I can feel it, can you? She has conquered her darkness. She is exactly what you need, Terra. She can help you to control it so it never controls you!"

Xehanort looked to Pixie and slowly stepped forward.

"I am Master Xehanort, you have my full cooperation. I do sense however that you yourself is learning your newfound powers. Perhaps, we can all help each other."

Pixie listened to Xehanort, looking to him to Terra slowly, apparently, they knew each other. After a minute of silence, she herself could sense Xehanort's power. She knew that he could be extremely useful to her and so she slowly gave him a nod.

"Very well Xehanort, I am Pixie. I will gladly accept your aid. There is a city close by called Husa Raénix. The nimbats there constantly threaten me all because I created something beyond their imagination, magic. They fear it, and so they fear me. Perhaps you can offer me protection whilst we train and become stronger?"

Xehanort nodded once more, smiling softly. He knew this was a lie, he could sense it however he wasn't going to say anything as he had a feeling Terra would believe her.

"Yes, me and Terra can gladly help you. We come from another world you see. The Keyblade, it allows once to travel to anywhere they wish. I myself, own a Keyblade. I will summon aid for you from the future immediately, I am sure they will all come in handy for you."

He held out his hand and suddenly a keyblade appeared. He grabed it and held it out. A moment later, black portals began to appear one by one then several people covered in black cloaks walked out. Pixie watched in amazement, the Keyblade was far stronger than she thought, even having the ability to travel through time! Then Xehanort opened one last portal, and a masked man stepped out, it was Vanitas!

"Xehanort, I have a feeling that we are going to be great allies."

She looked at the organization then to the masked man. Vanitas stepped forward slowly and spoke.

"Xehanort, why the change of plans? What's going on?"

Xehanort laughed and held his hand out to Pixie.

"I want you to meet someone very important to me. This is Pixie, the mother of darkness itself!"

Vanitas stepped back, as well as Axel and even Xemnas. Immediately, all the organization, including Vanitas bowed before Pixie. Xehanort looked back to her one last time.

"We have all got something to teach you Pixie, as you have for us. Let us not waste any time, we must train, all of us."

Pixie nodded, looking at everyone slowly. It was funny, she didn't expect her army to grow so rapidly, she smiled and even laughed a little. The mother of darkness hey? Well, she liked the sound of that very much so. Xehanort spoke up again as he held out his hand.

"First of all Pixie, you must focus on your hatred, your anger, delve into all of those dark emotions. Control them, release them. Let them all make you stronger."

Pixie nodded and took a deep breath, she closed her eyes and began to focus on her anger and hatred. She clenched her fists tightly as she recalled the human that had called her a pathetic pixie. She would make all humans suffer, they had crossed the line for the last time. As she opened her eyes she could already feel a little stronger.

"Yes, you are right. Let's spend as much time training as possible, then we attack!"


Dust, Sky, Kuro, Lady Red, Blue, Aqua

Dust and Ahrah listened to Ruby, Jade Amidamaru and Arthur. Dust grabbed the communication device while Ahrah glowed and quickly spoke.

"Arhur please wait a moment. Everyone, it seems that Aqua's arrival has changed the future somehow, Pixie shouldn't of calmed down. I do not know what happened exaxcly but the tenth Kingdom still stands and there has been no announcement to destroy all of humanity. It is as you said, Ruby, Amidamaru, things can change. We need to prepare. Pixie can attack any city she wants at any moment or she can attack them all at once. I suggest we go with Ruby's plan to send everyone of to different Kingdoms both to defend and train. Each of the Ten Kings will return to their own Kingdom."

Ahrah stopped glowing and Dust gave a small nod. It was then that Aqua stood forward quickly.

"I think I understand what's going on now. Please, allow me to help as well. I am very well trained in magic, I can help teach other Kingdoms how to defend themselves if you allow me to."

She looked to the glowing sword, waiting for an answer as she grabbed one one of the communication devices. Sky flew up and held her sword out.

"I myself will defend the Nimbat city. I am happy for some extra aid, but with me and all the Nimbats here, we should be ok."

She looked determined as she gripped her sword tightly. Kuro and Yoruichi looked to each other and then looked back to Ahrah. It was a good plan and he was always happy to have a helping hand to defend his Kingdom. She quickly grabbed the communication device that Ruby made and waited.

