”I have served the Order of The Light nigh on three decades now. I have followed my orders, performed my duties, and enacted upon The Maker’s will. I have purged many heretics and abominations in my time of service; witches, warlocks, demons, and shades. But now a greater evil approaches, one elder to The Order itself, of corrupted gods and the darkest of malices.
Far to the north, there are rumors of profane rituals and black magic. The Order of The Light has received word that a cult of black mages are attempting to open a Void gate. A portal into the Void; the realm of the corrupted gods, demons, and the damned. This cannot be. For if it should come true, all or our world will be destroyed. Such evil cannot be allowed to free roam.
Such a threat has not been faced in century now, long before my time. But we are the Paladins of The Light. It is our duty to defend mankind from heresy and the evils of the Void. We are vigilant, we are the protectors and crusaders of the righteous. When man faces peril, it is we that will guide the way.”
Far to the north, there are rumors of profane rituals and black magic. The Order of The Light has received word that a cult of black mages are attempting to open a Void gate. A portal into the Void; the realm of the corrupted gods, demons, and the damned. This cannot be. For if it should come true, all or our world will be destroyed. Such evil cannot be allowed to free roam.
Such a threat has not been faced in century now, long before my time. But we are the Paladins of The Light. It is our duty to defend mankind from heresy and the evils of the Void. We are vigilant, we are the protectors and crusaders of the righteous. When man faces peril, it is we that will guide the way.”

In the beginning, the cosmos gave birth to The Maker. He who took no name for Himself, but rather simply chose “The Maker” as his title. Born of the powers and energies of the universe. There was of course a time before The Maker’s time, but this time is not to be spoken of lightly nor in positivity. It was the time of the old gods, The Fallen Age. (The First Age to many, namely heretics and scholars who tend to fascinate themselves with the gods who became lost in darkness.)
The Maker first molded the earth. Our world and it’s plants and oceans and mountains and rivers. This was on the first day of creation. Then there was the second day; the beasts and fouls and serpents and colossals were forged on this day. And then on the third He would mold His lessers; the spirits, ethereals, and energies that governed and lorded the realms, elements, and possibilities of all.
And then, on the fourth day, The Maker would create his greatest of creations; man. Satisfied, The Maker would then forge the heavens, Absoloth, the realm of after life for the noblest, kindest, and most honorable of mankind. The land of green pastures, streams of honey, and trees of ambrosia, the holiest of fruits.
For over a thousand years now our Maker has guided, watched, and on occasion spoken to man. It was through His direction that man learned His laws and teachings, and that the four Prophets would spread the word of The Maker and write the most holy Mandatius.
He is a strong father, but a forgiving and loving one. But blasphemy and heresy are not His own, the heretic is not His child. Only the purest and warmest of souls may inherit His kingdom.

