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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alehkra


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In the far north of Provinka near the coastline lies a small village by the name of Inizi, which lends it’s name to the local barony. Located just on the edge of the surrounding countryside is a large, untamed forest. The local villagers make some use of the woods for gathering and firewood, but by and large they are a more agriculturally minded people inclined more towards farming and fishing than hunting and gathering. As such, the forest has for many years remained wild and unexplored. This all changed with the coming of the Reavers.

It was in the year 934 according to the Lorelae calendar that they were first spotted. They are savage, brutal men who have been raiding coastal towns and villages across for the past two years. In response to these incursions King Geralt of Dalria, who is in his fifth year of rule, sent a force of men to reinforce the coast. While passing through Turizi, a group of scouts stumbled upon a vast ruined city deep within the forest. Word of this forgotten city spread like wildfire, attracting all manner of wild theories and hypotheses. Even now the ruins are being swarmed with adventurers and treasure hunters.

The ruins are located deep enough within the forest that little sunlight penetrates the dense canopy above. Despite the lack of sunlight, however, as one gets closer to the city visibility increases, becoming perceptibly brighter as you reach the outermost buildings. There is no visible source of light, almost as if the buildings themselves enhance what little sunlight manages to reach them. The first buildings are crumbling and decrepit, scattered about in a congested warren. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to their placement, and only a few have any walls left standing.

Several hundred years into the slums, however, things begin to change. The remnants of what must have once been a grand wall of pristine white stone rising up to divide the city into an outer and inner section are now a ragged line crumbling, smudged stones hardly more than chest-high. Beyond the wall the buildings, though still near ready to fall apart after centuries of neglect, are still noticeably much more grand than those on the outer edges. There can be seen huge buildings, large enough to fit the population of a small village quite comfortable. Even with the walls falling apart and the domed ceilings collapsed, they are an awe-inspiring sight. Further still there are once magnificent spires towering over the rest of the city, and the jagged, broken tops surely once rose high above the trees.

Despite everything in sight, the city is of such size that much of it is beyond view of the outer wall. The city is vast and sprawling, the decayed corpse of a once great civilization reduced to nothing but stone and dust. Hovering on the edges of this archeological marvel are the inevitable explorers. They run the gamut from scholars interested in the knowledge to vultures wanting to pick it clean of any valuables or treasures. Even those who got their first, however, have barely begun to penetrate the outer edges of the city. Whatever mysteries the ruins hold remain to be uncovered, for good or for ill.


Standing at the edge of the ruined city was a tall man with shaggy blond hair and a powerful build. He scratched at his beard as he stared at the city, an exasperated look in his bright green eyes. Baron Aelfric would much rather have been...well, anywhere else, really. He had important duties to be attending to. The villagers of Inizi had sent one of their councilmen (elected officials being an odd tradition amongst the Turizi that many of the Dalrian commoners had adopted) to speak with him about something important. His game warden had informed him that there may be some poachers about, and he had wanted to oversee the work that had begun on what was to be his new manor. More than anything, of course, he wanted to be on the coast, protecting the Kingdom from foreign raiders.

All told, Aelfric was not particularly happy about where he was. Still, it was not for a Baron to question the orders of the lord’s lord, and Duke Reislig had personally requested that the ruins be investigated. In turn, Count Udolfo had decided that it was the perfect task for the local baron. His own men-at-arms being requested to participate in the defense of the coast, Aelfric unfortunately at that point had noone that he himself could delegate to.

So it was that he found himself staring at the ruins, wondering where in the world he would begin his “investigation”. Aelfric sighed, and laid his hands on the hilt of his sword with a familiarity befitting an experienced warrior. If he had known that being a noble would be such a hassle, he never would have accepted the title of baron. Being a Knight had been so much more simple. Defend your Lord’s honor, fight when needed, and maybe save a distressed damsel or two in your free time. None of this responsibility nonsense. Shaking his head at the unfairness of it all, Aelfric began trudging towards the decrepit wall, hoping to find something soon so that he could make a report and get to the war.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