"Then me and Yoruichi will wait our Kingdom."

He grabbed the communication device and then placed it in his pocket. Yoruichi jumped on his shoulder and Kuro closed his eyes. After a few hand signs, he disappeared in a puff of smoke, returning back to his own Kingdom.

Sekhemi didn't bother grabbing the communication device. He waved his hand and shook his head.

"Eh, who needs a damn talking sword to tell me what to do! I can defend my own Kingdom on my own, thank you very much. You pathetic worms can do whatever you want, but any who enter my Kingdom without my permission shall be killed!"

He got in his carriage and with that, he began to head back to his Kingdom.

Lady Red on the other hand smiled brightly and spoke up.

"I would appreciate any help I could get. I will go ahead to my Kingdom now and wait. I will see you soon, and I wish you all good luck."

She pulled out one of her hand guns, spun it quickly then grabbed it and shot out at the wall. The bullet exploded and created a portal. Lady Red walked into it and the portal closed.

Blue looked around, watching as everyone headed back to their own Kingdom one by one. He was a Nimbat, and he knew he should be staying here, but he wanted to help defend the Kingdoms as well, he sighed slowly.

"Well, I can go wherever I am needed. I will defend any city with my last breath, I won't let Pixie win, I promise."

He flew higher and looked just as determined as Sky did.


Archer readied his bow, aimed directly at Ventus. He stared at him, watching him and Jade closely. If the boy was smart, he wouldn't try anything funny. He stared at him, waiting for any sign of aggression or even Jade's signal.

Yuki, Christi, Pixie and Xehanort

Yuki and Christi were both traveling with Sharptooth and Boulder. The Land of Old was still very well protected, even without them. Even if someone actually found where the Land of Old was, getting in alive was near impossible. The two had sensed darkness and corruption as they gave Sharptooth and Boulder their daily excercise. The two travelled further in the forest but stopped as the forest turn dark before them. A sense of dread and foreboding hit them and the two drew out their weapons. After a few minutes of walking through the dark forest they encountered Pixie and her followers. It was Yuki who spoke up first.

“Who are you? Where are we?”

After taking a good look around, Yuki knew that if it came to a fight, they’d never win. She slowly put her sword away. Christi however did not.

“Don’t mind us, we’re just investigating the source of this corruption and darkness.”

She started at Pixie, she knew they’d never win against all these people but if it came to it, she’d die to protect Yuki. Pixie looked to Yuki and Christi and upon seeing Sharptooth and Boulder, she was a little surprised. She thought such creatures were extinct.

“My name is Pixie, do not fear, we mean no harm. For you see, a group of people within the Nimbat City threaten us all because I created something beyond their understanding, magic and so, with this new found magic, we all plan to train so we can become stronger in order to defend ourselves. Would you two like to join us?”

Slowly, Yuki and Christi looked to each other before looking back to Pixie. It was Yuki who spoke first.

“Magic? I see, maybe that’s why Sharptooth and Boulder have been acting so strangely today... yes, I think we will join you. Besides, it will give us a better way to defend our own land. My name is Yuki, and this is Sharptooth.”

Christi jumped off Boulder and patted him on the head.

“If Yuki agrees to stay and train with you, then of course I will stay to train as well. You can call me Christi, and this here is Boulder.”

Pixie nodded with a large smile. It seemed she was getting new allies as every minute passed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Ventus quickly rose his hand up as he was quickly surrounded, he didn't expect to meet such aggressive people although it wouldn't be the first time, hopefully these people would be more understanding than the dwarfs.

"Woah woah, I don't mean any harm I promise. My name is Ventus, a Keyblade Warrior. I crashed landed here and got a little lost. Where am I exactly?"

He slowly lowered his arms and looked around, watching them all closely.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago


Jade listened to the boy boy unconvinced however he clearly had no intention of attacking the village at least not at the moment
"this is the Elysium forest our home"
Jade then looked to Archer
"head to the city of nimbats and find out everything they know about the growing darkness"
She looked to Ventus as she continued
"you will go with Archer this place no place for outsiders especially now the forest is more dangerous now then ever"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

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Archer and Aqua

Archer listened to Jade and slowly lowered his bow. He jumped down and looked to Ventus. It didn’t matter if he was telling the truth or not, they had to get him out of here. He kneeled down and shot an arrow just past Ventus. The Arrow opened up a portal and with that, he guided Ventus in.