The Holy Word, the Great Utterance, the Testaments, the collected laws, wisdom, philosophy, commands, and promises of The Maker, passed on and recorded by the four prophets Azaiia, Caffia, Magus, and Erandur. Broken into four books, this text is the holy law and spoken word of The Maker, all he has to say to man to guide him and teach him. The first book was written several decades after the beginning days, when The Maker first showed Himself to the ox herder Azaiia. The last book was written around 410 1A, by the scribe Erandur who presented The Maker’s voice in the great city of Valoran in the old kingdom of Zaragoth.
Since then, the priesthood and the abbeys have taught and passed on The Maker’s word to all, spreading His truths and saving all of mankind from ignorance or worse; the Void.
Azaiia 1:30; For I Am The Maker, and My word and command is law. My wisdom true and My judgements absolute.
Azaiia 3:10; This is the first of ages. The past age is no more, and never was, erased by it's evil and blunder. I Am All, and I Am all that is and will be.
Azaiia 3:42; The blasphemous week out that which was but not is, those who came before. Do not seek them out. They are corrupt and evil, and only the corrupt and evil will consort with them. They who seek this evil will never be my child.
Azaiia 5:8; Knowledge is power. Power can corrupt.
Azaiia 8:1; I teach you now (Azaiia) of the tongue and it’s power. An utterance can uplift a heart or bring war and strife.
Azaiia 12:6; Greed is like a gnawing worm, it will wiggle through a man’s mind till finally he must act.
Caffia 10:19; You cannot finish thy work with your mind ramparting about.
Caffia 12:6; Man is as woman, and woman is as man. They walk stride in one.
Caffia 16:3; Here Me when I say though will have no false gods. I Am. I Am the only that is.
Caffia 20:12; Power is wisdom, but do not drink of too much power, lest you become drunken. Some knowledge is forbidden.
Magus 4:10; And The Maker broke the fortunes of the evil kings, for they were cruel and wicked. The greater of men conquered and slew them.
Magus 8:4; He that kills by war, may well die by war.
Magus 10:13; Magic’s are of the forbidden knowledge, tamper not with them.
Magus 14:31; And The Maker told me that in the end of every cycle, only the life after death is all that will be absolute.
Magus 31:5; When a king kills of jealousy, anger, or greed, he is evil, I (Magus) say.
Erandur 16:8; Make no mistake, the evil ones, the lost and the demonic will besiege My world.
The old gods were the ethereal rulers of all before the energies of the universe birthed The Maker. They were six in total. They lived together in unity in the heavens, in a beautiful realm of their own design. However, this would all eventually come to fall.
Though so little about this pre-earth age is known, The Maker Himself told the four prophets that the old gods had become corrupted by evil. Their lush realm of wonder crumbled away and all the spirits and minor godlings who served them became corrupted by this evil that twisted the old gods and blighted them forever. The gods then went their own ways, forging their own plains and realms in a twisted multiverse dubbed “the Void”.
The Void is composed of four different realms; Furos, Althropus, Dementia, Deptius, and Kyravios. The realms of anguish, sorrow and hopelessness, madness, and oblivion and black depths.
This hellish universe is ruled over by the six old gods, their names long forgotten, and governed by archdemons and black knights. The souls of dead mortals are cast here in eternal punishment. The evil, the murderers, rapists, thieves, betrayers, greedy, and blasphemous. Which realm these souls are cast into is decided by the corrupt gods themselves. The Maker has spoken of wars never witnessed by man fought between Void realms over rights of souls.
Though so little about this pre-earth age is known, The Maker Himself told the four prophets that the old gods had become corrupted by evil. Their lush realm of wonder crumbled away and all the spirits and minor godlings who served them became corrupted by this evil that twisted the old gods and blighted them forever. The gods then went their own ways, forging their own plains and realms in a twisted multiverse dubbed “the Void”.
The Void is composed of four different realms; Furos, Althropus, Dementia, Deptius, and Kyravios. The realms of anguish, sorrow and hopelessness, madness, and oblivion and black depths.
This hellish universe is ruled over by the six old gods, their names long forgotten, and governed by archdemons and black knights. The souls of dead mortals are cast here in eternal punishment. The evil, the murderers, rapists, thieves, betrayers, greedy, and blasphemous. Which realm these souls are cast into is decided by the corrupt gods themselves. The Maker has spoken of wars never witnessed by man fought between Void realms over rights of souls.

Furos, the Void Realm of punishment, agony, eternal suffering and enslavement, and torture. It is the second largest of the Void Realms, the first being Deptius. Furos is a realm of volcanos, rivers of fire, hellish demons, and the never ending screams of millions of tormented souls. This realm is the home of what was once the king of the old gods and his wife. Furos is broken into seven thousand different plains which are ruled over by hundreds of archdemons.

Althropus is the realm of sorrow, hopelessness, broken dreams, and empty promises. A realm of eternal spiritual and mental torture and degradation. Unlike the vicious fighter beasts and demons of Furo, the abominations of Althropus are more magical. Many demons of Althropus pleasure in using illusions and blood magics to taunt, torment, and demoralize souls trapped here while feeding on their sorrow. It is the smallest of the four realms, made up of only two thousand plains with precisely eight archdemons. It is home to the old god of hope, mercy, and oaths.

Forged by the fallen earth god, this is the wide spanning realm of madness, dark illusions, trickery, and nightmares. Dementia is a realm of four thousand plains divided among hundreds and hundreds of archdemons. This is the realm of the whispering ghosts that aren’t there, the snake demon that minutes ago was your own child, and the jester and the spider sharing stories over entrail stew. Dementia is a cold realm of illusions, sick and twisted fantasies and realities, and where only the most insane falsehood is truth.

The largest yet “simplest” of the Void Realms. Forged by the old sea god and his wife after their corruption, Deptius is a massive underwater realm of blackness and oblivion. Filled with terrifying sea monsters, this realm is the largest of all the Void Realms. Devoid of demons and spirits, it is home to only the corrupted sea god, his wife, and his “pets”. And the hundreds of thousands of souls trapped within the bellies of these beasts, only to be regurgitated or defecated and devoured again and again for all eternity.

Furos, the Void Realm of punishment, agony, eternal suffering and enslavement, and torture. It is the second largest of the Void Realms, the first being Deptius. Furos is a realm of volcanos, rivers of fire, hellish demons, and the never ending screams of millions of tormented souls. This realm is the home of what was once the king of the old gods and his wife. Furos is broken into seven thousand different plains which are ruled over by hundreds of archdemons.