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Anthea ran her hand over the dust covered mantel. The layers of cobwebs, and dirt from centuries gone by, graced every surface, nook, and cranny, like a protective blanket. But even under the veil of grime, the ruins of were a site to behold. Crumbling pillars made from the finest marble Anthea had ever seen. A stairway banister intricately carved from Jade. A huge broken chandelier lay in the middle of a once grand ballroom, the iridescent crystals scattered, and shattered across the floor. A few silk tapestries still clung to the walls, embroidered with gold and silver threads, depicting scenes you would only find in your dreams. Anthea had been inside the wealthiest noble’s castles, and manors. She had seen, and stolen many beautiful things, gems, jewels, art, gold, gowns, and other tangible beauty, but this place, these ruins, were by far the most magnificent thing she ever laid eyes on. It felt almost criminal, barbaric even, to disturb the once great city, which had stayed sleeping for so long, forgotten and alone within the forest.

All the while, she admired the beauty of the enchanted ghost city, she completely forgotten that she had left Elle outside the city entrance alone with only the horse. Sighing as she walked back out of the building, and down the perfectly laid cobblestone road she went back to where Elle was. Anthea could not wait to find all the treasures of wonders hidden around this place.

“Elle, just wait till you see this place. It’s absolutely fantastic.” She said walking up to Elle. Rubetta the horse nickered at Anthea, then went straight back to munching on the clover patch on the ground.

It was rather early in the morning, Anthea hadn’t noticed any other people around, but the place was huge and it would take days thoroughly go through the whole area, so it was likely there was a few folk around. She stretched her arms into the air, totally ready for the adventurous day ahead.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

L was looking over the city from a low wall, absently twisting her amulet in her fingers. The strange twist of gold and it's strange runic symbols glinted in the early morning sun. Suddenly she realized Anthea was talking to her. "Sorry Thea," she said, sliding off the wall. "I was thinking. Anyway, we should probably have a quick breakfast and get started. We have a lot of ground to cover." She grabbed the small camping pot out of her bag along with some of the ingredients she had brought along. "I was gonna make a porridge, maybe we could find some edible berries around for flavor?" As she gathered tinder for the fire, her ears twitched happily. "I was thinking we should probably spend just a little time on the edge, just enough to look in a few buildings. If this was a city like today, all the important people, and the important items and knowledge, would be near the center. Maybe we spend a day in this outer ring?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alehkra


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aelfric couldn't help but be a little bit awed by the ruined remains as he picked his way through. Even crumbling to dust, there were hints of what must have once been master craftsmanship. What was more astounding, to Aelfric's way of thinking, was that these were obviously the least that the city had to offer. They were the outskirts, far flung, humble homes that were far away from the central glory of the city. Aelfric couldn't imagine such a society where even the commoners were housed in such an opulent fashion. It was certainly something beyond the capabilities of any modern city. Even the wealthiest of Turizi trading hubs had a substantial slums district where poverty reigned supreme.

Aelfric was interrupted in his musings by a voice floating through the air to reach him. It sounded like a young woman. Aelfric couldn't make out precisely what she was saying, but he was fairly certain that it was something about food. Speaking of which, he recalled rather longingly that he had left most of his supplies, including food, with his horse on the edge of the forest. He hadn't wanted his warhorse (the pride of any noble born warrior) to trip on a root and break a leg amidst the dense forestation. Aelfric idly considered finding the source of the voice. They were, after all, technically intruding upon his personal property. Aelfric was hardly the sort of man who would make a deal out of such a thing, but perhaps he could get a bite to eat out of the deal...

The knight meandered through the twisted warren of buildings that were all the remained of the ancient slums, wondering to himself how exactly he should deal with the unknown person. Or persons. He realized that, unless the person had been speaking with herself, she must have someone with her. He had made the assumption that it was a local peasant girl who wanted to see the ancient marvel, but Aelfric began to worry that it might be a band of looters, or a bandit gang looking to make the ruins their new base of operations. In light of the sudden suspicions, Aelfric rethought his plan. He picked his way through the crumbling cottages much more carefully, wincing every time his chain mail jingled. Armor was not the ideal accoutrement of the stealthy.

