The commander is on deck.
Name: Natalia Faust
Age: 35 years old
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Appearance: Tall at 5' 9", Natalia shows her Germanic heritage in her tightly maintained blonde hair and dazzlingly blue eyes. Her face is set almost constantly in a stern and even gaze, and she keeps her dress spartan and always pristine. Most often she keeps to what could only be an old dress uniform from her military days, a deep navy blue long coat and pants trimmed in white with black boots that reach to just under her knees.
Equipment: At her hip rests a laser pistol, and in her ear sits eternally a comm device. She keeps a personal datapad and a pair of reading glasses. Mention them at your own peril.
Skills: A well-versed marksman and physical combatant, Natalia has kept her skills from her military days sharp.
Personality: Natalia is a straight-laced, rational leader, who has few regrets about the life she's chosen. With a love for a good challenge, be it on the battlefield or off, she comes across as more a force of nature than a woman of 35. She knows her crew isn't like her, and as long as they get the job done, that suits her just fine. In fact, though she'd never soberly admit it, she much prefers being surrounded by such a varied bunch. She loves terrible action vids. She will always insist they are in fact, very good.
Bio: As one might expect from the way she carries herself and runs her ship, Natalia came from a military family and served in a quite successful army in the inner colonies, but was discharged following an incident with a superior officer that she adamantly refuses to speak about. But battle could not keep itself from Natalia Faust and so it was sometime later that she formed her own Mercenary group and has proven herself an effective and fierce leader. A string of jobs gone bad, betrayals, or defaults on payment has left her and her company low on funds.
Weaknesses: Has a tendency to fall into a 'get the job done no matter what' mentality at times, and can be insensitive toward the emotions of others. Can be stubborn and unrelenting on matters.
Age: 35 years old
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Appearance: Tall at 5' 9", Natalia shows her Germanic heritage in her tightly maintained blonde hair and dazzlingly blue eyes. Her face is set almost constantly in a stern and even gaze, and she keeps her dress spartan and always pristine. Most often she keeps to what could only be an old dress uniform from her military days, a deep navy blue long coat and pants trimmed in white with black boots that reach to just under her knees.
Equipment: At her hip rests a laser pistol, and in her ear sits eternally a comm device. She keeps a personal datapad and a pair of reading glasses. Mention them at your own peril.
Skills: A well-versed marksman and physical combatant, Natalia has kept her skills from her military days sharp.
Personality: Natalia is a straight-laced, rational leader, who has few regrets about the life she's chosen. With a love for a good challenge, be it on the battlefield or off, she comes across as more a force of nature than a woman of 35. She knows her crew isn't like her, and as long as they get the job done, that suits her just fine. In fact, though she'd never soberly admit it, she much prefers being surrounded by such a varied bunch. She loves terrible action vids. She will always insist they are in fact, very good.
Bio: As one might expect from the way she carries herself and runs her ship, Natalia came from a military family and served in a quite successful army in the inner colonies, but was discharged following an incident with a superior officer that she adamantly refuses to speak about. But battle could not keep itself from Natalia Faust and so it was sometime later that she formed her own Mercenary group and has proven herself an effective and fierce leader. A string of jobs gone bad, betrayals, or defaults on payment has left her and her company low on funds.
Weaknesses: Has a tendency to fall into a 'get the job done no matter what' mentality at times, and can be insensitive toward the emotions of others. Can be stubborn and unrelenting on matters.
Mech Name: Miss Direction
Mech Chassis: Gladiator
Mech Class: Heavy
Appearance: Roughly humanoid in form, this mech has been converted from a close brawler typical of its class to a withering direct fire platform, with the original arms being replaced from the elbow down with the immense heavy PPCs. Its boxy torso keeps a hunched appearance with the head sequestered low in the front. Painted a nearly black blue color lined in white, it is an imposing and regal mech. on the left torso are a series of red X marks, each one signifying a mech downed in combat.

Center Torso Hardpoint: UAV drone, Medium Laser
Left Torso Hardpoint: Medium Laser, Heavy SRM Rack
Right Torso Hardpoint: Medium Laser, Heavy SRM Rack
Left Arm Hardpoint: Heavy PPC
Right Arm Hardpoint: Heavy PPC
Mech Chassis: Gladiator
Mech Class: Heavy
Appearance: Roughly humanoid in form, this mech has been converted from a close brawler typical of its class to a withering direct fire platform, with the original arms being replaced from the elbow down with the immense heavy PPCs. Its boxy torso keeps a hunched appearance with the head sequestered low in the front. Painted a nearly black blue color lined in white, it is an imposing and regal mech. on the left torso are a series of red X marks, each one signifying a mech downed in combat.

Center Torso Hardpoint: UAV drone, Medium Laser
Left Torso Hardpoint: Medium Laser, Heavy SRM Rack
Right Torso Hardpoint: Medium Laser, Heavy SRM Rack
Left Arm Hardpoint: Heavy PPC
Right Arm Hardpoint: Heavy PPC