It took forever, years of saving but you finally did it. Your very own airship.
The solar sails are made of Essence Silk and sparkle when it catches the light. How you know it works, said the salesman. The cabin is a sealed environmentally controlled home, allowing for off the current travel through the stars. He threw in near a months worth of rations, just to seal the deal.
You can go anywhere with this thing.
Now for the biggest question of all?
Where will you go?
The Glass City and make a fortune chiseling enchanted jewels among the Quartz Weavers.
Or the Celestial Grove where the spirits are said to frolic with those who visit their forests.
Or join the Lunar Confederation Fleet as they fight back against the Tiger Dominion. They could always use another hero.
Maybe you can start over on Riza Secundous. The Terraforming Spires have just been raised and they will be looking for new colonists.
Can you imagine?

Elysia is a place of gods. Not just humanity’s gods, but all of them. They created a pocket universe where they themselves might mold and play with creations. They’ve stolen worlds, entire civilizations in order to fill their playground with more. More planets to craft into their image. More mortals to accept worship. They’ve been doing this a long time. Hundreds of species. Thousands of worlds, all impossibly compact in a universe limited by a roiling mass of inescapable void. There is no escape, and over time, people stopped trying.
As expected, things work differently in Elysia. This realm of the gods. Spirits are a very real thing and have helped shaped cultures. They are composed of Essence, an element of dynamic energy that permeates all the corners of creation. Mortals have long since learned to attune themselves to this substance that defies scientific laws and have been able to harbor magic as a result. But this is a gift not given equally. Some species and empires grow to become arcanotechnological powerhouses, performing wonders unimagined, with ships capable of sailing from planet to planet on the currents of a star’s light. Others still beat rocks together and widdle spears, knowing very little of the spirits that extort their worship. A long time has passed, and can happen to knowledge over time.
Elysia though, is not a safe place. The Star Gods are titanic creatures, too huge and too alien to even notice the mortals that stare in awe at their magnificence. Their lesser gods and spirits all have motivations and personalities that run the spectrum of benign to terrible. Less spiritual threats, is Elysia itself. Filled with life, and strange worlds, many of them are innately hostile and still people find reasons to fight one another, for profit, resource, or ideology. Finally, is the great enemy, the universally feared Demons. Monsters not of Elysia that can creep in from the shadows, anywhere, anytime. Their forms are beyond measure, each more fearsome than the last. They want nothing more than to tear Elysia apart and feast on the souls of people.
That is the main things every civilized member of Elysia knows. Other than that, each world is different. Different histories, rules, technology, culture, flora, fauna, features, or magical connection.
As expected, things work differently in Elysia. This realm of the gods. Spirits are a very real thing and have helped shaped cultures. They are composed of Essence, an element of dynamic energy that permeates all the corners of creation. Mortals have long since learned to attune themselves to this substance that defies scientific laws and have been able to harbor magic as a result. But this is a gift not given equally. Some species and empires grow to become arcanotechnological powerhouses, performing wonders unimagined, with ships capable of sailing from planet to planet on the currents of a star’s light. Others still beat rocks together and widdle spears, knowing very little of the spirits that extort their worship. A long time has passed, and can happen to knowledge over time.
Elysia though, is not a safe place. The Star Gods are titanic creatures, too huge and too alien to even notice the mortals that stare in awe at their magnificence. Their lesser gods and spirits all have motivations and personalities that run the spectrum of benign to terrible. Less spiritual threats, is Elysia itself. Filled with life, and strange worlds, many of them are innately hostile and still people find reasons to fight one another, for profit, resource, or ideology. Finally, is the great enemy, the universally feared Demons. Monsters not of Elysia that can creep in from the shadows, anywhere, anytime. Their forms are beyond measure, each more fearsome than the last. They want nothing more than to tear Elysia apart and feast on the souls of people.
That is the main things every civilized member of Elysia knows. Other than that, each world is different. Different histories, rules, technology, culture, flora, fauna, features, or magical connection.
Elysia is a universe of technological wonders. Artificial planets, star siphoning megastructures, and Airships that can carry entire civilizations can be found in the oldest and most powerful empires. However this is more the exception than the rule. Technology and knowledge is jealously guarded by those that have it and so, for every world that has all of its needs met with automatons and colossal 3D printers, there’s fifty or so other worlds that have to do things the hard way with technological levels ranging from futuristic to before stone age. Elysia has it’s dangers and the universe is by no means united. Even the gods themselves have their petty squabbles, with entire worlds ending up as lifeless husks as collateral damage, great civilizations dead, their knowledge lost.
The main sources of travel are airship. The most basic are more like sailboats than proper spaceships but once again Elysia gets strange. Even portion of space has atmosphere and there is a river of wind simply called, the current or the breath that connects many of the worlds. The more expensive use chemical fuel, then plasma drives, Essence Sails or even FTL Drives, capable of crossing Elysia in minutes rather than weeks. Armor and armament also range greatly as well with different pros and cons for each.
If you are a fan of Star Wars, you know that some worlds are Metropolis trading hubs for entire sectors while other worlds, though inhabited are pretty much nonexistent when it comes to ships, laser weaponry, or self sustaining cities.
In a civilized portion of the universe, most folks will at least have a universal translator and smart phone.
Elysia is a universe of technological wonders. Artificial planets, star siphoning megastructures, and Airships that can carry entire civilizations can be found in the oldest and most powerful empires. However this is more the exception than the rule. Technology and knowledge is jealously guarded by those that have it and so, for every world that has all of its needs met with automatons and colossal 3D printers, there’s fifty or so other worlds that have to do things the hard way with technological levels ranging from futuristic to before stone age. Elysia has it’s dangers and the universe is by no means united. Even the gods themselves have their petty squabbles, with entire worlds ending up as lifeless husks as collateral damage, great civilizations dead, their knowledge lost.
The main sources of travel are airship. The most basic are more like sailboats than proper spaceships but once again Elysia gets strange. Even portion of space has atmosphere and there is a river of wind simply called, the current or the breath that connects many of the worlds. The more expensive use chemical fuel, then plasma drives, Essence Sails or even FTL Drives, capable of crossing Elysia in minutes rather than weeks. Armor and armament also range greatly as well with different pros and cons for each.
If you are a fan of Star Wars, you know that some worlds are Metropolis trading hubs for entire sectors while other worlds, though inhabited are pretty much nonexistent when it comes to ships, laser weaponry, or self sustaining cities.
In a civilized portion of the universe, most folks will at least have a universal translator and smart phone.
Magic is the effect of Essence, a type of dynamic energy that permeate all of Elysia. It is directly related to the gods, as they themselves are just solidified patterns of Essence. Essence can be focused to do pretty much anything, as it carries a bit of that divine spark to create and thus whenever something wishes to go against the designs of physics and reality, magic is generally required.
Magic is most commonly found as part of technology, using arcane components and magical materials to accumulate, channel, and focus the Essence into magic. All of these ‘Artifacts’ require a source of Essence, which is typically from another type of Artifact made for that purpose.
