(credit: The Beast Player I: Touda/ Kemono no Sōja)
Genre: beasts, action/adventure, romance, drama, some comedy, maybe some supernatural stuff, etc.
Short description of roleplay:
For hundreds and thousands of years, there lived a colony in the middle of a field surrounded by dark trees that were the woods that protected them, and yet harmed them as well. For you see, this forest contained many creatures called beasts. Some were dangerous and some were not so dangerous. Some were more scared of the humans than the humans were of them.
There were beasts who actually dared to try and invade the colony, for who knows what reason. However, they were always defeated or chased off. Those humans who did so were known as beast tamers, humans with the ability to defeat, capture, and even tame those very beasts out there among those woods. One day, the beast tamers made a discovery. There were new types of beasts out there now. They looked like humans!
Yet, they had features that were clearly beastly. Those in the colony were startled and surprised by this new discovery. Those among the beast tamers were prepared to retaliate, should these new beasts attack. But, they never did. They seemed to act as civilized as the humans of the colony, of the clan that lived in the field. It was considered very odd. No one was sure what to do or what to think. There was confusion in the air.
And so, a decision was made. They would gather intelligence on these new beasts and find out whether or not they would need to be tamed. If so, that would be done. If not, these new beasts would be left alone unless circumstances suggested otherwise. While they are doing this, the beast tamers will continue their work with the beasts that already existed before the human like ones.
Those humans will continue to protect their people, their clan, and tame beasts to help in this endeavor. The clan will thrive as long as the beast tamers continue their work. They will grow crops, cook, clean, and whatever else is needed to be done just like any other colony, any other clan. There will be a chance of war, should there be aggression shown towards either party.
There is prayer that this does not occur. That would leave questions for you to answer now. Which are you? Are you a beast or are you a beast tamer? Are you just someone who lives in the colony and wishes to stay out of it as an ordinary member of the clan? That will be up to you. Let the story begin.
beast tamer:
what is your tamed familiar?
human-like beasts:
no fighting(among players)
be nice
no bullies
no name calling
follow site rules