This is for the sole purpose of creating and messing around with RP ideas. Please do not post but feel free to like any ideas you come across.
A few years into the 1960s Humanity had undergone incredible leaps in technology. A permanent outpost had been established on the Moon, called Plato-1, in the year 1950 marking a significant step in mankind's quest for the stars. Then in 1958, a probe sent by the United States arrived at Mars and made a discovery that would change the course of human history forever. The probe sent back images of alien beings and structures before losing contact. All further attempts to send probes to Mars were met with failure. This did not deter the world's greatest minds from devising plans to allow them to communicate with this alien life. These same alien lifeforms invaded the moon in 1967 and began to attack facilities all across the surface, killing and devouring all in their path. They were thus named Beings of Extraterrestrial origin which is Adversary of human race or BETA for short. Humanity's fight for survival had just begun.
The BETA landed on Earth in 1973 after the recall of all forces on the Moon. From here on, they began a gruesome, and brutal harvest of all life and resources located on the planet. All attempts to communicate with the BETA were met with absolute failure. Years pass with the majority of Europe and Asia being taken over leaving the world wondering if nothing will turn the battle in their favor. Hundreds of Millions of lives lost, entire countries destroyed, and land stripped of all resources. Society stands on the brink of collapse as unrest spreads among the civilian and refugee populations due to food shortages and terrible living conditions.
The beginning of the year 2000, however, marked a change in the war. Leaders from the United Nations, Soviet Union, Japan, and the United states met in secret and devised a daring plan named Alternative VI that targeted the original BETA hive in Kashgar. The operation, later known as Operation Shattered Steel, would result in the first major victory for Humanity with the elimination of the hive and its Superior. This victory came at a cost of many TSF pilots and ground forces though there was no time to slow down. Study of this battle gave birth to the military theory 'Hybrid Arms', in which the different doctrines and TSFs present across the world would be used in tandem with each other.
It is now 2004 and Humanity is slowly making progress against the BETA. Europe is still under BETA control but there have been other victories across the world since 2000. A series of daring operations immediately after Operation Shattered Steel in the East resulted in the subjugation of Cheorwon, Sadogashime, and Evensk hives. An after action-report done from the forces that subjugated the Cheorwon hive, the last one to be destroyed, detailed an unknown strain of BETA within the central chamber of the hive that appeared to be in a larval state. Attempted elimination of the strain resulted in the loss of 75% of all military personnel that made contact. All information regrading this encounter was immediately classified leaving only the survivors and the top brass aware of what happened.
The nations of the world have agreed to take the strategy of Hyrbid Arms with its next step, the creation of a squadron using personnel and TSFs from different ideologies. You have been selected to join the 212th Tactical Armored Battalion--"The Grim Crows"--as one of four of these mixed squadrons. It is up to you, rookie or veteran, to show the world that victory is possible through a combined effort.
![]() __________________________________________________________ Name | Helene Mauss __________________________________________________________ Gender | Female __________________________________________________________ Age | 26 __________________________________________________________ Nationality | German __________________________________________________________ Service | People's National Army __________________________________________________________ Rank | Major __________________________________________________________ Experience | Veteran __________________________________________________________ Physical Profile __________________________________________________________ • Height | 171 cm • Weight | 61.4 kg • Build | Average, if a bit slim. • Hair Colour | White • Eye Colour | Light Purple TSF __________________________________________________________ • Type | Mig-35 • Role | Storm Vanguard • Loadout • 1x A-97 Assault Cannon • 4x36mm and 2x120mm Magazines • 1x Supplemental Armor • 2x Large blade motors • 2x Blade motors • Blade/Spike Vanes • 2x Close Combat Dagger | Personality ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ • Loyal • Serious • Honest • Direct • Calm • Confident Helene maintains an icy-cold demeanor that hides her concern for her subordinates's health and well-being. She does not shy away from a challenge and will often force others to back up wild claims they make. Helene does not like to hide or bend the truth from her allies but inquiries into her life outside of being a TSF pilot are made in vain. Her priorities are making sure that everyone gets through this war alive, not getting friendly with each person. History ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Born on March 24, 1978 to an influential family that she would not be aware of until much later in her life. She was taken by the Statsi at birth for their top-secret ESP program, backed by a group of Soviet scientists, modeled after the Soviet Union's Alternative III Plan. The intention of the Statsi was to create a generation of ESP-enhanced soldiers that they could exploit to exert greater control of East Germany. As they did not possess the same genetic engineering technology as the Soviets, they were forced to abduct newly born infants that were healthy and possessed qualities they believed vital to the project. Up until the fall of the Oder-Neisse Defence Line in 1983, Helene and many other children were subjected to numerous, unethical experiments paired alongside a rigid education in an attempt to develop their ESP potential. Helene was on of their most promising candidates as she began to demonstrate an ability to read the emotions of others towards the end of 1982, followed by a few others. Their development was halted for good when the BETA broke through and she was evacuated alongside a small number of her fellow subjects. After the Stasi were removed from power, authority of the children was handed over to what remained of the People's National Army. They were taken care of in a special facility until they were deemed old enough to begin basic training and military education. Helene was quickly appointed as leader of the class due the loyalty of the other children and her