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Zeroth Post
The commander is on deck.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by VahkiDane
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(approved via discord)

Name: Iral Vijil

Age: 31

Species: Hihijli

Gender: Male

Appearance: Iral has an appearance a little like a feathered raptor, but an elegant one, in a way. He's covered in brown feathers, like those of a hawk, and his eyes are a piercing blue, like that of the ocean. He has talons on his hands though he tends to keep his shorter and less sharp than the rest of his species. Both of his lower legs are cybernetic, blown off at the thigh by an enemy mech a long time ago. He tends to keep himself in good hygiene and appearance. He has a small but long scar beside his left eye. Outside of his mech, he tends to wear a grey military jacket, and regular cargos and boots to cover up his legs.

Equipment: He keeps a sidearm pistol on him, as well as a few spare mags in his jacket when he's wearing it. Otherwise, he doesn't keep much on him. He refers to it as being "lightweight".

Skills: Iral's excellent with marksmanship outside of the mech, and is a good navigator. Though he doesn't like to admit it (and has indeed started fights over people pointing it out), he's also surprisingly good at singing. He is telepathic with the rest of his race.

Personality: Iral Vijil is a snarky and somewhat distrusting mercenary. He continously expresses dislike and often disgust for humans, but tends to leave the minority of other races on the Argonaut alone. However, compared to the rest of his race, he is mild in his dislike. He holds some respect for Natalia Faust, his commander, possibly due to her prowess in battle.

Bio: He was born on one of the smaller worlds populated by the Hihijli, and lived a calm life until he was conscripted for the military for a very short, but painful war that lasted only a year or so, during which his lower legs were completely blown off along with the lower half of his mech. Only days after he was treated in the hospital and given cybernetics, the war ended, leaving him jobless and very much alone. Leaving his home planet, he decided to become a mech mercenary, taking his above average record in the military as a mech pilot. But the Hihijli themselves did not usually form mercenary groups, considering them to be greedy and untrustworthy. So, Iral joined the Lightning Tigers, despite his preferences. His exposure to humans was jarring at first, and caused more than a few arguments and standoffs, but his prowess and enjoyment as a pilot made up for it.

Weaknesses: He is sometimes arrogant. He's also afraid of the Apatagor, caused by a rumor spread on his home planet about their military eating their enemies corpses. As a result of being blown up in a Mark 4 Direwolf, he's also chronically afraid of the number 4, to the point that even seeing it is enough to put him in a bad mood and cause him to perform below-average. This extends to his teammates having the number 4 on their mechs as well.

Mech Name: Stalker Judge

Mech Chassis: Coyote Mark 2

Mech Class: Light

Appearance: The mech stands upright, and is relatively small. It has a sharp aesthetic, and Iral has spray painted sharp red teeth and eyes onto the mech's "face", which sits as a small angular fixed addition on the top of the torso. It is primarily army grey, and has white accents. The hand and wrist of the mech appears to be painted red as if it was splashed in blood permanently.

Center Torso Hardpoint: Light SRM, Machine Gun Array

Left Torso Hardpoint: Jumpjet

Right Torso Hardpoint: Jumpjet, ECM

Left Arm Hardpoint: Medium Slug Autocannon (Fills the whole hardpoint)

Right Arm Hardpoint: Light Laser mounted on the arm (He uses this one as a hand)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Nato Greavesy
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Nato Greavesy The Traveler

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Nato Greavesy Everything looks good, feel free to put Juliana in the Character tab!

Name: Juliana Winters

Age: 24

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Appearance: Of average height and wiry build, Juliana has black hair (usually dyed dark red), and soft green eyes. Her face is marred by an angular scar, slanting down from her forehead to her cheek. Off duty, she dresses in casual, but practical clothes, preferring to wear jeans and a denim jacket, along with plain shirts without logos or images. In the field, she wears standard tactical gear, with pouches for stowing items, with liberal padding and light plating for comfort and protection. Some reference images.