“I’ll see soon, Jade.”

Together, they arrived at the Nimbat City.

Aqua looked at a portal as it opened up and was surprised to see Ventus. She rushed forward and looked at Archer, then back to Ventus.

“Ventus! What are you doing here? If you’re here, then Terra is probably here too.”

She stood back and suddenly she got a really bad feeling that Terra was doing something he shouldn’t be doing, after all she had seen what he had done, been to the same worlds as him. She looked back to Archer and Ventus and briefly explained everything that was discussed. With that, Archer went back on his own and gave his report to Jade.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


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Jade listened to Archers report and waled back to her war tent and relayed Archers report
"Archer and i will take two warrior and two scouts into the dark forest to find and kill this Pixie for daring to harm the Elysium forest our home and our people the rest of you should mobilizatise your villages"
with that done she left then tent and pointed to four elfs
"your with me"
She headed into the dark forest
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Pixie and Xehanort, Yuki and Christi

Pixix and Xehanort were just getting ready to start training when Xehanort stopped Pixie, holding up his hand to her. He could sense new arrivals and from what he could sense, these guys weren't friendly. There were a few of them, enough to be called a battle patrol. He looked to Pixie with a serious look on his face.

"You have visitors, Pixie. It seemed you were right when you said they didn't like you for creating magic. Don't worry though, we've got it covered."

He quickly turned to the organization member and spoke quickly. First, pointing to Vanitas.

"You, Axel, Xemnas, Lexaeus, Larxene, Vexen, Saïx and Terra. I want you all to go and meet our guests. Protect Pixie, buy us as much time as you can, I'm going to stay and spend as little time as we have to trin Pixie, Christi, Yuki, Boulder and Sharptooh in magic. Go now!"

He then looked to Lexaeus and held out his hand.

"Lexaeus, it's dangerous to go alone, take this!"

With that, Xehanort infused his magic into him, manipulating his anger, letting it boil until he could feel it raging then he directed it towards the newcomers. With that, he gave a soft laugh. Pixie looked to Xehanort and nodded to him.

"Let's get started before it's too late!"

Yuki and Christi stepped forward, ready to learn so they too could join the coming battle.


Vanitas nodded and quickly went to meet Jade with the organization. He didn't care if Xehanort referred to him as 'you' for he knew that was so Terra didn't learn who he was. No, he was too stupid to realise on his own, in fact calling him stupid would be an insult to stupid people. He stopped in front of her and held out his hand.

"This is the end of the line for you!"

He jumped into the air and thrusted his keyblade upwards, suddenly black storm clouds appeared from thin air shooting down black lightning, then he teleported behind Faith and sent a dark wave of energy straight at her.


Axel laughed softly, finally some action. He stepped forward and held out his hands, summoning his weapon. He screamed loudly and fire errupted all around him.

"Things are about to get HOT!"

He rushed forward straight at Archer and tried to slash him with his chain wheels, as he did lava shot out of the ground from behind him heading straight towards him.


Xemnas nodded to Xehanort and went with Vanitas. Once he arrived he looked around and eventually, his gaze stopped on Jade. She was the obvious leader. He stepped up and summoned to light blades with nothingness creation.

"Your battle is with me"

He then held up one of his light blades and the sky went completely black. He jumped into the air and flipped over throwing his two lightsabers at Jade.


All of a sudden, out of nowhere, hundreds of upon hundreds of light blasts would appear all around Jade shooting directly at her.


Archer watched as Axel came straight for him, he did a cartwheel to the side and into a portal which was created by mere thought, he then appeard in the air. He pulled back his string and fired a single arrow, that arrow multiplied by twenty, all headed straight for Axel.

"Don't underestimate us!"

He landed on the ground and did a black flip to create some distance then shot some exploding nen arrows towards Axel.