intelligence. Years of grueling training and the class graduated into the 606th TSF Squadron and began their first deployment in the summer of 1994 with Helene leading the formation in her MigG-29OVT Fulcrum. The 606th were highly successful in culling operations conducted in northern Germany and it was not long before they earned a reputation as the most elite squadron under East Germany's command. It was for this reason that they were selected to represent East Germany in Operation Shattered Steel. During the fighting, the 606th and especially Helen were credited with hundreds of slain BETA as a vanguard unit in the operation. However, the battle took its toll on the 606th with only seven members remaining by the time they reached the Hive's entrance thanks to the sudden appearance of the Laser-Fort class BETA. Helene still recalls the bittersweet feeling that came with the confirmation of the Superior's death. Her accomplishments led to her appointment as the squadron leader of the newly formed 212th Tactical Armored Battalion with the remaining 606th members being dispersed. Despite her own personal doubts, Helene is determined to guide the 212th to the end of this war. |
![]() __________________________________________________________ Name | Izaak Fabel __________________________________________________________ Gender | Male __________________________________________________________ Age | 44 __________________________________________________________ Nationality | West German __________________________________________________________ Service | U.N. 1st Force 231 Tactical Armored Battalion __________________________________________________________ Rank | Colonel __________________________________________________________ Experience | EX-TSF pilot __________________________________________________________ Physical Profile __________________________________________________________ • Height | • Weight | 80kg • Build | Average • Hair Colour | Brown • Eye Colour | Brown | Personality ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Easy-going and even slightly bashful. Colonel Fabel is known by many of his subordinates as a capable commander, one that can see the wider picture of a battle and direct his forces as required to ensure victory in the name of Humanity. Outside of battle Colonel Fabel is known to be a calculating and reserved higher echelon leader, careful not to step into the schemes of his fellow officers or other nations agents to further their careers or political agendas. Highly intuitive, and always suspicious of those not directly in his chain of command, Fabel has earned himself a reputation as the "Infallible Colonel" by those both withing the UN and on the outside if the UN who wish to use him and his unit to further their causes. History ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Born in a time before the BETA had landed on Earth, Izaak Fabel was a promising young man that his parents believed would move on to do great things with his ever growing mind. Be it lead armies of West Germany to a unification of their shattered nation, pursue a career in government, or make a move for a position within the UN itself. Izaak's parents knew that his son would be destined for greatness, and this would hold true. In 1967 the BETA would invade the Lunar surface, beginning the First Lunar War. Izaak, only seven at the time would not take part, and the fledgling UN Space Command forces would fight their hardest for the next several years until the BETA would finally make their way to Earth, landing in Kashgar Province in China. The development was followed closely by the world, and the Chinese would ensure the world that they had the situation under control. To which the world would soon learn was not the case. As the BETA would defeat the Chinese and Soviet forces that came to assist too late, the world would watch in horror as the BETA began their campaign of destruction against Asia and the Soviet Union and her Western European Warsaw PACT Allies. By 1976 Izaak would find himself a pilot in the Federal Republic of Germany's Army, flying the the F5G Tornado that was used as the mainstay of the West German TSF force. For the next five years Izaak would mostly sit at read-alert standby with the rest of the West German military as East Germany refused to allow the capitalist West to assist them in defending the Oder-Neisse Defense Line. Until the fall of the Oder-NEisse Defense Line in the waning days of August 1983. With West Germany's only shield against the BETA utterly annihilated following the fall of the Oder-Neisse, West German Forces along with US and UN forces would take part in multiple heroic last stands as the populace of the country and the rest of Western Europe was evacuated from the continent. Managing through what many would call skill but Izaak would attribute to luck, he would survive the desperate retreat and stalling of the EBTA advance across Western Germany and the rest of France to finally evacuate across the English Channel to the safe haven of Britain. Following the escape from mainland Europe, Izaak would be absorbed into the UN 1st Force in Britain, where a General would notice the brilliant young Officer being wasted as a TSF pilot and request him to be added to his general Staff. As an adviser to a prominent UN General, Izaak would begin to stand out as the talented tactician and strategist he was, eventually finding a way into the 231st Tactical Armored Battalion as its Executive Officer, and following the promotion and subsequent move of it's prior Commanding Officer he would find himself in charge of the Battalion. The year is now 2004, and Colonel Izaak Fabel has not set foot in a TSF for nearly twenty five years. Yet he stands on the bridge of a TSF carrier, ready to coordinate his Battalion in undertaking the first part of the retaking of Earth. |