Equipment: A wallet containing photo IDs, petty cash, loose change, and various cards. She also carries a small data tablet for communications and such, which is kept in a reinforced case when not in use, to shield it from shrapnel and bullets. Around her neck she wears a spent casing of a sniper bullet, engraved with the initials of her fallen comrades. Her weapons of choice are a kukri combat knife, a high-calibre 7-shot revolver, and a semiautomatic mid-range rifle that uses 10-round clips.

Skills: Aside from her capability as a mech pilot, Juliana also has some talent as a sniper, scout, and tracker, as these skills mesh well with her preference for solo work.

Personality: Optimistic and aloof, Juliana is something of a free spirit, eager for any opportunity to demonstrate her prowess in battle. Though she isn’t always the best as teamwork, she’s nonetheless incredibly loyal to her comrades. Her most defining characteristic is her upbeat attitude; no matter how stark a situation, she will find a way to alleviate it with sarcasm or snark.

Bio: Born on a colony world already floundering due to overpopulation, Juliana’s upbringing was one where decent meals were few and far between, and luxuries were practically non-existent. To combat their population problems, the colony leaders resorted to compulsory military conscription, so when Juliana reached 18, she – along with many others – were sent off-world to join the war machine of the colony’s founding empire.

Suffice to say, it wasn’t a fun experience. Raw recruits were given barebones training, assigned to substandard mechs, and thrown into the gruelling meatgrinder of the front lines, their lives little more than numbers on a spreadsheet in the eyes of the commanders. Juliana was one of those lucky enough to make it through to the other side of her obligatory three years with nothing but a few superficial scars to show for it. Many of her friends weren’t so lucky.

Although she wished to put the horrors of her military service behind her, Juliana had difficulty readjusting to civilian life, and was unable to hold down work, leading her to once again throw herself into the fray, this time as a mercenary, unbeholden to the fallacies of ideology or patriotism.

Weaknesses: Having lost a great many friends and comrades during her three years spent as a soldier, Juliana has difficulty making new friends and opening up to others. She prefers to conduct operations mostly on her own, fearing deep down that her companions will let her down, or get themselves killed because of her mistakes. She also has a healthy disrespect for authority figures.

Mech Name: Banjo
Mech Chassis: Australovenator-Class Strider
Mech Class: Medium
Appearance: i.imgur.com/atdnEsv.png
Centre Torso Hardpoint: Medium LRM pod.
Left Torso Hardpoint: Medium machine gun array.
Right Torso Hardpoint: Light laser (x2).
Left Arm Hardpoint: Targeting assist laser, simple claw hand.
Right Arm Hardpoint: Particle Projector Cannon.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by GunmetalGold
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Approved via Discord]

Name: Brae Tessen

Age: 27

Species: Apatagor

Gender: Female

Appearance: A large, muscular Apatagor with tufted ears and a few scars around her muzzle. She has thick, black fur with gold-orange patches and green eyes. Brae also has a prosthetic arm, with heavy scarring and burns around the stump on her forearm. She typically wears a dark blue jumpsuit with some armored sections, thick, heavy boots, and a helmet that lets her link to her Mech’s systems. When off duty, she ties the top half of her jumpsuit around her waist and wears a tank top, as well as leaving her boots off.

Equipment: Brae usually carries a heavy knife strapped to her leg, and a pair of plated knuckle dusters.

Skills: Brae is well trained in Apatagor combat techniques, and is an adept mechanic. She is also a good cook. At least by Apatagor standards.

Personality: Brae is a brash, stubborn warrior who has a love of fighting and combat. She is loud and boisterous, but she is honorable and values her teammates, and will happily dive into the fray to retrieve wounded.

Bio: Brae hails from Xenu, and was a great warrior in the Apatagor ranks. However, after making a horrible mistake in an enemy attack, her entire group was killed, and Brae was disgraced and cast out. Now, she seeks to prove herself worthy of leading again and pilots a Mech to achieve that.

Weaknesses: Brae is incredibly stubborn. It’s hard to change her mind, and even harder to change it again. She’s gotten her crew in a lot of trouble this way.

