Kuroda Tesshin

There Must Always Be a Senju in Konoha.
Basic Information
|| Kuroda Tesshin ||
Iron Heart
|| GENDER ||
|| AGE ||
Mid Thirties
|| RANK ||
Short, jet black hair that is usually tied into a high ponytail with spiky ends. His stands at a even 6 feet tall and weighs about 70 kg. He typically wears a loose white haori that is intricately detailed on the inside over his kosode. His clothing falls over his shoulders in an airy fashion, give the fact that he lost his right arm. He seems to be able to produce all kinds of curiosities from the sleeve pockets of his clothing as well...
Details Details Detail
-Short tempered + Passionate - Morally Grey at times + Just
A more in depth idea of who you are as a person.
|| QUIRKS ||
● List a few
● Drinking, tea most of the time, alcohol otherwise.
●Long walks by the Hokage Rock
●Long walks by the Hokage Rock
+ Tea
+ Konohagakure
+ The villagers
+ Reading on just about anything
- Hokage duties
- The Kage hat
- Being told what to do
+ Konohagakure
+ The villagers
+ Reading on just about anything
- Hokage duties
- The Kage hat
- Being told what to do
History and the like
A descendant of the legendary Senju clan, Tesshin was born and raised in Konohagakure. Going through all the necessary training and hardships of becoming an official shinobi of the village. By age 20, he had achieved Jonin status through the Jonin exam because he received very few recommendations from village.
During his time as a Jonin, he was sent to undertake a A-ranked mission alone. Tasked with infiltrating a rival village and possibly destabilizing its structure. During the mission, he was caught, tortured and held captive as essentially a prisoner of war for an extended period of time. Konohagakure, after a period, classified him as one of their missing nin under the presumption that he was turned.
Approximately 5 years after the label of missing nin was placed on him, he was released by his captors, thinking that his 'former' village would have labeled him a missing nin and issued a Kill-On-Sight order on him anyways. The 5 years as a captive changed him, both physically and mentally. Physically, he lost an arm. Scars riddled his body, though his captors 'spared' his face so that his village can identify him without much effort. Upon his release, he immediately got back to work on his mission, having spent the past 5 years simply biding his time, learning the ways of his enemies, and plotting.
In the end, he was able to finish his original mission. He completely destabilized the village, caused a small scale civil war that led to the eradication of said village. Carrying the head and seal of his now former captors, he returned home.
Upon returning, he essentially had to fight his way back in. Showing a compassion not previously seen in his younger days, he simply disabled his 'opponents' and proceeded to fight his way to an audience with the then current Hokage. Presenting him with the head and seal of the eradicated village, he proudly announced that he had finished his mission, 5 years in the making.
Seeing this as a sign that the prodigal son has returned, the Hokage took the label of missing nin from his name and restored him to his former status. Gaining more and more recognition, he slowly won over the hearts of the village, and one woman in particular...
5 years after his return to the village, the previous Hokage retired. Unsurprisingly, he was appointed the next Hokage at the retirement ceremony. A mantle he has been carrying ever since.
During his time as a Jonin, he was sent to undertake a A-ranked mission alone. Tasked with infiltrating a rival village and possibly destabilizing its structure. During the mission, he was caught, tortured and held captive as essentially a prisoner of war for an extended period of time. Konohagakure, after a period, classified him as one of their missing nin under the presumption that he was turned.
Approximately 5 years after the label of missing nin was placed on him, he was released by his captors, thinking that his 'former' village would have labeled him a missing nin and issued a Kill-On-Sight order on him anyways. The 5 years as a captive changed him, both physically and mentally. Physically, he lost an arm. Scars riddled his body, though his captors 'spared' his face so that his village can identify him without much effort. Upon his release, he immediately got back to work on his mission, having spent the past 5 years simply biding his time, learning the ways of his enemies, and plotting.
In the end, he was able to finish his original mission. He completely destabilized the village, caused a small scale civil war that led to the eradication of said village. Carrying the head and seal of his now former captors, he returned home.
Upon returning, he essentially had to fight his way back in. Showing a compassion not previously seen in his younger days, he simply disabled his 'opponents' and proceeded to fight his way to an audience with the then current Hokage. Presenting him with the head and seal of the eradicated village, he proudly announced that he had finished his mission, 5 years in the making.
Seeing this as a sign that the prodigal son has returned, the Hokage took the label of missing nin from his name and restored him to his former status. Gaining more and more recognition, he slowly won over the hearts of the village, and one woman in particular...
5 years after his return to the village, the previous Hokage retired. Unsurprisingly, he was appointed the next Hokage at the retirement ceremony. A mantle he has been carrying ever since.
● His natural affinity is fire, though he has mastered Lightning and wind as well
● At least proficient with the Kekkei Genkai of Fire Release
● Proficient with Yin, Yang and Yin-Yang Release
● May have knowledge of Senjutsu
|| Jutsus ||
● Mastery of all Jutsus within his release types under B-Rank
● Complete mastery of Fire release Jutsus
● May have practical knowledge and usage of Senjutsu
● Proficient with Jutsus of his Kekkei Genkai up to A-rank
● Knowledge of Kinjutsu and S-Ranked Jutsus
● Expert Taijutsu and Tenketsu usage
Edit: Why does my hider not work....
Edit 2: Hider works! Added history though still absolutely blanking on a faceclaim...