Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BoyMom69035
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BoyMom69035 M○m^^@ B€äR

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

This is a work in progress, and more characters will be added as they are created :)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BoyMom69035
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BoyMom69035 M○m^^@ B€äR

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Why don't we play a game of cat and mouse?"



Power Descriptions:
No powers

    •Hand to hand combat
    •Can use knives and Daggers as well as an assortment of guns
    •Surprisingly, is a decent cook
    •Knows first aid

Evelyn isn't one of those mercenary types thats always hard and cold as stone. She loves to laugh and have fun, make jokes and is sarcastic as Hell. However, when she's out in the shit, she's more level headed and rational. She hates taking orders from anyone she doesn't trust... And her trust isn't so easily given away.

Evelyn was born in Dallas, Texas to Sophie and Dylan Sanderson. Shortly after her birth, they gave her to their drug dealer as payment for their bill. She grew up a pretty normal life unaware that her parents had given her up. She had friends and did good in school. While she was in middle school, she discovered that her ‘parents’ sold drugs. And not just to petty druggies; not all the time, anyways. They sold drugs to bigger fish.

Evelyn kept this secret to herself, and even went so far as to try some of it. That had been a mistake that would actually save her life later. A mistake that would make her better than any of her parents. Evelyn had demolished the house. Afterwards, she had taken one of the many pistols kept in the house and walked down the streets. She never hurt anyone, and got picked up by the police. This was when she found out that her parents, weren't really her parents.

Evelyn got sent to Juvie for several years, an experience that also changed her. Many of the other girls beat her up, and after a while, she got sick of it. She was not going to end up like the people her parents sold drugs to. She was not going to be a victim anymore. That's when she started fighting back. There was even several girls that befriended her and helped her. After the next girl tried to beat Evelyn up, she was sent to the infirmary. Evelyn got punished, yes, but none of the other girls picked on her anymore after that.

After she got out, she lived homeless for several years, when another day changed her life. Evelyn pick pocketed a man (something she did regularly to survive), only to later find out that he had been in the military. Filled with guilt, she immediately returned this wallet and apologized. The man, Roger Williams, bought the girl a decent meal, and they even spoke for for while. She learned that he was retired and was now a mercenary. Evelyn immediately showed interest and tried talking him into letting her be one. He refused, saying that it was no life for a woman.

Eventually, she convinced him, and he took her under his wing. He taught her everything he knew. Hand to hand, knives, a multitude of weapons. By the time she was 27, she was one deadly woman. And although she was a mercenary, she was a mercenary with morals and a conscious.

Music, sweets, the smell of gun powder, liquor, dancing, smoking

Obnoxious people, beer, injustice, bugs that fly

Complete darkness, failing, heights

The innocent, children, animals (mainly kitty's)

Theme Song:
"No Tears Left to Cry"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by BoyMom69035
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BoyMom69035 M○m^^@ B€äR

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name : Sally Hendricks

Nicknames/Aliases : Sal, Ally

X-Men Code Name : Flux

Gender : Female

Age: 18

Physical Description:
*Height: 5'2"
*Weight: 120 lbs.
*Hair color: Natural Red
*Eye color: Sapphire Blue
*Complexion: Ivory
*Body type: Slim; Athletic
*Body shape: Hourglass
*Current Clothing: A pair of cut off denim shorts. Black and
red plaid, button shirt with the sleeves rolled up. A pair of knee high, square toe cowgirl boots. Heart shaped sunglasses.

Mutations: Telekinesis; ability to move objects and people with her mind. Though as of now, she can move things smaller than a chair. Anything larger, it gives her a headache and nose bleed.

Personality: One who loves to laugh and have fun, Sally will always be the one to laugh at the cheesey jokes. She is always high spirited, hates negativity, spunky, and sometimes flirty. Sally loves to let loose and dance and sing (though she's horrible at it). Also, the type of person that can eat like an elephant, and never gain weight. Despite those, she hates confrontation and bullies. When she sets her mind to something, you can be damn sure that whatever it is, will get done, one way or another. If someone comes at her the wrong way, she'll no doubt let you know that it's time to back off.

Background: Sally was born into a middle class family with a loving mother and father. She grew up happy and with lots of friends, always outside running amok with them. Her older brother however, used to pick on her all the time. Of course, that's what older brothers do. It was all out of love. Her mother was a seamstress, who worked in a shop in town,and her father worked with horses; training them.

Her ordinary life was turned upside down when she discovered she wasn't quite as normal as she had assumed. She was in her freshman year of high school, and it was hard as hell to keep hidden. Even harder not to tell anyone. Something like that just begs to b known. Just after she graduated, her parents sent her to Ashton's. Whether it was to help her, or to get rid of her, she wasn't quite sure. Either way, she went and only hope that it was the real deal, and that they could help her

Recap of your mutations awakening: Her mother and father both know about it, as well as her brother.
They had all been at a grocery store, loading their groceries into the trunk of the car. Out of nowhere, a truck came barreling towards them. It looked like the person driving had lost control. He was honking his horn and waving his arm, telling them to mive out if the way. It had happened so fast at such a close proximity, that no one really had time to react. Sally instinctively put her hands out in front of her as if it would stop the truck from killing them. Well, it had. The truck stopped several feet from the family, stunning them all. She suffered a headache for several days afterwards, and a bloody nose.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by BoyMom69035
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BoyMom69035 M○m^^@ B€äR

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

☆ Full Name: Delilah Marie Stevens

☆ Gender: Female

☆ Age: 27

☆ Height: 5'3"

☆ Appearance:

☆ Short Biography: Born in 1991, Delilah was born into a middle class family. Her father was a hard working man, staying out of town welding for big oil companies. Her mother, stayed at home with her. Her childhood was happy, and like any others. Days filled with laughter and outside play. Chalk and jump rope, Barbie dolls and mud. She did well in school, and loved to help her mother cook, especially cookies. When her father was home, they would go to places like the zoo, or to carnivals, movies, and things of that nature.