Mech Name: Praetorian Ruin

Mech Chassis: Phalanx Mk7

Mech Class: Heavy

Appearance: Praetorian Ruin is a large, imposing mech painted dark grey and white. It is hunched slightly, like it’s Apatagor pilot, and has large fists with clawed fingers. It’s torso is heavily armored and round, full of scorch marks and battle damage.

Center Torso Hardpoint: Particle Projector Cannon (Fills hardpoint)

Left Torso Hardpoint: Jump Jet x2

Right Torso Hardpoint: Jump Jet x2

Left Arm Hardpoint: Empty

Right Arm Hardpoint: Heavy Autocannon
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ehksidian
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Ehksidian h,

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Gonna post this here instead of the Discord server for approval.

Though the Catfolk section is pre-approved.


One would think that an alien species bearing a striking resemblance to the housecats of Earth, a species that nearly acts identically like them, and one fully capable of speaking human languages with no issues would be impossible. That assumption would be entirely correct. There are no truly alien species foreign to Earth that are like that.

There are, however, the Catfolk. Historians are unsure about the exact origins of the species. Some assert that the species came from genetic experiments on actual housecats on Earth, to “uplift” the species. Others say that they are direct offshoots of humans, caused by extreme self-modification to the point where they couldn’t even be considered the same species. Regardless of their origin and vague history, they still exist nowadays in small pockets among human colonies.

Catfolk in general behave much like a blend of humans and actual housecats, with an overall lazy demeanor and a somewhat…playful attitude towards things they consider “prey.” Of course, this varies from individual to individual. They lack a culture notably distinct from humans, and all of their technology is either human in origin, or derived from human technology. Agile and flexible, they at large prefer lighter Mechs over heavy-hitting ones, preferring more stealthy approaches and ambushes over direct head-on conflict. They generally prefer being snipers, scouts, and the like over being frontline soldiers.

Name: Taia Sal

Age: 28

Species: Catfolk

Gender: Female

Appearance: Taia stands at 5’7” at the tips of her ears, with short grey fur covering her entire body. Her overall silhouette is rather plain and slim. Like any cat, her green eyes have notably slitted pupils. A slender and long tail tapers out behind her, flicking idly every so often. Without the tail or…well, cat head, her frame is remarkably human. The most notable feature would be her left arm – an entirely pitch-black prosthetic limb, which looks more akin to a gauntlet than a normal arm. Of course this usually is difficult to see, as Taia almost always wears long gloves that reach up to her shoulders on each arm, or jackets. Even when on the field, her usual tactical gear always covers her left arm completely.

Equipment: Taia always carries a small pistol in a hip holster. A personal comms device, tablet, and other devices in field-tested casing are usually found on her person.

Skills: Taia made her mark as a crackshot with a sniper rifle, and more than knows her way around fiddling with technology – both experimental and not. She’s fully capable of performing maintenance on prosthetic limbs and similar robotics, more out of needing to take care of herself than anything else. She has a rather natural knack for slinking about in the shadows and working in low-light environments.

Personality: While she may seem somewhat businesslike and no-nonsense at first, Taia has quite the thrillseeker streak in her…which sometimes leads to some poor decision making on her part. On the off chance she doesn’t decide to do something stupid for kicks, she usually runs thorough mental exercises on how an event might go. They aren’t exactly correct, of course, but she tries.
Even with her adrenaline junkie attitude, she still prefers not to put her life directly on the line. She’s aware of her physical and skill limitations, and prefers not to test those too much. Especially after losing her arm.

Bio: “You want my history? Really? I mean, if you insist. Gotta get the job somehow…

“I was born in a human colony pretty far out there. Some backwater planet, wasn’t much to it. Few other catfolk there like me, of course. Mom and dad weren’t the richest around but we weren’t dirt-poor, luckily. Rarely didn’t have at least some food on the table. And if we didn’t, Dad would usually go out hunting for some food. Always find it odd when people say they couldn’t do that sort of thing. Like, why wouldn’t you have some forests or the like around? That’s off topic.