Magic can be shaped on a personal level but invariably involve an individual ‘awakening’ themselves to feel the essence within and around them. This can be done in a myriad of ways and all of them require dedication and discipline. The most common is through spiritual devotion. Mediation, communing with spirits, or purifying ones self through acts of faith usually attract minor gods and spirits which share their powers. Other ways are through intense study, learning about the metaphysical theories and applications and attempting to apply those theories through dangerous experimentation. Others are through sheer force of physical will, pushing their bodies beyond limits until they break through their own thresholds and awaken themselves. Most are incapable of putting in the effort required to Awaken themselves and then undertaking the study or practice needed to implement the Essence into magical effects such as spells, pranas, techniques, or charms. Like everything else, the more one practices, the better ones gets at controlling their Essence, and the more they can call upon for greater effects
Magic is the effect of Essence, a type of dynamic energy that permeate all of Elysia. It is directly related to the gods, as they themselves are just solidified patterns of Essence. Essence can be focused to do pretty much anything, as it carries a bit of that divine spark to create and thus whenever something wishes to go against the designs of physics and reality, magic is generally required.
Magic is most commonly found as part of technology, using arcane components and magical materials to accumulate, channel, and focus the Essence into magic. All of these ‘Artifacts’ require a source of Essence, which is typically from another type of Artifact made for that purpose.
Magic can be shaped on a personal level but invariably involve an individual ‘awakening’ themselves to feel the essence within and around them. This can be done in a myriad of ways and all of them require dedication and discipline. The most common is through spiritual devotion. Mediation, communing with spirits, or purifying ones self through acts of faith usually attract minor gods and spirits which share their powers. Other ways are through intense study, learning about the metaphysical theories and applications and attempting to apply those theories through dangerous experimentation. Others are through sheer force of physical will, pushing their bodies beyond limits until they break through their own thresholds and awaken themselves. Most are incapable of putting in the effort required to Awaken themselves and then undertaking the study or practice needed to implement the Essence into magical effects such as spells, pranas, techniques, or charms. Like everything else, the more one practices, the better ones gets at controlling their Essence, and the more they can call upon for greater effects
Below are an example of some of the more prominent mortal Entities in Elysia
An Example of Tiger Dominion technology and theme, James NG Art
Primary Race: Human
The Tiger Dominion survived the calamity a thousand years ago, and survivors clinging to what remains of South East Asia. The landmass would not have been able to support life were it not for the quick actions of the god Father and his pantheon of spirits. The humans here became dependent on the spirits to keep them alive, and thus the populations broke apart into dozens of tiny cults, each praying to their own god. These were the ancestors that eventually formed the Noble Houses, the ruling body of the Tiger Dominion.
The Tiger Dominion is an Ogliarchy, with the heads of the Noble Houses all having a say in how the Dominion conducts itself. The Emperor acts as mediator when the Noble Houses cannot agree on matters of policy. Outside of these acts of governments, the Noble Houses have set up a system where they obtain a monopoly on all aspects of life for its citizens. One cannot get two separate things without negotiating with the merchants and suppliers of two houses. The actual Nobles are almost above the laws, and will flaunt their wealth often by creating custom robots, altering their bodies with cybernetic enhancements or getting mutations that show aspects of Earth's old animals. Those that are not sponsored or adopted into the Noble Houses are barely considered citizens with very little of their own rights. The create a culture of competition and efficiency so that those that are talented rise above those that are meant to wallow in the dirt. Aliens are also considered outsiders until they can prove their usefulness.
The Tiger Dominion are opportunist and expansionist. The recent power vacuum of Elysia has put the Dominion on a path of conquest. Anything to benefit the Houses.
An Example of a Confederation City (Inspiration is Very similar to Mass Effect)
Primary Race: N/A
Earth's Moon actually survived the calamity, being taken by Father moments after the Demon weapons devastated the Earth. The Moon was set adrift, it's hab blocks and hub cities actually supporting the population as it floated on the currents of Elysia before it was set to orbit over a gas giant. Materials for survival were mined from nearby asteroids and bartered for by sympathetic spirits. Religion was never as important as industry and survival since resources to maintain the old systems were always in critical supply. And then the refugees of the Castian Seven Currents War reached their door step.
Their first contact with xenos came in the form of Frigates filled with refugees, fleeing the conquering armada of the Castian, a militaristic race seeking to become an empire. After some time to learn how to speak to the other, the Lunar Humans learned of the coming problem. They were instrumental in the counter attack and defeat of the Castians as it was their leader (possibly one of the first human Exalted) that managed to gather and create an alliance with six other smaller empires and coordinate them to become a fighting force. Since that day, the Lunar Confederation was born, and the fates between the Lunar Humans and those aliens have been entwined ever since.
Lunar Confederation Space is a combination of a number of different species and acts as a council Democracy, with each representative acting in the 'best' interest of their species or planet. There stations and cities are crowded and homogeneous as different needs require different facilities. Bureaucracy's are in place to establish order and regulation, but it takes a long time and things do get lost. Its an inefficient system, but all are welcome in their space.
A Merico Exo-Mobility Suit Design
Primary Race: Merico Autonomous Employee (scrolling down and you can see some other potential models for sale, whether they are Employees or Customers. (The surgery and digital spiritual upload costs extra)
Merico Industries is a Mega-Corp, a stellar empire in its own right, that functions more as a buisness entity than any kind of governmental system. They are the current leading producer of Vehicles, Robotics, Communications, and Computer systems. Their friendly Super AI, KI-75 or Kits, is the most well known being in all of Elysia as she is the operating system for many networks and computers throughout the civilized and Advanced planets of Elysia. Her smiling friendly face and cute (consumer tested) visages are plastered on every Merico product and she is the star of many a hologram advertisement and commercial. While customer service and a facade of family friendliness epitomizes all of Merico Industries public standing, the reach and power the company has is almost unfathomably vast and tabloid articles abound of dirty dealings, back room deals, and crimes against sentient life. Merico Industries is a buisness first, and a race second, and it runs with an almost cold robotic fluidity past the smiling faces.
While Merico Industries employs across all non hostile races, the founding race itself is all presently synthetic and save a rare few dissidents, are all considered employees of the company. Merico had developed a way for codifying and digitizing brain and soul and thus the race has long since discarded their frail forms for more fashionable and functional automaton chassis'. Fads, upgrades, and advertisement campaigns focus and target the Merico as much as they do other races, and having a shiny new body is just as socially important as position within the company. Not properly representing the companies newer models shows unsatisfactory faith and commitment in the company's products and is grounds for warnings, suspension, demotion, or worse. Unlike droids, a Merico chasis is designed to hold a mortal soul, and thus are more alive than a truly synthetic being, even if the same benefits and limitations apply.
