Seventeen | Muggleborn | Gryffindor | 7th Year - Not Graduated
- Mother
- Father
- Squib Ancestor
- Unknown Sibling
- Although born into a non-magical family, Cynthia has always demonstrated a talent for the magical arts. Once she was granted access to attend Hogwarts, Cynthia discovered that an ancestor of her's was a Squib. A son of Pure Blood that was unable to preform magic (yet carried the magical gene) and was disowned by his entire family. He married a Muggle and thus Cynthia, generations later, inherited his genetics which allowed her to become a Witch. Cynthia's parents did not support her studying magic, solely because they fear for her safety.
- Throughout the years at Hogwarts, Cynthia gained many valuable friendships. Including becoming best friends with the Weasley twins. They became a trio, always seen together on campus. When Cynthia received the news that her mother was expecting another child, she panicked. The war was already in full swing and she knew Voldemort would be attacking Muggles whenever possible. In order to protect them, Cynthia cast Oblivate on both parents and sent them away to another country. It's been months since she last had communication or contact with them.
- Cynthia is currently involved with the Order and has been welcomed to stay with the Weasley family at the Burrow. She is a courageous young woman with much determination and a passion for justice. However, Cynthia has a weak immune system and becomes sick very easily. She is very frail and often finds herself confined to the Burrow for her own protection.