"A ship is ever on a Captain's mind." Markus agreed, giving his best courtly bow as he backed away, his offhand holding the golden handle of the chest. He pulled it up slightly and spun, letting go and grabbing the handle with the other hand in but a moment, and the two pirates made their way to their escort, Mumuks who would lead them back to the Weathered Witch until called upon again. "If it means more gold, I'm not complaining. At least for the moment." he whispered to Calliope with a glance, and they found themselves on the streets and back to their ship within the hour.
Once they made it to the docks, the bustling crowd of the merchants waned as they made way with all of the guards that accompanied them. Even over the commotion and calls of 'movie it!' by the guards, Markus could hear the men on the ship singing a tune.
Jax nearly fell out of the crow's nest when he spotted the Captain and the First Mage, waving and yelling in his charming Caelic accent. "Och! Why if no' me mother's luv! It's th' Capn an lady Calliope!" he called to himself and all those that could hear, then roared down at the crew. "Off yer arses lads and step to! Capn' comin' aboard! Oi Sron! Get tha' bone out ye mouth ye mutt! The lady'll zap ye tae frogs I ken-"
While he continued to bark down orders as if he held a position of power, the lads were heaving new cargo aboard, something that Markus would need to ask his Quartermaster about. Though he suppose he shouldn't be ungenerous. The ship looked extremely well repaired considering they were only gone for a night. The guns were in place and Jim was even in the middle of polishing one as Markus and Calliope stepped aboard.
"Off with ye! Get that sail back to it's place before I misplace yer 'ead!" Sketti threatened. shaking his meaty fist at Halvar and Will. With them on their way to continue their duties with naught but a nod of acknowledgement and joy at seeing the captain, Sketti stepped up to Markus. "Me heart's glad tae see ye lad. I thought the dervishes ripped ye apart. So! What happened over in the palace? We rewarded?"
"We're about to find out." Markus said, shaking the chest before bidding Calli to lower the thing. "But what's all this?" he asked, waving his hand at the new barrels being set below. Even now Sron carried a cask below decks, his nose and ears twitching as if somewhat bothered by the contents that might seep through the tightly packed planks of wood. There were still eight more barrels on the deck to be loaded under.
"Oh aye. Apologies Captain, but I thought since we were here, might as well make a profit aye? Spices they be! Will sell for a pretty penny in Andred shores, or wherever else we might be docking in the north. It wasn't cheap, but it didn't hinder our stores overmuch." Sketti promised. "Ye needn't worry, lad. I only bought enough with our left over money stores. We still have most of our savings, and plenty to spend on ship repairs."
Markus considered for a long moment. If these were spices indigenous to the region, they could perhaps be sold thrice what they cost here elsewhere, particularly these days after all of the pirate activity in the Arad Luin, ironically enough. With a small snort of a laugh, the Captain knelt down, and as he began to open the latch, Sketti stood between the crew and the chest, though it was also partly to get a better view for himself. The Dwarf Gold lust was evident in his eyes.
The chest opened to reveal just what Sketti expected. Gold. Probably quadruple as much as what Sketti spent on the barrels of spices, gleaming in the heated sun of the desert skies. Not only that, but a few items as well. Markus closed his eyes, and then opened them to use his magesight. Gingerly, he reached for a glove that looked as if it fit his hand. It called to him in a way he couldn't decipher, and as he lifted it up it shifted into a thin guantlet.
Still eyeing it, he tucked it under his arm. "Hmmm..." he mused, and picked up an item he had specifically questioned the Sultan on, having heard of such a thing popular among spellcasters with flair in this region, and tossed it Calliope, knowing it to be a unique item she would no doubt enjoy. As she would examine it, he would give Sketti the only diamond in the chest. The Dwarf caught it greedily, grinning from ear to ear while Calliope examined what would be her prize. It was very intriguing.