Skip to 1:31
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


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Faith, Rouge, Robin, Ennaliese

Faith saw Vanitas come straight for her but her fairy bloced his attack with a light barrier Faith then summoned a black Imp that fried a blizzard blast at Vanitas while Faith covered herself in a flaming aura and changed attempting to ram him and set him ablaze while Rouge drew her bow and created arrow out of aura that would track any targets she designated and Robin aimed four arrows charged with lighting aura both fired at Vanitas meanwhile Ennaliese covered her spear in a sonic aura and stabbed it into the ground then she enhanced the sound of the impact creating a powerful shockwave heading right for Vanitas once it was close enough she would use that sound wave to create a sonic explosion sending a barrage of rock right at Vanitas


Jade looked to Xemnas as he threw two energy blades at her and simply used the carbon in the environment infused it with her Nen and manipulated it creating a diamond sword

Jade used her Nen to increased its durability and sharpness and with one swing cut down the two energy blades she then created a number of portals around her and Axal sending all the energy blast right to Axal
“I don’t know who you are but you have no idea who your messing with get out of my before I destroy you”


Lexaeus felt the rage in him building and jumped into the air towards the invaders he saw Axal fighting an archer but suddenly he was being blasted by one of Xemnases attacks he decided to take over dealing with the archer since there didn’t sea to be to many opponents to chose from he suddenly came crashing down on Archers location like a meteor creating a huge explosion destroying all the trees and plants within a few feet of him if archer survived he would loo to him and simply say
“Prepare to die”
While swinging his sword sending out a red aura slash that could easily cut down a mountain

Jade looked around and saw they needed some backup so she summoned a book made of Nen and opened it to 6 different pages and summoning a Nen beast from each of the different pages

“Komodo Mammoth Cheetara Taurus Lycan and Tigra kill the invaders”

Cheetara, Larxene

Cheetara looked to Larxene and created flaming kunai she ran around her and threw while throwing a barrage of blades at her Larxene laughed a little as she created a lightning barrier protecting her from the blades while sending out a powerful lighting blast at Cheetara she could tell she was fast but she wasn’t faster then lighting Cheetara quickly focused her Nen in front of her creating a powerful Nen barrier to block the lighting

Tigra, Vexen

Vexen created a shield out of ice and slammed it into the ground creating a large shockwave of ice right for Tigra as it spead towards him ice spice shot out of the ground Tigra stabbed him self with a life of his own fur infused with his Nen as he began to manipulate his own body
“Manual Control”
This allowed him to fully control his own body while he enhancing his physical abilities he then began to infused some of his Nen into the ground he began manipulating the earth and created stone armour covering his chest arms and lest leaving only his thighs biseps and head exposed he punch the ground creating an earthquake that shattered the ice and stoped the shockwaves in its tracks

Lycan, Terra

Terra looked to Lycan with his keyblade in hand he coated himself in darkness and suddenly he disappeared only to reappear next to Lycan slashing at his head Lycan opened a black and jumped though it as he did it began to suck Terra in Terra suddenly disappeared once again reappearing far away form the black hole as soon as he did Lycan reappeared behind to him and slashed at his back Terra quickly used his darkness to teleport to safety once again

Komodo Looked to Axel seeing a barrage of layers heading for him he waited for the layers barrage to finish then he infused his scales with his Nen enhancing his defensive power then curled up into a ball and rolled right at Axel covering himself in icy spikes as he speeded towards his target
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Saïx looked around slowly and saw that the battle was raging on. He locked on to Taurus, a bull. He closed his eyes for a moment and magic energy swirrled around him fiercely. After a few moments, he opened his eyes and teleported directly behind the bull. He aimed his keyblade at him and fired a light blast which travelled at light speed at him, then teleported once again to the side. Saïx attempted to slash at him with an exploding strike.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Vanitas teleported away from Faith's attack then created a black barrier which protected him from the other attacks. He laughed and looked at them all.

"Too slow!"

He then stabbed his keyblade into the ground using dark magic, suddenly hundreds upon hundreds of black corruption orbs flew towards Faith all of them tracking her.


Axel quickly saw Xemnas's attack was deflected and sent to him and laughed and spun his wheel blades as he thrusted them to his sides. An inferno barrier rose up all around him, protecting him completely. He then did a black flip into a portal created out of fire to avoid the rolling ball of death. He came out a few feet behind it and shot out a wave of explosive energy then he jumped into the air and combined his wheel blades, he threw them to the ground and they sunk into the earth. Moments later meteorites covered in black inferno. They crashed to the ground creating huge explosions. When the smoke cleared Axel stepped out of a portal and summon his weapons again.


