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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Gattsu
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Gattsu Cold meat. Fresh cut.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The last time this profile was edited was two years ago, and does -not- serve as an etched-in-stone comprehensive guideline on the character that's currently in the Meatspin. Instead, this should give a vague idea as to what some of the character's past capabilities are, as well as an accurate accounting of Xelas's history.


Name: Arcane Project Xelas AF364j5
Height: Inconsistent
Weight: Inconsistent
Alias: Xelas, Xelas 5
Age: Unknown
Character type: Critical
Character tier: High

Xelas History: Arcane Project AF34j65 is a story of failures brought to success. Xelas was a lab experiment done by a particularly immoral extra-dimensional being. Particularly unhappy with the results, Xelas 5 was dumped into the physical plane, with as little care as trash to a landfill. From there Xelas could hardly maintain it’s own state. Entering the dimension as a semi-liquid, the experiment was quickly evaporating to a gaseous state – where it didn’t exercise enough control or intelligence over it’s own abilities to maintain the form.

So Xelas did precisely what it was programmed to do – it ate. It consumed others to maintain the well-being of itself and it is through this process that Xelas ascertained the intelligence to maintain it’s own functions – through the assimilated consciousness of others molded to it’s particular liking. Now this is not to say that Xelas’ thoughts are cluttered like the many, many victims it has absorbed; Xelas’ thought process is nearly entirely mechanical – and it is capable of suppressing the will of nearly all of its absorbed victims. So Xelas simply racks up a general IQ – whilst maintaining the thought process of an actual machine.

Xelas slowly climbed the food chain of sorts, absorbing more and more challenging victims. The arcane project eventually peaked after the events of the Trantor Fleet engagement – where it had collected enough power to transcend its natural shape. After eating a Trantor vessel, Xelas became The Xelas, flagship. By all means and definitions it is still Xelas, and capable of acting on its initial protocol – however this protocol is more subservient to the whim of those who are aboard it.

The aftermath of the Trantor Fleet Engagement is where the experiment absorbed its most potent target, which was one of its very own allies throughout the war. In doing this Xelas attained a final form – GalaXelas, a celestial entity so large it consumed solar systems with simple motions – it drained quasars of energies; Xelas created a gravitational field so powerful simply by it’s existence, that the orbit of nearby star clusters were thrown off merely by it’s presence.

In the battle, however, the arcane project suffered critical damage to its nucleus. The damaged forced Xelas to gather a host-quickly but out of all the absorbed, none held a will strong enough not to be consumed by the parasite. Except one.

Gennosuke (see history included) remained unabsorbed as his will was never broken – even when battered and defeated. Xelas required going into a subconscious state after emerging victorious, and Gennosuke took over – regaining his human form. Xelas, meanwhile, inhabited the body of Gennosuke mending the broken and corrupted data within itself while provided a passive symbiotic relationship with its host.

The duo fought in the war of the newly formed universe out of the Trantor fleet engagement, and defended the Sol system from the Gravlari Swarm – as a matter of fact, Gennosuke/Xelas alone absorbed the entire tredecillion fold and their entire planet (which was the size of the alpha centauri). This task did not help Xelas in it’s process of reparation, so it reverted back to it’s original instinct which was to promote the well-being of itself before all other things. Xelas sapped the nutrients right out of Gennosuke’s body – and while he remained alive and mobile he was simply an emaciated husk of his former self.

Gennosuke – driven mad by the change of setting, went with Xelas to a planet noted Soran, where he encountered a beast called Alucroas. The two fiercely battled – and even in his weakened state he was a match for the monster. However, the xenomorph gathered the upper hand when it unleashed The Dark Realm – or at least a gateway to it. Gennosuke had no way of defending against the alter-dimensional ability, but Xelas had found a way of attaining ultimate perfection.