Aelfric slowly, and noisily, made his way to a point where he could see the source of the voice. To his relief it appeared to be no more than two young women, though there was something very...off about the one fiddling around with the pot. It was difficult to tell from this distance, but somehow he wasn't entirely certain that she was human. Aelfric's relief, however, was short-lived. He spotted movement in the trees above the two women, and what he saw was not nearly so benign. Flitting in and out of sight was a pair of very unsavory looking characters wielding crude, simple weapons. Aelfric started running towards the two ladies, and shouted up at them. He had no real proof that the two men above them were anything other than friendly, naturally, but it wasn't something that Aelfric felt like gambling on.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

L looked down at the running man, startled. Suddenly she realized he was pointing and looked up, seeing the flash of a curved sword above. "Thea! Bandits skyward!" She yelled, dropping the pot and leaping toward her pack where her staff was laying. Landing a bit farther than one would expect, she scooped up her staff and whirled, catching one of the men who had come after her in the stomach. The heavy gold cap on the end gave the pole more power than he expected, and he reeled backwards. the other mantook his place, brandishing his club at her. L started losing her nerve, stumbling backwards a step and holding her staff close. "P-please. I don't have any money. I'm sorry, really I am." She tried to stop shaking, but her body had stopped responding to her. Please, hurry Thea She thought, looking around frantically.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deamonbane
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Always the walls.

Khane had seen dozens of sieges, either in the seiging or defending army, and the one thing hat had always recalled from the few sacks he had seen, resultant of some deep inlaid grudge or another, the walls were always the only things that survived. Either by command of their superiors or when a siege lasted for months, even years with the soldiers watching friends and maybe even family fall to the defenses, anger would slowly build and once the walls were taken, it was as if the dammed hatred was released in a torrent of bloodshed and agony, tearing the city and it's inhabitants apart. But in as much damage as they could do, they would always leave the walls intact, for several reasons. Unlike the houses inside the walls, they usually had no treasure or loot of worth, no people inside, nothing of value. Secondly because, well it was difficult to tear a wall down. The walls were meant to endure, were made especially to withstand forces against, and other than any holes in the wall that they had to make, along with towers and the like where enemies could hide, the walls themselves were usually left intact unless the soldiers were expressly ordered to tear them down, and they had to do it stone by stone, a job taking weeks. Not something that soldiers that had just endued a long, exhausting siege would want to be subjected to.

Whoever had wrecked this city had put a lot of trouble into doing so, Khane completed the though as he looked over the city. There were buildings, ruined, with no scorch marks, but those would be washed away with rain and the elements. But the walls were gone. Sure, there were a handful of piled stones that had been pieces of the walls, apparently, but the walls were missing, something odd and foreboding for a city of this size. The mercenary gently nudged his gelding forward, looking around in awe. There were a few camps outside the city, as if people were superstitiously afraid of maintaining temporary residence within the dead city, but there were a few scholars stepping among the ruins, studying the stones, inscriptions and grounds, trying to determine just who the residents of the city were.

No riches in knowledge, Khane thought with a smirk, dismounting on the city limits and walking his horse from that point on. The ground inside might be treacherous, and it didn't make sense to risk injuring the mount just because he didn't want to walk. No, if there was anything of worth to be found it would be deep inside the metropolis, and he would find it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

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Anthea could hear the jingling armor before there was an imaged put to the sound. With the shouted warning from the man, and Elle of all people leaping to action, Anthea was rather pissed at herself for not sensing the bandits above. Quick as lightning she flung her dagger at one guy, getting him right in the eye. Retrieving her dagger she wiped off the blood on the man’s corpse. “One down, four to go. I would advise you dogs to scatter!” Anthea said angrily to the group of men. From behind her, a tree trunk of a man grabbed her and held a knife to her throat. This just made Anthea even angrier; there had to be something wrong with her today, she would never get taken by surprise like this, and to not even notice the presence of some stupid mediocre thugs… She had to have a fever or something.

With a quick twist of her body she was able to get out of his grasp. “You smell like a week old chamber pot.” Anthea said to the man as she drew her sword. If a look could kill, the thug would be dead with one look at Anthea’s face; the icy glare she was giving this man would make children cry. As she swung her sword in the man’s face distracting him, as she tossed her dagger at the man advancing on Elle. She got him right in the back, as he fell face first into the ground with a loud thunk.