Xemnas laughed as he watched his attack be completely deflected. Interesting, this was going to be a fun fight. He summoned two black swords from nothingness. Then he looked at Jade.

"I'm only just getting started, I will give you one last chance. Leave!"

He teleported and attempted to slash Jade, then another version appeared of him, and another, and another! Soon there were five of him. The first clone, whether he missed or hit would explode right next to Jade. Then the other four held their hands together. A huge black barrier appeared all around Jade created from nothingness. Then another barrier appeared, this one golden created from pure magic. Four pillars were summoned on every coner of the barriers. Lastly the pillars formed a final barrier made with magic and a mix of nothingness. With all three barriers in place, it would be impossible to teleport out, phase out or escape in any way. All of this would of been done in a matter of seconds. Then All four Xemnas's teleported in the barrier on each corner, together that created a huge nothingness blast that covered the entire middle of the barriers.


Archer hadn't expected anyone to come crashing down on him, he did a backflip out of the way, only just escaping in time. Then he saw the red aura slash and jumped into a portal once again. He came out behind him and shot five explosive arrows at him. Then he placed his hand on the ground, manipulating the earth, he made the ground come up above Lexaeus's feet and tangle his legs so he couldn't move. He jumped back and sent a few more explosive rounds at him.

"Did your mother never teach you not to bring a sword to a bow fight?"

He laughed a little, taunting him as he landed on the floor again, ready to move on a moment's notice.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Faith, Rouge, Robin, Ennaliese

Faith laughed at Venitus as she sa him try the same attack that failed just moments before her fairy protected her just like last time while her imp fired off three tracking fire blasts at Venitus while Rouge aimed her bow at Vanitus
“Target Lock” as she said this she created and fired an ice arrow that would be impossible to evade even if it’s target tried to teleport away it would teleport after them and it would freeze anything it hit Faith, Robin and Ennaliese all let out a soft grin they knew this attack well and knew exactly what to expect Faith covered herself in a flaming aura and shot fire blasts out of her hands as she sent herself flying at Venitus she sung her fist at him aiming a punch right at his face but she didn’t expect her attack to hit he expect led him to teleport away like the last time and if he did she would shot fire blasts out of her hands to quickly change directions and fly right for him wherever he reappeared with a flaming charge her sure would create an explosion on contact Ennaliese covered herself in lighting aura and ran at Venitus aiming to stand him in the heart but she also expected him to teleport out of the way and as soon as he reappeared she would soon around and trow her spear at him with lighting speed meanwhile Robin readied her bow with a plasma arrow and she would fire as soon as he attempted to escape her friends attacks as she fires her plasma arrow would multiple into two dozen plasma arrow that would all explode on contact


Looked to Xemnax as he tried to trap her inside his barrier and attack her with multiple clones she simply jumped into her book and from there she teleport outside of his barrier as soon as she did her book would detonate creating a huge explosion that would destroy his barrier and everything inside it


Saw the elf teleport away only to reappear behind him firing arrows into his back and used the earth to trap his feet as he mocked him he let out a load scream as he looked to the elf
“Don’t underestimate me I’ll destroy you”
He jumped at the elf the earth binds shattering as he did and attempted to grab his face if he succeeded he would slam his face into the ground then throw him into the trees with enough force to smash though multiple trees and as soon as the came to a stop and fell to the ground he would stamp on the ground creating an earth spike underneath the elf that would slam into him sending him flying into the air he would then jump at him and swing the back of his sword at the elf hooking onto his neck then trow him into the ground as he did this he would create a barrier in the air under his feet out of his aura and jumped at the elf attempting to crush him once and for all


Taurus took a look around wondering who he should crus first he saw a man with a strange looking blade he saw the way he looked at him before he closed his eye it was pretty obvious that guy was targeting him he held out both of his hand and suddenly a cloke appeared in both hands one was his cloke of flight the other was his cloke of misdirection these would allow him to fly and to easily deflect any rangeds attacks suddenly the guy appeared behind him and the light slash was drewn to the cloke of misdirection Taurus saw the attack fly past him he looked behind him as he put his cloke of flight on over his shoulders and tied the strings around his neck he then flew into the air still holding his cloke of misdirection in his left hand as he raised his right hand to the sky suddenly five large rocks appeared in the sky and as he lowered his hand the came crashing down like meteors