A moderately intact Fae'Rin Observation Post
Primary Race: Fae'Rin
The Fae'Rin are one of the first races to have inhabited Elysia. They have been involved in every major conflict, and were the favored species of a particular potent Star God. They had a culture of rigid order and discipline, with portions of the population born into specific tasks and purposes and meant to fulfill that purpose. Their technology was incredible, almost to the point that it can not be replicated. Their magitech can almost be considered alive, buildings and skyships almost grown rather than made. Their legions of intricate golems and awakened intelligence automatons fulfilled all the purposes of labor, meaning that the Fae'Rin could focus on artistic pursuits. There is very little in Elysia that has not been touched by these curious and enigmatic peoples.
Then Oblivion happened, all of the gods of Fae'Rin's pantheon were killed, and the civilization was brought to near extinction leaving only their cities and tech behind. Only a handful survived the initial battle and the race will soon be extinct
Empires pick through their achievements like vultures on a corpse while the survivors struggle to cope with their loss and keep their shattered culture together. The cities and stations however are not entirely uninhabited. Fae'Rin Automaton still patrol and defend these places of wonders untold- and where Oblivion had touched, it left its taint behind in the form of terrifying Void Walkers. Tomb Raiders beware.
The Tiger Dominion
An Example of Tiger Dominion technology and theme, James NG Art
Primary Race: Human
The Tiger Dominion survived the calamity a thousand years ago, and survivors clinging to what remains of South East Asia. The landmass would not have been able to support life were it not for the quick actions of the god Father and his pantheon of spirits. The humans here became dependent on the spirits to keep them alive, and thus the populations broke apart into dozens of tiny cults, each praying to their own god. These were the ancestors that eventually formed the Noble Houses, the ruling body of the Tiger Dominion.
The Tiger Dominion is an Ogliarchy, with the heads of the Noble Houses all having a say in how the Dominion conducts itself. The Emperor acts as mediator when the Noble Houses cannot agree on matters of policy. Outside of these acts of governments, the Noble Houses have set up a system where they obtain a monopoly on all aspects of life for its citizens. One cannot get two separate things without negotiating with the merchants and suppliers of two houses. The actual Nobles are almost above the laws, and will flaunt their wealth often by creating custom robots, altering their bodies with cybernetic enhancements or getting mutations that show aspects of Earth's old animals. Those that are not sponsored or adopted into the Noble Houses are barely considered citizens with very little of their own rights. The create a culture of competition and efficiency so that those that are talented rise above those that are meant to wallow in the dirt. Aliens are also considered outsiders until they can prove their usefulness.
The Tiger Dominion are opportunist and expansionist. The recent power vacuum of Elysia has put the Dominion on a path of conquest. Anything to benefit the Houses.
The Lunar Confederation
An Example of a Confederation City (Inspiration is Very similar to Mass Effect)
Primary Race: N/A
Earth's Moon actually survived the calamity, being taken by Father moments after the Demon weapons devastated the Earth. The Moon was set adrift, it's hab blocks and hub cities actually supporting the population as it floated on the currents of Elysia before it was set to orbit over a gas giant. Materials for survival were mined from nearby asteroids and bartered for by sympathetic spirits. Religion was never as important as industry and survival since resources to maintain the old systems were always in critical supply. And then the refugees of the Castian Seven Currents War reached their door step.
Their first contact with xenos came in the form of Frigates filled with refugees, fleeing the conquering armada of the Castian, a militaristic race seeking to become an empire. After some time to learn how to speak to the other, the Lunar Humans learned of the coming problem. They were instrumental in the counter attack and defeat of the Castians as it was their leader (possibly one of the first human Exalted) that managed to gather and create an alliance with six other smaller empires and coordinate them to become a fighting force. Since that day, the Lunar Confederation was born, and the fates between the Lunar Humans and those aliens have been entwined ever since.
Lunar Confederation Space is a combination of a number of different species and acts as a council Democracy, with each representative acting in the 'best' interest of their species or planet. There stations and cities are crowded and homogeneous as different needs require different facilities. Bureaucracy's are in place to establish order and regulation, but it takes a long time and things do get lost. Its an inefficient system, but all are welcome in their space.
Merico Industries
A Merico Exo-Mobility Suit Design
Primary Race: Merico Autonomous Employee (scrolling down and you can see some other potential models for sale, whether they are Employees or Customers. (The surgery and digital spiritual upload costs extra)
Merico Industries is a Mega-Corp, a stellar empire in its own right, that functions more as a buisness entity than any kind of governmental system. They are the current leading producer of Vehicles, Robotics, Communications, and Computer systems. Their friendly Super AI, KI-75 or Kits, is the most well known being in all of Elysia as she is the operating system for many networks and computers throughout the civilized and Advanced planets of Elysia. Her smiling friendly face and cute (consumer tested) visages are plastered on every Merico product and she is the star of many a hologram advertisement and commercial. While customer service and a facade of family friendliness epitomizes all of Merico Industries public standing, the reach and power the company has is almost unfathomably vast and tabloid articles abound of dirty dealings, back room deals, and crimes against sentient life. Merico Industries is a buisness first, and a race second, and it runs with an almost cold robotic fluidity past the smiling faces.
While Merico Industries employs across all non hostile races, the founding race itself is all presently synthetic and save a rare few dissidents, are all considered employees of the company. Merico had developed a way for codifying and digitizing brain and soul and thus the race has long since discarded their frail forms for more fashionable and functional automaton chassis'. Fads, upgrades, and advertisement campaigns focus and target the Merico as much as they do other races, and having a shiny new body is just as socially important as position within the company. Not properly representing the companies newer models shows unsatisfactory faith and commitment in the company's products and is grounds for warnings, suspension, demotion, or worse. Unlike droids, a Merico chasis is designed to hold a mortal soul, and thus are more alive than a truly synthetic being, even if the same benefits and limitations apply.
The Fae'Rin Ascendancy
A moderately intact Fae'Rin Observation Post
Primary Race: Fae'Rin
The Fae'Rin are one of the first races to have inhabited Elysia. They have been involved in every major conflict, and were the favored species of a particular potent Star God. They had a culture of rigid order and discipline, with portions of the population born into specific tasks and purposes and meant to fulfill that purpose. Their technology was incredible, almost to the point that it can not be replicated. Their magitech can almost be considered alive, buildings and skyships almost grown rather than made. Their legions of intricate golems and awakened intelligence automatons fulfilled all the purposes of labor, meaning that the Fae'Rin could focus on artistic pursuits. There is very little in Elysia that has not been touched by these curious and enigmatic peoples.
Then Oblivion happened, all of the gods of Fae'Rin's pantheon were killed, and the civilization was brought to near extinction leaving only their cities and tech behind. Only a handful survived the initial battle and the race will soon be extinct
Empires pick through their achievements like vultures on a corpse while the survivors struggle to cope with their loss and keep their shattered culture together. The cities and stations however are not entirely uninhabited. Fae'Rin Automaton still patrol and defend these places of wonders untold- and where Oblivion had touched, it left its taint behind in the form of terrifying Void Walkers. Tomb Raiders beware.
