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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

〘𝓐𝓴𝓲𝓻𝓪 𝓜𝓲𝔂𝓸𝓴𝓸 - 𝓢𝓺𝓾𝓪𝓭 13 𝓒𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓪𝓲𝓷〙

Akira was sat in his office behind his desk looking over some paperwork when his Lieutenant entered the room without knocking, as usual "CA-PA-TAIN! The newbies have been sent off on their missions in pairs! Some characters we got this year huh!?" Akira rubbed his the right side of his head in annoyance, this damn girl was always so full of energy and so damn noisy that it gave him a headache...unfortunately for him however she was damn good at her job. "Thanks for letting me know...Although I did say that you really didn't need to..."

"Ohhh but Captain! you'll get lonely if I don't come see you often! Besides~ I came to take you out of this dingy office!" the girl rocked back and forth on her feet as she said this "U-Uh n-na I'm good. I've got tons of work to do here..." The Lieutenant narrowed her eyes at the Captain then quick skipped over to his desk as she put her hands behind her back and bent over a little to look at his paperwork, this made Akira scramble to cover the paperwork "Huh...doesn't look like a lot, in fact it seems like you're just double checking who you sent and where...nothing that important!" Akira looked at his Lieutenant, his left eye twitching a little in annoyance that she had managed to figure out just how little work he had to do. "I-It is important! If I don't know where...uh..." Akira quickly looked down to see a couple pairs of names "Kurisa and Kuroda are or even Yusuke and Itsuko are then I'm just not doing my job properly now am I? I need to be able to quickly respond if I'm needed!"

"I see...oh Captain, by the way...where exactly are these two pairs?" before Akira could look down at the paperwork it was snatched out from under his arms "HEY! Tch fine! I don't need it anyway, I've already got it all memorised!...Kurisa and Kuroda are in...uhm...uhh" The Lieutenant shook her head then spoke "You don't know...you were just sitting here daydreaming as usual! Well...you're as good as useless to them Captain! I'll go if they need back up...in the meantime however you can teach me that Hado you promised to teach me!" Akira looked around quickly trying to find some way to get out of this but before he could his right hand was grabbed and before he knew it he was being pulled over his desk and across the ground out of his office

Akira wriggled around a little as he began shouting "H-HEY! LET ME GO DAMMIT!!" Akira didn't really have the heart to run away from her right now...but he couldn't be bothered to teach her either, this was usually how things wound up for him. Akira's eyes then widened a little as he blinked, finding himself suddenly flying through the air and towards the ground of the training area, sliding across the dirt on his back which turned his white Captains Haori brown at the back. This caused him to leap up and try look at the back of his Haori "THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THESE COST? HOW MUCH IT COSTS TO GET IT CLEANED!? HOW IT MAY EVEN COST ME MY DAMN LIFE!?" The Lieutenant stood opposite the captain giggling. "Oh my...what a shame it would be if you got executed for having a dirty Haori...would be your own fault for not knowing how to clean it wouldn't it?" the girl looked at Akira with a nice yet sinister smile

Akira then squinted at his Lieutenant "Yeah well my skill as a Shinigami keeps me here! Let's see you try dethrone me! HAHAHA!" Akira stood there laughing like an idiot until his Lieutenant spoke "Is that a challenge? then I accept!...Oh Head Captain!" The girl then shunpoed off leaving Akira in the training grounds by himself "Y-YOU DAMN DEVIL! GET BACK HERE!!" With that Akira took off in quick pursuit of his Lieutenant to stop her from ratting him out

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

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𝓨𝓾𝓼𝓾𝓴𝓮 𝓜𝓲𝓽𝓼𝓾𝓰𝓲Squad 13 - Unseated

Next -> @AbigailTenshi

Yusuke was stood on top of a building within the human world listening to his music, he knew that he and the girl he'd been partnered with were just on lookout for a certain hollow so it wasn't really all that important of a mission, it's not like they'd be the ones actually fighting it...However Yusuke's blood was rushing listening to all this music! he couldn't wait to get into a real fight! He needed this! "Come on you damn rat! get out here!" Yusuke practically shouted this from the rooftop as he unsheathed and sheathed his Zanpakuto over and over a little, growing ever more impatient. It probably wouldn't have hurt him to talk to his teammate but she seemed so boring and probably wasn't into any music...let alone any music he'd like, so this left Yusuke there just getting into his music and waiting to get into a fight despite being ordered not to.