Looked around and saw everyone had an opponent but all the enemies where already fighting someone so he manipulated the air around him and create and whirlwind that would allow him to fly into the sky he then created two cannon tonfas while he drew his axe with his upper right hand and pulled out his rope with his upper left hand he then created two Gatling guns on his back he aimed his cannons at Saix and opened fire shooting out two cannon balls made of lighting that would exploded on contact creating a powerful electric field while one of his gattling guns on his back targeted Axel the other Xemnas they began firing sonic bullets that could destabilise the molecular bonds of any living thing turning it to dust he then thee his Axe at Venitus with enough force to cut though steal as he sung his rope like a wipe enfused with his aura it would create an kinetic explosion powerful enough smash though steal


Saw the exposive wave heading for him he put his arms like a shield blocking the explosion the force of the attacks knocked him back a few feet and blew off his scales they soon grew back as Komodo saw the meteors heading for him he simply opened his moth and fired plasma bast at them blowing them up before they hit the ground Komodo then looked to Axal seeing a barrage of sonic bullets heading for him Komodo simply slammed his tail on the ground creating an earthquake that cracked the earth as it spread out stone spike would shoot up out of the ground in all directions including under Axals feet Komodo would then call both his hand together creating a powerful sonic wave right at Axal strong enough to level a building
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Saïx Looked up and saw the meteorites coming for him as well as several canon balls. He held his Keyblade tightly and closed his eyes. Suddenly his skin dulled and became transparent. This allowed him to avoid all damage. When the attacks went through him, he immediately teleported behind the bull. His arm and sword solidified and attacked Taurus with a plasma blade which would explode on impact then he’d immediately teleport away once more, dulling out his arm once more.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Xehanort looked to Yuki, Sharptooth, Christi, Bulldozer and Pixie. They had learned quite a lot in this little magic training Tutorial session. He could teach them so much more but at least they had the basics down. It was best to go and aid their allies now.

"Well done, to all of you. That is all we've got time for. Now we should go and help our allies take care of our guests."

With that, he demonstrated one last spell. He closed his eyes and darkness warped around him until he disappeared. He reappeared on the battlefield. He took one quick look around then laughed. He summoned his keyblade and rose it to the air, suddenly a black vortex swirlled around the tip. Xehanort shot it directly at Jade. She would feel herself being pulled towards it, getting harder to escape as it came closer and closer every second.


Yuki listened to Xehanort and jumped on Sharptooth. She had learned a lot from him, and now it was time to test all that knowledge in a real battle. She watched him teleport and did the same with Sharptooth. The two teleported to the battlefield and quickly accessed the situation. She jumped off Sharptooth and turned to him.

"Sharptooth, attack!"

She pointed to Faith and the other three who were attacking Vanitas and Sharptooth nodded. Meanwhile, she looked at Mammath. Seeing what he was doing she held out her hand. She created a pure magic energy sword then copied all of his attacks, recreated them and sent them at him. They would only target him, if they missed she would make them teleport and send them back again. They were double the power of the original attacks. While this was happening, Sharptooth jumped in the air. Using his magic, he created a huge explosive aura around himself. Then he used his magic to force himself down at incredible speeds straight at Faith and the other three. Whether he hit or not, It'd create a massive explosion.


Christi teleported when Yuki did and appeared at the battlefield. She looked around and jumped off Boulder. She looked to Komodo and quickly pointed to him.


Immediately Bulldozer ran at full pelting speed. Christi then looked to Faith and the others. She already saw Sharptooth getting ready to attack. Whether it worked or not, Christi would teleport behind Robin.


Suddenly, all attacks headed for Vanitas would immediately head for Robin, including Faith's and Ennaliese attacks. They would feel themselves being pulling towards Robin, so strong that they wouldn't be able to pull away no matter how hard they tried. Then Christi teleported to Sharptooth and got ready to defend if she needed to.


Pixie watched as Christi and Yuki disappeared. Then she herself followed. She looked around and saw Xehanort attacking Jade. She held out her hands and spoke an spell.

"Light turns dark, life becomes death. Let the power of darkness, the hatred of our enemies fuel my power. Go forth, send this vermin in a everlasting nightmare!"