Hello Fair Reader
This is an interest check for a player to have a story in this universe. The universe is designed to have any kind of setting, any kind of genre and theme, but enough of a fantastical element that things like boundaries or limitations need not apply. Consider this universe a sci-fantasy. Where elements of super science mix with elements of magic, that world in parallel and in tandem with each other. The universe however is not safe and a million million little dramas can happen across its expanse. I’m offering a personal character driven story in a vast, epic scale, shared setting, but different themes, plots, and genres within that setting. Im letting players build their own stories with Elysia as the backdrop. If you have a background, Elysia can easily incorporate it. I’m even open to having multiple 1X1 stories collide, all of it acting within the same universe.
What I’m looking for.
- Casual/advanced players.
- No one liners. I will get super bored very easily.
- Those that ask questions, offer suggestion, and try to grow the universe in their own way.
- Mature audiences, but its okay if you aren’t 18, just let me know.
- Friendly players willing to talk out their issues.
- Patient players, I can’t dedicate everyday to the site.
For a 1X1 PM me your interest so we can tailor a story together and talk about developing the character. Romance and other interpersonal dramas are encouraged but not necessary. Again, I don’t believe in limitations to writing. If you need help, ideas, pairings, or discuss further just let me know. If you desire a specific pair, I've most experience playing a male... but I'm pretty much going to the narrator for the majority so I'm playing a bunch of characters. A story world needs to feel alive. I can even RP a small group if you like. Doubling I think its called.
General Scenarios
With More to Come Later
With More to Come Later
Genre: Apocalyptic Survival
Themes: Steampunk, Zombies, Wilderness Survival, Tough Decisions, Horror
Comparable Media: Frost Punk, They are Billions, Revenant, Kagami of the Iron Fortress
Something terrible has happened. Nuclear War. Alien Invasion. Robot Revolution, Spores fall from the sky turning all you hold dear into mindless killing machines. You’re either one of the last survivors trying to keep your group safe, or you’re just trying to save your own sorry hide. Technology and Magic can’t save you, but it can help. Extra points, the calamity is causing crucial systems to fail, meaning the environment wants to kill you too. I’ve an idea for a particular planet with this one that delves in Steampunk, but this could easily be on a space ship that is filled with something particularly nasty.
Themes: Steampunk, Zombies, Wilderness Survival, Tough Decisions, Horror
Comparable Media: Frost Punk, They are Billions, Revenant, Kagami of the Iron Fortress
Something terrible has happened. Nuclear War. Alien Invasion. Robot Revolution, Spores fall from the sky turning all you hold dear into mindless killing machines. You’re either one of the last survivors trying to keep your group safe, or you’re just trying to save your own sorry hide. Technology and Magic can’t save you, but it can help. Extra points, the calamity is causing crucial systems to fail, meaning the environment wants to kill you too. I’ve an idea for a particular planet with this one that delves in Steampunk, but this could easily be on a space ship that is filled with something particularly nasty.
Genre: Space Western
Themes: Soft Sci Fi, Space Ships and Space Battles, Crime, Hi-jinx
Comparable Media: Guardians of the Galaxy, Star Wars, Firefly, Cowboy Bebop
After a life played hard, played loose, or played badly, you lost it all. Now all you have left to your name is a spaceship and two dreams. Make a lot of money and have some F###ING FUN! The scenario assumes you are a criminal, a mercenary, a hero for hire, a scoundrel, a runaway rebel, whatever. You got a ship, a bounty on your head, and you travel Elysia getting into all kinds of trouble. Sometimes you’re in way over your head, up to your eyeballs in alien monsters, but you got the freedom to deal with it anyway you can.
Themes: Soft Sci Fi, Space Ships and Space Battles, Crime, Hi-jinx
Comparable Media: Guardians of the Galaxy, Star Wars, Firefly, Cowboy Bebop
After a life played hard, played loose, or played badly, you lost it all. Now all you have left to your name is a spaceship and two dreams. Make a lot of money and have some F###ING FUN! The scenario assumes you are a criminal, a mercenary, a hero for hire, a scoundrel, a runaway rebel, whatever. You got a ship, a bounty on your head, and you travel Elysia getting into all kinds of trouble. Sometimes you’re in way over your head, up to your eyeballs in alien monsters, but you got the freedom to deal with it anyway you can.
Genre: Action Adventure
Themes: High Fantasy, Magic and Monsters, Investigation, Hunting, School/Training, Self Improvement, Cyber cops, Conspiracies
Comparable Media: Harry Potter meets Monster Hunter, Blue Excorcist, Xenoblade Chronicles, Deus Ex
Your character is a training member of an elite team. Depending on the chosen setting, this could be a cybercrime police unit on a space station, the last bastion of a colony ship or kingdom that teaches hunters to brave the hostile wasteland for supplies, maybe it’s a techno-magical guild that specializes in routing out and hunting down demons. All that matters is the Academy believes in a practical approach and uses trial by fire as a way of teaching its student body and they have an eye for talent regardless of the source, meaning some very strange fellow students and stranger missions.
Themes: High Fantasy, Magic and Monsters, Investigation, Hunting, School/Training, Self Improvement, Cyber cops, Conspiracies
Comparable Media: Harry Potter meets Monster Hunter, Blue Excorcist, Xenoblade Chronicles, Deus Ex
Your character is a training member of an elite team. Depending on the chosen setting, this could be a cybercrime police unit on a space station, the last bastion of a colony ship or kingdom that teaches hunters to brave the hostile wasteland for supplies, maybe it’s a techno-magical guild that specializes in routing out and hunting down demons. All that matters is the Academy believes in a practical approach and uses trial by fire as a way of teaching its student body and they have an eye for talent regardless of the source, meaning some very strange fellow students and stranger missions.
Genre: Super Hero
Themes: Epic Scale, The Brave and the Bold, The Vile and the Villainous, Interstellar Calamities, Champions of Empires
Comparable Media: Green Lantern, Gundam Wing, Overlord, Battle Angel Alita, Warhammer 40k
Like the Space Cowboy but crank it up to 11! You have been chosen by the Star Gods to inherit their power or you are special in a way that makes you stand out such as a specially created AI, or a member of an ancient and powerful race. Whatever the circumstance, you are essentially a superhero in a sci fi/fantasy setting, protecting planets from interstellar horrors, powerful criminal organizations, or fellow Exalted Supervillains! Feel free to go nuts with what you are and what you can do as there are few powers considered off limits. But remember, development always makes for better story. A great point will be at the moment you get your powers, or just at the point when you start your heroic (or villainous) career. Additionally you can be something totally different, a new stellar emperor, a great admiral or general, or some champion of a race or people. The possibilities are endless, but whatever your story, it’s going to be epic!
Themes: Epic Scale, The Brave and the Bold, The Vile and the Villainous, Interstellar Calamities, Champions of Empires
Comparable Media: Green Lantern, Gundam Wing, Overlord, Battle Angel Alita, Warhammer 40k
Like the Space Cowboy but crank it up to 11! You have been chosen by the Star Gods to inherit their power or you are special in a way that makes you stand out such as a specially created AI, or a member of an ancient and powerful race. Whatever the circumstance, you are essentially a superhero in a sci fi/fantasy setting, protecting planets from interstellar horrors, powerful criminal organizations, or fellow Exalted Supervillains! Feel free to go nuts with what you are and what you can do as there are few powers considered off limits. But remember, development always makes for better story. A great point will be at the moment you get your powers, or just at the point when you start your heroic (or villainous) career. Additionally you can be something totally different, a new stellar emperor, a great admiral or general, or some champion of a race or people. The possibilities are endless, but whatever your story, it’s going to be epic!