“Eventually I decided to leave home. Wasn’t a big fan of living in the middle of nowhere, after all. I was interested in helping test out experimental military tech and got that job pretty quickly. Not surprising though, given the nature of the tests. They pretty much threw whichever Joe Schmoe they could find off the street to try and figure out the limitations of some of these weapons they made. Something about ‘general usage’ or whatever, I forget. Normally they paid you a bit to make sure the device was easy to figure out and operate, then sent you off. I got a more long-term job and ended up helping out with more…volatile things. Weapons.

“Ever hear about arm cannons? Stick a gun to an arm, use the entire arm as stabilization instead of just holding it for more firepower. Well, it’s a dumb idea. They gave me one and it blew up, which is why I don’t have my left arm. They at least hooked me up with a prosthetic to make up for it, but…it was absurd. Quit that job, took up some military work for a bit, got sick and tired of all the ‘do it for your planet and species!’ crap and decided to come here.”

“Is that good enough for you?”

Weaknesses: Prosthetic arms, while more durable than normal arms, still require specific maintenance to operate at a decent capacity. Not only that, but it doesn’t heal naturally over time – Taia would have to dedicate time specifically to repairing her arm if it gets damaged.

Not only that, but she’s not the strongest person around. Her physical capabilities consist of being able to move fast and be flexible, not moving heavy loads.

Mech Profile:

Mech Name: Shadowrend

Mech Chassis: MK-02 Lightweight Scout

Mech Class: Light

Appearance: Shadowrend is a lightly armored Mech, focusing more on mobility than taking hits or anything. Its entire left arm is a massive laser cannon, far bigger than most Light mechs have. Because of this additional weight, the Mech lacks any weapons on its right arm – this is to lower the weight enough so that the Mech is still plenty agile, especially with the myriad of Jump Jets it has.

The entire Mech is painted deep black, to better assist it in nighttime operations...though Taia does often try and paint it to better suit whatever environment it is, if the black paint job would be detrimental.

The only other detail of note is the gigantic laser making up its left arm...which has the words "BFG" painted on it.

Armament- What weapons does it have?

Center Torso Hardpoint: Two jump jets

Left Torso Hardpoint: One jump jet, one Light Short Range Missile Array

Right Torso Hardpoint: One jump jet, one Light Short Range Missile Array

Left Arm Hardpoint: Heavy Laser

Right Arm Hardpoint: None, used as a hand to stabilize the Big Freaking Laser when firing from afar.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ardoku
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Zyreq'riis

Age: 57

Species: Vindiq'ra (splinter)

Gender: Male

Appearance: Zyreq is 6'6" tall and has a lithe though relatively athletic body build. Like other members of his species, Zyreq shares many macro-level physical characteristics with humans, though his skin and hair are white and his eyes are wholly blood red though with black triangle shaped pupils. Setting his species, and thus him, apart from humans though is the unusual size of their eyes compared to humans, the nostril slits they have instead of noses, and the sharp shark-like teeth that line their mouths.

Zyreq's hair is shoulder length, most of the time kept cleanly washed and intricately braided. Comparatively, Zyreq would be considered extremely fair and beautiful by the standards of humans, as well as the standards of many other species, though this is a trait the Vindiq'ra are known for and in fact take pride in.

Equipment: A long blade of an alien design. It has a dark metallic blade with runes etched into it, a silver crossguard and pommel, and a blood red handle. When outside of his mech, he wears an elaborate black and red cloth tasset which reaches his knees, but is otherwise shirtless and barefoot. When in his mech, he wears a skintight jumpsuit, red and maroon, that covers him entirely barring his head, along with a black helmet of strikingly aggressive design.

Skills: Zyreq is exceptional in swordsmanship, and is also highly accurate with ranged weaponry. He is highly agile and quick on his feet, and stronger than he looks.

Personality: At first glance, Zyreq is rather amiable. Further acquaintance will reveal him to be a bloodthirsty albeit charming individual with a particularly dark and morbid sense of humour. He shares his species' general opinion that violence and bloodshed are the highest forms of sophistication, and that melee combat are the purest expression of this. He is also quite vain, but although he cares about maintaining his own physical allure, he will never let this get in the way of his combat prowess.