Althropus is the realm of sorrow, hopelessness, broken dreams, and empty promises. A realm of eternal spiritual and mental torture and degradation. Unlike the vicious fighter beasts and demons of Furo, the abominations of Althropus are more magical. Many demons of Althropus pleasure in using illusions and blood magics to taunt, torment, and demoralize souls trapped here while feeding on their sorrow. It is the smallest of the four realms, made up of only two thousand plains with precisely eight archdemons. It is home to the old god of hope, mercy, and oaths.

Forged by the fallen earth god, this is the wide spanning realm of madness, dark illusions, trickery, and nightmares. Dementia is a realm of four thousand plains divided among hundreds and hundreds of archdemons. This is the realm of the whispering ghosts that aren’t there, the snake demon that minutes ago was your own child, and the jester and the spider sharing stories over entrail stew. Dementia is a cold realm of illusions, sick and twisted fantasies and realities, and where only the most insane falsehood is truth.

The largest yet “simplest” of the Void Realms. Forged by the old sea god and his wife after their corruption, Deptius is a massive underwater realm of blackness and oblivion. Filled with terrifying sea monsters, this realm is the largest of all the Void Realms. Devoid of demons and spirits, it is home to only the corrupted sea god, his wife, and his “pets”. And the hundreds of thousands of souls trapped within the bellies of these beasts, only to be regurgitated or defecated and devoured again and again for all eternity.
The beasts or “abominations” of the Void are broken into three different classes; lesser demons, greater demons, and archdemons. Lesser demons are vast in number and are highly expendable. They usually have little power and magical ability, and generally act as lackeys or cannon fodder for greater demons and archdemons. Greater demons rule over a single plain. All within their plain is theirs to shape, twist, and toy with. Greater demons answer only to archdemons, who act as lords or governance over clusters or collectives of plains.
Archdemons themselves are very unique. They come in many shapes, forms, and with varieties of power and ability. Archdemons have been known to war amongst themselves over rights to souls and over plains. Aside from the corrupted gods themselves, archdemons are the most powerful beings of the Void.

Lesser demons, Marlocks are the bound servants of the Void. Numbering in the hundreds of thousands, these vicious creatures are seen as expendable in the eyes of the greater demons and certainly the archdemons. When not used as guardians or administers of punishment to mortals, these beasts are used as the bulk of numbers in demonic armies. Marlocks have no magical ability, and rely solely on weapons and their brute strength.

Unique to the realm of Furos, these lesser demons are hellish canines that can literally erupt in flame. They are used as war dogs by the Marlocks, and many greater demons keep packs of these beasts as guardians or companions.

Lesser demons of Dementia and Althropus, these hag ravens feast upon raw flesh and delight in the tormenting of mortal souls trapped in their home plains. Harpies, while not at all magical, are very lethal. Their sharp fangs and razor talons are deadly and painful to the flesh and bone. Sadistic in nature, harpies will screech and chatter in delight as they pick and rake at their prey, slowing debilitating them and then painfully devouring them.

Lesser demons of Furos, Asgards lead the hordes of Furos’ Marlocks. Standing seven feet tall and brutishly strong, Asgards are formidable foes to be faced. While not magical themselves, Asgards often carry enchanted weapons, usually enchanted by fire. As Asgards are only native to Furos, the Marlock masses in the other Void Realms are mastered by other demons.

A greater demon. The seductress she-demons that play upon mortal men’s most lustful and romantic fantasies, many scores of men have been lost to the Void at the hands of a succubus.
On the usual, succubi visit men in the night in their dreams, or if summoned will play mercy at the hands of their summoner. Having a soft touch, succubi use charm and illusion magics to bewitch and seduce their prey. Many plains across the Void Realms are ruled by these demons, as they can be found all across the Void.
In battle succubi use their charm magics to entrance their foe, rendering them paralyzed or even turning them against their own allies. Paladin squires are rigorously drilled to resist the type of charm magics used by succubi and other demons of their sort.

Greater demons of immense magical power. Shades are sadistic and cruel spirits that delight in violence, agony, and the torment of mortals. Shades typical are masters of destructive and summoning magics. Fire, frost, and lightning all are in their arsenal of destructive powers. And they are capable of directly summoning lesser demons such as Marlocks, Asgards, and Hellhounds, albeit it one at a time and with a noticeable taxation on their immediate magic reserves. Necromancy is also a prominent ability amongst shades.
In the mortal world, a Shades’ power is diminished, though not dramatically so. Shades powers are on par with the demonic succubi, and most Shades have total dominance over their plains and minions.

