50 years after a devastating world war, a resistance group known as the Rising Tide has been gaining support as the government tightens it's grip on the country. The line between insanely rich and utterly poor grows larger each day. Dissenters of the government are quickly silenced with aggression and sent to the colonies, where they work until they prove themselves worthy of the government's forgiveness or die in the radioactive wastelands. A month ago the Rising Tide successfully completed an attack on a military transport carrying important documents and a large supply of food. No civilians or members of the military were killed; a rule that the Rising Tide adheres to. The government is furiously searching for anyone involved with the resistance, calling them terrorists and other nasty words. So far, the government has found a few leads, but otherwise the Rising Tide is nothing but a whisper in the words of the people.
Twelve hours ago, another strike was made by the Rising Tide on a train transport carrying food and weapons towards the capital, Eden. Unfortunately, the train was well guarded. The group narrowly escaped with half of the supplies, but a few operatives were captured in the midst of it. One operative in particular was key to the success of the mission, but was captured in their efforts to help the group escape.
Despite the rough description of what the RP will be, the plot would basically be that we each play characters in the resistance and the government. My main character has recently been captured and will be submit to interrogation by an officer, one of your characters, intent on finding the Rising Tide’s base of actions. The government still doesn’t know how large the resistance is, and is currently preparing for a war against a neighboring country. It’s unknown if the neighboring country has been helping the Rising Tide or not. Guess you’ll have to find out.