![]() __________________________________________________________ Name | Mina Barakat __________________________________________________________ Gender | Female __________________________________________________________ Age | 24 __________________________________________________________ Nationality | French Moroccan __________________________________________________________ Service | French Army __________________________________________________________ Rank | Captain __________________________________________________________ Experience | Elite __________________________________________________________ Physical Profile __________________________________________________________ • Height | 168cm • Weight | 58kg • Build | Slim • Hair Colour | Carbon Black • Eye Colour | Aqua Blue TSF __________________________________________________________ • Type | Rafale • Role | Gun Interceptor • Loadout • 1x 1x 36mm/120mm FWGS-G1 Assault Cannon • 4x36mm and 2x120mm Magazines • 1x Supplemental Armor • 1x Melee Halberd • 2x Close Combat Dagger | Personality ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Straightforward and focused, Mina is a youth attuned for the rigors of command. Outspoken with her plans, Mina requires everyone to be on board with the mission details, primarily to ensure the pilots under her command stay alive. Nonetheless, unforeseen circumstances may always exist on the battlefield; something Mina has trained her to easily adjust to in a calm manner. Mina has zero tolerance for glory seekers who rush into the battlefield without thought. Seeing them as trouble makers, Mina is quick to reprimand them, especially after having to bail out a number of soldiers showcasing bravado on the battlefield. History ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Mina Barakat was born within Morocco, where her family, among others, helped to supply the French war machine against the BETA. The demand for manpower and natural resources was always needed, and so the colonies were hard pressed to produce for the front lines. Nevertheless, young children were given the same free reign they usually had, and so for most of Mina's childhood she had lived as a normal child as if the BETA were nonexistent, yet everything would soon change. France had fallen to the BETA by 1985, and thousands of refugees had suddenly appeared in the Moroccan homeland. Many of the French had distraught appearances, and some were not keen to be forced into the colonies that had been mostly exploited for their own gains. Despite this, Mina quickly made friends with a French girl, Elise, who was just around her age. Together, they forged a bond of friendship, ignoring the odd looks that the French refugees would give them. The girls didn't care for the differences between them; All they wanted was to have fun like the kids they were despite the hardships both refugee and native were now facing after the fall of the French homeland. However, the world soon caught up to the children, and they were conscripted among a number of others to fight against the BETA. The training showed itself to be nearly unbearable, but by the end, Mina and Elise had come out on top, much to the instructors' surprise. In Mina's case, some looked up at her with envy, feeling a lowly Moroccan shouldn't be scoring so high. A few had been more vocal than the rest, but their complaints were silenced by the instructors. Nonetheless, this didn't stop her "comrades" from mocking her heritage or harassing Mina where the ears of their superiors failed to reach. Mina did her best to ignore the harassment, and continued as she always did. Finding her knack at commanding early on, Mina was allowed to help direct the Mirage 2000s as they went across to Europe in various BETA culling operations. During this time, Elise had been at Mina's side the entire time; their bond showcasing their greater skill that the French military was eager to take advantage of. Rather than cast away natural talent in old obsolete TSFs, Mina and Elise were given new third generation TSFs: the Rafale--a machine destined to destroy the BETA. And destroy the BETA it did. In a world-wide operation dubbed Operation Ouka, Mina and Elise would experience their defining moments in hell on earth. Used as a distraction force, both girls had seen carnage that day, watching pilots die to the BETA faster than they could blink. Their ammunition had nearly bled dry before they were recalled back across the strait. Both sides suffered thousands of casualties, yet before the girls could realize the effects of the operation, they were given a new calling. Sent to the UN's 231st "Grey Wolves" battalion, Mina and Elise were given new orders as part of another world-wide operation; this time to cleanse the world from the BETA. |
![]() __________________________________________________________ Name | Kseniya Kochenkov __________________________________________________________ Gender | Female __________________________________________________________ Age | 27 __________________________________________________________ Nationality | Soviet __________________________________________________________ Service | Vsadnik Squadron __________________________________________________________ Rank | Major __________________________________________________________ Experience | Elite __________________________________________________________ Physical Profile __________________________________________________________ • Height | 177cm • Weight | 65.7kg • Build | Average yet slim • Hair Colour | Silver • Eye Colour | Light purple TSF __________________________________________________________ • Type | Su-37M2 • Role | Strike Vanguard • Loadout • 2x 36mm/120 Assault Cannon • 4x36mm and 2x120mm Magazines • 1x Supplemental Armor • Full Leg/Arm blade motor armament • 2x Close Combat Dagger | Personality ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Distant and withdrawn. Kseniya bears all the telltale signs of a pilot that has lost everything, more than once. She often jumps between two very distinct personalities, a side effect of her creation and the subsequent drugs and treatments she is forced to take and endure and her experience in Operation Swaraj, that range anywhere from vaguely helpful and slightly friendly to completely insane and sadistic, prepared to kill anyone and everyone that may even breath in her vicinity. Still carrying the mental scars of Operation Swaraj around with her, she is frequently overcome by episodes brought on by triggers of the event and focuses the pain and hatred that boils up with them into her fight against the BETA. Kseniya as well has a deep seated fear of water thanks to her creation and the treatments she undergoes regularly. History ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Kseniya Kochenkov, or Kseniya Barchenowa as is her true name, is a Fifth Generation ESPer of the Soviet Union. Manufactured through a process of cloning and brought up undergoing treatments and procedures so that she would exhibit Extra Sensory Perception abilities in order to be used as a tool by the Soviet Union to pursue their Alternative III plan and make contact with the BETA. Much of her young life revolved around tests, treatments, and labs. Then she would repeat the process, but perhaps in a different order this time, and the time after that, and the next one as well. When not being subjected to experiments and tests or training, the Barchenowa ESPers were being raised by the KGB to compete against one another and build bounds between their individual flights and squadrons in an attempt to increase their combat effectiveness. In the end it could be said that her fellow sisters in the program became her family. It was this very same family that would venture into the Bhopol Hive during Operation Swaraj along