Brutish yet intelligent, Tauruses are greater demons of Furos and Dementia. They rule over their plains with a bloodlust and thirst for war. A common sight across the plains of the Void is to witnessing a roaring Taurus leading a charge of Marlocks and hellhounds against a rival demon. Though not magical themselves, Tauruses make use of magic weapons and enchanted armor and relics. Towering at ten feet by mortal basis, Tauruses are dangerous monsters to face and should not be fought single-handed. Even by a Paladin.

Straight from a priests nightmare, these insidious fire breathing lesser demons are native only to Furos. They are fast, strong, and can release a torrent of flame rival to a young dragons. These monsters are used as torturers and punishers in Furos, and as reavers on the battlefield. None to be taken lightly, these dangerous demons are only to be engaged by only the most elite fighter.

Lesser demons, Gargons are distantly connected to harpies. Though they are far more intelligent. They like Furies are used typically as toturers though they can be find throughout the Void. They are sadistic and cruel, and tend to taunt and “pick at” their prey when it is in a helpless state.
Archdemons themselves are very unique. They come in many shapes, forms, and with varieties of power and ability. Archdemons have been known to war amongst themselves over rights to souls and over plains. Aside from the corrupted gods themselves, archdemons are the most powerful beings of the Void.

Lesser demons, Marlocks are the bound servants of the Void. Numbering in the hundreds of thousands, these vicious creatures are seen as expendable in the eyes of the greater demons and certainly the archdemons. When not used as guardians or administers of punishment to mortals, these beasts are used as the bulk of numbers in demonic armies. Marlocks have no magical ability, and rely solely on weapons and their brute strength.

Unique to the realm of Furos, these lesser demons are hellish canines that can literally erupt in flame. They are used as war dogs by the Marlocks, and many greater demons keep packs of these beasts as guardians or companions.

Lesser demons of Dementia and Althropus, these hag ravens feast upon raw flesh and delight in the tormenting of mortal souls trapped in their home plains. Harpies, while not at all magical, are very lethal. Their sharp fangs and razor talons are deadly and painful to the flesh and bone. Sadistic in nature, harpies will screech and chatter in delight as they pick and rake at their prey, slowing debilitating them and then painfully devouring them.

Lesser demons of Furos, Asgards lead the hordes of Furos’ Marlocks. Standing seven feet tall and brutishly strong, Asgards are formidable foes to be faced. While not magical themselves, Asgards often carry enchanted weapons, usually enchanted by fire. As Asgards are only native to Furos, the Marlock masses in the other Void Realms are mastered by other demons.

A greater demon. The seductress she-demons that play upon mortal men’s most lustful and romantic fantasies, many scores of men have been lost to the Void at the hands of a succubus.
On the usual, succubi visit men in the night in their dreams, or if summoned will play mercy at the hands of their summoner. Having a soft touch, succubi use charm and illusion magics to bewitch and seduce their prey. Many plains across the Void Realms are ruled by these demons, as they can be found all across the Void.
In battle succubi use their charm magics to entrance their foe, rendering them paralyzed or even turning them against their own allies. Paladin squires are rigorously drilled to resist the type of charm magics used by succubi and other demons of their sort.

Greater demons of immense magical power. Shades are sadistic and cruel spirits that delight in violence, agony, and the torment of mortals. Shades typical are masters of destructive and summoning magics. Fire, frost, and lightning all are in their arsenal of destructive powers. And they are capable of directly summoning lesser demons such as Marlocks, Asgards, and Hellhounds, albeit it one at a time and with a noticeable taxation on their immediate magic reserves. Necromancy is also a prominent ability amongst shades.
In the mortal world, a Shades’ power is diminished, though not dramatically so. Shades powers are on par with the demonic succubi, and most Shades have total dominance over their plains and minions.

Brutish yet intelligent, Tauruses are greater demons of Furos and Dementia. They rule over their plains with a bloodlust and thirst for war. A common sight across the plains of the Void is to witnessing a roaring Taurus leading a charge of Marlocks and hellhounds against a rival demon. Though not magical themselves, Tauruses make use of magic weapons and enchanted armor and relics. Towering at ten feet by mortal basis, Tauruses are dangerous monsters to face and should not be fought single-handed. Even by a Paladin.

Straight from a priests nightmare, these insidious fire breathing lesser demons are native only to Furos. They are fast, strong, and can release a torrent of flame rival to a young dragons. These monsters are used as torturers and punishers in Furos, and as reavers on the battlefield. None to be taken lightly, these dangerous demons are only to be engaged by only the most elite fighter.