Yusuke's current track - Linkin Park - Burn it Down
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

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〘𝓚𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓪 𝓢𝓱𝓲𝔃𝓾𝓸〙 Squad 13 - Unseated

Next -> @KillBox

In a forest within the human world, Kurisa was in hot pursuit of the hollow they were after, although ordered not to engage the hollow, Kurisa wasn't going to just sit back and let someone else just walk in and take this, he needed to show he was more than capable! "Kuroda...You ready to strike this thing? We're probably going to need to combine our efforts to at least stop this thing..." Kurisa then began the chant for the Bakudo he was planning on using. Holding his hands together they began to spark with yellow energy, then as Kurisa finished the chant he threw the energy at the hollow "Bakudo #4! Hainawa!" The yellow energy flew towards the hollow and wrapped around it's legs causing it to fall into the ground "Kuro-" Before Kurisa could finish calling out to Kuroda, he noticed a red beam coming towards him causing his eyes to widen as he dived out the way, the beam narrowly grazing his left arm "Tch! Sneaky bastard! Watch out Kuroda..."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

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𝕶𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖆 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎


Shinpachi was dashing after the hollow, along with Shizuo. Being sent on a mission this early on in his career was quite exciting. However, the pairing left something to be desired. Even in the academy, Shinpachi and Shizuo have always had friendly competition of sorts going on all the time. They would always try to one up each other. Being able to remain in Jinzen the longest, being able to shunpo the furthest, being able to fire a Shakkaho without it exploding on them, things of that nature.

Admittedly, Shizuo was better Shinpachi at Kido. Its quite evident, as much as Shinpachi would like to not admit. In any case, Shinpachi kept his focus on the task at hand, which was to track and monitor a hollow but they are not to engage it in combat. However, being a hothead, Shinpachi was never really going to let the hollow come into his sights and live to tell its grotesque friends about it.

"Tsk! What? Stop shout-" Shinpachi replied to Shizuo. However, the reply was cut short by a slight buzzing noise. Shinpachi kicked off the tree he was planning on landing on hard, redirecting himself out of the way of the incoming red beam of fucking death. "Fucking hell. Shizuo!" Shinpachi made his way to his partner as quickly as he can, tossing him a small roll of gauze and some ointment. "Patch yourself up, you're bleeding on my tree..." Said as a joke, but with a tone of disdain. Seeing the hollow being bound and thrashing about on the ground, Shinpachi sighed. "I suppose you couldn't fire some other lazor beeeem to shut its mouth up? Fucking useless, you are. " Staying back, Shinpachi waited for Shizuo to be back on his feet before formulating their next move.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

〘𝓚𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓪 𝓢𝓱𝓲𝔃𝓾𝓸〙 Squad 13 - Unseated

Next -> @KillBox

Kurisa clutched his left arm with his right hand, the wound didn't seem too bad...just burned a little, those damn cero's were hot. Then Kuroda arrived, talking crap as usual then handing him some fishy ass ointment "I don't need your weird man juice, this is nothing!...Oh..." Kurisa looked back at the tree he was next to then looked back at Kuroda, a slight grin underneath his mask "I'm sorry...I didn't realise you lost your virginity to this tree" Kurisa finished with a chuckle before peeking around the tree at the hollow who had finally began to regain it's footing "From this distance it'd likely have dodged it or even countered it with something of it's own...plus we need to keep the destruction to a minimum, so I'll save something like that till I have a dead on shot."

