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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Elite Gamer
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Elite Gamer

Banned Seen 5 yrs ago

Welcome to universe 2 in the multiverse. In this universe Winx girls up to season seven as butterflix fairies have just entered sophomore year, at Alfea High School for girls. You as the reader some how breached the fourth wall then you realized you are now a character, in this strange new reality in Winx Club. For some strange reason the show characters are not dating their assigned mates, not to mention these characters are fully aware of you and can even talk to you. For some strange reason you the reader been able to make necessary changes, like living and stuff to fit in Winx Club
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Elite Gamer
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Elite Gamer

Banned Seen 5 yrs ago

1. Stay active
2. Be nice.
3, Try to make one paragraph in your post at least.
4. Message me tittle "Winx" so I know you read my rules, send your to profile to me I will tell you can post.

I am a person that watched history and this RP follow on what I learned about the downside of feminism, hippies, and big daddy government unleashed on the world in a bad way.

You don't understand the ancestral culture that was expected to uphold society before feminism surfaced, she became lawless from her ancestral values that were already practiced throughout the ages doing her expectations in society. When women rebelled in her so-called liberation from gender roles that kept the world in balance that she threw it away, she threw away her power to keep amazing great men doing his job on a global level out the window basically. Sure feminism was great at putting tormentors of women in their place, but she went beyond that damaging the traditional values of man and woman in society. Because of feminism and those blasted hippies and big daddy government, modern civilization is so deprived now everyone is basically a joke a remnant of their honorable ancestors where only a few decent remains nowadays.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Elite Gamer
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Elite Gamer

Banned Seen 5 yrs ago

Planet maix-
Planet earth-
Planet zineth-
Planet eraklyon-
Planet melody-
Planet zineth-
Planet darkness-
Plant lore-
War planet-
Prison planet-
Graveyard planet-
Dumpster planet-
Planet harmony-
Planet bell-
Planet linphea-
Planet solaria-

Planet dialog- this planet is a massive planet bigger than 80,000 piles of earth put together. This whole planet is crawling with samurais and ninjas all across the planet with the technology of the far distant future. The culture is mixed between ancient Japanese Chinese culture living, mixed with distant future tech everywhere. The lands are ruled by emperors in dynasties.


Legendary super rare items around the magical dimension.

The woman's mental conversion lipstick- Its power is only activated by females early teens and adults with a pure heart. It can only be cast on the woman's opposite gender the guys for, brainwashing, mind control, rebuild someone mentally from scratch. A guy under the power of this lipstick is always submissive and obedient to the female that cast it on him without failure as flawless. The guy never breaks free of the mind control despite how powerful or mentally strong he is, no one can rescue him from the power of the lipstick if the caster called the mistress don't release him of her own free will, by kissing him on the lips wearing the lipstick. If the mistress die or whatever no longer worthy, her mindless minion the guy will always seek out the next worthy mistress that the previous mistress is connected to without failure to lead guide him in life. The conversion Lipstick is able to, change memories, destroy memories, give false memories great and bad, take away give knowledge, into the dude from the female at the controls. The mindless minion is 100% loyal honor bound to his mistress for life plus is unable to have ulterior motives that go against his mistress's orders. The lipstick power is so omnipotent strong, the guy could be standing on the borderline to freedom from his owner, never cross the line because all they care about is their mistress will be done 24 hours a day 7 days a week, in every year nonstop in every century without failure. How many dudes broke free of the lipstick's mind control power over the eons? Out of 100%, the ratio is 0.00%. This lipstick is so legendary super rare way overpowered that the governments around the entire magical dimension for eons took these lipsticks away from the public when they first caught news of such a device. Nowadays the only women and men that have access to these lipsticks usually are only very few governments and noblemen around the universe. Most people think the conversion lipstick is an urban myth but it's not. The conversion lipstick is the ultimate revenge weapon females can use on the criminals and the most devilishly dangerous foes of the male gender, instead of killing criminals and evil or locking them away, making them become mindless slaves to their new mistress is the best ultimate punishment ever. Not to mention the conversion lipstick forces the mindless minion to love to adore being a mindless minion, wanting to be even more brainwashed mind controlled by their mistress more and more to infinite levels. The lipstick also forces the mindless minion to love uncontrollably telling their mistress their plan's that doesn't align right with the mistress ahead of time, before the minion uh the slave carry out his plans. The gender that made this conversion lipstick real was of the male gender that equipped the female gender with this alarming device against dudes. The creator of the woman's conversion lipstick is the late Ragon Winchester, a true gentleman. The conversion lipstick is so strong females have arrogantly stood before her mindless minion humiliating her minion for stupidity out in public so openly, not once did she lose control of her minion nor get scorned at by her minion. (You can tell when someone is a mindless minion by the lipstick, their eye pupils are seen glowing almost invisible ghost white purple, plus they always call their owner mistress, openly in public nonstop)