Genre: Slice of Life-ish
Themes: Comedy, Starting over, Displaced out of Time, Exploration and Colonization, Fish out of Water
Comparable Media: Surviving Mars, Rimworld, Monster Girls, Most Slice of Life Animes but—
You leave your life behind to hitch a ride on a new colony ship. You awaken from cyro sleep way way later than you should have. You escape some past crime or tragedy and want to start over across the universe. Your grandparents found safety on the back of a space whale, and well, just kind of built a city on it, the whale didn’t mind. What happens next? This is a series of idea that deal with the mundanity in an extraordinary world, namely less action and more drama. Explore what a world full of sci fi tech, or magic, or both could have on the regular day to day with relatable problems. Are you the new barista that just so happens to be from a notorious race of vampires? Are you a kid with dreams of being an interstellar rock superstar? Are you trying to get back on your feet after an abusive relationship and gambling debt by accepting a new job where you train supernatural creatures to specific tasks? Are you just trying to take a vacation with your friends and want to see some of the strangest places in Elysia? Etc.
Themes: Comedy, Starting over, Displaced out of Time, Exploration and Colonization, Fish out of Water
Comparable Media: Surviving Mars, Rimworld, Monster Girls, Most Slice of Life Animes but—
You leave your life behind to hitch a ride on a new colony ship. You awaken from cyro sleep way way later than you should have. You escape some past crime or tragedy and want to start over across the universe. Your grandparents found safety on the back of a space whale, and well, just kind of built a city on it, the whale didn’t mind. What happens next? This is a series of idea that deal with the mundanity in an extraordinary world, namely less action and more drama. Explore what a world full of sci fi tech, or magic, or both could have on the regular day to day with relatable problems. Are you the new barista that just so happens to be from a notorious race of vampires? Are you a kid with dreams of being an interstellar rock superstar? Are you trying to get back on your feet after an abusive relationship and gambling debt by accepting a new job where you train supernatural creatures to specific tasks? Are you just trying to take a vacation with your friends and want to see some of the strangest places in Elysia? Etc.
Specific Potentially Non-Romance Plots

Themes: Surival Horror
The World of Capita has long since been terraformed for habitation. A cold planet with a breathable atmosphere, the earliest settlers of the planet turned their own ships into massive Furnace Generator Tower that when fed with fuel were linked to a complex network of steam power hubs and heating pipes. It was this network that was interlaced throughout the planet that allowed the pioneers to push back the cold and forge the nations as they are known today, all clambering for prestige, resources, and military power.
When first colonizing the world, it was discovered that every decade or so, the nearby planet of Fecundus, a planet completely enwrapped in colossal flora would bloom, sending clouds of seed and spores so vast they affected the weather of not only its own planet but other planets in the star system. Swept up in Elysia's Current, the spores would on occasional fall on Capita, causing choking weeds and resiliant plantlife to grow on whatever warm soil it touched. While this was the cause of many asphyxiating deaths and famine on Capita in the past, the present day Capitans have developed techniques, structures, and technology that deals with the plague of spores, mostly by burning them before they even take root.
The last Spore Storm was different. Never before had the spores reacted the way these did. Not only did it grow on soil, it grown on, and inside, people. It didn't just kill them, that would have been a mercy compared to what came next. The roots connect to the central nervous system, burrowing into the brain. Madness beget mindless savagery as the 'Shamblers' would seek out and attack the uninfected. As the cities devolved into madness and carnage, the generators failed or overheated and exploded. The cold retook the planet, killing farms and people that initially survived the outbreaks. This was a blessing in disguise. The plants couldn't root in the cold, but only fire could kill the spores completely. For that reason, survivors piled into anything capable of trans-versing the snow and ice and headed towards the poles. All of them seeking the last few generators that could hold back the growing chill in the air.
You are a survivor aboard the Dreadnaught Overlord, a rolling tank as long as a battleship. It's unlikely that the Shamblers have developed a way to get into the monster of steel and brass and smoke, but you share the space with 500 other cold and hungry survivors, all of them had witnessed the grisly death of loved ones and had their lives turn into that of merciless horror. That is not to mention the heart of the Dreadnaught, the ever starving furnace that demands coal, wood, anything that can burn. Supplies are low, morale is low, hope is low.
What will you do?
Theme: Political Intrigue
The Tiger Dominion is one of Elysia's super powers. The thirteen Noble Houses all command entire worlds, each with their own economic, military, and political might. An opportunistic and expansionist empire, they seek to conquer all of Elysia underneath their banner, offering security for obedience and tribute. The Noble Houses all add to the Dominion's power, and yet they all compete with each other for greater control of the vast empire. The Dominion has grown too big and the Houses too greedy, it is only through the wisdom and power of the Emperor that civil war does not break out.
The Emperor however is getting old, and everyone knows it will be time for another to step in. All the Houses covet the throne, and are willing to do anything to get it. The Deliberative of the Houses becomes a bloodbath of candidates and the empire nearly tears itself apart with unrest. The usual electoral process. After the smoke clears, a lord is chosen, causing the other houses to seeth in rage and bitterness. Veiled threats are given and the rumors of revolution spread.
Our story begins when the Emperor is assassinated.
One character will be the son or daughter of the Emperor whose life is now on the line as your entire house become subject to attacks both subtle and blunt. Civil War breaks out and you are surrounded by enemies. Do you try to ally with one of them, using wit and promise to secure an alliance? Do you flee the Dominion, ask the bitter and conquered to help you reclaim the throne in your family's name? Or do you personally just swear revenge, and may the empire burn in your fury.
In a Group RP, one character will be the scion, the others will be their closest allies. Body Guards, Confidants, other nobles that are in or swore allegiance to the same Noble House, champions of the people trying to bring down the Oligarchy, or stranger allies still, say a Space Pirate Captain whom owed the Emperor a debt.
Political Intrigue and Space Battles Abound!

Theme: Space Western
Alot of folks don't quite fit in with normal society. Maybe they lost their family, their home, their liberty, maybe never even had those things in the first place. They act out, criminals, terrorists, revolutionaries, when they dont die for a cause they end up on a ship and fly to the rims of Elysia. There the rule of the stellar empires are tentative at best. The laws of strength, the laws of the gun rule out here. There's alot of things to be afraid of this close to the Void, but those that survive here are some of the toughest bastards you'll ever meet. And better yet, they roam in packs.