The arcane project synchronized with the dark realm – allowing unlimited amounts of information to flow through its broken nucleus – allowing it nigh-omnipotent power. However in the process Xelas was, once again, critically damaged. Seizing the opportunity before fully repairing its database hub, the Xelas became even more dependant on a host, and could not fully understand how to use the abilities, while by all logical means it should be capable of performing them. Gennosuke’s body was literally evaporated in the exchange. All that remains is Gennosuke’s iron will… and Xelas, desperately seeking a new host.

Xelas had found one on Soran in the form of the contractor, Gerald Forge. While it was a hasty conjoining, it was a necessary one. Gerald Forge found, at first the new power exhilitaring, however his psychosis led him to inevitably abuse it. Xelas and Autun would frequently butt heads, with Forge's ego usually instigating the conflict. Forge even went so far as to interrupt a private meeting between Autun and Apollo on the welfare of the planet, simply to nay-say the nudist.

When a multiversal cataclysm occurred, Forge soon found himself trapped in the origin point where it occurred. In a place where time and space were irrelevant, Gerald underwent the torment of waiting a literal eternity, powerless to escape while virtually no time at all passed outside of the rift, which was a remnant of the Cataclysm. Time, outside of the rift, was the only solution to mend the wound, however Forge's psychosis took a newfound level. Amnesia set in, anger, and eventually self-mutilation reverted Gerald Forge into the mental equivalent of a bloodthirsty neanderthal.

When the Rift finally erupted Xelas returned to Earth, and obvious havoc ensued.


Protoplasm: Xelas has no bodily organs or functions, this makes physically damaging Xelas quite difficult. The only spot of physical weakness is the developed nucleus/optical that Xelas has developed, as this is the hub of where it’s processes are stored. Xelas’ body is formed of a non-conductive protoplasm that it is capable of manipulating. { Level 8. }

Malleable form: As a result of Xelas’ bodily composition, it is able to not only change it’s phase from solid – liquid – gas, but it is capable of complete control of it’s body while in any of these states. The nucleus is also capable of spreading the data that composes its nucleus based on the spread of molecules allowed for each state of matter. It is this leeway that allows Xelas to compromise it’s core but still maintain full control over the information and processes within it – thus allowing it to reconstruct the core once it reassumes a solid state of matter.

Through observance of Xelas’ constant phase change it has been deduced that Xelas is also capable of maintaining it’s bodily temperature – thus preventing anyone from forcibly changing it’s phase. It is also deducible that Xelas has considerable control over even its molecular structure, thus making Xelas obscenely hard to destroy – due to it being constantly able to reconstruct itself.

On a grander scale – because Xelas often has such a wide control over its molecular structure it is also capable of shape shifting. It can appear as other people – or capable of masking its host in a convincing disguises. Xelas’ shape shifting does not limit it simply to changing it’s appearance, but it can also extend tendrils of itself for battle, form weapons out of itself or create protective shielding/armor, among numerous other things. { Level 8. }

Replication: Motivated by it’s urge to consume and to spread itself upon the world, Xelas (or Xeli) are capable of splitting into portions, and then allowing them to grow into their own sentient Xelas. The process of Xelas’ life goes from Xelite – Xelas – (Unnatural) The Xelas (flagship) – (Unnatural) GalaXelas. { Level 8. }

- Stage 1: Xelite: Xelas can split or copy the information in its nucleus, which allows it to form sentient facsimiles of itself. All offspring’s of Xelas are not direct copies of it at first, but start out as tiny squid-like blebs of protoplasm, which can evolve quickly into Xelas’ – these tiny little projectiles are properly labeled as “Xelites”.
- Stage 2: The Natural Adult Form, Xelas: Xelas is the ordinary form of the arcane project, in it has access to all its phase change abilities, etc.
- Stage 3: Unnatural Form: The Xelas: A stand-alone ship form that allows Xelas higher output capability. This isn’t within the natural life span of Xelas. Currently this state is only attainable when the host of Xelas demands that it is necessary. So therefore this is a much more passive state of Xelas’ consciousness.
- Stage 4: Unnatural Form: GalaXelas: will be described in more detail later into the profile.