The men's mental conversion hand glove- The man's version of the women's mental conversion lipstick but work against the female gender instead. To activate the power dudes as early as a teen to adulthood must latch his gloved hand onto the female's skull where the brain area is at to turn her into a mindless minion, she will begin wanting her master which is always the dude that turned her. The conversion glove also follows the same traits the conversion lipstick has but against females. Villains become extremely cowardly to infinite levels when the conversion glove and lipstick are within their sight by some heroes, the villains become extremely cowardly drop everything trying to run away avoiding capture.(You can tell when someone is a mindless minion by the conversion glove, their eye pupils are seen glowing almost invisible ghost white purple, plus they always call their owner mistress, openly in public nonstop.)
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Elite Gamer
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Elite Gamer

Banned Seen 5 yrs ago

Profile Outline:




School: (-Pick one- Alfea, Cloud Fountain, Red Fountain)

Year: ( -Pick one- Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior)






Fairy picture: If a fairy





Favorite Music:

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Elite Gamer
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Elite Gamer

Banned Seen 5 yrs ago

1. Bloom, still haven't found her birth parents, the kingdom of Sparks and it's people are all dead not coming back. Daphne, she is dead not coming back resurrected.

2. The ancestral witches are old ladies in some prison dimension incased in ice.

3. The Trix are some where in prisoned by cute stuff with the I love you and stuff again, driving the Trix crazy.

4. The Menace, is about to show up causing problems on the magical dimension.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Elite Gamer
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Elite Gamer

Banned Seen 5 yrs ago

The Goddess

This character she 99.99% never appear in person. She is omnipotent all powerful, literally meant to be truly actually perfect a freaking Marry Sue. She allow the LGBT to romance, but if they keep excessively pushing their sexuality on the heterosexual community upsetting the heterosexual folks, the Goddess will actually over ride the LGBT characters free will turning them all heterosexual, she actually has the power to do that. The goddess still worship what man and woman supposed to do romantically, only out of her love for fan service the goddess allow the LGBT to romance. The Goddess is kind of a selfish senile bitch she hate it when folks tell her how to run her universe. Other than that the Goddess insist on being pure good.

Red Fountain dorm room
Dorm BX: Sky and Bradon
Dorm Z4: Cinder and Timmy
Dorm N1: Riven and Helia
Dorm k1:

Alfea dorm rooms:
Dorm C17: Bloom and Stella
Dorm C84: Tecna and Flora
Dorm C34: Layla and Roxy
Dorm: G92: Musa and Ia

Cloud Tower dorm rooms:

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Elite Gamer

Banned Seen 5 yrs ago

Zion, appeared on planet magix in the afternoon standing before Alfea. I admit being a fairy has it's perks, but there is things only male Zion, can say limited to. Red Fountain is okay for hanging out with the guys, hot wire cars, sword thrust, the fancy capes blowing in the wind, video games, man sweet, sculpted bodies, If your a female that basically have drool written all over your face. Zion, still couldn't understand how in the blazes he ended up here in the magical dimension: not long ago the Winx Club setting was a mere television show that he watched, not giving a care in the world of the age group gender the show was presented to. Of all the places he could of dived into fiction ended up in another tittle, kind of strange the Winx Club took him supernaturally. Suddenly Zion started to shout. "Which one is the true God?! I might decide to be a lesbian of all things knowing how crazy I am." Suddenly some words supernaturally appeared in the air!
To. Zion
From. Goddess the one true goddess god.