Suddenly a huge black ball headed straight to Jade. As it drew closer, Jade would be able to here tiny faint whispers in the dark. If it hit her, she would be swallowed up in darkness, trapped in a never ending nightmare.


Vanitas watched as the four worked together to attack him. He laughed and let the attacks come, then out of nowhere, just before he got hit, he phased through all attacks. All of a sudden he appeared elsewhere.


He looked to Robin and used a dark barrier to deflect the arrow she had sent to him right back at her. Then out of nowhere a huge dinosaur came crashing down. He quickly created a dome barrier to protect himself from the shockwave. Then the girl....Christi? He wasn't sure what her name was. She used her magic to counter all the attacks. He placed his hand on the ground and used his dark magic to pull Faith and Ennalese into ever lasting darkness.

Meanwhile, Bulldozer ran straight at Komodo. Then he cloned himself, and again, and again. All four ran at lightning speed with the power of magic. Just before Bulldozer slammed into Komodo he jumped back and cloned himself again. If any one hit, they would explode with enough force to blow off the scales completely. Bulldozer landed on the ground then watched carefully, waiting to see what happened.


Axel watched as his attacks did nothing, he prepared himself for another attack and when it came he laughed. With one quick wave of his hand, he had disappeared. He reappeared behind Komodo and shot a huge fireblast at him which was so hot, it'd burn off the flesh and scales in seconds. Then he saw Bulldozer come down to help, he smiled. He knew that things were going to become a whole lot easier.


Xemnas laughed as she teleported away, interesting. He watched as the book was about to explode but before it could Xemnas just disappeared into nothingness. He reappeared out of the barrier. When he did he saw Pixie and Xehanort attack her. He knew his attacks weren't very effective against her, so he decided to let them handle it. He looked around and gave a small smile when he spotted Faith and three others. They were being attacked by Vanitas, Sharptooth and Christi. Then looked to Axel and Komodo. He telported in front of them and held out his hand. Suddenly a huge magic blast appeared out of nowhere in front of Komodo which would explode on impact headed directly at him.


Archer was ready for almost anything, but he didn't expect the man to jump at him with the speed that he did. Before he could react, his face was grabbed and slammed into the ground, then he was thrown full force into the trees. Then as he was falling towards the ground, the eath came smashing into him sending him in the air. After that he was grabbed once more and thrown to the ground again only to be crushed with a final attack. Archer coughed up blood and slowly got himself up. He hadn't expected such an attack. He slowly looked up to Lexaueus before falling back down once more.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Cheetara, Larxene

Cheetara looked to Larxene and created two kunai out pure aura and ran passed Larxene she did she threw one at her Larxene lighting barrier couldn’t stop Cheetaras kunai since her aura didn’t conduct electricity as the kunai passed though her barrier Larxene quickly jumped back out of the way only to release Cheetara was now behind her she slashed at her with her kunai and Larxene made a few kunai out of lighting she easily deflected Cheetara attack and kicked her back as Cheetara was sent flying back she created a kunai out of oxygen and threw it at Larxene who simply moved to the side to evade the attack but as Cheetaras kunai passed though her electric barrier the pure oxygen caught fire and exploded Larxene was caught on of guard because of the explosion and was sent flying back as Larxene fell to the ground Cheetara took advantage of this and ran at Larxene intercepting her before she hit the ground and with her kunai she slashed Larxenes throat then Cheetara span around slashing her again and again she almost looked like a tornado with blades after a minute Larxene was sent flying as Cheetara began to slow down blood started poring out of Larxenes wounds so she quickly shocked her hole body sending lighting rushing though her body cauterising her wounds stopping the bleeding but she had already lost a lot of blood she stared at Cheetara keeping her eye on her enemy when she saw Xehanort and Pixie arriving on the battlefield it seams she had bought enough time so she disappeared into darkness and returned to their camp