Once they made it to the docks, the bustling crowd of the merchants waned as they made way with all of the guards that accompanied them. Even over the commotion and calls of 'movie it!' by the guards, Markus could hear the men on the ship singing a tune.
Soon we'll be warping her out
through the locks,
weigh hey, roll and go!
Where the pretty young girls
all come down in their frocks
To be rollicking Randy Dandy-O!
Heave a pawl, o heave away!
weigh hey, roll and go!
The anchor's on board
and the cable's all stored
To be rollicking Randy Dandy-O!
through the locks,
weigh hey, roll and go!
Where the pretty young girls
all come down in their frocks
To be rollicking Randy Dandy-O!
Heave a pawl, o heave away!
weigh hey, roll and go!
The anchor's on board
and the cable's all stored
To be rollicking Randy Dandy-O!
Jax nearly fell out of the crow's nest when he spotted the Captain and the First Mage, waving and yelling in his charming Caelic accent. "Och! Why if no' me mother's luv! It's th' Capn an lady Calliope!" he called to himself and all those that could hear, then roared down at the crew. "Off yer arses lads and step to! Capn' comin' aboard! Oi Sron! Get tha' bone out ye mouth ye mutt! The lady'll zap ye tae frogs I ken-"
While he continued to bark down orders as if he held a position of power, the lads were heaving new cargo aboard, something that Markus would need to ask his Quartermaster about. Though he suppose he shouldn't be ungenerous. The ship looked extremely well repaired considering they were only gone for a night. The guns were in place and Jim was even in the middle of polishing one as Markus and Calliope stepped aboard.
"Off with ye! Get that sail back to it's place before I misplace yer 'ead!" Sketti threatened. shaking his meaty fist at Halvar and Will. With them on their way to continue their duties with naught but a nod of acknowledgement and joy at seeing the captain, Sketti stepped up to Markus. "Me heart's glad tae see ye lad. I thought the dervishes ripped ye apart. So! What happened over in the palace? We rewarded?"
"We're about to find out." Markus said, shaking the chest before bidding Calli to lower the thing. "But what's all this?" he asked, waving his hand at the new barrels being set below. Even now Sron carried a cask below decks, his nose and ears twitching as if somewhat bothered by the contents that might seep through the tightly packed planks of wood. There were still eight more barrels on the deck to be loaded under.
"Oh aye. Apologies Captain, but I thought since we were here, might as well make a profit aye? Spices they be! Will sell for a pretty penny in Andred shores, or wherever else we might be docking in the north. It wasn't cheap, but it didn't hinder our stores overmuch." Sketti promised. "Ye needn't worry, lad. I only bought enough with our left over money stores. We still have most of our savings, and plenty to spend on ship repairs."
Markus considered for a long moment. If these were spices indigenous to the region, they could perhaps be sold thrice what they cost here elsewhere, particularly these days after all of the pirate activity in the Arad Luin, ironically enough. With a small snort of a laugh, the Captain knelt down, and as he began to open the latch, Sketti stood between the crew and the chest, though it was also partly to get a better view for himself. The Dwarf Gold lust was evident in his eyes.
The chest opened to reveal just what Sketti expected. Gold. Probably quadruple as much as what Sketti spent on the barrels of spices, gleaming in the heated sun of the desert skies. Not only that, but a few items as well. Markus closed his eyes, and then opened them to use his magesight. Gingerly, he reached for a glove that looked as if it fit his hand. It called to him in a way he couldn't decipher, and as he lifted it up it shifted into a thin guantlet.
Still eyeing it, he tucked it under his arm. "Hmmm..." he mused, and picked up an item he had specifically questioned the Sultan on, having heard of such a thing popular among spellcasters with flair in this region, and tossed it Calliope, knowing it to be a unique item she would no doubt enjoy. As she would examine it, he would give Sketti the only diamond in the chest. The Dwarf caught it greedily, grinning from ear to ear while Calliope examined what would be her prize. It was very intriguing.