In this reality I don't punish LGBT, but if they start excessively pushing their sexuality on heterosexual folks upsetting them, I will turn 99% of them heterosexual again by force. I personally like LGBT. Why be a dude while you can be a hot lesbian very pretty fine to?

Zion sighed. Clearly this no name Winx Club goddess don't think like the bible's God on sexuality, thank the maker. To be honest Zion, he had always considered the bible God irritating irrational to not improve on it's ideal of love. Then hell fire lake of fire! Really! No being is worthy to spend eternity in damnation without looking to hope of their parole. Honestly Zion, if he had power he wouldn't even let someone even as bad as Satan, spend eternity in damnation without parole to rescue him. The seriousness of wickedness would depend on the absurd years spent down in damnation. As for Bloom, her female friends? Very strange how everyone is ignoring dating their assigned lover the folks behind the fourth wall assigned them to. Musa, Flora, and himself Zion, are way more intertwined with beauty, harmony, feelings that shouldn't be ignored. If anything Musa and Zion, are the most emotional ones most likely candidates to sit around talking about the mystery of the universe, the meaning of life plus personal feelings. Not mention Musa and Zion, their the most likely candidates to sit around crying for each other. Knowing Riven, if possible he would actually leave Musa when it's clear he can't compete with dudes like Zion, right up Musa's isle. As for Bloom? She's nice, romantic, a royal princess, that's about it. For the record Bloom would most likely be number three to date for himself. As for Flora? She's basically the silent cool type easy life coming in at number two. Musa? Her details been told coming in at number one towards Zion. Also Zion, he's a shape shifter which means Musa or Stella, they can treat him as their dress up doll in female form. Zion, he looked at Musa blushing at her from across the field. He know everything about Musa, necessary fourth wall breaking knowledge. Musa was currently talking to Tecna at the front gate of Alfea about something. Seeing the show characters standing before you knowing fully well any second they can communicate with you, is spooky. Should Zion, transform into that girl form he have? Should he live at Alfea as that girl transformation he have? Red Fountain is okay, mentally Alfea is more socially emotionally expressive for Zion mentally. Having that girl shape shifting ability just knowing it, he could feel manhood and womanhood fighting for control in this heart to live as. He always despised the thought of the female fairy he can transform into, longing to behave like the heterosexual girls as her deeper longing; he always used the rage the pride of a straight man to resist the fairy's boyfriend longing. Regardless of the fact Zion will eventually always shape shift back into that fairy it's unavoidable.

Where: On planet magix, standing outside on the grass in the sunny afternoon looking at Alfea School for fairies.