Meta-magical Runes: Upon creation Xelas was given the full serial name: Arcane Project Xelas AF364j5. As if Xelas were not fantastic enough, it had no way of combating the paranormal – or supernatural. For this task, Xelas was equipped with a series of metamagical runes encoded into its nucleus. Xelas is capable of manifesting these runes any time while it is in solid form.

These runes allow Xelas to analyze all types of magic and many times provide counter measure for the magical energies. It works like a counterspell, Xelas is endowed with an extremely powerful enchantment in its nucleus that activates when a magical attack is forced upon it, or when Xelas is preparing to defend against something of magical nature – then once the attack is sent it either:

A. Provides equal energy of the opposite element to sufficiently counter the spell, while drawing the energy that is necessary out of its own magical well.

B. Creates a hollow well of emptied energy that allows Xelas to analyze the energy, then absorb it.


C. Allows Xelas access to it’s own magical array of spells – while this is not always manifested, it is the Runes that allow Xelas to spell cast in the first place. Without the runes, Xelas is incapable of understanding magic in its entirety.

The Meta-magical runes are powered based off of Magnus’ dark energy. However once applied to Xelas, its capability was exponentially increased. Xelas was able to harness a primal energy – with very little sophistication, where it could negate other types of magic – based off the enchantment that was put in it at the moment of its creation. { Level 8. }

Enhanced Host: When the Xelas is in a state of symbiosis, it is documented that the host undergoes massive increases in strength, speed, agility, durability, dexterity, and stamina. The host’s physical appearance is not usually changed, but physical capabilities are exponentially increased.

For example, a normal human that has garnered the Xelas symbiote would gain speed that could easily break the sound barrier. The ability to view and dodge automatic gunfire (think bullet time) with ease. They’ve been shown to enhance fine motor skills, and perception (they can see farther, smell much more acutely, hear for miles and miles). In one particular case the subject was hit with a semi truck that was moving at the better half of 80 miles per hour and emerged unscathed – they didn’t even budge as a matter of fact! They are able of lifting large weights (said semi truck) and carrying them for profound distances.

The Xelas symbiote makes a true super-human out of any host that it attaches and bonds to. Some hosts are more effective with Xelas than others. { Level 8. }

Necessity of a Host: Xelas was damaged throughout the Trantor fleet engagement and the following battle that ensued in its aftermath. It exerted so much power and effort that there was critical corruption detected within its systems. Instead of maintaining its own shape, Xelas found it a necessity to inhabit the body of an already-living human (or organism) so it can further focus on repairing what has been damaged. As a result of being damaged, Xelas is also incapable of accessing certain powers and abilities that it previously had access to. { Level –8. }


[size=150]The Xelas, flagship.[/size]

History: In the omniversal war that occurred before the creation of F67X, Xelas came across an abandoned, yet still fully functional Trantor vessel. Attaching itself to the vessel, Xelas assimilated it’s systems, protocols, and defenses. In doing this Xelas was capable of mimicking it’s form, burrowing in the moon of New Terra, Xelas transformed into the unnatural flagship for, The Xelas. It was here were Xelas served as a means to create a temporary alliance between starkly contrasting characters to battle a threat bigger than themselves.

Once Xelas transformed into this new form, it broke free from the celestial body, destroying it and entered the war, serving as a one-ship army against several entire fleets. Xelas was actually the last ship standing at the end of the space war, and once the war was over, it warped to a far off distant galaxy where it would revert to it’s original form… somewhat, before crashing into the surface of a crumbling planet.

Description: The Xelas is like a bundle of scimitars, where the curved contours lead to the base handles, which are melted together to form the bridge – a shiny sphere ensconced in spires, halos, and an explosion of crystal. The insides of the curved lengths are smothered in a crystallic mineral that is very similar (but smaller) to what covers the bridge, this forms an extremely dense outer hull around the solid-looking silver protoplasm that lay underneath.