Tigra, Vexen

Vexen hals out his hand and fired a ice blast at Tigra attempting to freeze him Tigra simply stomped on the ground and created and earth wall to protect him then he charged at Vexen at when to slash his throat with his claws Vexen created an ice was that Tigra easily broke though as Vexen jumped back out of Tigras reach suddenly Vexen created dozens of large ice spikes and sent them flying at Tigra who sung his Claw in the air creating and air slash that cut down the ice spikes while Tigra was distracted Vexen soaked his shield into the ground and created another ice shock wave ice spike rose up out of the ground and staged into Tigra but as they soaked against his stone armour they simply shattered Tigra the split in two a white Tigra ran to the left of Vexen while a black one ran to his right they both charged at Vexen who put up a huge ice shield around him both Tigras easily broke though and crushed Vexen in between them the the white Tigra punched Vexen in the face the black one kicked him in the back sending Vexen spinning around as his head slammed into the ground the white Tigra created a dozen earth spikes and stabbed them into Vexen while the black Tigra picked up a huge rock and soaked it on top of Vexen and the stone spikes just before the rock hit Vexen disappeared into darkness escaping the worst of the damage he returned to their camp to find Larxene there it seams that everyone else had left to join the battle he sat down and covered his wounds with ice to stop his bleeding

Lycan, Terra

Lycan and Terra teleporting to each other trying to land a hit and teleporting away from each other to avoid attacks never one being able to land an actual hit on the other until Lycan created a four clones that began to gang up on Terra putting him entirely on the defensive suddenly he had 5 teleporting wolfs constantly disappearing and reappearing to attack him Terra saw a hat he was outnumbered and outmatched Terra decided to jump in the air and rose his keyblade in the sky as he created a number of meteors he sung his blade down and the meteors creating a huge explosion around him forcing Lycan and his clones to back off for a few minuets witch was exactly what he wanted he took this time to tap into his darkness a black aura surrounded him as he focused some of his dark power into his hand as the five wolfs teleported back at him and slashed at him from all directions he punched the ground creating a huge dark explosion sending Lycan flying back and destroying his four clones as Terra looked up he saw Xehanort and pixie arrive he smiled knowing that this battle was finally over there was no way Jade and her group could beat all of them


Saw as Xemnas avoided the explosion and saw the enemies reinforcements arrive she saw Archer take a big hit and Faith Robin Rouge and Ennaliese in terrible danger with their attacks being turned against them and multiple opponents attacking them she saw the two attacks coming for her and heard the evil whispers coming from them she quickly created a decoy right in front her out out of her aura as she teleported away she
“Tigra attack the guy standing over archer”

She then created a portal under Faith Robin Rouge and Ennaliese and teleported them to her as the attacks came at them she opened a vortex to swallow up all the projectiles while she expanded her Nen barrier creating an inviable shield to stop the physical attacks

Tigra looked at Lexaeus and the two tigers ran at him from opposite sides Lexaeus saw this and held his ground waiting to see what they would do as the two charged at Lexaeus he smiled and rose his sword and sung it to the ground attempting to create a huge aura explosion the black Tigra jumped in the way of his sword and used all his strength to try and block the attack but the sword strike cut it in two but the Black Tigra managed to slow the swing of his sword down preventing the explosion as the Black Tigra disappeared its energy returned to the white Tigra returning him to his usual orange colour he was now right beside Lexaeus he kicked his legs out from under him and as he fell back he hit him with an uppercut that sent Lexaeus flying he smashed though a number of trees before landing by Xemnas

Jade then she created a new Nen book

“Komodo Mammoth Cheetara Taurus Lycan Tigra return” as soon as she said that the Nen beast disappeared and returned to her book

“Cheetara save Archer”
Suddenly the Cheetara reappeared with new orders Cheetara ran over to the unconscious Archer and picked him up and ran back to their camp while Jade opened up a portal as Faith Robin Rouge and Ennaliese stepped though they would reappear back in their camp a few seconds ahead of Cheetara Faith took Archer off her as Faith Robin Rouge and Ennaliese all took him to the medic tents with his mission complete Cheetara disappeared and returned to Jades book Jade then disappeared from the battlefield and teleported to the nimbat city
“Your intelligence was way off that Pixie is not alone she has recruited about 13 people all extremely powerful my strike team was completely outnumbered and outmatched”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Saïx watched how Xehanort and Pixie came to fight, and as they did the battle quickly ended, the enemies retreated. Now the only ones in the forest were those who belonged in the forest. He turned towards Pixie and Xehanort and sighed.

"So, what is our plan now?"

He looked around to quickly check on how badly everyone was injured. He knew Larxene and Vexen had gone back to camp from their injuries but they seemed to be the only ones.
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