It had been a quiet night for the girl. A few muggings, a stabbing, breaking and entering. But that was none of Kizuna's concern. According to her companion, none were connected to demonic activity. And the demons themselves had done nothing more than siphon off negative emotions from the homeless, and people in crowded areas.
I don't like it, Kizuna's companion's voice echoed in her mind. On a full moon like this, the stronger ones should be out. Kizuna glanced at her companion, sitting on the rooftop beside her.

"Yeah, I know, Chi," the girl agreed. She took a bite from the snack she'd bought at a convenience store earlier. "Maybe they migrated to one of the neighboring territories. I almost feel bad for the bastards if they did. I enjoy a good fight, but I don't toy with my enemies like that Sadako chick."
Chi blinked, his frilled ears twitching. I think I know why now, he said. There's another magical girl in your territory to the north of here.
"Sadako?" Kizuna knew that the other girl had a bad habit of ignoring territory boundaries during her hunts.
No. Whoever this is has a different magical signature. And the signal is weaker as well. Kizuna gave a quiet sigh of relief. The last time she and Sadako had fought, the only reason she'd got out alive was because the neighboring territory-holders were just as tired of Sadako hunting where she shouldn't have and backed her up.
"Alright." Kizuna stood up. "Hopefully we're just dealing with a lost puppy who wandered too far from her yard. As slow as it's been tonight, I don't want to waste any magic in a fight."
But you always get so excited in a fight, Chi playfully whined. Your emotions taste better.
"Would you rather have a few tasty meals, or a guaranteed supply?"
Why not both?
"Shut it, you dumb lizard. Just show me the way to our intruder."