With: Alone
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Musa, she looked at Zion walking to her and Tecna. Musa, she looked at Zion, with interest. "Aren't you that transfer student from planet zineth that can shape shit into a dude or fairy?" Musa asked. Zion, he nodded his head yes. "When I transform I become the real thing bodily problems everything, like the current gender I take on. Which ever form I am currently wearing becomes my based body the original body until I morph again. Hello Tecna and Musa, I am Zion of planet zineth" Zion, he responded. Tecna, waved hello. "Another zineth born like me! I don't normally see zineth folks on magix". Tecna responded. Zion, he smiled. "Zineth is very nice, though the whole female sex super smart android companion replacing women is kind of absurd on zineth to me; then again what do you expect when men are on the receiving in of female drama amplified to almost 100% on a daily bases? Men will seduce almost anything unfortunately." Zion, said. Tecna, she frowned at Zion. Zion, frowned at Tecna. Suddenly Musa interrupted. "Romance drama on zineth like what?" Musa asked. Zion, rubbed his chin. "On zineth our men are going MGTOW all over, refuse to even acknowledge the women of zenith now days. With no man to help support women of zineth financially in life, she become that miserable lady with ten cats alone at night crying since no man want her, it's been happening in the billions as millions of ladies are at risk of being homeless. Suddenly Tecna, she lowered her head. Zion blinked. "What you are seeing Tecna do is the current behavior most women of zenith do pouting head low, if female zineth people don't behave right she is fearful of being replaced by a android for she know she can't compete with the androids perfection. As for business? Businesses across the magical dimension don't let robots work to support their owner, which means women usually have an insane amount to lose by these absurd droids taking away her guys". Zion, said. Tecna, sighed. " Those blasted female androids since the time of their conception, been nothing more than a massive thorn in us women's behind, since those crazy currently dead guys made it thousands of years ago. Those androids actually helped push us women to be proper dignified again. As for you guys Zion, those same crazy dead guys also created the male androids as well, since they got tired of the fuck boys messing with us ladies. So don't hate your own gender Zion, gave us females an edge as well on purpose".

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rebornfan320
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With a letter to Red Fountain in hand for him in the morning of the Red Fountain new recruit tryouts, Cinder Sagestone would be riding on a craft deftly nervous of being to Red Fountain. He never really been outside of his own home realm before so the experience and everything that he was taking in was so new to him, the things he was seeing right now it seemed like something out of a fantasy right now. Though the sunny weather and forest location was new to him and had a smile on his face.

Coming up on what seems to be Red Fountain he could only look on where new recruits were taken, he was really not sure on what to expect as he knew he was going to be literally spending the tryout day literally learning the ropes of what it meant to be there and to how training was going to go while getting a grand tour of the place.

What excited him was the tools and the swords that were available as he had a strange liking to them, out of the tools that were available they were the ones that interested him the most but he would be mostly concerned of his gift of magic out of all the things that were available at that time as Cinder would not only be touring of the potential campus if he was to make it but to know of the other campuses of Alfea and Cloud Tower which also placed to know on a map as he would learn those and how to use the tools available while being literally asked to show their mettle and prove to the teacher why they should belong here.
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Zion, sighed. "I wasn't trying to be a freak Tecna, it's just that most zenith women are on bad grounds with men. It's not my fault most of zineth is MGTOW vs self serving prideful crazy feminist. Then the technology oh the cell phones, on a date getting a woman off her cell phone is the hardest thing to do another failed relationship". Zion said. Tecna sighed yet again then left. Musa, she blinked. "I saw your student profile in the Alfea data base I was surprised when I saw a guy then a girl under the same profile as you. Are you dinning with us Alfea girls or the Red Fountain guys at the welcoming party today, girl or guy?" Musa asked. Zion, he looked confused but his body rather join Alfea at the dinning hall as that girl transformation. I't a problem acting as two individuals in life, for some strange reason I rather choose Alfea." Zion, responded. Musa, will remember that like results to something classified right now. "Okay girl see you there. Just make sure you don't come as Zion, or your in trouble behind our walls. As for the bathrooms? If you transform back into Zion especially in their, your in trouble. What is her name by the way?" Musa, asked. Zion, looked confused. "I never bothered to name her. I saw a vacaloid song once which I kind of used the cute girl plus hair design for her as inspiration, I like the name IA for her (I-uh)". Zion, he said. Zion frowned. Musa, looked worried. "What's wrong?" Musa, asked. "My deep psychology favors IA allot more than myself Zion. I always felt extreme hatred how dudes are expected to be basically Superman holding the world on his shoulders, being the tires of the truck as the woman get to drive ride instead symbolically, a shitty deal. Who signed me up for that crap the short end of the stick? God? For that along I pridefully keep my vehicle broken down symbolically with extreme prejudice. I'm not letting the world sit on me holding itself up causing me hardships back pain. As for working the plantation? The world can fuck itself for all I care. As for,beauty, harmony, and spiritual? Now for that Im your guy and girl". Zion, said. Suddenly Musa, she placed her right finger on Zion's chess armor in a feminine position. "That white knight armor is the very antagonist of your belief system, it love holding the world up being it's strength. Why wear it?" Musa responded. Zion, blinked. "It's the dude genetics wanting to smile in knight armor. As long as Im wearing this white knight armor I feel like a Super man, on a great white Pegasus in the sky shouting, "I shall not falter", looking good trying to impress the ladies as it excite me". Zion, responded with a smile. Musa, she smiled. "Do you feel that way outside the armor?" Musa asked. "Females are fine yes but doing jumps trying to impress her more than barely, not happening." Zion, responded. "You signed her up to be a fairy why?". Musa asked. "Females are interesting and beautiful and other stuff I can't think of right now. I shouldn't say more." Zion responded, then having the expression of gay bisexual dude phobia written across his face.