Lesser demons, Gargons are distantly connected to harpies. Though they are far more intelligent. They like Furies are used typically as toturers though they can be find throughout the Void. They are sadistic and cruel, and tend to taunt and “pick at” their prey when it is in a helpless state.
It was in the ninth century that the demons of the Void would first invade the mortal world. The Archmage Gazzen and a coven of blood mages would pool their power and open a Void Gate. A portal that connects the mortal world to the Void. A single portal however can only be linked to a single realm, and in truth only a single plain of that particular realm. However, Gazzen and the mages toiled for weeks, opening portals all across the Void in many different plains. Releasing a horde of demons greater and lesser, as well as several archdemons.
However the long process was taxing and harsh, and by the time Gazzen was satisfied, all of the coven were killed from the strain. Only he remained. He pledged himself to the demons and while the horde massed it’s strength, he began recruiting followers, forming a cult. From the first day the horde marched mankind seemed doomed. Thousands and thousands died or were tainted and enslaved by the demons and many cities and towns were destroyed. The Kingdoms of Aulea and Thaelion both fell quickly and soon after so did Narthia.
In a desperate last stand, a massive combined force of knights, free blades, and the scattered remnants of defeated armies came together, backed by armies from Tavigia, Falean, and Orlanda. In a mighty battle still told of today, these brave men fought the demon horde and destroyed the archdemons and their underlings. What of the lesser demons remained were hunted down over months and destroyed. The Void Children, Archmage Gazzens’ demon cult, was also hunted down and destroyed. Gazzen himself was cut down in battle, his body burned and mutilated.
After the threat was over, the beleaguered survivors of the final battle came together and founded the Order of The Light. An order of crusaders to defend man against the dangers of the Void and of heresy and dark magics.
The Order of The Light was initially centered in a single headquarters on the large island of Argane off the coast of Konstanium. As the years passed The Order grew in leaps and bounds as the fight against heresy, black magics, and witchcraft grew. The Order purchased land rights from Konstanium on the mainland to build additional facilities and training grounds as well as shipyards along the coast. Farmers and craftsmen journeyed to the growing “state” for work.
Soon The Order has established itself as its own entity and, with the blessing of Emperor Tyraz of Konstanium, the crusader state of Arganium was founded, heavily supported by the Konstanium Imperium. Officially named as the Holy Theocratic State of Arganium, or simply the Holy State of Arganium.
It was roughly around the year nine hundred and thirty that a new threat would arise. A coven of witches had opened a Void Gate into the realm of Furos, directly into the residual plain of the powerful archdemon Malag Bale. Bale commanded a powerful legion of many demons, and after slaughtering the witches and devouring their souls, his demonic legion marched across Konstanium, slaughtering thousands and ravaging the Imperium.
The Paladins of Arganium lead the charge against Bale’s horde, and halted them at the city Sibale. After four separate battles within six days, the horde was broken and Bale’s physical form was destroyed and he was forced to flee back to Furos. It took Konstanium decades to truly recover and be rid of Bale’s stain on the Imperium.
In the year one thousand and eight, First Age, a group of priests visiting the Konstanium capital of Asorian were caught dabbling in forbidden magics and possessing powerful runes with Void symbols carved into them. The priests fled far to the north, into Nortland, and a company of Paladins from Arganium gave chase all the way.
The priests were found in the mountains of Nortland, interrupted by the Paladins amidst a powerful conjuring ritual. They were preparing to directly summon an archdemon from Furos.
The seven heretic priests attempted to use blood magic against the Paladins but were struck down with little effort and the ritual location was sanctified by the Paladins.
However, when the Paladins returned to Arganium, they found the island headquarters besieged. Tannon, head of the temple arcaneum, had been in league with the heretics who fled. While they fled, he remained and opened a gate to Dementia, releasing demons of madness and confusion into the citadel. Most of the senior Paladins had been killed, and many of the squires and Order knights and sergeants had been bewitched or charmed.
Retreating to the mainland, the single company of Paladins along with a handful of squires, priests, and knights regrouped. They sent a missive for help and within several days a massive Imperial army lead by General Theodas the Fist arrived. For fifteen days the island was besieged, many failed assaults were launched before a beachhead was established. By this time, nearly half of Theodas’ army was dead. He sent a call for reinforcements but at the Paladins insistence ordered an immediate assault against the Orders’ citadel. The fighting lasted into the long hours of the night, the citadel was overrun by demons and undead raised by Tannon and his shade minions.
By the high point of the battle, a fifth of the Imperial army remained. Theodas has been killed by a surprise attack outside the walls, and most of the Order knights had been killed. Only four Paladins remained. The four confronted Tannon, who wielded numerous black magic relics stolen from the arcaneum. Tannon was ultimately defeated, but two of the remaining Paladins were killed.
After the Void Gates were collapsed and the island purged, the two Paladins, Jharek and Leonidas, had the entire citadel sanctified, and all its texts and artifacts destroyed. The citadel then was collapsed and surrounded by protective wards laid by the surviving priests.
Arganium as a state was ultimately liquidated, and its lands returned to Konstanium. Jharek and Leonidas journeyed across the realms, gathering the priests and Paladins of The Order who were away during the crisis.
By the year 1030, The Order of The Light had been completely rebuilt. A new headquarters was established in Asorian, and “chapter houses” were erected across the many kingdoms and lands. The Tannon Heresy has reshaped The Order forever. No longer would it remain only in a single isolated location. The Order would have eyes and ears everywhere. And no heretic not demon would escape The Orders’ wrathful justice.
It was in the ninth century that the demons of the Void would first invade the mortal world. The Archmage Gazzen and a coven of blood mages would pool their power and open a Void Gate. A portal that connects the mortal world to the Void. A single portal however can only be linked to a single realm, and in truth only a single plain of that particular realm. However, Gazzen and the mages toiled for weeks, opening portals all across the Void in many different plains. Releasing a horde of demons greater and lesser, as well as several archdemons.
However the long process was taxing and harsh, and by the time Gazzen was satisfied, all of the coven were killed from the strain. Only he remained. He pledged himself to the demons and while the horde massed it’s strength, he began recruiting followers, forming a cult. From the first day the horde marched mankind seemed doomed. Thousands and thousands died or were tainted and enslaved by the demons and many cities and towns were destroyed. The Kingdoms of Aulea and Thaelion both fell quickly and soon after so did Narthia.
In a desperate last stand, a massive combined force of knights, free blades, and the scattered remnants of defeated armies came together, backed by armies from Tavigia, Falean, and Orlanda. In a mighty battle still told of today, these brave men fought the demon horde and destroyed the archdemons and their underlings. What of the lesser demons remained were hunted down over months and destroyed. The Void Children, Archmage Gazzens’ demon cult, was also hunted down and destroyed. Gazzen himself was cut down in battle, his body burned and mutilated.
After the threat was over, the beleaguered survivors of the final battle came together and founded the Order of The Light. An order of crusaders to defend man against the dangers of the Void and of heresy and dark magics.
The Order of The Light was initially centered in a single headquarters on the large island of Argane off the coast of Konstanium. As the years passed The Order grew in leaps and bounds as the fight against heresy, black magics, and witchcraft grew. The Order purchased land rights from Konstanium on the mainland to build additional facilities and training grounds as well as shipyards along the coast. Farmers and craftsmen journeyed to the growing “state” for work.
Soon The Order has established itself as its own entity and, with the blessing of Emperor Tyraz of Konstanium, the crusader state of Arganium was founded, heavily supported by the Konstanium Imperium. Officially named as the Holy Theocratic State of Arganium, or simply the Holy State of Arganium.
It was roughly around the year nine hundred and thirty that a new threat would arise. A coven of witches had opened a Void Gate into the realm of Furos, directly into the residual plain of the powerful archdemon Malag Bale. Bale commanded a powerful legion of many demons, and after slaughtering the witches and devouring their souls, his demonic legion marched across Konstanium, slaughtering thousands and ravaging the Imperium.
The Paladins of Arganium lead the charge against Bale’s horde, and halted them at the city Sibale. After four separate battles within six days, the horde was broken and Bale’s physical form was destroyed and he was forced to flee back to Furos. It took Konstanium decades to truly recover and be rid of Bale’s stain on the Imperium.
In the year one thousand and eight, First Age, a group of priests visiting the Konstanium capital of Asorian were caught dabbling in forbidden magics and possessing powerful runes with Void symbols carved into them. The priests fled far to the north, into Nortland, and a company of Paladins from Arganium gave chase all the way.
The priests were found in the mountains of Nortland, interrupted by the Paladins amidst a powerful conjuring ritual. They were preparing to directly summon an archdemon from Furos.
The seven heretic priests attempted to use blood magic against the Paladins but were struck down with little effort and the ritual location was sanctified by the Paladins.
However, when the Paladins returned to Arganium, they found the island headquarters besieged. Tannon, head of the temple arcaneum, had been in league with the heretics who fled. While they fled, he remained and opened a gate to Dementia, releasing demons of madness and confusion into the citadel. Most of the senior Paladins had been killed, and many of the squires and Order knights and sergeants had been bewitched or charmed.
Retreating to the mainland, the single company of Paladins along with a handful of squires, priests, and knights regrouped. They sent a missive for help and within several days a massive Imperial army lead by General Theodas the Fist arrived. For fifteen days the island was besieged, many failed assaults were launched before a beachhead was established. By this time, nearly half of Theodas’ army was dead. He sent a call for reinforcements but at the Paladins insistence ordered an immediate assault against the Orders’ citadel. The fighting lasted into the long hours of the night, the citadel was overrun by demons and undead raised by Tannon and his shade minions.
By the high point of the battle, a fifth of the Imperial army remained. Theodas has been killed by a surprise attack outside the walls, and most of the Order knights had been killed. Only four Paladins remained. The four confronted Tannon, who wielded numerous black magic relics stolen from the arcaneum. Tannon was ultimately defeated, but two of the remaining Paladins were killed.
After the Void Gates were collapsed and the island purged, the two Paladins, Jharek and Leonidas, had the entire citadel sanctified, and all its texts and artifacts destroyed. The citadel then was collapsed and surrounded by protective wards laid by the surviving priests.
Arganium as a state was ultimately liquidated, and its lands returned to Konstanium. Jharek and Leonidas journeyed across the realms, gathering the priests and Paladins of The Order who were away during the crisis.
By the year 1030, The Order of The Light had been completely rebuilt. A new headquarters was established in Asorian, and “chapter houses” were erected across the many kingdoms and lands. The Tannon Heresy has reshaped The Order forever. No longer would it remain only in a single isolated location. The Order would have eyes and ears everywhere. And no heretic not demon would escape The Orders’ wrathful justice.