“Nooo! You killed my brother you bitch!” The man yelled his face turning red, as he ran straight towards Anthea mace in one hand. She couldn't back up more for a huge tree was behind her. “Shit.” She said under her breath as the man came running like a ram at her. He swung his mace just missing Anthea’s head by a few centimeters, as she ducked down.

The tree behind her now had a big gouged out spot in its trunk. She was lucky she was agile and quick, or that would’ve been her head, smashed like a melon. Crouch down under the man who was recovering from the shock of the fact he missed her, she drew her dagger from her boot and jabbed him in the leg, only to find that it was wooden. She looked up at his face, as he smiled down at her with an evil grin. He grabbed her by the hair and began to strangle her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The man's grasp on Anthea weakened and fell as L's staff made contact with the back of his head, making a very satisfying 'Thunk'. Seeing their leader fall, the rest of the bandits turned and ran, trying to get away from the two of them as fast as possible. "Are you ok Thea?" L asked quickly, taking a step up onto the unconscious man's body to bring her to eye level. Her eyes were concerned, but lacked any noticeable trace of either remorse or anger, as if being attacked by bandits and fighting them off was below her attention. "If it hadn't been for that man, they would have got us for sure. Where is he anyway?" Looking around, she spotted him just coming over the crest of the hill. "Hello there, thanks for the warning."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alehkra


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aelfric was scowling after the escaping bandits as he slowed to a stop next to the two not-quite-so-distressed damsels. He was deeply regretting leaving his horse behind at that point. They were too far ahead and traveling too light in order for him to be able to catch them on foot, and Aelfric took offense to bandits prowling about his land. Knowing that it would be useless to give chase, the baron sheathed his sword with a harrumph and turned towards the two women. He simply stared at them for a long moment, taking in L's ears without expression. He glanced down at the bodies. Two men dead, and one knocked unconscious at the least and possibly dying from brain injury. He looked at Anthea and raised an eyebrow. "I would say that you took that a little too far, but I doubt the vermin would have been any nicer about it." He told her, finally breaking his silence.

He took one last regretful look after the fleeing men, who were already almost over the hill. "I would like to take care of that right now," He said, more to himself than the two women, "But there's nothing for it. I'll have to arrange a search party after I'm done with all this business. Speaking of which..." He turned back to the two women. He had a stern look on his face, and his bright green eyes had a piercing intensity to them. He did, however, bow slightly to them. Baron Aelfric was nothing if not a gentleman, after all. Still, he had no illusions about them being ordinary peasant girls out for a stroll. No, that particular idea was dispelled once he saw Anthea knife down two men without a second thought. "Now," he began in the voice he normally reserved for pronouncing judgement in the cases the villagers brought to him, "I would like to know whom you two ladies are, and what you are doing in these ruins."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

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Anthea coughed as she took a deep breath. Her windpipe being crushed was not on her to do list today. After catching her breath she stood up, brushed the dirt off her pants, and crouch down next to the unconscious man to retrieve her dagger out of his leg. He was still breathing, and Anthea was fighting the urge to finish him off. Her hair was a mess, and her scalp stung where the thug had ripped out a bit of her hair.

“Nice job Elle.” Athena said as she flipped her hair around, and ran her fingers through it. Sadly her hair tie that she had been wearing snapped during the fight, so her long black hair was down and in the way, as she hated it. Her good mood was coming back as she retrieved her other dagger from the dead man’s back, and the man in shining armor finally reached them.

"I would say that you took that a little too far, but I doubt the vermin would have been any nicer about it." Aelfric said to them.