Where: On planet magix, standing outside at Alfea School for fairies.

With: Musa and Tecna

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by rebornfan320
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When the tryouts were over and after a shower to clean them off, the tryouts were told to at least check a list for the names of those who were not only accepted into the school but those that had promise to try again next year. The list had the most notable names of Cinder, Timmy, Brandon, Sky, and Riven. These five made the list for the first year and Professor Codatorta, soon walked out to the remaining five somewhat a smile on his face to the five of them.
“Those names on the list and amongst the others are the students who will be this year's Specialists.” He said with a heavy emphasis in his voice. “Those who did not see your name on the list do not fret, there is always next year to try again show your progression. For now those that would be on the list follow the men to your dorms for the next four years.”

And with that, everyone went on to the dorms as the arrangements were quite interesting in a compelling way. Cinder, was roommates with Timmy. Brandon and Sky were roommates at another dorm. Riven was with another roommate who's name was not revealed to them at the current moment. As of right now in one room Cinder and Timmy, were moving in and settling where to place things.
“So right side for you Cinder?” Timmy asked as Cinder, nodded taking the left side of the dorm room.
“Yes Timmy, I got to say you were not what I expected when it came to Specialists.” Cinder replied, he heard a chuckle from Timmy.
“Well not everyone is going to be a jock build like Riven, if that is what you mean.” Timmy replied. “Specialists come in all sizes big or small, but first let's finish moving in and check in on the others.”
Well once the two did this they went to check on Brandon and Sky, in their room which was next door. Filling him in on their arrangements of things the guys went ahead to get their Specialists ID's which they would carry on them at all times as they had their photo, name and year before going back to the dorm rooms for the time being.

Where: Red Fountain dorms

With: Timmy in his dorm along with Brandon and Sky.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Elite Gamer
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Banned Seen 5 yrs ago

Clone Zion

Zion, he made a clone then the clone went to Red Fountain. Clone Zion, he returned to Red Fountain in dorm with Riven. Seeing the specialist as freshman while the Winx are sophomores was weird. Zion, grabbed his plasma sword something light saber placed the hilt on his waist, waved hello to Riven then left. Clone Zion, stood outside Timmy and Cinder's dorm room leaning on the wall. Who is Cinder, shouldn't Riven be living with Timmy? This new reality is strange. He knocked on Cinder's dorm room door. "Are you aware of anything called the beyond the fourth wall or some multiverse crap?". Clone Zion, asked Cinder. Clone Zion, wasn't exactly sure if Cinder was just another NPC or something character come to life.

Where: Inside Red Fountain at Cinder and Timmy's dorm.

With: Cinder and Timmy.