The visual from the bridge window is impeded to an extent from the enormous amount of mineral that are encrusted in the ships’ hull, however Xelas is capable of pulling a visual from nearly any angle of its hull. The bridge window is a centered pentagon that has several diagonal panes that curve away from the centerpiece.

Abstract: The Xelas is used for larger-scale encounters, for planetary assaults and some astronomical battles and for engaging fleets.

Avatar Projection: Xelas is capable of taking the abilities of those whom are aboard and connected to the ship’s hull and projecting them on a much larger scale. It was seen in the Trantor fleet engagement that the flagship was capable of projecting Gennosuke’s space/time techniques on the scale of a light years distance. The ship uses its arcane runes as a manner of temporarily copying the abilities of those aboard and linked to the ship’s intelligence.

The manner of which this ship ‘projects’ the abilities is twofold. First, the ship may create a massive “avatar” of whom is connected to the ship, then allow direct control of the avatar through he who is connected to The Xelas. The second manner of which Xelas may utilize the abilities of others is it can automate the abilities with slightly less efficiency and control than the original wielder – yet may use the abilities quickly, with very little preparation. {Level 8 – 9}

Living Hull: Xelas, while it is a ship in this phase, is still alive it is capable of manipulating the materials of it’s hull (the protoplasmic part) just as it is capable of controlling it as a smaller specimen. This allows the ship rapid regeneration functions and unparalleled self-repair diagnostics. In addition to Xelas originally being a shape-shifting amorphous entity, Xelas, ship form, is capable of creating any sort of weapon mount it is equipped with at any space of the protoplasmic hull.

Xelas’ nucleus remains at the core of the ship, and as long as the nucleus is intact, the ship has a 360-degree view, and automated hull repair as well as spontaneously regenerating power sources. Additionally, the crystallized hull serves as an excellent deterrent to particle/light based energy attacks, as it has a habit of refracting the frequencies into more manageable sections that Xelas may handle. {Level 9}

Laser Manipulation: When Xelas creates weaponry on its living hull, parting the crystallized plating, it normally forms laser-based or projectile-based weaponry, with a variety of presentation to the two. The most notably used is the difference in how Xelas utilizes the absorbed Trantorian ship’s already-existing weaponry and improves upon it. This manifests in several ways {Level 9}:

Usage of warp-space: Xelas aim’s a particle beam (laser) through warp as to bypass most shields, normally this is most effective against smaller ships or the interior of larger ships. Xelas utilizes a warp process very similar to F67X’s process of warp by way of quantum mechanics. The laser fired is normally of a lower energy, therefor making it more effective for wreaking havoc upon the interior of medium to large ships, as it normally provides direct damage to the inside. The warp-ray is of lower yield so normally the energy is dissipated by thicker hulls.
Usage of rapid fire: One of the ways that Xelas improved upon the Trantor’s Mark ZZ Hi Mega Beam was the elimination of a cooldown period. Through regulating it’s own internal temperature through it’s basic ability (See: Malleable form) the flagship can fire sporadic laser bursts without stopping. Alternately the Xelas can also charge up a large blast from the gatling prop and fire, without worrying about cooldown, it needs only gather the energy necessary.
Constant ray: through commitment, Xelas has completely altered the Trantor vessels dual beam system with its own shield-wreaking attack. Through this method the Xelas taps into a deep well of energy – concentrating this stream of high energy and uses it to overload shields and drill into hull exteriors; effective against armor and shielding.

Force shield: The Xelas boasts an improvement from the Trantorian vessel that it absorbed, long ago in it’s shielding in particular. The shield that the flagship utilizes in particular stars off as tiny particles very similar to a photo-sensitive carbon nanotube (invisible due to its size and controllable by Xelas or whomever controls it to part areas for trajectory – how it is controllable is because particles of Xelas are attached to the nanotube), which reflect radiative-based weaponry upon contact. This is surrounded by a more creative use for the flagships control over laser, a “laser lattice” to put it in layman’s terms. The laser lattice is composed of an exceedingly superheated substance (think of the likes of superheated plasma) which is used to melt projectiles, so that they cannot penetrate the nanotube-based shielding.