Paladins of Light as they are formally called are the holiest of crusaders and protectors of The Makers’ Word, as well as the scourge of heresy and falsehood. Trained in a variety of combat tactics and basic magics, Paladins are elite fighters as well as healers and guardians on the battlefield. Fanatically loyal to the priesthood and the word of the Mandatium, Paladins are sworn to strictly fight heresy and enemies of The Maker’s Word and law.
Witches, warlocks, demons, shades, blood mages, necromancers and the lot are all their sworn enemy. They are taught that mercy is only for The Maker’s followers and that no heretic nor demon nor apostate will be spared. They are not to stay their hand.
To become a Paladin of Light, one must seek out the nearest Order of The Light chapter house. After speaking to the potential recruit and judging their soul and heart, the Chapter Keepers assign the Paladin a series of tests, called The Trials of Devotion. These trials consist of fasting, praying for four days and four nights without hesitation nor cease, and pilgrimages to holy sites across the land. Places such as the tomb of Azaiia, Erandurs’ Rest, the Rock of Pentance, and the grand cathedral of Konstanium.
After passing these trials, the Paladin is to then take an oath of fealty to The Order and swear off their past life. Then, this recruit is apprenticed to a senior Paladin for one year. In this year, they are trained in a variety of weapons from short swords to war hammers. The priests teach them healing spells, ward and rune magic, and they are trained to perfect their willpower and mental fortitude.