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Tecna and Bloom, they walked through Magix in the afternoon by the movie theater. Tecna, looked suspicious. "I checked Zion's past it's as if Zion, he literally appeared into existence one day simply created never birthed. All resident's in the magical dimension have history every foreigner, not him strangely not. I looked at zineth's royal registry it's as if Zion, he somehow over ride reality planted himself in the royal guard ranks with planted achievements and skill. As for connections? He was just there on people's important lists all a sudden. The last time a body pulled something like that in recorded history was Jesus Christ, from the Torah and the Bible. As for shape shifters that's impossible! The last shape shifter that complex like Zion, died almost 798,000,000,000 years ago literally, the last of the breed. I watched Zion, I feel as if he's hiding something like he knows us our ways, our information defying logic." Tecna, said. Bloom blinked. "Zion, he isn't going around causing problems so why bother? If anything the kingdom's might desire to learn his secrets since it's clear he can infiltrate the highest ranks in society you call planting himself". Bloom, said. Tecna kept walking. "Then Zion's armor and plasma sword materials crafted, those thing's can survive black holes indestructible, material like that is impossible to gather inside reality. How in the world did Zion, get that?" Tecna, replied.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by rebornfan320
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Cinder had opened the door and there stood a Specialist and was puzzled, he never saw this guy before at all. 'Is he a freshman too?' Cinder thought. But he soon came to the conclusion he likely was not a freshman at all, if he was then he would have been at least trying out with him and the others at this point in time. He also seemed to ask a strange question also, beyond the fourth wall? Was this a hazing? Whatever it was, Cinder did not get it as he would answer the guy's question despite having him in the room as a guest.
“Um...Not really no.” He answered uneasily, since he did not know much of this guy all he could really do was to enlighten him and hopefully in the meantime not upset him.

Where: Inside his dorm room with Timmy and Zion.

With: Zion and Timmy.
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Clone Zion

Clone Zion, sighed. "Never mind then." Zion, waved good bye then left. Just another clueless NPC character person what ever they are real person. Who ever this goddess is she is crazy powerful. Clone Zion, started to fade away almost ghost like.

Where: Inside Red Fountain leaving Cinder and Timmy's dorm.

With: Cinder and Timmy.
Zion Vi Celestial

The real Zion, he walked with headmistress Faragonda through the halls of Alfea. "Ms. Faragonda, is there a thing called the multiverse or something?" Zion asked. Faragonda looked confused. "I never heard of a multiverse son. More importantly how did you know personal things only the Winx and I know?" Faragonda, she asked. Zion, blinked. "It's a far fetch tell you wouldn't believe me." Zion replied. "Well let's visit the Alfea secrect library Zion." Faragonda said. Zion had doubts the Alfea library could help. "Faragonda, what ever happened to America?" Zion, asked. "America been gone. America fell because of the national debt, the lawless, all the wickedness. The nations got tired of America then shut them down cut of business in the far distant past." Faragonda replied. The two entered the library.

Where: In the Alfea secret library.
With: Faragonda.
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Cinder looked at Zion unaware it was a clone until seeing it fade away almost all ghost-like which sent shudders down his spine, he did not know why but he felt mixed vibes from that. Was something out of place? He didn't think so as he shrugged at this sitting down on the bed looking at Timmy.
"What just happened?" Cinder asked looking at Timmy who was unsure himself.
"Not really sure, that defied any logic I know. Coming from a Specialist and all I don't think they are magically inclined." Timmy commented fixing his glasses, he didn't know what he had meant himself so all they could do for now was technically prepare for their upcoming freshman year. Cinder wasn't sure of this but hearing how Specialists were not magically inclined got him concerned, for him he had magic in his veins and did not show it at all at the tryouts as he was trying to fit in with what was expected. Hiding his nervousness he would pick out one of his books to read while his cat made itself known to Cinder by jumping on his bed and sitting next to him.

Where: Inside Red Fountain in his room and Timmy's.

