Chaos 2020
January 1st, 2020
As the world wakes up to a new decade, a quiet tension accompanies it. Continuation of age old policies continue to threaten the fragility of a world already careening down the wrong path. Spiraling debts threaten the sovereignty and livelihood of several nations. Rising nationalist threats have become exponentially relevant and global climate change has forced errant immigration further towards the equator as temperatures continually drop, making the life near the poles less plausible. Reports of a new and dangerous viral infection in the undeveloped world has also given many a cause for concern, as a worldwide pandemic could toss the world into chaos.
The World, as of January, 2020
As the world wakes up to a new decade, a quiet tension accompanies it. Continuation of age old policies continue to threaten the fragility of a world already careening down the wrong path. Spiraling debts threaten the sovereignty and livelihood of several nations. Rising nationalist threats have become exponentially relevant and global climate change has forced errant immigration further towards the equator as temperatures continually drop, making the life near the poles less plausible. Reports of a new and dangerous viral infection in the undeveloped world has also given many a cause for concern, as a worldwide pandemic could toss the world into chaos.
The World, as of January, 2020
Chaos 2020 is a modern geopolitical, economic and military simulator in a fictional world where you as a player create your own nation and craft a narrative by taking it into the future.
Nation Generator
- You begin with 1d100 Nation Points.
- Request a Roll by posting your interest in this thread.
- You start with 1 Province for free.
- The next territory costs 3 Nation Points, with each addition point costing +2 more (So the pricing would be 3, 5, 7, 9 for a second, third, fourth and fifth territory respectively).
- Each territory must be adjacent to an existing territory you own, or it costs +5 more, if it is not.
- You start with 3 Million population for free.
- For every Territory you own, your population increases by 2 Million.
- You may spend 1 Population Point to increase your overall population by 3 Million.
- You begin with a GDP Per Capita of $17,000.
- You may increase this by $3,000 by spending 1 Nation Point.
- For every 1 Nation Point you spend you roll 1d6 and receive one of the following:
- 1: +2% Ethnic Tensions
- 2: +3% GDP Debt
- 3: +3% Political Unrest
- 4: +2% Stock Exchange Volatility
- 5: +1 Ethnic Makeup
- 6: -2% Natural Resources
- You begin with 1 Point in every three categories.
- Army: May spend between 0-20 Points here. After 20, you roll 1d6 and receive the same penalties as above.
- Navy: May spend between 0-20 Points here. After 20, you roll 1d6 and receive the same penalties as above.
- Air Force: May spend between 0-20 Points here. After 20, you roll 1d6 and receive the same penalties as above.
- Nuclear Weapon: +20 Nation Points. Will roll 1d6 10 times automatically.
Once you receive a roll, you may fill out the below application.
[b]Official Country Name[/b]:
[b]Preferred Type of Government[/b]:
[b]Head of State[/b]:
[b]Nation Points Received[/b]:
[b]Territory[/b]: (Post map, number of points spent, number of points remaining).
[b]Population[/b]: Total number of population. Number of points spent. Number of points remaining.
[b]GDP[/b]: Total GDP per capita. Number of points spent. Number of points remaining.
[b]Military[/b]: Number of points spent and in which category. Number of points remaining.
[b]Brief History[/b]: