"Let's hope I don't screw this up!"
Location: Ballroom at The Plaza, 5:45 pm
Interaction: N/A
A few days before the party...
"Absolutely not !" Naoko exclaimed at her roommate as she eyed the dress she was holding up for her to see, "I'd rather not go !" She added as she started stomping around, her roommate, annoyed at this point stated "It's a formal event Naoko, and not to mention it is being held in the super prestigious Plaza Hotel." Naoko hated dresses, only ever wearing them when absolutely necessary, and this particular dress was the shade of pink that she ddn't like, showed off too much skin, and came with black gloves to be worn. Naoko just shook her head, with that Tiffany put it down on the her bed and sarcastically replied with, "Why don't you go in a suit like any other guy in that party." Followed by a sound that stated disgust. Naoko's face lit up, "That's not a bad idea-" Naoko replied, she then ran out of her room and started to put her shoes on while Tiffany tried to explain that she didn't actually mean that. Though Naoko had already decided, as soon as she put her shoes on she gave Tiffany a quick hug before saying "I'll see you when I get back, you're the best Tif !" She exclaimed as she ran out the door to get herself a suit.
Present day...
"Get in the car, you're gonna be late !" Tiffany yelled from the driver's seat of her navy blue BMW, "I'm coming !" Naoko yelled back, as she tapped the toe of her black high cut converse on the first step of the front door of their apartment building, after that she tied her hair into a short ponytail. Naoko wore your average black suit that was fit perfectly for her, it even came with a grey vest, her the top button of her shirt was unbuttoned, her tie was loose, and she wore a pair of black Chuck Taylors. Fancy parties were never her thing, and based on this look, that was pretty obvious. "How do I look?" Naoko asked, as she held her arms out from just outside the passenger window that was rolled down. "You look great ! Now get in !" Tiffany gestured her hands for Naoko to move quickly, and she did, she hurried along in the car, the invite in her hands, and as soon as she got in they drove towards the Plaza.
When they arrived, Tiffany stopped the car right in front of the entrance of the building, but Naoko just sat there, clenching the invite in her hand; she was nervous but excited at the same time. She turned to Tiffany, and looked at her with the most worried look Naoko could pull off, "I'm not gonna fuck this up right?" Naoko asked. Tiffany smiled, she buttoned Naoko's shirt and tightened her tie, then said "You won't, I'm sure of it." Naoko then nodded, and turned to the door; but before she could leave, Tiffany stopped her and pulled out her hair tie, "You look better with your hair down." Tiffany stated. Naoko smiled, gave Tiffany a hug and left the vehicle.
She looked up at the giant structure, swallowed her saliva and made her way in. The place was absolutely grand, the type of thing that would be only fantasied or be only seen in Disney movies. A lot of people glanced at her, well since she was a girl in a suit which would always make people have a peek. She made her way to the elevator and rode it to where the main party was, it was pretty high up but she wasn't complaining, this place looked stellar and some part of her didn't want to leave. Throughout the whole elevator ride, she stared at her invitation, memorising her number so that she wouldn't forget it the moment she got there. Though as soon as the elevator opened, and people poured out since she was at the back, the grand glow of the interior of the ballroom had already stunned her like crazy.
Naoko searched card after card looking for her place in the party, after 5 - 10 minutes of walking around this giant ballroom, she finally found her name that stood out pretty well since well, it was a Japanese surname. She let out a sigh and thought Fancy place with fancy people, it's like that episode of Spongebob. I need a drink. She thought, she removed her jacket and draped it over the chair, showing up a very fit look of a her grey vest, white long sleeved buttoned shirt, and black tie. She walked to the bar and said "Hi, yeah, Whiskey, the oldest you got. Or you know, a 35 year." Said Naoko. After her drink was served and she took that sip, she knew how different this place was compared to Brooklyn. Naoko took a sip, which was followed by her saying "くそ, それは滑らかです. (Kuso, sore wa namerakadesu.) 'Fuck, that's smooth. " After that, she only needed to get through the night and maybe talk to some people for everything to go well for her. The night is young, so a lot can happen.