with Kseniya in order to attempt to make direct communication with the BETA. Approximately two hours into the intrusion into the Bhopol Hive, the F14AN3 Mindseekers of the Vsadnik Squadron were being overwhelmed and whittled down. TSF after TSF was lost as only small amounts of ground were gained as they progressed further into the Bhopol Hive. Even with these sacrifices, not a single one of the ESPers had been able to establish communication with any BETA, even with the advanced equipment that had been added to the F14AN3 that they were using to amplify their abilities. Kseniya's non-ESPer pilot, Captain Eranov was beginning to grow afraid as one by one TSFs fell to the BETA inside the Hive, and Kseniya could sense it. As the group of F14AN3s made their way into an new hall, they were set upon by a large swarm of Tank-Class, and quickly found themselves in a desperate close-quarters skirmish for their lives. In the process of the fight the highly-sensitive equipment mounted on Kseniya's F14AN3 was damaged, causing it to amplify the signals it was picking up and overwhelm Kseniya as she was hooked into the system itself. She fell into a panic as she could feel TSF piltos outside the Hive dying, as she could feel her Sisters within the Hive being eaten alive, as she could feel infantry and tank crews as they were crushed beneath waves of BETA. Her power of projection now firmly out of her control would wildly force her feelings of impending doom and the futility of their mission upon many of the TSF pilots and ESPers present. Although many of the ESPers were able to overcome the sudden flood of emotions from their sister, a few of the pilots were overcome with fear at the wave of emotions that weren't theirs and and began to make a hasty retreat. Of this group was Kseniya's own pilot. As Kseniya continued to be overwhelmed in the front seat of her TSF, Captain Eranov made for the nearest Stab and escaped the Bhopol Hive along with two other F14AN3s. It was only later that day once they had reached a resupply post that they would finally be able to remove Kseniya from the cockpit and detach her from the equipment that was causing the intense feedback. By the end of the Operation only a handful of Barchenowa Generation ESPers sent would survive, among them were the three that had escaped due to Kseniya's loss of control and their pilots panic and a few scattered groups from other expeditions into the Hive. Operation Swaraj would produce only a single result for its massive loss of life and equipment, and that result was that the BETA did not consider humanity as a life form at all. Reassigned to the Soviet Army following the abandonment of Alternative II after the failure of Operation Swaraj, Kseniya would remain an unstable ESPer for the rest of her time serving with the Soviet Army. Following multiple high risk missions, and being purposefully left out of Operation Ouka by request of the KGB, Kseniya would be promoted to Major and assigned to the UNs 231st Battalion "The Grey Wolves" as the Executive Officer. Her handlers within the KGB would be monitoring her and a number of other ESPers within the massive UN force intently, as the information they could gain from such a massive undertaking and their varied positions would no doubt prove valuable in a post-BETA world. |
![]() __________________________________________________________ Name | Tanizaki Kosuke __________________________________________________________ Gender | Male __________________________________________________________ Age | 25 __________________________________________________________ Nationality | Japanese __________________________________________________________ Service | Imperial Japanese Mainland Defence Force __________________________________________________________ Rank | 1stLT __________________________________________________________ Experience | Elite __________________________________________________________ Physical Profile __________________________________________________________ • Height | 175cm • Weight | 71.6kg • Build | Average, Muscular • Hair Colour | Black • Eye Colour | Green TSF __________________________________________________________ • Type | Type-94 Shiranui • Role | Storm Vanguard • Loadout • 1x Type 87 Assault Cannon • 4x36mm and 2x120mm Magazines • 1x Type 92 Multi-purpose Supplemental Armor • 2x Type 74 PB Blade • 2x Type 65 PB Blade | Personality ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Fiercely loyal to his country and willing to give everything in the name of defeating the BETA and saving Humanity, Kosuke is an exemplary Eishi that the Shogun himself would be honored to have as part of the Royal Guard. With an attitude that most would state is dangerous and even at times callous of others safety, he performs to such a level in combat that many who serve with him can tend to overlook his shortcomings in his personality and learn to trust him to watch their backs. When not in combat he is dutiful, often found completing paperwork, checks on his and others TSFs, or helping with other work to be done around the Battalion. He's known to speak frankly to newcomers, if one were to listen it tends to seem that Kosuke degrades new pilots and lessens them to nothing more than liabilities for the rest of the Squadron but given a keen enough ear and enough time some have come to notice that while he does degrade them, much of what he says holds value in combat and is good to keep at the back of your mind. History ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Born to a single mother in the Miyagi prefecture Kosuke was brought up by his Grandmother while his mother worked round the clock to keep food on the table for the three of them. While his upbringing wasn't the "normal" that was expected in Japan at the time it certainly wasn't unusual, for many families had lost the males of the household to the war with the BETA just as Kosuke's family had. With strict standards placed on him by his Grandmother Kosuke was instilled with a strong sense of responsibility when given a task, to the point that he wouldn't hesitate to take any necessary steps to accomplish the task at hand. A trait that would end up less than favorable among his peers in the military. At the age of he fifteen he was drafted into the Imperial Army and began his formal training to become a TSF pilot. Just a year into his training at the age of sixteen the BETA invasion of Japan began in Kitakyushu. Kosuke found himself deployed to the defense line being set up in Kyoto. It was there that he would get his first taste of combat, fighting in close quarters relentlessly, with few breaks and little time to think, Kosuke found himself acting off instinct in combat, when given a command he would go to any lengths in an attempt to ensure it was completed, which led to complications. On