Kurisa let go of his left arm then looked at Kuroda "Once you say goodbye to your first lover here, catch up...I'll try draw it's attention so you can get in close" Kurisa then felt the ground shake a little, quickly looking around the tree to see the hollow charging them "No time for goodbye's Kuroda!" Kurisa then grabbed Kuroda and threw him out the way as he then dived out the way, the hollow then smashed it's right fist through the tree "Well...no goodbye's now, hope you two had your fun whilst it lasted. I wont ask about who took it...it was clearly you" Kurisa then flipped back onto his feet and jumped back a little, holding out his right hand and extending his index finger to aim at the hollow as he began to run so he could get the hollows left side, a spark of blue energy charged as he then fired it from his index finger in the form of a blue beam "Hado #4! Byakurai!" The beam of energy bounced off the hollows mask, seemingly doing no damage, but it served it's purpose, the hollows attention was now on him "This is going to be a bit harder than I thought...nothing we can't handle..."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 10 days ago

𝕶𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖆 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎


"Oh fuck off. Last time I offer you medical supplies you asshole." Shinpachi barked. Keeping an eye on the bound hollow, Shinpachi was making sure that they weren't snuck up on. "Hey man, easy on Tree-chan. Otherwise she'd tell your first lover Rock-kun you cheated on him with Dirt-Sama you dirty bastard." He said, chuckling.

A rumble was felt.

The ground shook slightly. Perplexed, Shinpachi peaked around the tree again only to see the hollow charging at them. "Oh fuc-" Again, his sentence was cut short as Shizuo decided to yeeeet him from the tree instead of telling him to dodge or something like a sane person would have done. "Tsk." Shinpachi said, visibly annoyed.

Observing Shizuo and drawing his sword, he thought to himself "Now I have to keep this fucker alive, what the hell is he going to do? Actually fire a damn lazer at the hollow?" Moments later, his thoughts were confirmed. Shizuo fired the Shinigami equivalent of a lazer at the hollow, doing literally fuck all. Shinpachi wanted to laugh. Matter of fact, he did. "Oi, Wizard-kun, did your little spell even do anything?" Shinpachi said, jumping from his vantage point and charging at the hollow that is now charging after Shizuo. With his sword held with his right hand, he switched to a two handed grip and pointed the sword to his right, held about chest high. With a clean slash, he tried to cut through the Achilles tendon, thus grounding the hollow for good.

Given the size of the hollow, his slash did very little other than annoy the beast. "Tsk" Shinpachi voiced. Kicking off the ground Shinpachi tried to get some distance before going back in for another attack.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

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〘𝓚𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓪 𝓢𝓱𝓲𝔃𝓾𝓸〙 Squad 13 - Unseated

Next -> @KillBox

Kurisa brushed off Kuroda's comments since now they had this hollow to focus on-wait did he call the tree...tree-chan? Kurisa shook this thought out of his head, watching as Kuroda's Zanpakuto did pretty much nothing to this hollow. It'd be about the time that they should admit they perhaps bit off more than they can chew bu-"Ohhh! Nice cut man! Look at it flailing around on the ground and stuff, oh real go-oh wait nope that did nothing to it, is that thing even a real Zanpakuto? looks more like something I'd butter bread with!" Kurisa smirked behind his mask as he planned his next move, right now it seemed like Kido nor direct attacks were doing anything...maybe this called for something a bit higher level...

Kurisa then decided to get a little more serious, speaking in a serious tone "Kuroda...in all seriousness...keep this thing distracted for a second, then do your damn best to hit it with a Bakudo...I need to use a higher level hado on this thing. So..you know...don't fuck this up!" Kurisa then began to prepare his Hado, he needed to focus and put as much power into this as possible otherwise neither of them would likely make it out of this alive
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

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𝕶𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖆 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎


"Fuck off. It cut it at least a little where as your fucking lazer beam did literally fuck all. You shit." Shinpachi sighed inwardly. They were weak. There was no getting around it. Despite their efforts, the hollow had sustained minimal damage.

"Oi, who died and made you captain?" Shinpachi rebuffed. No more jokes this time around. They had to get a bit more serious. Given that their previous efforts amounted to nearly nothing, one wrong move count be disastrous for the both of them. "Don't worry about my Bakudo, I'll be fine. Just don't fire another pantsy ass laser beam and actually hit it with something worthwhile this time!" Shinpachi barked back.

