The windowless interrogation room merely consisted of a light bulb placed on top of a chair. On that chair though was a person who happens to be tied up with his arms behind it. The restrained person, who happens to be a male in his 30s to 40s, was seen restrained with a hood that covered his head.

The person was seen to be in a white tactical sneaking suit, but the only exception is that his gear, including holster, was taken after he was detained.
"So, did he talk yet?"

A masked paramilitary soldier was seen walking inside the interrogation room through the steel sliding door behind him. Two masked soldiers were standing near their prisoner, talking to each other when the third soldier arrived.
"I don't think so. Guy's been quiet ever since we got the word to snatch him 24 hours ago."
"Damn. Wonder what the top was thinking about when we got him? Said that aside from being a future threat, I don't see anything that ties him up with crazy martial artist the guys tried to surveil, but failed. But at least they're happy that they got the ninja guy locked up with a detective guy who nearly got away due to the handcuffs he's trying to chuck us with."
"You're not the only one... We're suppose to surveil some other dudes, but we got pulled for this instead."
"Oh well, we don't have to worry about getting the other load ya know?"
From outside the interrogation room, there was the sound of loud gunfire, someone doing kiai shouts like you hear in martial arts and explosions caused by grenades and such.
"What the hell was that?" One of the masked soldiers said when he drew out a Fabrique Nationale Five-seveN Mark 2 pistol from the holster, strapped on his vest.
"Don't know. I'll try to see if I can get contact..."
After what seemed to be eternity, the hooded man regained consciousness. He was only able to hear that gunfire was getting loud and someone was radioing in for information on what the hell was going on.
I need to do something and fast. I don't know how long was it since I was caught from the back after we raided a Hanka Robotics office in the city.
Choices to make:
- A: Wobble the chair until he can use the momentum to push himself down on the ground and break the chair.
- B: Listen in on the armed soldiers to get more information.