August 10th of 1998, the day that Kyoto fell, Kosuke was deployed with a forward squad tasked with holding the BETA advance at a key railway junction that was being used to evacuate important people and equipment. The orders were specified as being of the utmost importance and Kosuke's Squad leader informed them that they had to defend the point at all costs. It wasn't long until the BETA surged forth on the junction. Terrified and inexperienced Kosuke let his emotions get the best of him becoming almost useless in the opening minutes of the fighting. Only snapped back to reality as his Squadron leader used his TSF to shield Kosuke from a Tank-Classes charge, Kosuke would finally begin to fight. His sole purpose was the mission they had been given, and his Squad leaders words stuck with him, "At any cost.". Kosuke and one other would be the only survivors of the Squad sent to the railway junction, and would retreat shortly after a large portion of the internal defense of Kyoto fell. It was only a week after the fighting had ended that the second pilot who had been unconscious since the battle awoke. The stories he told of the fight were brutal, but nothing compared to what he said about Kosuke. The inexperienced pilot had entirely disregarded his fellow pilots, a move that many pilots would consider to be completely unlike a Japanese Eishi, allowing many of them to be overwhelmed by BETA as he focused entirely on keeping the BETA from the railway. He even disregarded the calls for help from a pilot trapped in his broken TSF as the hatch was slowly pulled away by a Tank-Class BETA, all the while Kosuke was simply reloading and waiting for more BETA to make a move for the railway. The Tank-Class would eventually be done in by Kosuke, but only after it had had an enjoyable meal and set its sights on Kosuke himself. With this recollection of events, Kosuke found himself up against military Court Marshall, and was not charged with the loss of his entire squad due to a severe lack in experienced pilots. Instead he was capped at 1stLt and was simply put back on the front lines where the BETA would have a better chance of giving him what he deserved. Following the fall of Kyoto, Kosuke would be stricken with night terrors, many of which would involve his Squadron that he had willing allowed to die around him. He would reign himself in from then on, promising himself that he would never let his emotions cloud is judgement in combat again, and that he would do everything in his power to complete the mission and bring his fellow Eishi home safely at the end of the day. Even if it meant giving his own life to reach those goals. The words of his deceased Squad Leader have been etched into his mind, and serve as his mantra. To remind himself that he must make the impossible possible, that he must never be afraid to give his beating heart for his Country or his comrades. That he must complete the mission, at any cost. |
![]() __________________________________________________________ Name | Rath Drazkowksi __________________________________________________________ Gender | Male __________________________________________________________ Age | 25 __________________________________________________________ Nationality | Polish __________________________________________________________ Service | Soviety Army - 211 Batal'on Zhar __________________________________________________________ Rank | 1stLT __________________________________________________________ Experience | Elite __________________________________________________________ Physical Profile __________________________________________________________ • Height | 183cm • Weight | 83.5kg • Build | Average, Muscular • Hair Colour | Crimson Red • Eye Colour | Hazel TSF __________________________________________________________ • Type | Su-27SM • Role | Storm Vanguard • Loadout • 1x A-97 Assault Cannon • 4x36mm and 2x120mm Magazines • Spike Vanes/Blade Vanes • 2x Arm Blade Motors | Personality ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Rath is never one to miss an opportunity to tell a good joke or two..or three. He is the first one to try and cheer someone up if they are sad, no matter what their relation is to him. Rath is often described as light-hearted, care-free, and easy-going by his comrades. He is very adamant about not getting hung up about sentimental things, rather focusing on the present and moving forward. Anytime he suffers a tragedy he uses humor to mask how upset he actually is and would rather pretend something doesn't bother him than face it. Every once in awhile Rath will go to a secluded room or area and let loose a scream of anguish and anger, that he will not let anyone to see. It is incredibly important to Rath that everyone see him as the bright, cheerful guy he makes himself out to be and is. When two fellow soldiers have physical quarrel, he is the first one to step in whether to break it up with words or by force. History ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Born without a father a day after the fall of Poland, Rath was raised solely by his mother without much knowledge of his dad or homeland. His entire early childhood, Rath's mother would never truly smile and always held a solemn look in her features. This caused Rath a lot of distress until one day he walked into the kitchen after a rainy day and said "Mama, birdie won't fly!" with tears in his eyes, he held a frog. The smile and few seconds of laughter he saw from her were like the prettiest gems in the world, he had made her smile. From then on Rath would try everyday to accomplish the same feat, succeeding some days but also falling short on others. That was when he decided his mission was to bring back smiles and laughter not just to his mother, but to everyone in the world. When he was only twelve years old he was 'conscripted' by the Soviet Union officials, tearing him away from his mother and the only person he had in the whole world. The last gift he received from his mother was a small stack of photos of both his father and various pictures of Poland before it fell. During his training, He realized that before the whole world could smile and laugh again...the BETA would need to be eliminated. This realization gave into conviction and he saw past his situation to the goal ahead and always gave it his all keeping his humor alive through it all. Of course Rath's eagerness to become better and stronger did not sit well with the other kids abducted by the Soviets, and was often ridiculed, but by the end of their training he was friends with most of them. He got his first taste of real-combat when his Battalion helped the Soviets drive back BETA that were targeting the Milkovsky District. This battle codified his dream in his mind, the reason why he would continue to fight until every last BETA was killed on