"自壊せよロンダニーニの黒犬!! 一読し・焼き払い・自ら喉を掻き切るがいい! / Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and tear out your own throat!"

Shinpachi whispered under his voice the incantation of the Bakudo he intended to fire. "Bakudo #9, Hōrin !" He shouted, firing off a orange tendril that latched on to the hollow by the midsection, tying its arms to its body. "FIRE YOUR SHIT! HE IS GOING TO DRAG ME OFF THE GROUND ANY TIME NOW!!!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

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〘𝓚𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓪 𝓢𝓱𝓲𝔃𝓾𝓸〙 Squad 13 - Unseated

Next -> @KillBox

Kurisa focused on the incantation for his hado, holding his right palm out towards the hollow, his left palm reinforcing his right hand as a large red orb began to form as Kurisa began finishing his incantation "-the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Hado #31! Shakkaho!" a large red beam fired towards the hollow, hitting the hollow and causing a decent sized explosion "That better have got the damn thing..." As the dust settled the hollow was seen standing still "You've got to be shitting me!" although the hollow still stood, it's body was badly burned and it's mask was cracked, if anything they'd at least weakened it "Kuroda finish the damn thing!" Kurisa unsheathed his Zanpakuto and ran in towards the hollow, just in case Kuroda couldn't land a decisive blow
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

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𝕶𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖆 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎


Straining, Shinpachi did his best to hold the hollow still so Shizuo could have a clean target to hit with whatever kido he was planning on using. Meanwhile, Shinpachi was being pulled a bit. Knowing his own strength, Shinpachi moved so his bakudo connected to a tree. In any case, if the hollow managed to break free through brute force, it would have a speeding tree coming at it.

Seeing that Shizuo's kido did quite the damage to the hollow, Shinpachi couldn't let his rival just show him up like that. The main objective of the mission was nowhere to be found in his mind at this point. Only a simple bloodlust. Smirking devilishly, Shinpachi quickly climbed up a tree, getting above the hollow and focusing his gaze on the cracked mask. Jumping from his vantage point, he brought his sword down on the hollow.

Unfortunately, he missed.

Instead of cutting through the cracked mask, he just slashed it down the length of its body, causing damage but not enough to completely finish it off.

Now, Shinpachi was dangerously close to the raging hollow...
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

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〘𝓚𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓪 𝓢𝓱𝓲𝔃𝓾𝓸〙 Squad 13 - Unseated

Next -> @KillBox

Kurisa continued to run in towards the hollow, watching as Kuroda tried to slash down at the hollow from above, only to miss it's mask...this was not looking good. Kurisa needed to try get Kuroda out from that close range somehow but in doing so he'd need to do something risky himself. As he closed in on the hollow he leapt up and stabbed his Zanpakuto into it's left shoulder from behind, he then continued to hold onto his Zanpakuto with his left hand as he held his right hand near the hollows face, the palm glowing red as Kurisa then spoke "Bakudo #21! Sekienton!" A red cloud of smoke erupted from Kurisa's palm, engulfing the area around the three. Kurisa then pulled his Zanpakuto out from the hollow's shoulder and leapt back some distance, this thing would not go down easy and he really didn't have that much more he could do with kido, it was beginning to take it's toll on him as he began panting

"Kuroda...I can't pull off anymore big kido, we need to end this before we get screwed here." Kurisa gripped his Zanpakuto tightly with both hands, he took a deep breath as he began to try think of a plan. At this point the hollow was pissed, which was very obvious due to it's roar and the fact that it could be heard slamming it's fists around into the ground...
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

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𝕶𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖆 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎


Scampering backwards from a seated position, Shinpachi was trying to move himself out of harm's way. With Shizuo's Sekienton, Shinpachi got to his feet, and dashed away, regrouping with Shizuo.

"What? Out of stamina already? Don't let the captain hear about this." Shinpachi joked. "But seriously, yeah. I can do something, as long as you can still swing your sword. This is my plan. I'll immobilize it with a Geki, cut this fucker to pieces while I hold it down. Good?"