During this one year period, the recruit is known as a squire. At the end of the year of tutelage, the Paladin is to undergo “graduation trials”. These range from dueling a senior Paladin, defeating lesser demons or abominations conjured in a controlled state, and defending from magic and mental attacks from the priests.
Alenius, a secluded and divided region to the northwest of the Konstanium Imperium and directly west of Nortland. The Order of The Light has received a message from the priests of Yureth Chapel, a small mission northeast of Castle Draydon. A cult of blood mages have opened a Void Gate in the baren Ashlands to the north. These mages are lead by none other than the dreaded Warlock Anthos. A heretic The Order have been hunting for years now, responsible for opening Void Gates in Konstanium and inciting unrest among the wizards of Nortland.
The priests gave very little in their letter, but insisted The Order act immediately and come to Alenius, saying the safety of all the land is at stake. Knowing better than to dismiss such a potential threat, a company of Paladins have been dispatched directly from The Order headquarters in Asorian. Their mission is simple; to investigate and send immediate word back to Asorian. Then, if necessary, act immediately before Anthos and his blood mages can open the Void Gates.
OOC~Naturally Anthos and his mages have already opened multiple Gates into the Void, and even now a horde of demons and Void creatures is amassing along the base of the mountains, readying to march soon and reap savagery and literal hell across the unsuspecting land. The Paladins and champions of Alenius will have to come together, to unite and fight this evil before all is lost.
Many demons have broken from the horde and are already stalking across the land. Champions, this is where you’ll be needed. Currently anyhow.
The priests gave very little in their letter, but insisted The Order act immediately and come to Alenius, saying the safety of all the land is at stake. Knowing better than to dismiss such a potential threat, a company of Paladins have been dispatched directly from The Order headquarters in Asorian. Their mission is simple; to investigate and send immediate word back to Asorian. Then, if necessary, act immediately before Anthos and his blood mages can open the Void Gates.
OOC~Naturally Anthos and his mages have already opened multiple Gates into the Void, and even now a horde of demons and Void creatures is amassing along the base of the mountains, readying to march soon and reap savagery and literal hell across the unsuspecting land. The Paladins and champions of Alenius will have to come together, to unite and fight this evil before all is lost.
Many demons have broken from the horde and are already stalking across the land. Champions, this is where you’ll be needed. Currently anyhow.