Earth and beyond. The conflicts leading up to the defenese of the soviet base ц-04 would only strengthen his skills as an front-line aggressor and hone his piloting ability. It was after the defense of ц-04 that he screamed in anger and loss for the first time. The losses they endured only for the Soviet Union to stab them in the back? That day the naive veil that was over his eyes lifted. It was hardly a year after that Rath went through what can only be described as hell. Operation Ouka. Rath by then had some experience under his belt but nothing could prepare him for the losses his battalion endured fighting the Laser-Fort class BETA. Rath was no longer fighting for victory, he was fighting for his own survival. During the final attack run on the Laser-Fort Class he prepared himself for death and suddenly he understood the sacrifice his father made all those years ago. Rath managed to dodge one of the stingers and prevented himself from getting impaled however his TSF was badly damaged after the stinger destroyed its one leg and both of his thrusters. He never got to see the massive BETA fall as he carefully made his way back to allied forces, the entire experience would haunt his dreams for the next two years. The Soviet Union were eager to send Rath as part of their contribution to the multi-national battalion "The Grey Wolves" after a few.....'disagreements' between him and a senior officer. Rath was happy for the transfer excited to meet pilots from around the world. Despite the loss and tragedy, the one thing Rath has been able to hang onto is his humor...and those photos. |
![]() __________________________________________________________ Name | Haley Anders __________________________________________________________ Gender | Female __________________________________________________________ Age | 19 __________________________________________________________ Nationality | United States __________________________________________________________ Service | United States Army __________________________________________________________ Rank | 2ndLT __________________________________________________________ Experience | Recruit __________________________________________________________ Physical Profile __________________________________________________________ • Height | 173.8cm • Weight | 63.5kg • Build | Slim • Hair Colour | Golden Blonde • Eye Colour | Ruby TSF __________________________________________________________ • Type | F-15E Stirke Eagel • Role | Gun Sweeper • Loadout • 4x 36mm/120mm AMWS-21 Combat System • 8x36mm and 4x120mm Magazines • 2x CIWS-1B Close Combat Knife | Personality ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Haley is very confident in her abilities and is not afraid to let others know that, often coming off as cocky and full of herself. She is adamant that no one else can out-shoot her and claims her handling of her TSF as better than everyone else. Those who operate more close-quarters TSFs are often looked down by her. National pride is evident in her superior attitude towards those whose country has fallen to the BETA. Her humor is often made at the expense of someone else, often high-lighting their faults. Halely has a highly-competitive nature and will never back down from a challenge. Blame is not something she easily accepts and will often put the blame on others instead. Trust is almost a foreign concept to Haley and prefers to keep her distance. History ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Haley was born the youngest of four children to a wealthy family in the North-Eastern United States. The eldest son, Dominic, was someone she always looked up to her entire childhood for his kindness and bravery. This admiration only increased when Dominic joined the United States Marines as a TSF pilot to protect the world from aleins. Dominic was her hero in every aspect of life and there was nothing he couldn't do in her mind, she wanted to be the best just like him. Her other siblings, two twins named Julia and Noah, were more interested in books but Haley would often convince them to play "TSF vs. BETa" with her. Haley enjoyed a comfortable upbringing always seeking to be the center of attention and only being humble when in comparison to her older brother. Her family's status though did mean that they expected nothing but the best from Haley as well, as her twin siblings were quickly showing great potential in the sciences. The twins would later be hired by Boening to develop and refine TSFs, working as an inseparable pair. When she was finally old enough, she signed up to begin training to pilot a TSF just like her hero. Whether it was sports or her grades, no one in her class could match her ferocity or skill. There were a few who thought that she was just some loud-mouth hot-shot but by the end of her training, she stood high above the rest. Before she could properly finish her training and become an enlisted TSF pilot, a letter was given her during one of her classes. Dominic Anders, the person she held dearest to her, was declared killed in action. His unit, the VMF-318 Black Knives, were wiped out, except for a single survivor, defending the JFK Naval Garrison Base against a BETA attack. The lost of her greatest role model shattered her spirit for several days before she began to piece it back together. After it had recovered, She found herself determined more than ever to be an incredible TSF pilot and one day the best in the world. Haley signed on with the 117th Tactical Armored Battalion after graduating at the top of her class, coming out as the best marksman of her peers. The 117th were deployed as an expeditionary force to fight alongside UN/EU armies beginning in early 2004. There is no battle of note that occurred in between her short service with the 117th and her transfer to the 231st, only a pristine record of combat excellence and a few mentions of her 'aggressive' personality. When told Haley had passed her "8 minutes" by one of the senior team members, she simply replied "It is only to be expected.". While Haley shows a great deal of potential as a Gun Sweeper, she lacks experience and has yet to encounter a serious engagement with the BETA that put her in great danger. |
