The morning trains were always crowded and full of noise. People talking to one another, music leaking from cheap headphones, the conductor announcing each station despite the occupants being mostly locals (not tourists), as well as the clacking of train tracks. Thankfully as the Kanda Station approached, most people were already off the train and sitting in their high rise offices that overlooked Tokyo. Many of the remaining occupants were university students. Sometimes their eyes would meet one another but often, they were in their own little world, consumed by books or cell phones (okay mostly cell phones and handheld video games). This routine continued for months as a small group of students would get on the same line, in the same car every day.
Until one day someone spoke up and decided it was better to at least introduce themselves than just be a blip without a name. So the group decided to spend time outside of the car, on campus hanging out. They came from different walks of life. One was from London, another from New York City, and a few were Japanese but still interested in the international school's famed reputation. Soon one of the teachers mentioned in class, about a mystical train that can take anyone, anywhere they'd like to go. This rumor easily entices the group and they decide to research it.
After some time, they decide to take the train to the end of the line, believing their usual train could be the fabled, mythical route out of their humdrum lives. So they each pack a bag and meet after school on a misty spring day. The train doors close and everyone looks outside, waiting and watching. The cityscape begins to fade and soon new scenes begin to emerge. Green lush hills, creatures they do not recognize. They have done it, they've found the train. But how? Which station will they get off? Can they return home? Will they want to? And where does the train stop and turn around?
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So a very charming, sweet, slice of life, modern day fantasy RP is what I have in mind. Think of Ghibli or Shinkai. Ideally this would be a very small group of 2-3 more people. I'd like people who can post casually. I'm not looking for something super fast paced, we all have lives. I would like people who can post 4 paragraphs on average so I'd rather wait to get a good post than a rushed one. Romance is encouraged but keep it PG. Characters will range from 19 to 21 and more setting info can be given in an OOC if I get enough interest. Thanks for reading ya'll. Also this can be on discord or here, whichever the majority is comfortable with.