Space Pirate Gangs, Raider Tribes, Scrappers, Crime Syndicates. Alot of times it just isn't worth flying to the mysterious planets on the Rim, but occasionally there comes a fleet that makes a name for itself, so much that even those in the Inner and Core worlds hear about them. There's always some corporate big wig, some royal usurper, or treasure collector that has got the money but no desire to do the work themselves. They always look for talented expendables. A bit like the Marauders. They're Mercenaries, Free Booters, Corsairs. They hold the name and affiliation, but every ship is as different as the crew flying them. Many crews act more like pirates, slavers, raiders others work with a bit more morality, but just a bit. They fly, fight, whatever all for profit, for whoever pays the most and even then, if they don't like the job, they don't have to take it. Complete freedom.
Sometimes though a job comes around that you just can't refuse. A little too interesting with a bit too much money at stake. Where the risk is worth it.
Like Firefly and Guardians of the Galaxy, you are a member of the crew, no doubt with a colorful past. Ship's been contacted with a job, seize a piece of tech from some salvaging operation. Seems simple enough. Things get more complicated when you find out just whats inside of it, and just how many people want to get their hands on it, whether for the money or for their own nefarious ends.
Theme: Tales of Legend

The most terrible demon that has ever entered Elysia... Oblivion... A whirling mass of darkness. Of nothing, deeper than the void. A hungering cloud that slowly eats worlds down to the Essence of their rocks, and leaves them as lifeless husks only filled with the screaming souls of the lives stolen. Angry, dead, unnatural things spring out from its mass, seeking more to drag into the ever ravenous mass.
It is only Demons that will have the empires of Elysia forget their differences and join together in the defense of their homes. Even the Star Gods gather with their pantheons, ready to defend themselves against the only things that threaten their immortality. The Celestial Fleet and their deities gathered in defense of the Kalfka System and its Twelve Billion Souls.
It failed.
Three Star Gods, and a million ships, an entire civilization; wiped out against an endless tide of undeath and other horrors that lurked in Elysia, waiting for their time to strike. Oblivion feasted, the Sector was lost, and each empire weakened to the point of fear and paranoia. Faith and trust fractured, the alliances dissolved, and the Empires returned to defend their space, hoping against hope that their end will come later rather than sooner. All seemed lost.
And then another Star God, Karis'Anya, The Spear that Sparked the Dawn finally revealed herself, an immense dragon made of starlight. Her purview of Justice, Light, Protection, and Righteous Battles; she claimed the system next on Oblivion's Path, bringing with her the remaining mortal might of a dozen races. Her priests spoke that she had a way to fight the darkness, and she beseeched her brethren to join her in a final push, but even they the gods above gods turned away, afraid to meet the same fate as their brave siblings. The other empires were called to join in the cause, but like their divine masters, none can see the point of this. If the greatest armada in all of Elysia, even the gods themselves couldn't stop Oblivion, what hope is there for one and her rag tag defenders?
As the skies darken with the coming of Oblivion and its horrors, that is where our story begins. You are involved in this defense, maybe survivors of the Kalfka sector that have nothing left but revenge, maybe brave residents whose planets are next on the menu, maybe warrior priests of Karis'Anya's martial cult, maybe Exalted Champions of other empires who wanted to take another shot and slaughtering demons, or maybe mercenaries considered crazy enough to take on this job. While it seems hopeless, it turns out the dragon is not just blowing smoke and she stalls the advance, leaving the scattered armies and navies to defend the six planets of the system and the civilians there as lesser monsters assault the system.
You distinguish yourself and are given a secret mission. Convincing the other empires and gods to join the fight, a task just as perilous as being on the front lines. Demons will hound your steps, war profiteers will try to stop you, mad scared kings will try to silence your voices of bravery. It is your success or failure that will determine the fate of Elysia.

The most terrible demon that has ever entered Elysia... Oblivion... A whirling mass of darkness. Of nothing, deeper than the void. A hungering cloud that slowly eats worlds down to the Essence of their rocks, and leaves them as lifeless husks only filled with the screaming souls of the lives stolen. Angry, dead, unnatural things spring out from its mass, seeking more to drag into the ever ravenous mass.
It is only Demons that will have the empires of Elysia forget their differences and join together in the defense of their homes. Even the Star Gods gather with their pantheons, ready to defend themselves against the only things that threaten their immortality. The Celestial Fleet and their deities gathered in defense of the Kalfka System and its Twelve Billion Souls.
It failed.
Three Star Gods, and a million ships, an entire civilization; wiped out against an endless tide of undeath and other horrors that lurked in Elysia, waiting for their time to strike. Oblivion feasted, the Sector was lost, and each empire weakened to the point of fear and paranoia. Faith and trust fractured, the alliances dissolved, and the Empires returned to defend their space, hoping against hope that their end will come later rather than sooner. All seemed lost.
And then another Star God, Karis'Anya, The Spear that Sparked the Dawn finally revealed herself, an immense dragon made of starlight. Her purview of Justice, Light, Protection, and Righteous Battles; she claimed the system next on Oblivion's Path, bringing with her the remaining mortal might of a dozen races. Her priests spoke that she had a way to fight the darkness, and she beseeched her brethren to join her in a final push, but even they the gods above gods turned away, afraid to meet the same fate as their brave siblings. The other empires were called to join in the cause, but like their divine masters, none can see the point of this. If the greatest armada in all of Elysia, even the gods themselves couldn't stop Oblivion, what hope is there for one and her rag tag defenders?
As the skies darken with the coming of Oblivion and its horrors, that is where our story begins. You are involved in this defense, maybe survivors of the Kalfka sector that have nothing left but revenge, maybe brave residents whose planets are next on the menu, maybe warrior priests of Karis'Anya's martial cult, maybe Exalted Champions of other empires who wanted to take another shot and slaughtering demons, or maybe mercenaries considered crazy enough to take on this job. While it seems hopeless, it turns out the dragon is not just blowing smoke and she stalls the advance, leaving the scattered armies and navies to defend the six planets of the system and the civilians there as lesser monsters assault the system.
You distinguish yourself and are given a secret mission. Convincing the other empires and gods to join the fight, a task just as perilous as being on the front lines. Demons will hound your steps, war profiteers will try to stop you, mad scared kings will try to silence your voices of bravery. It is your success or failure that will determine the fate of Elysia.
Specific Potentially Romance Plots

Theme: Political Romance
The Emperor of the Tiger Dominion has been chosen in a relatively peaceful time. The Noble Houses are bitter about their new leader, but what else is new really. He or she will remain in their position until they are unfit to lead. Now it comes down to delegation, forming staff, and seeing that the scrappy Empire filled with ambitious and conniving nobles doesn't declare war on the rest of Elysia, or argue enough that it doesn't start a Civil War with itself. A wise Emperor will surround themselves with those they trust. Advisors, Consultants, Body guards, Confidants, Ambassadors, Generals, Admirals, Cheifs, Paramours, Support Staff, maybe even suitors. Muse A will be the emperor, one of the most powerful men or women in all of Elysia, a fleet of ten thousand ships are at her beckon call and all the might of Noble Houses and their worlds. His final word on policy and law for a section of the known universe.
