Name: Lilian "Liltih" Nastasia
Alias: The Devil Dancer, the Ballerina from Hell

Gender: Female
Age: Over 300 years old
Species: Demon
Faction: Army of the Damned
Birthplace: Unknown
Personality: Sassy, spunky, vain, prideful, controlling, loyal, insecure, compensating.
Lilian possesses several abilities that are unique to her, as well as some fount in her father and her siblings as well.These include, but are not limited to:
Demonic ReflexesLilith is known for her main ability of possessing supernatural reflexes that allows her to not only traverse terrain and move around very easily, but makes her almost untouchable in combat.While she is known to be able to run at an average mortal speed she can preform all sort of bizarre and complex acrobatics and movements while even under pressure.This ability has given her several nicknames such as the "Devil Dancer" or the "Ballerina from Hell."
Demonic RegenerationOnce even hit Lilian possesses inhuman regenerative properties that allows her to recover from most wounds that would incapacitate a simple mortal.While she is mortally vulnerable at the heart most of her body would be able to fully repair itself within an hour after being wounded.
CloakingAs her name would imply, Lilith has the erebokinetic ability to cloak herself when he is standing still via manipulation of darkness, however he can be detected with the right methods.
Daemonic senses.Lilian possess distinct supernatural senses that allows him not only to sense the mystical aura within another being, but also allows him to "smell" traces of magic and is even able to smell how pure or corrupt another mortal’s soul is.
Demonic ScreechLilian is able to unleash a loud and continuous unholy screech thus disorienting her opponents. She can often use this move to either suppress an opponent or distract them long enough to close in and engage in melee combat.
Limited HypnosisLilian posses the limited ability to hypnotise someone to do her bidding through them gazing through her eyes. However, she isn't a full dedicated hypnopath and thus she cannot force it on unwilling victims. Thus she has to mesmerize the weak willed or easily swayed with her body or tempt/ or manipulate their victims into submission.
Skills: Sparring, bossing others around, ballet, acrobatics,using magic, manipulating the weak minded.
Specialty: Agility based combat, trickery and manipulation, hand to hand knife combat, disruption.
Class: Agility
Likes: Larger male demons,Bossing others around,Being more powerful than others,Being in control, her family.
Dislikes: Succumbi,Water (Hydrophobia.), Being underestimated, Being lonely.
Religion: Polytheistic
Lilian is known to have a few good weaknesses that can inhibit her ability to fight, as well as even defeat her if done so properly. Admittedly, her comprehension of high rate spells is somewhat lacking, thus she can easily be bound or imprisoned by various magical spells or wards. Against weaponry such as lasers or any lock on like projectile her agility power can be negated as well. Unlike her younger siblings she was not gifted with the ability of flight and thus has to run and climb up high objects to move through the sky, as well as unable to teleport without the aid of a magical spell as well.
In terms of character flaws she seems to be rather impulsive and gun ho when it comes to entering combat, almost to the point of being very naive and easily tricked. She is the sort of "punch first and ask questions later" kind of individual and thus can find herself in trouble very easily.
In to regards to her physical melee potential she is rather poor, while she can punch most of her attacks feel like sissy punches in melee, that is unless she is using her talons, her knives, or her innate demon powers however. Lilith is also known to be a rather light character who is easily able to be tossed around.
Family: Arnzarel the Revolting (father), Sarishash the Demon (brother), Malice the Demonette (sister)
Friends: None as of yet.
Sentimental Attachment: (If applicable.)
.Combat knives (she calls them her dancing blades).
.Throwing knives
.Her razor sharp demonic talons.