![]() __________________________________________________________ Name | Verena Ellmenreich __________________________________________________________ Gender | Female __________________________________________________________ Age | 20 __________________________________________________________ Nationality | West German __________________________________________________________ Service | West German Tactical Armored Force __________________________________________________________ Rank | 2ndLT __________________________________________________________ Experience | Recruit __________________________________________________________ Physical Profile __________________________________________________________ Height | 168cm • Weight | 65kg • Build | Slim • Hair Colour | Pink Champagne • Eye Colour | Peach TSF __________________________________________________________ Type | F-16 Fighting Falcon • Role | Variable • Loadout • 4x 36mm/120mm AMWS-21 Combat System • 4x36mm and 2x120mm Magazines • 2x CIWS-1B Close Combat Knife • [Additional Equipment Based on Role] | Personality ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Laid back most of the time, she tends to have a darker outlook on things as well as a noncommittal attitude. A trait carried over to even her piloting skills and combat, as she has no clear preference for close range or long range, support or offense, or even the type of equipment she uses. What was clear however, was that she was proficient in using any of them in any role. Of course, she did not have experience in most other TSFs, but with the required training it wasn't that hard to imagine her being able to pilot most anything well. That was not to say she didn't have any outstanding traits in her personality however; she tended to be observant of events, if not social cues, as well as being quick on her feet in making spontaneous decisions. Has a notable quirk of not actually reading the mood for anything, as well as being rather blunt at times. Combined with her naturally mouthy character, with a tendency to spout out anything on her mind, it was to be expected she tended to come of as abrasive to some people. History ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ The general public rarely ever knew much about the Beta, what they were, or even how they looked like. They couldn't know, they shouldn't know. While she and a group of recruits knew how they looked like, none of them had any real experience actually fighting one in a combat situation. Thus they were sent on a culling operation that was deemed suitable for their experience, with low numbers of small Betas to be expected. What they found was a much larger force meeting it, with barely any experienced pilots or suitable heavy weapons for the larger Betas. Verena was the sole survivor, by virtue of being the one furthest from the group. She did not escape unscathed however, for she was hospitalized for a few months after. Those who remembered her before would often remark she had changed much after, leading to her current personality, whereas she used to be bright eyed and hopeful, just one of those bright young people with fire in their heart and a genuine desire to make the world better. One who sees taking back her homeland from the Beta as their own quest, and who now looks upon that impossible dream wryly. What use would a Beta infested chunk of land be for her? She could live anywhere she want to after all. Verena was not one with a remarkable background, being born to a relatively normal family, with barely anything noticeable save for her high marks on tests. While one could say her family's retreat over the years as the Beta pushed them away from their homeland was interesting, there were many other refugee families with stories similar to them. Beyond that one skirmish, most of her military career has been training and combat exercises, and barely anything else. It made her survival of that skirmish seem all the more miraculous, considering she survived until the more experienced veterans came in to pull her out. |
![]() __________________________________________________________ Name | Kwan Yu __________________________________________________________ Gender | Female __________________________________________________________ Age | 19 __________________________________________________________ Nationality | Chinese, born in Japan __________________________________________________________ Service | Imperial Marines __________________________________________________________ Rank | 2ndLT __________________________________________________________ Experience | Veteran __________________________________________________________ Physical Profile __________________________________________________________ Height | 189cm • Weight | 67kg • Build | Slim • Hair Colour | Lavender • Eye Colour | Gold TSF __________________________________________________________ Type | Type-97 Fubuki • Role | Impact Guard • Loadout • 1x Type-87 Support Assault Cannon • 8x 36mm and 2x120mm • 1x Melee Halberd • 2x Close Combat Knife | Personality ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Laid back most of the time, she tends to have a darker outlook on things as well as a noncommittal attitude. A trait carried over to even her piloting skills and combat, as she has no clear preference for close range or long range, support or offense, or even the type of equipment she uses. What was clear however, was that she was proficient in using any of them in any role. Of course, she did not have experience in most other TSFs, but with the required training it wasn't that hard to imagine her being able to pilot most anything well. That was not to say she didn't have any outstanding traits in her personality however; she tended to be observant of events, if not social cues, as well as being quick on her feet in making spontaneous decisions. Has a notable quirk of not actually reading the mood for anything, as well as being rather blunt at times. Combined with her naturally mouthy character, with a tendency to spout out anything on her mind, it was to be expected she tended to come of as abrasive to some people. History ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ The general public rarely ever knew much about the Beta, what they were, or even how they looked like. They couldn't know, they shouldn't know. While she and a group of recruits knew how they looked like, none of them had any real experience actually fighting one in a combat situation. Thus they were sent on a culling operation that was deemed suitable for their experience, with low numbers of small Betas to be expected. What they found was a much larger force meeting it, with barely any experienced pilots or suitable heavy weapons for the larger Betas. Verena was the sole survivor, by virtue of being the one furthest from the group. She did not escape unscathed however, for she was hospitalized for a few months after. Those who remembered her before would often remark she had changed much after, leading to her current personality, whereas she used to be bright eyed and hopeful, just one of those bright young people with fire in their heart and a genuine desire to make the world better. One who sees taking back her homeland from the Beta as their own quest, and who now looks upon that impossible dream wryly. What use would a Beta infested chunk of land be for her? She could live anywhere she want to after all. Verena was not one with a remarkable background, being born to a relatively normal family, with barely anything noticeable save for her high marks on tests. While one could say her family's retreat over the years as the Beta pushed them away from their homeland was interesting, there were many other refugee families with stories similar to them. Beyond that one skirmish, most of her military career has been training and combat exercises, and barely anything else. It made her survival of that skirmish seem all the more miraculous, considering she survived until the more experienced veterans came in to pull her out. |