Muse B is one of their chosen confidants. On a political standpoint, this character might be an arranged betrothal before the Emperor obtained their position, making the upcoming nuptials much more complicated and important. Maybe on a practical standpoint, they are special, knowledgeable, gifted, powerful. They serve to support and aid the Emperor in their tasks, and as time goes on, they are relied more and more for other reasons... Maybe it's sentimental. Muse B was once a friend. Adorably cliche, one was a noble's child, the other their personal servant, both growing up together until the Noble needed to start the duties of running their house, leaving the commoner servant behind. Fate pushes them back together, and old feelings return, even though their social positions could not be further apart. Love conquers all.
Emperor X Noble
Emperor X Servant/Commoner
Emperor X Guard
Emperor X Vizier/Advisor
Emperor X Foreign Royal *Nobility from another empire, marrying to secure peace, freedom, etc*
Special Pairings:
Emperor X Celebrity *Maybe the character isn't related to the nobility but is an important figure regardless, CEO, Music Star, Actor*
Emperor X God *The Emperor also has to maintain a relationship with the spirits. Maybe they catch the fancy of something that is actually more powerful than they.*
Emperor X Familiar *The Emperor can only trust something they can make themselves, Muse B can be a spirit, a devil, a magical construct, a robotic construct, or stranger confidant. As the most trusted servant to the most powerful person, it could lead to some unique stories.*
Servant X Servant *In this case, both characters are on staff, the Emperor is a side character, hilariously as either a rival for one character's attention, or in a very odd twist of fate, a matchmaker or wingman. Ruling the universe is hard, so a side romance story is good entertainment*

Theme: Whimsical Fantasy
Muse A, their life was pretty, well... boring. The exact specifics don't really matter. They are average, never had the opportunity to really shine, even in somewhere as off as Elysia. Their life was safe, uneventful, it just drifted by.
And then Muse B falls into their lap, or crashed into their backyard, or gets Muse A into some kind of trouble with their Shenanigans. Muse B is everything Muse A isn't. They can do wonderful things, they are part of the universe, they make themselves apart of big events. They have a space ship with plenty of space for a passenger. Through whatever means, Muse A comes along, whether willingly or unwillingly. Muse A's life is about to get a bit more interesting.
Normal Person X Alien *Slight differences, mostly just from another planet*
Normal Person X Abducting Alien *This is where one party is completely unwilling to go on some big adventure, atleast at first*
Normal Person X Spirit *And Spirits come in all shapes and sizes with all kinds of weird powers*
Normal Person X AI *Typical internet/video game plot. Character falls for another character who doesnt happen to have a physical body and exists within a digital space. But there are potential solutions... Androids for instance*
Normal Person X Airship Pilot/ Criminal/ Stellar Celebrity
Normal Person X Royal *Runaway Prince, Princess crosses paths with the unsuspecting person*

Theme: Romantic Comedy/Action
Muse A is a brave, swashbuckling airship pilot, or something of that nature. On one of their many many adventures, they get a distress call from Muse B, claiming to be a beautiful member of royalty. They promise riches, prestige, anything they can ever want. After a daring rescue, Muse A bursts into the cell holding Muse B and finds out that maybe they were exaggerating just a bit.
This kind of story is meant to be kind of off the wall ridiculous you'll see in fantasy and sci-fi. If the hero is a man, they'll find that the 'beautiful' princess was actually a green scaled alien criminal whom just implicated the hero in aiding a galactic jewel thief in her escape. If it's a heroine, her damsel will be a sly wise cracking special agent whose at the wrong end of some hostile alien authorities when his cover got blown. Possibilities are endless here.
Whatever the circumstances, Muse A getting involved with Muse B gets them into more trouble than they are worth, and things just get more out of control from there. Again this is a story designed to be over the top comedy as the two constantly thwart their pursuers and find mutual respect and partnership as the adventure continues.
Space Cop X Space Criminal
Treasure Hunter X Smuggler
Secret Agent X Space Pirate
Mercenary Hero X Runaway Freedom Fighter
Ace Pilot X Ex Slave
*Literally anything above can be swapped to fit anything else. Whatever is fast paced and exciting*

Theme: Extra-Racial Romance
Muse A comes from a prudish family, very safe, very proper, very xenophobic to anything different. Maybe they were well off and had to keep up a certain standard of luxury living. Muse A's family had controlled their life, deciding their school, deciding their friends, deciding their future. Even their friends turn two faced and toxic as social pressures of school and future prospects. As Muse A grows older, they begin to urk against the pressure and prison their lot in life puts on them. They want freedom to live their own life.
Muse B is the opposite. They come from a family that honestly doesnt care about them. Maybe they were abusive. Maybe Muse B never had a role model and got into trouble after trouble growing up, hiding the scars and attaching to anything that was willing to give them the time of day. Bad relationship after bad relationship, unhealthy addiction after prison time. They could be strengthened by the experience, they could be cloistered in a shell. Keeping their walls up.
Time for university and Muse A and Muse B end up in the same class. It might be their first time, they might already have a history, but they become fast friends, that quickly evolve into something more, one finding stability in the other, the other finding freedom and love of life. Each are broken in their own way but they try to pick up the pieces.
Another small problem, Muse A and Muse B are different species.
The setting in this plot is rather simple. Just a planet or station habitat with the elements of sci fi and magic down played as only conveniences (Maybe they are learning magic at university, *cough* Harry Potter in space *cough*). Just like a normal modern city. The entire drama is built around the very real and very personal stories from two different people trying to find their own way. The fact that they're alien adds just another level to the differences of backgrounds and culture and how race can play a role in this story. People in this story live along side beings from another planet, but stereotyping and racism are still alive and well even in Elysia.
Now what kind of aliens the characters could be are up to you. The easiest way to do this is just to use a fantasy race. Ones human, ones an elf, its just that elves are aliens in this universe. Maybe werewolf or vampires if youre into that (but without so much of the dark mystigue surrounding them. However we can go stranger. One character is a monster girl for instance, a lamia, centaur, harpy, slime, android. Or even just go full blown alien. Greys with the big head, big eyes, scales all over, predator (for some reason), tentacles. Its a chance to be something different in a story that anyone can relate to.
Suggested Pairings: (To break down some ideas)
Human X Elf
Human X Monstergirl
Human X Vampire/ Werewolf/ Something Edgy
Human X Alien (there's some nice looking ones on pinterest)
Human X Orc (obviously more civilized... sort of)
Switch out human with anything else.

Theme: Exploration of a Strange Place
Elysia’s got some strange places.
Sometimes people discover it, launch expeditions, scouting parties, research missions. Sometimes people just come across it, even crash landing into it. Sometimes by the games of the gods, a person may simply wake up elsewhere.
Muse A is one such brave or unwilling soul. Maybe they are the first pioneer to settle a new discovery, a biologist, savant, mystic, or geologist that lands. Maybe they have an organization at their back, monitoring them from orbit. Maybe they are sent to save someone else and need saving themselves. Maybe they crash landed in this uncharted hunk of strange rock and have to survive. Maybe, like a dream they wake up in this place that just isn’t right. Whatever the case, they must explore the lands, seemingly alone. But are they?