Without waiting for an affirmative answer, Shinpachi began chanting under his breath, the same incantation as his previous bakudo. As he finished his incantation, a red glow formed around his right index and middle finger and he drew the symbol in the air, causing a red glow to appear around the giant hollow. The thrashing hollow shrieked, being immobilized. "Now is your chance! Cut it the fuck up!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

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〘𝓚𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓪 𝓢𝓱𝓲𝔃𝓾𝓸〙 Squad 13 - Unseated

Next -> @KillBox

Kurisa kept his eyes fixed on the hollow as the smoke began to clear, listening to Kuroda he smirked behind his mask then nodded in response to his plan, gripping his Zanpakuto's hilt tightly he spoke quickly "I'd like to see you use that many Kido back to back...we'll finish this here and now!" Kurisa began running towards the hollow that was now being held still by Kuroda's bakudo, he needed a good swing here to take this thing out, holding his Zanpakuto down to his left side, the tip dragging across the ground slightly as he closed in on the hollow, Kurisa then slammed his right foot down in front of the hollow, it's body towering over him as he slashed from his lower left up to his right, cutting the hollow in half diagonally.

The hollow let out one final roar before it began to dissipate, finally the damn thing was done. Kurisa barely had time to register all the things this hollow had done, it was nothing like the ones they'd faced in the practical of the academy. Kurisa took a deep breath then sheathed his Zanpakuto then turned to look at Kuroda as he spoke "...So...we going to talk about that weak ass slash of yours or what? Seriously is that a toy zanpakuto or something? do they not trust you with a real one?...cause if I had known this I would not have sent you in there like that" Kurisa chuckled a little at the end but then it dawned on him...were hollow at this level meant to be able to fire cero's? he couldn't quite remember but he was pretty certain they weren't capable of doing such a thing...that'd explain why they were sent to find the hollow and repo-"Shit...we messed up...we were meant to report this hollow. Oh well, they would have just killed it anyway...if anything we did them a favour"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Itsuko Hoga

Next @Kurisa

'Surveillance mission, this is going to be easy money!'

Grinning, Itsuko walked to the opposite side of the rooftop herself and her temporary partner were occupying to get a better look around the city's streets. Their mission was simple, find and report a potentially dangerous hollow but do not engage. Her eyes sharpened all of a sudden as she narrowed them on the hustle and bustle of human life below them.

'Scanning... scanning... target still not acquired...' Making the situation a tinge more humorous for herself, inside Itsuko's mind she thought in a robotic voice, playing a role as if she was a terminator of some sort. 'Scanning... location of interest found... still no target in sight' Her burgundy eyes focused on a shop, covers of colourful books decorated the window next to the entrance in which humans were entering and exiting frequently.

Kicking her out of her thoughts, her partner behind her suddenly shouted something. She only caught the last half of the sentence which lead her to promptly pivot on her right heel and run over to him. Quickly catching his unsheathed Zanpaukto, she immediately peaked over the edge of the building, expecting to spot the target in question... only to be disappointed. Her gaze now uncertain, she looked over at Yusuke just as he sheathed his Zanpakuto. Taking a moment to just watch his movements, all he did was unsheathe his Zanpakuto just to sheath it again.

"What the hell are you doing Yusuke?! Don't false alarm me like that! We're supposed to be looking for a hollow Re-Mem-Ber! Not... jerking our swords... or whatever you're doing..." 'What a weird guy...' Raising an eyebrow, Itsuko crossed her arms and grunted in annoyance at the silence she received as a respond. "HELLOOOO?! Is anyone awake in there?! Are you even listening to me?!!!" Itsuko spotted the headphones but she assumed Yusuke would have some sense to not play his music so loud that he couldn't hear his surroundings. Alas it would seem her judgements were incorrect.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

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𝓨𝓾𝓼𝓾𝓴𝓮 𝓜𝓲𝓽𝓼𝓾𝓰𝓲Squad 13 - Unseated

Next -> @AbigailTenshi

Yusuke continued to look out into the distance, his eyes would not miss this thing. He was so into his zone that he hadn't even noticed Itsuko...guess it didn't help that she was so short. Once again however Yusuke began speaking out loud "Come on...quit hiding...just come out alr-" Yusuke's sentence was cut short as he saw a large figure shroud in black move from a nearby rooftop to another "Finally!!" Yusuke leapt off the building, unsheathing his Zanpakuto as he landed on another roof, he quickly began to run after the hollow, chasing it from rooftop to rooftop.