Bio: Zyreq is part of a Vindiq'ra splinter group that arrived in the milky way a long time ago, where they lost their advanced technology and regressed to the tech level present in their new home galaxy. He was raised on traditional Vindiq'ra values of divine duty of conquest and might making right, and has come to value violence as a very pure method of self-expression. Since leaving New Acragus, Zyreq has taken part in many skirmishes, fighting in different wars and conflicts across the galaxy until one day he joined The Lightning Tigers for fortune and glory.

Weaknesses: Zyreq is extremely arrogant, although he's careful not to underestimate any opponent (Vindiq'ra culture encourages that you always be prepared for your enemy being more dangerous than they seem). Also, due to his vanity, Zyreq can fall victim to flattery. He is also quite hesitant to actually land kill shots with any ranged weaponry, preferring instead to land kills in melee range. As such, he'll often squander perfect opportunities for kill shots and instead at most attempt shooting to disable.

Mech Profile
Mech Name: Scorn
Mech Chassis: Vindication Bruiser Mk9F
Mech Class: Medium
Appearance: Maroon and steel grey with various blood red markings in Vindiq'ra language (image incoming).
Center Torso Hardpoint: Jump Jet, UAV
Left Torso Hardpoint: Jump Jet, ECM
Right Torso Hardpoint: Jump Jet, AMS
Left Arm Hardpoint: Heavy Laser
Right Arm Hardpoint: Medium Industrial Jackhammer
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by NinthG1g4by73


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Skoll {OOC; I know the o is struck through, just imagine it with two little dots over it and pronounce it that way}

Age: 35

Species: N'Kul {species submitted to @UltimoScorp through discord}

Gender: Male

Appearance: mobygames.com/images/promo/original/1

Equipment: Portable SRM single tube launcher with three reloads. A welding/cutting tool. Belt lined with medical stimpacks, as well as standard medkit.

Skills: Aside from being a reasonably experienced mech pilot, Skoll has basic medical knowledge regarding most species to ensure pilots or other infantry based objectives do not bleed out, and because of that, he knows how to at least say "shut up, i'm a medic" in at least three languages.

Personality: Skoll can at least be sociable should the situation call for it, but tends to keep quiet, primarily because he prefers to let actions speak louder than what words can convey.

Bio: Skoll spent roughly fifteen years on Be'Lhas as an engineer for N'Kul mechs of the military caste. The next ten years were spent patching and stitching military caste soldiers and pilots back up, only to send them back to the front lines. The remaining five years up till the current moment have been patching up the crew of the Argonaut and her mech pilots, frankly all of the Lightning Tigers as a whole. It is through his personal choice that he refuses to divulge any information past that if he is asked to talk about himself. However, this is the synopsis of his usual response to any initial questions regarding himself. Further questions past that are either disregarded entirely or flat out refused; Skoll joined primarily because of three reasons; one, knowledge is always useful, no matter the application. Two, being part of a crew helps expand both medical knowledge and engineering. Three, you technically need money to help fund the other two.

Weaknesses: Death is that eternal inevitable; an enemy for all medics. The same could be said for destruction when it comes to engineers. It is the job of both to put both organic and inorganic back together again. Despite this constant, Skoll fears a dishonorable death above the instant of death itself. He fears that should historians look back, they will look past him, or worse, discover something he isn't. Because of this mentality, and his belief of the trifunctional's doctrines, this causes irrational panic that is difficult, though possible, to dispel.

Mech Profile

Mech Name: Seeker

Mech Chassis: Grakata class Zathura Praetor Mk-XLVI

Mech Class: Medium

Appearance: {Image will be provided on discord after completion via stud.io}


Center Torso Hardpoint: ECM, Targeting Assist Laser

Left Torso Hardpoint: Medium LRM pod

Right Torso Hardpoint: Medium LRM pod

Left Arm Hardpoint: Medium AC

Right Arm Hardpoint: PPC
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

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