Muse B is the companion that aids and travels with Muse A, and this can come in many flavors. The most fanciful idea is that Muse B is some kind of curious local, a benevolent wild spirit, or something stranger still, such as if Muse A is a wizard and can summon a Familiar for aid. Something a bit more tame would be another specialist, a crash survivor, Muse A’s android or robotic assistant, or if things want to become a bit more tense, a stranger, stowaway or even a prisoner Muse A was transporting (or enemy pilot if the character’s races are at war.)
Regardless, the point of this adventure is essentially spent surviving through dream scapes. The world itself is filled with life, color, and changes to the whims and emotions of those that deserve it. It might be a water world, requiring they dive and explore its depths. There might be ruins, ancient places where civilizations lived and died. There might be dangers, riches, but there must always be wonders.
Suggested Pairings: (To break down some ideas)
Explorer X Local
Explorer X Explorer – If two were on that ship
Explorer X Spirit
Explorer X AI Assistant – perhaps getting a humanoid body somewhere down the line.
Explorer X Stow Away – If it was a crash landing
Explorer X Familiar – For a magical Journey

Theme: A Monster Loves a Human
Inspired by: The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince
Muse A is a terrifying man eating monster, or a lofty spirit of chaos, nature, or beasts, or even a devil meant to pray on mortals but has noticed the actions of something that should be beneath her.
Maybe she is a terrifying wolf monster whose singing to the moon had attracted the musings of a curious prince who comes to listen to her every night, never knowing who or what she is.
Maybe she is a siren spirit, meant to lure ships on the air currents off the trail to crash to their deaths, but she is fascinated by the heart and spirit of a handsome captain.
Maybe once she was just a minor demon, barely more than a critter caught in a trap, but rescued and cared for by a boy whom even after she’s grown into a terror can never forget and is deeply grateful.
Maybe she flits on the edge of Elysia in the realms of dreams and chaos and is attracted to the fanciful and captivating dreams of a mortal.
There are hundreds of backstories. But the plot is the same. The two are thrust back together and she desires to keep her true nature a secret. She knows of a powerful being knowledgeable in magic that could make her wishes come true. And its all too happy to, giving her a form of human but able to change back. She can look like a princess, but still have all the power she had before, switching back and forth at her leisure.
But her generous magician, it never asks for the price, it just takes it. She will be forced into her true form when certain conditions are met. And its price always is the life of someone you care for.
Not physically. When one says ‘you ruined my life’ that’s what the entity takes. The love interest in this story suffers injury, shame, loss without end, their dreams and goals torn apart by happenstance, odd coincidence, or even the very direct and indirect actions of the one who secretly loves them most, developing fears, hatreds for the creature they perceive as the cause of their misery. There are far worse things then death.
Realizing very soon that she is the cause of his turmoil, she attempts to rescue him from it. Protect him. Try to find a way for them to be together. Love conquers all, surely it can conquer this. But what happens when the object of her infatuation learns the truth?
Can a relationship be built on beautiful lies and devotion?
Is it love, or just selfishness?
I'm hoping for someone to play a very powerful character, a force of personality as the monster in this story. Something terrible that will do anything for a single person and hope to become closer despite their inhuman nature. Sometimes they just don’t get people. A wolf will eat raw meat, humans will not. Very odd to see someone do that. Suspicious even.
The other character is the object of the first’s desires, which can have any qualities but will generally be considered the weaker of the two parties due to tint of the supernatural. Their only quality is that their lives suddenly turned upside down as a series of unfortunate events begin to plague them.
The two don’t have to start out as lovers, even better if there is a type of yandere quality for one vs the other that is unrequited or even fearful in the beginning. One may only be a stranger showing concern for the other as they go on their journey to escape the nightmare their lives have become.
Suggested Pairings: (To break down some ideas)
Monster X Prince*
Monster X Princess*
*Honestly Genders nor titles really matter.
Other Quick Ideas for Potentially Romance Plots
Just a bunch of quick little ideas that can be adjusted extensively. Meant to just be a quick reference.
A rumor brings an explorer to an uncharted planet. A world with the ruins of an ancient and advanced civilization. The discovery could lead to a treasure that would allow those that claim it to live like kings. Incidentally, the explorer tells the wrong person of the prize, an ambitious treasure hunter/pirate. The two set off to find the treasure, but mutiny breaks out on the ship, leading to the ship crash landing on the uncharted planet. The two and the survivors must team up to be able to get off the planet safely, but what about the treasure?
Explorer X Pirate
Explorer X Survivor - maybe the explorer comes across someone in cryo stasis
Explorer X Pirate
Explorer X Survivor - maybe the explorer comes across someone in cryo stasis
A detective is on the case for a string of bizarre ritualistic murders made by parties unknown. As the case gets more and more infamous, they enlist a former criminal, with particular set of skills that can be crucial to the case. But as facts are revealed, loyalties are shaken, intrigue leads to conspiracies, and at some point they are the only ones the other can trust. For an additional level of supernatural, the crimes are more ritualistic sacrifices of magical origin, the expert is a renegade mage, or even a bound demon the detective ties to their service. All on the backdrop of a space station ala your blade runner.
Detective X Criminal
Detective X Cultist/Murderer - The culprit to the crimes with nebulous intentions.
Detective X Familiar - The supernatural murders require supernatural answers, leading the detective to enlist a familiar of his own to help him.
Detective X Mysterious Witness - There is a witness to the crime, and they must be protected while the crime is being solved.
Detective X Criminal
Detective X Cultist/Murderer - The culprit to the crimes with nebulous intentions.
Detective X Familiar - The supernatural murders require supernatural answers, leading the detective to enlist a familiar of his own to help him.
Detective X Mysterious Witness - There is a witness to the crime, and they must be protected while the crime is being solved.
Two captains, one an admiral, another a pirate lord have a long strange history. They were both once to be betrothed, both nobles of powerful families of the empire whose marriage would mold an alliance. One house however fell out of grace with the Empress, their house and assets excommunicated from the Empire. With the breaking of the marriage pact, one went to become a military commander, the other wanting revenge for the betrayal of their entire family and lashing back at the empire through force. The admiral is sent to bring the pirate to justice, fate constantly pulling them back together.
Admiral X Pirate Lord
Admiral X Pirate Lord
A powerful nation that has an empire that spans the stars has their share of rebels, criminals, and renegades. The Masterminds take it to a new level. One might be a former slave now on the path to bring things down, the other may have gone mad or enjoys the carnage they do. Through technology or magic or their own race's abilities they are extremely powerful and dangerous. Regardless of their motivations, they are the villains, the ones who rob the airships, spring the banks, overthrow the signals to release the forcefields allowing them to steal, the 'heroes' and forces of the empire hot on their heels.
Criminal X Criminal
Master Criminal X Apprentice Criminal
Criminal X Criminal
Master Criminal X Apprentice Criminal
More to come, and some artwork when I find them