Holding his Zanpakuto in his right hand he looked down and reached into his pocket with his left hand to take out his music player to change the song "I need something to get me really pumped!" After switching the song he put the music player back into his pocket and continued on after the hollow, catching it in no time. Yusuke then noticed why the hollow was running, it wasn't running away, it was chasing a soul. Yusuke's expression then turned serious along with his tone "Not today you bastard"

Yusuke then leapt high into the air, his silhouette in front of the moon as he gripped his Zanpakuto in both hands, stabbing it into the hollows upper back which caused the hollow to stop and turn it's head to the left to see what it'd just gotten stabbed by, it was instead met with a Hado 31 fired from Yusuke's left palm. This close quarters hado caused a large explosion, Yusuke was then seen sliding out of the smoke his hado had kicked up, his body and clothes burnt up a little. "Good luck making it out of here alive! You'll barely get a second to breath!" Yusuke then took off back into the smoke to engage the hollow, not even letting it clear.

Clashes from repeated strikes could be heard coming from the smoke until the two met with a strong clash between Yusuke's Zanpakuto and the hollows claws which caused a small shockwave to clear the smoke "You're not a normal hollow...You know how to actually fight...good! I was getting bored of those other hollow!" The hollow then pulled it's left arm back, readying it's claws whilst it kept Yusuke busy with it's right hand, then with great speed it slashed towards Yusuke, aiming to split him in two. Seeing this Yusuke smirked as he, stepped in closer to the hollow, ducking under it's arms "I wont run!" Yusuke then brought his Zanpakuto up from the ground to the sky, cutting the hollow up the length of it's body which caused it's nasty ass blood to spray over Yusuke.

The hollow then staggered back a little, holding it's left hand over the wound which healed almost instantly. This made Yusuke grin "AHAHAHA! That's awesome! now we can fight longer!" Yusuke had all but forgotten that he even had a teammate at this point, he was so into his zone that he couldn't focus on anything but this hollow and his music, finally he'd met something worth his effort!

Yusuke's Current track - Motionless in White - Unstoppable
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

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𝕶𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖆 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎


Shinpachi sighed. "Oi, fuck off. It'd would be so much better when I can get my Shikai, which I intend on getting years before you do, you little wizooooorrrrd" Shinpachi said, slightly chuckling. "But yeah. I mean, do you remember the lessons we had? I mean, this hollow seemed too.... scrubby.... to be firing off ceros like that. And the fact that it was able to break free from our Bakudo. There is definitely something sketchy going on..."
Shinpachi's left eye twitched slightly. "You're right... We were supposed to just track and monitor this hollow... But, we;ve gone and killed it. Oh well. Its our job to do this anyways eh? Lets go. We have to report to the captain anyways..."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

〘𝓚𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓪 𝓢𝓱𝓲𝔃𝓾𝓸〙 Squad 13 - Unseated

Next -> @KillBox

Kurisa laughed in response to Kuroda's claim of getting a Shikai years before himself "It's going to take you years? Damn...I'll probably have mine in the next week or so no doubt" Kurisa smirked behind his mask as he then looked down at his Zanpakuto, his smirk going away as his look became a little more serious...he was suddenly reminded about probably one of the biggest reasons he became a Shinigami. Kurisa looked up at Kuroda then nodded in response to him saying that they should go report this to the captain, with that Kurisa unsheathed his Zanpakuto, stabbing it into the air, half his zanpakuto becoming invisible as it seemingly entered another dimension. Then with a light turn of his Zanpakuto he opened the Senkaimon and sheathed his Zanpakuto.