If ineffective, inside the carbon nanotube is an inertial field generated by Xelas, this shield can be utilized two vastly different ways. Firstly, the shield can be used to slow down the effects of projectiles that are heat-resistant and managed to penetrate the shielding, the inertial field is effective based on the speed of the projectile (the faster the projectile moves, the more it is slowed). Secondly, the inertial field can be reversed as an inertial dampener, allowing projectiles fired from the flagship to reach a maximum velocity in minimal amounts of time. { Level 8 }

Crystallic Hull: Xelas has utilized a variety of crystallic minerals in the early process of it’s transformation to provide structure, after the critical stages of the transformation were complete, the crystals were unnaturally differentiated to the outside of the hull. They are most useful for particle/light based weaponry. The crystals themselves have come in contact with Xelas’ arcane antimagic protocols, so it is capable of refracting all types of light wave targeting methods, and can even absorb most types of magic-based energy attacks. { Level 8 }

Unlimited Projectile Works: { Level 9 } the materials that this ship uses for its projectiles are created out of the ship, itself. It is not to say that they are manufactured, but it is a process that is much more like they are asexually birthed by the ship. Any types of projectiles (most missiles, but also standard munition rounds) are created by Xelas’ extensive war-database. These projectiles include, but are not limited to:

Chaff missiles – primarily a defensive missile, which the schematics were gleaned from the ever-updating Trantor database. The missile upon reaching a specific point – never reaches the destination of it’s actual trajectory, but instead 1/3 of the missile splits off, as an excellent buffer for light/energy based weaponry, due to the nature of the shavings that are released from the missile. The chaff missiles work well as they can also (instead of breaking apart) intercept other missiles.
Phasing missiles – utilizing the same technology that Xelas uses to warp through space/time, and fire some of it’s hyperspace lasers, the phasing missiles are also sent through this alter-dimension, where they are plotted to emerge in realspace, effectively bypassing most shields. These are high-yield megaton warheads that are comparable to atom bombs.
Dense hp missile – these are actually several missiles compacted into one. Upon being fired the missile splits off before impact, delivering the power of several nuclear bombs before releasing the final impact – an antimatter missile. How this works is that there are several nuclear missiles compacted into one massive one, which is the center – an inactive anti-matter missile. The nuclear missiles split off before impact, plotting individual courses for each. (These missiles could be composed of standard nuclear arms, chaff missiles, or even phasing missiles!) This leaves the extremely large missile to itself, at this point it acts like a particle accelerator, creating the anti-matter particles before impact, where it brings catastrophic results.


{ Level 10 }

Forming through the big bang event of an unborn universe, GalaXelas is an epic being, large enough to cover entire galaxies in the palm of its hand. GalaXelas was first and only witnessed after the Trantor fleet engagement, dealing irreparable damage to the universe. The peak of Xelas always takes a nosedive before long – while GalaXelas is nearly omnipotent, it lacks slightly in coordinated thought – it just acts.

GalaXelas has no new abilities of it’s own, other than the radiation it emits – which I will discuss later, however, a being simply existing at it’s size is more than enough. At this size GalaXelas has differentiated denser substances towards its center protecting it’s nucleus. GalaXelas is so large and dense that it emits a field very much like a black holes – a gravitational field that is so powerful even light cannot escape its grasp, many times this becomes a problem, since light is the manner which we see, record and analyze things. GalaXelas cannot be seen, quite simply a region of dark, empty space would be seen where it is. While GalaXelas cannot be fully seen, and observed, it can be detected by keen astronomers or less conventional ways of detecting (magic) – sudden disappearances of star clusters (millions of them) the complete obfuscation of the night’s sky would be a symptom of GalaXelas’ presence.