There was a small trace of a smile on her face, as she put away her daggers. It was only morning, and she had already killed two men without batting an eyelash. She was impressed with herself. The armored man had not introduced himself, but Athena could gather from his demeanor and appearance that he was a noble, a Lord of something or other. She looked him over head to toe, wondered where the hell his back up men were, and why he was out here in the middle of a forest. “I could ask you the same question.” She said not paying much attention to the man, as she kneeled down next to one of the bodies to search the pockets for some coins.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alehkra


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aelfric couldn't help but be impressed with the young girl. She was confident, and never batted an eyelash about being confronted by him. He decided she must be from the East, where the nobility was not nearly so prominent as in Dalrian society. He had even heard tell that some Turizi cities were ruled by an council of merchants of all people. As if merchants knew how to rule anything but a purse. After giving some idle thought to pressing the issue, Aelfric decided the girl had a point.. "Of course, how rude of me. I never introduced myself, and here I am making demands. My name is Baron Aelfric. I'm a jumped up knight turned minor noble, and by the grace of the good King Geralt-and some rather fuzzy territorial boundaries-I am the owner of this part of the forest, and by extension these ruins. As such, the duty of investigating the recent discovery falls to me."

The big man shifted himself into a more comfortable, less aggressive stance. He did, without even thinking about it, rest his hand on the hilt of his sword though. It wasn't meant to be a threat, it just came naturally to him. He scratched at his beard as he watched the young woman retrieve the knife and loot the corpses. Despite his own confidence and generally easy-going manner, Aelfric was very cautious about this young woman. In his experience, there were very few types of people who were so comfortable around corpses. Veteran soldiers, naturally, people who were exposed to death at a young age, and experienced killers. Soldiers (good soldiers at least), only killed when necessary, which Aelfric was willing to admit it likely was in her case. They also weren't usually averse to looting the dead, and in fact it was an expected perk of being the victor. Still, Anthea didn't exactly look like a soldier to him. She might be a refugee of some sort, a resident of some war torn land. That would explain her familiarity with death, and such unfortunates were certainly willing to loot battlefields in order to survive. Still, such people weren't always quite so willing to make corpses themselves as she was.

That, of course, left the most likely possibility as her being an experienced "unprofessional" killer. Possibly herself a bandit of some sort. Aelfric didn't want to jump to conclusions, but he considered it his duty to keep his lands and the people living in them safe from any possible aggressors. Thus he leaned forward, and asked a bit more insistently, "Now, I've introduced myself. I think perhaps you should do the same."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

L decided it was time to step in. A conversation between a professional thief and a noble could only end so many ways, and very few of them were good. "Hi there." She said again, bringing herself up as much as she could. Unfortunately, without something to stand on that put her eye level with his stomach. "I'm L, and this is my friend Thea. Sorry for intruding on your land, it's so big we didn't think anyone would find us, so we thought we'd come take a look. Really it was my idea, I just convinced Thea to come along with me. We aren't gonna hurt anything, well," She glanced at the bandits, "Unless it tries to hurt us first."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Anthea looked up from her looting position, coin purse in hand. ‘Lucky’ She thought to herself as she counted thirty silver pieces, and a dozen or so gold coins. Anthea had a silvertongue when it came to lying, but she was fonder of telling the truth, just to see the looks on people’s faces. And her lies always sounded much more believable than the truth anyway.

“Exactly as Elle says.” She said smiling to Elle. Elle was adorable and the fluffy ears just made her all the more innocent looking. She had a face anyone would trust. So anytime Elle lied, or did anything that didn’t suit her appearance, Athena got a kick out of it. Not that she was going to start laughing out loud or anything, but her mood was spectacular for now.

“So much fun.” she mumbled to herself as she walked over to the horse and packed away the loot. Anthea decided today she would just wing it, and do as she pleases. This was always her favorite thing to do, though no preplanning usually ended in trouble, but great stories.

She looked Aelfric in the eye for the first time, smiled slyly at him, and then looked back to Elle. “Anyway Elle we should find a nice place away from the dead guys to set up camp. Oh and we must have breakfast as you were saying. You’re welcome to join us Aelfric.” She said purposely forgoing titles, wondering how the noble boy would react. She picked up Elle’s cooking pot, and checked for cracks, wonderfully enough there was none.

Breakfast sounded just fine to her, the fact that she just killed two men, and they were standing next to dead bodies, was not something that would ruin her appetite as it would most people. Rubetta the horse snickered lazily as she munched on a grassy patch.
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