With: Timmy.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Elite Gamer
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Menace, he appeared standing in the sky with his white tuxedo and cane sword looking at, Red Fountain, Cloud Tower, Alfea. A freakish smile appeared on his face. Suddenly three pink letters appeared writing everything Menace said. "What is fun what is deadly? Nothing like the killing joke to begin your misery the seeds of undoing reaped against you.Riddle me this! What is physical and it hurts with your name on it? No clue? Oh how boring you are such a party popper. It's the bullet that counts. Truly seeing me in regards is a hater him herself. I look forward to causing the three schools great hell this year. As for dark magic I will let you know ahead of time, I am very hellish to deal with. Sincerely, the man in the white hat". Menace said. The three letters flew to the three schools outside, then stood in mid air as the letters grew about 40 feet tall so everyone can read it.

In the air Menaced smiled a huge insane freakish smirk. "Attention planet magix. I shall make my grand evil debut after the schools welcome ceremony party! Until then I bid you uh-do." Menace, smirked then vanished in thin air.

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rebornfan320 Always looking for RP partners

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Cinder was with Timmy and within this few minutes of interaction was now with Brendan, Sky, Riven and Timmy as the guys were exploring the school. There was nothing wrong with that in his mind, but he was more of staying inside to read or anything that did not involve constant socializing.
None of them would notice what was coming, at least right away while the guys were talking about various things and he did not really mind the topics until one went to girls and Cinder went quiet, he had no experience with girls whatsoever outside of his Earth school and even then it was just schoolwork with him and nothing more. In comparison to the other boys it was made clear they likely had more experience in talking with girls unlike him.

The talking ended abruptly as everyone was soon looking at the sky, Timmy would look at the sky seeing the letters that were 40 feet tall and was recording it. Cinder was reading it, and even he was stumped by the riddle itself and letting Timmy gather the evidence he felt more trusting of his friend right now while he would now seeing the message while it had the desired effect for the three schools as everyone had seen it with a varied reaction so far.
"Who is this guy?" Timmy pondered as Menace's message was seen at the three schools. "The man in the white hat..."
"I don't know Timmy, but we got something big on our hands." Cinder said as he knew he would have to get serious this year now knowing someone like this was out there.

Where: At the front of Red Fountain.

With: Timmy, Brendan, Sky and Riven.
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Zion, he looked outside the secret library at Alfea viewing the letter Menace made. Does this fool consider himself Joker or the Batman who laughs? Zion, he stood up leaving the library. Reality on his earth was really fucked up, but now that the magical dimension is Zion's new reality, the biggest creeps in fiction is now real. Shit. At this rate turning into that female fairy might come allot sooner. Zion, he left Alfea then returned to Red Fountain outside. " We need to prepare for battle I saw that freak show in the white hat. We must defend your our parallel universe from that psychopath. " He told Cinder and the Specialist. " Strange, Sky, Brandon, Timmy, Riven, don't have their elemental weapons of super powers yet. I must break character. I am from outside the magical dimension. I come from a reality where you all where just fictional characters on a television somewhere. I know about your sexuality, your family, your ways, your secrets, Brandon is actually Sky the blond one, the brown haired one is actually Brandon. Also Diasbro something is a bitch." Zion, said.
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rebornfan320 Always looking for RP partners

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Cinder hearing this was quite surprised but to everyone this was something to take in all at once, let alone not privately. He knew they had encountered Zion for the first time as a group while him and Timmy encountered him in their room. He wondered if they had met before like in his theory of before but logically dismissed this. Though seeing the stunned expressions of Brandon, Sky, Timmy and Riven it was actually quite funny to look at.
"W-wait...You are not what you say?" Riven asked trying to process this in his own right.
"Wait, I find that hard to believe." Sky said though he wanted to rebuttal in regards of his claim of his name instead of keeping with Brandon but the Diasbro comment did kinda sting as he was unsure on a reply for that one.
"I don't think he is serious." Timmy said and even Brandon the brown haired one kinda non-verbally agreed with him.
"Well so far I'm more of hearing this, as unsure and non-believable as it sounds." Cinder said. Cinder was more likely to give the benefit of the doubt but also there was the manner of what just happened moments ago and he did not fully understand it in his own right but felt like to give him a bit more leeway.
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