There is a problem with this matter, GalaXelas’ gravitational field is so powerful that it would crush anything that were within its range. To make up for this matter, GalaXelas has modified the material it is composed up of to compensate – this makes physically attacking GalaXelas a futile task, the atoms of this epic being are so tightly interwoven together that it makes an impenetrable carapace. This ability is made possibly by Xelas being capable of manipulating the material it is made of, or the construction of the particles of its body.

Another thing that is of note is that in the epic war between GalaXelas and Simtar, it was seen gorging upon an entire quasar of electromagnetic radiation. GalaXelas has accumulated enough internal radiation that through a process of accretion through it’s gravitational field, it releases gamma ray bursters that would be equivalent to several million solarsystems undergoing the phenomenon at once, through a simple breath.



Abstract: Forge is the antithesis to Gennosuke, regarding the Xelas symbiote. He is of sound body, but unsound mind, whereas Gennosuke was vice versa. Forge is the current host of Xelas.

Personality & Physical Description: Forge has since rid himself of not only all his armor and weapons, but clothing as well. Carrying nothing on him, the former-soldier has removed all protrusions on his body including his nose, ears, and genitalia. Forge’s formerly clean-shaven appearance has been supplanted with a large greasy tangled mass of hair that falls down onto his back in angry brambles. His bushy hairstyle is complemented by a long, ragged looking beard.

Considered dangerous by all accounts of the word, Forge has since taken to a hermitic lifestyle and has since adopted some sort of hedonistic philosophy in regards to morals. The former soldier is a malleable pawn to the Xelas symbiote, requiring little effort to be controlled or directed into doing something, his behavior has become not only volatile, but unpredictable, even more so than it were.

Skills, Powers, and Abilities:

Hand to Hand: Forge lacks not only the refinement, but also the technique he once had in the hand-to-hand combat style. A thousand years ago he employed various martial tactics from all Terran styles of combat. Now, Forge fights a savage primordial style based on pure violence. This brutal style seems to not only favor overkill, but also demands it. It seems that since the cataclysmic event, Forge has not only become exponentially stronger than what human limitations would allow (on his own, without the Xelas symbiote), but he has also garnered superhuman speed, agility, and durability. He is no longer reliant on how skillful he is at taking down his opponents, but just being naturally better than them. {Level 6}

Empath: Psychoanalysis of Mr. Gerald S. Forge: it seems that Forge has garnered an alpha-wolf persona to compensate for his hidden insecurities. All evidence of this psychological complex seems to stem back to Sterling’s early childhood abuse.

Entry 2 – perhaps previous data was misconstrued… after extensive interview, sterling seems to be a normal, but troubled, individual. The progress forge has made is nothing sort of miraculous. I intend to utilize some intense psychological stimuli throughout the next few interviews. Uprooting his object of repression is of the utmost importance.

Entry 3 – Today forge suffered a complete psychotic breakdown. He assaulted Dr. Stevens, and fought the guards for a full twenty minutes. The situation he held in such levity he spoke in terms of unpredictable badinage to simply glowering at the rest of us like a feral dog. This is an obvious case of schizophrenia.

Entry 4 – The nescience of the rest of the staff is baffling, I believe I have discovered Forge. I believe that his source of trauma was domestic issues that he witnessed early on, which is repressed by the social ostracism he experienced throughout his adolescent years. I have dismissed the security staff, their inability to understand such a damaged individual proves to be nettlesome, but I, I understand him just fine.

Entry 5 – Perhaps I should reinstate security forces in the left wing. When I left my quarters I had heard what sounded like some of our case studies chattering around the corner, however there was no one there. Forge seems to be showing a cycle – he is cocky, crass, and capricious. I feel somewhat disoriented, I believe I will take the rest of the day off.