"Regardless of what happens that thing couldn't be left alive anyway...I don't know what's going on but that hollow seemed like it was learning to deal with us as we fought...much faster than most things" Kurisa then stepped into the Senkaimon and waited for Kuroda, they'd soon end up in the Soul Society
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Itsuko Hoga

Next @Kurisa

"Hmpf. Fine, be like that" Itsuko turned her body around, arms still crossed but eyes closed whilst her eyebrows knitted together in hopelessness. How could she work with a teammate who purposely ignores his team? They were meant to work together, were they not? Her hearing dulled as she thought, drowning out Yusuke's babbling as she thought of a way to work around the situation since who knows how long they'd be on the lookout for. 'I guess I'll just have to watch over the whole area since I can't rely on Yusuke... How annoying, just a waste of time'

Just as Itsuko was ready to make a move, Yusuke's voice seemed to have gotten louder all of a sudden as he yelled a word. Swinging her head to send a glare in Yusuke's direction, she once again spotted his unsheathed Zanpakto but this time Yusuke jumped off the roof. Itsuko's attention now held on the latter, she turned back to jump in the same direction as him, hoping not to lose him since obviously he must have spotted something of promise. "Give me some warning before you do that! Baka!" Itsuko yelled despite knowing her words would fall on deaf ears.

Yusuke's battle had already commenced before Itsuko finally caught up. Her eye's twitched, widening a touch as she eyed the hollow Yusuke began battling. 'That must be it... I have to report this' Her eyes then landed on Yusuke's form. Seeing his headphones again made her grunt in annoyance, but he appeared to be... enjoying himself. '... I can't just leave him here and he won't listen to me. I guess it's too late, damn guy already started fighting it. Dammit' Itsuko wasn't one for leaving someone behind, mainly because she hated the thought of not knowing what might have happened to someone she was meant to keep tabs on, even if they were annoying and rude she still couldn't bring herself to head back without her teammate.

Disgruntled, Itsuko placed her right palm on top of her Zanpakuto hilt, her eyes fixed on the battle, searching for an opening just incase things turned bad for Yusuke. She wasn't just going to stand by and let him get all the glory anyway, that would make her look bad and have an impact on her pride. She'd rather risk her life than let that happen.

As the fight went on, she had made notes on the discoveries she was making on this hollow; gathering information. 'It looks stronger than a usual hollow, but still it's a fundamental fact that the mask is a weak point... Won't really know for sure unless we test that theory out...' Watching Yusuke fight was making Itsuko feel almost pumped up. He made it look easy, or maybe it was just easy for him... maybe he was stronger than she initially thought.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

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𝕶𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖆 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎


"Nah, I'd be willing to bet it won't even take weeks with me. A week, max. " He said, chuckling. In his own mind, he knows that there was no way he'd get his Shikai in a weeks time. In fact, he doesn't know how long it would take to get it done. When he was told to enter Jinzen, he has always only heard faint whisperings and things of that nature. He doesn't know his zanpakuto's name, nor does it know his, if he had to make a guess...

When Shizuo opened the Senkaimon, he sighed. "Well, here goes literally nothing... We got carried away, but that was fine, I suppose. We did our 'jobs', even if it wasn't a part of our mission. You're right. It seemed like it was... learning, or worse, evolving, as we fought it. It learned to-" With that, he hopping in the Senkaimon before carrying on "Break our Bakudo's, charged at us, but not aimlessly, and knew how to retaliate in a general sense. All of this should be told to the captain..."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

〘𝓚𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓪 𝓢𝓱𝓲𝔃𝓾𝓸〙 Squad 13 - Unseated

Next -> @KillBox

Kurisa nodded as they entered the soul society, now on their path to the Squad 13 barracks "To be honest it feels insulting that they don't think we can handle things like this, I know we're fresh out the academy but we aren't morons...we can take down a hollow, as clearly shown" Kurisa shrugged this off though. "I just don't want things to take forever...what good is it calling in this stuff? we'll never move up in this place if we don't actually take a risk and show we're willing to fight and not only that but win" After a short walk they'd arrive outside the Squad 13 barracks, their time had finally come.

"Well here goes nothing...oh and don't worry...I'll put in a good word for you, get the captain to give you a real Zanpakuto" Kurisa then chuckled as he walked into the Squad barracks, heading for the Captains office.
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