As she got older, her interests began to change, as well as her bubbly, happy-go-lucky personality. Her father, Joseph, was in an accident at work that resulted in his death. At this point, she was old enough to take care of herself, 14. Her mother had to get a job not long after. As for Delilah, she became isolated. She wouldn't talk much, hated being out in public, her grades began to drop, and she would often zone out. This was another turning point. There was no way she could have helped her father... but what about others?

It was an almost instantaneous decision. Delilah started to work hard after that. She brought her grades back up, and although remained a bit isolated, got through school and graduated. Once she got into college, her isolating tendacies began to slowly leave her. She made a few friends and started becoming a little more optimistic. Still, she worked hard and graduated from college, majoring in the medical field. Delilah was bound and determined to help people.

Once she started working in one of her city's hospitals, her enthusiastic and bubbly personality emerged more and more. She smiled and laughed more, and with each successful surgery, she remained that way. When there was an unsuccessful one, like many other nurses, it would upset her. It would only remind her of her father. Of course, she knew not everyone would make it, but she liked to believe that they would. While she was alive and able though, she would do whatever it took to help anyone she could.

☆ Personality: Delilah always tries to find the good in everyone and everything. She is the kind of person that will almost always have a smile, and loves to laugh, or make people laugh. She loves being challenged, and hates failure of any kind on her part. A hard worker, and an even harder lover, especially towards animals (you'd think she would have been a veterinarian instead).

☆ Career/Profession/Occupation: OR Nurse

☆ Strengths:
* Persistent
* Forgiving
* Hopeful
* Humor
* Curiosity

☆ Weaknesses:
* Impatient
* Does not like conflict
* Self Criticizes
* Takes on too much

☆ Fears:
* Spiders
* Heights
* Clowns
* Small spaces
* Failure
* Extreme pain
* Abandonment
* Darkness
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BoyMom69035
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BoyMom69035 M○m^^@ B€äR

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Chloe Marie Blake
27 || Caucasian
Bartender | Heterosexual | Single
Pscyhological Profile


Appearance Details
Chloe stands at roughly 5'6" and weighs around 130 lbs. She's slim, with an athletic build, and an hourglass shape. Her hair is naturally blonde but she had it colored. Her eyes are a dark forest green with specks of brown sprinkled in them. Complexion is that of a porcelain doll. Chloe has a 4 inch scar on her forearm due to being cut with a tequila bottle . She has a cherry blossom branch tattoed all down her back, a kitty oaw print on the back kf her neck, and an astrological symbol (taurus) on the inside of her wrist. Both of her ears are pierced.

Character Synopsis
Chloe was born to a single mother in the outskirts of a small town. Her father, whom She never knew, had left before her mother was even in her second trimester. After she was born, her mother did everything She she could to make sure that she had a good childhood. Chloe made lots of friends as she grew older, something that's not hard to do in a small town. These friends remained the same all through school, and up into high school.
When she got older though, she wanted more. Wanted to see more. To be more. To learn more. So, not long after she graduated,she moved to the city. There, she became a bartender. She had always been a people person, so it worked well for her. Plus, the money was pretty good. Sure, she got hit on alot, and people liked to try to dump their problems on her, or use her as a therapist, but she didn't mind. To her, if she helped someone just a tiny bit, then she felt better about the day.

She's easy going and loves to laugh and let loose. She's spunky, flirty, and sarcastic. Chloe is the kind of girl that is, and always has been, easy to get along with. She's not super shy, but has her moments. Chloe hates confrontation and arguments, but has no problem letting someone know whether they're wrong or being an ass.

Relevant relationships will go here.


Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by BoyMom69035
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BoyMom69035 M○m^^@ B€äR

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Larkin Warren

Age: Appears mid 20's. Actually 192

(Not finished)
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BoyMom69035 M○m^^@ B€äR

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Dahlia Whitaker
Age: 22
Weapon type: Bow
Weapon description(or picture):

Biography: Daliah was born into a war family. Her grandfather had been in war, and her father had been in war. It was odd for a woman to want to be part of that, but she did. It was in her blood. It had gone back centuries. While she grew up, she would play with her brothers and the other boys. They would all take sticks and pretend they were swords. Dahlia though, whom played with stick swords, didn't like them. She preferred the bow. It seemed more useful to her.

Although she knew how to use a sword, she wanted to get better with the bow. She would practice with it daily, whether it was shooting at a target, or hunting. As she got older, she went to war alongside her brothers and father. She had been injured horribly and her father had been killed. She blamed herself, telling herself that had she been a better warrior, she could have helped him, and he'd still be alive.

Character's theme song:
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