Entry 6 – I was hardly able to interview forge, but he seemed perfectly fine. I, however, am not. Listen to me, this seems to become less of a case study and more of a private diary. I’m hearing things in the middle of the night – seeing silhouettes at my bedroom door that aren’t there. Laughing. I can hear laughing. Out of the corner I keep seeing a shade, perhaps a woman? She is dressed in white, but I can never make out her face. Long black hair on a splayed white canvas – a wicked trick my mind plays on my peripherals. It’s obvious that I’m falling apart, I hallucinate hours upon end, this morning I woke up, thinking I was going to go brush my teeth, and instead I had my shaving razor in my hand, placed upon my gum. I need to take hold of reality, before I end up joining my patients in Section 8.

(Forge no longer gains any sense of clarity after destroying the mental status of others, instead, he remains just as hostile as he has ever been.) {Level 8}

1000 Years of History: To be expounded upon throughout Roleplay in 6.0



Gennosuke’s History: Gennosuke lived the life of a simple man – he farmed crop not for profit but for sustenance, just as he hunted animal. He lived life in a parallel 16th century, where the preeminence of guns and most ranged weaponry is absent, so it could be said that Gennosuke is technologically impaired.

Gennosuke is – for all intents and purposes – a ninja, however he is also a warrior. As described in the diary of Seiryuu, Gennosuke ascertained the “devils eyes” or “enchanted vision”, it is mostly known as a relic or an artifact, however it is actually a mutation that allows the user to bend the flows of time and space.

Ending the Yakihiru skirmish, and the entire border war – Gennosuke became a deified figurehead. He began leading political revolution at the turn of the decade, and was focused on a single goal – the unification of the entire land. However, a meddler from a parallel universe had other plans. Magnus, appearing to Gennosuke as little more than a shade, disrupted the ninjas daily meditation. Forcing him to bend to his whim, Magnus put Gennosuke into indentured servitude and pulled him from his primitive dimension into an intergalactic space-war known as the Trantor fleet engagement.

It was here that Gennosuke showed an astounding rate of synchronization with Xelas, as it was capable of magnifying his powers, and he was capable of utilizing its powers. It was only a matter of time before Gennosuke’s tolerance for Magnus’ immorality was broken, and he attempted to assassinate him. Magnus, holding a better understanding of the Xelas than Gennosuke, was able to easily subdue the ninja. Yet still Gennosuke became more and more aligned with the shape-shifting parasite.

After the war, Gennosuke remained dormant for quite some time, his subconscious battling against Xelas’, eventually emerging victorious. Gennosuke had full control over the Xelas symbiote and actually defended the Sol system against the Gravlari Swarm, sealing and enslaving them with Xelas. However, while Gennosuke’s will was powerful enough to hold Xelas off – and still remain semi-sane, Gennosuke’s body was less stalwart. The shape shifter caused such a strain on the man’s body, that by the time he had landed upon Soran, Gennosuke was merely a shell of his former self.

Withered and wretched, it was there that Gennosuke would fight his final fight.


Will of Gennosuke: To attain perfect symbiosis with Xelas, the host must meet two prerequisites or the synchronization process will undoubtedly fail. The first requirement is that they must be of sound mind. Gennosuke had the mental fortitude of Shangri-La he was capable of fending off psychic assaults through sheer will power – his determination was one of the most powerful, and through his iron resolve, Gennosuke was capable of feats that his body shouldn’t have ever been capable of handling. The second requirement is that one is of sound body – the requirement that Gennosuke did not entirely meet, while the man was healthy – he was not in peak physical condition. A little on the slim side, Gennosuke’s body eventually ended up being overburdened with the task of sharing with Xelas, and was eaten alive.

Even so, Gennosuke’s iron will still remains, and many times acts as an alter-psyche for Xelas’ current host. Gennosuke had multiple abilities, but the introduction of Gennosuke’s will allots the host to shrug off status-effects, psychic attacks, and even emotional manipulation through sheer determination. Gennosuke’s will also increases the hosts’ control over Xelas’ other abilities and better synchronizes the two. { Level 9. }
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