Well it is done at last Skalla if you want to skim over it. Will finish history later. :K
LeeRoy said
He's not feral, but he's not a genius. I'd compare him to Forrest Gump.
GreivousKhan said
Can't believe Evvie is smarter then someone. D=
GreivousKhan said
She better kill Adinraen. :IEvvies to cute to be turned into a shrunken head.
Green said 10-tier system.
ImportantNobody said
It would just be a skull rather then a shrunken head. Not ugly, but not cute either.
Rilla said
He turns the heads into shrunken ones.
ImportantNobody said
But her normal sized head has better value even if you are trying to make a necklace.
MelonHead said
Khan, it confuses me that you think slicing and deflecting bullets in mid-air with a sword is Low Tier, but apart from that Mr.Skullface is cool. You really like your masks though don't you.
GreivousKhan said
Dammit I forgot to give him the heavy weight. >.>
Rilla said
I will only accept Gado.
GreivousKhan said
Depressing on the lack of swordsmen in this Omniverse.