![]() __________________________________________________________ Name | Desmond Smith __________________________________________________________ Gender | Male __________________________________________________________ Age | 23 __________________________________________________________ Nationality | British __________________________________________________________ Service | UN 1st Force __________________________________________________________ Rank | 1st Lieutenant __________________________________________________________ Experience | Veteran __________________________________________________________ Physical Profile __________________________________________________________ • Height | 183cm • Weight | 78kg • Build | Average, if a bit slim. • Hair Colour | Charcoal Black • Eye Colour | Hazel TSF __________________________________________________________ • Type | EF-2000 Typhoon • Role | Gun Interceptor • Loadout • 1x GWS-9 Assualt Gun • 4x36mm and 2x120mm Magazines • 1x Supplemental Armor • BWS-8 Flugelberte • Blade Edge Armor • Multi-purpose armor Spike Shield • 2x Close Combat Dagger Extra __________________________________________________________ | Personality ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ • Quiet • Observant • Reserved • Self-Critical • Dedicated • Cynical The bleak reality of the world is clearly expressed in Desmond's pessmistic outlook on the current state of affairs. He is always thinking of ways that a scenario can go wrong, which has made him cautious and suspicious of other's intentions. This lack of trust hinder him from developing cohesion with other members of his unit. In battle, he prefers to operate on his own intuition rather that strictly following orders. A recent personal loss before his transfer to the 212th has changed his outlook slightly and is more willing to assist his squad mates when needed. No matter he does or accomplishes, it is never enough in his eyes and this can drive can lead him to make detrimental decisions. Despite his stand-offish attitude, Desmond views the lives of his squad-mates more than his own. He is more than willing to give his life if it means saving more people but can make it seem like he is purposefully looking for such opportunities. Mistakes made by lower and sometimes even higher ranked pilots are quick to be called out by him with a sharp tongue. He will help anyone out off-mission despite making it seem like he absolutely hates to be bothered. History ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Desmond was born on March 3rd, 1981 into a poverty-stricken family that lived no better than the refugees that arrived on the United Kingdom's shores. His father was conscripted into the military but no aid ever came home and they were more or less forced to live day by day doing whatever they could to survive. His mother tried to paint his father as some kind of noble soldier sacrificing everything to fight an unrelenting enemy. That meant nothing to the young Desmond as he never got to see what they looked like. What he did know was how going without food made his stomach twist and turn and how some days his mother would just sit on their shard bed and cry. That was why Desmond decided he would take care of his mother if his father was not. The days where food rations were scarce he stole from others without a second thought, making sure he was never caught. He developed a quite negative opinion personnel contrary to many other kids his age, which often resulted in Desmond getting beaten up. That was until he learned how to play dirty and soon the other kids were crying anytime they tried picking on him. One such fight he threw dust in the eyes of a much larger kid and stabbed him in the thigh with a sharp rock he picked up off the ground. His mother then gave him a lesson he would never forget but from then on the other kids would avoid him entirely. Desmond, now of age to serve, was in the process of stalking his next target when two military officers approached him to conscript him into service. He resisted at first and gave the one a pretty nasty bloody nose before getting restrained when three military police came to assist. Desmond was brought to the recruitment office in cuffs and was told plainly that he would either train to be a pilot or he could face jail-time for assault. He took the offer on the guarantee that his mother would be taken care of and so he was forced into becoming the one thing he hated most. He was far from being popular with his instructors and fellow pilots due to his hostile attitude. The fact that was rather successful in both his theoretical and practical studies only furthered the divide between him and his fellow trainees. His training unit failed their first final exam due to his lone-wolf attitude and it was only after many heated arguments, and a few fist fights, that Desmond got his act together enough to allow his unit to pass. It was not until he began to dispatch on actual combat missions that he fully realized the necessity of others watching your back. Desmond broke formation during a culling operation in which the BETA's numbers were unusually high. While he refuses to release any details, it resulted in the death of the the squadron's second-in-command. It was clear that Desmond would no longer be able to operate in that squadron anymore and after an extensive pysch-eval he was released back into service. It was at this time that he was assigned to the 212th where he would be closely monitored. |
In 2000, the United Nations convened in secret to discuss the growing amount of evidence indicating there was extraterrestrial forces on Earth. The result of the discussion was the creation of the Global Investigation Bureau under the project name: X-COM despite some strong objections by various parties, of which most are looking for any reason to validate is termination. The Global Invesigation Bureau, or GIB, was tasked with investigating the unusual activity of certain criminal organizations and religious sect as well as reports of strange creatures. As of the moment, the GIB are seen as little more than a side operation and are not taken very seriously. Little did they realize, the X-COM Project would become the key to Humanity's survival.