Red-Earldom of Draydon
Blue-Duchy of Valanor

Red-Earldom of Draydon
Blue-Duchy of Valanor
•Character Full Name:
•Age: (21-45 y/o)
•Gender: (Male or Female)
•Height: (5’8”-6’4”)
•Title/Seniority: (Paladin, Senior Paladin, or Inquisitor)
•Appearance: (Linked or uploaded image preferably of animation/artwork/sketchwork. NOT ANIME.) (Please endure character appearance is similar to the armored juggernauts you see in the “Paladins” tab.
•Personality Description: (One or two paragraphs.)
•Short Biography: (Two to five paragraphs.) (The life you left behind, your experiences during your time as a squire, the threats you’ve faced as a Paladin of The Light.)
•Primary Armament/Weapon: (Paladins typical use broadswords, longswords, shortswords, hand axes, maces, battle axes, that sort. Rarely will you see a Paladin wielding a flimsy iron dragger.)
(Enchanted weapons ARE ACCEPTABLE.)
•Secondary Armament: (Optional)
•Shield?: (If your character does not use a shield put NA.)
•Magic Spells: (Four to eight.) (Only ward, healing, countering, and defensive magics. Think along the lines of healing spells, defensive wards, magic absorption, magic draining, disarming wards or charms, creating or disarming magic barriers, that sort.)
•Age: (21-45 y/o)
•Gender: (Male or Female)
•Height: (5’8”-6’4”)
•Title/Seniority: (Paladin, Senior Paladin, or Inquisitor)
•Appearance: (Linked or uploaded image preferably of animation/artwork/sketchwork. NOT ANIME.) (Please endure character appearance is similar to the armored juggernauts you see in the “Paladins” tab.
•Personality Description: (One or two paragraphs.)
•Short Biography: (Two to five paragraphs.) (The life you left behind, your experiences during your time as a squire, the threats you’ve faced as a Paladin of The Light.)
•Primary Armament/Weapon: (Paladins typical use broadswords, longswords, shortswords, hand axes, maces, battle axes, that sort. Rarely will you see a Paladin wielding a flimsy iron dragger.)
(Enchanted weapons ARE ACCEPTABLE.)
•Secondary Armament: (Optional)
•Shield?: (If your character does not use a shield put NA.)
•Magic Spells: (Four to eight.) (Only ward, healing, countering, and defensive magics. Think along the lines of healing spells, defensive wards, magic absorption, magic draining, disarming wards or charms, creating or disarming magic barriers, that sort.)
Not all heroes are those of legend. This application is for players who would rather create a hero local to the region and avoid the whole “holy crusader” storyline.
•Character Full Name:
•Age: (19-45 y/o)
•Gender: (Male or Female)
•Height: (5’8”-6’4”)
•Class: (Warrior, Barbarian, Ranger, or Rogue)
•Appearance: (Linked or uploaded image preferably of animation/artwork/sketchwork. NOT ANIME.)
•Personality Description: (One or two paragraphs.)
•Short Biography: (Two to five paragraphs.)
•Primary Armament/Weapon:
•Secondary Armament: (Optional)
•Shield?: (If your character does not use a shield put NA.)
•Character Full Name:
•Age: (19-45 y/o)
•Gender: (Male or Female)
•Height: (5’8”-6’4”)
•Class: (Warrior, Barbarian, Ranger, or Rogue)
•Appearance: (Linked or uploaded image preferably of animation/artwork/sketchwork. NOT ANIME.)
•Personality Description: (One or two paragraphs.)
•Short Biography: (Two to five paragraphs.)
•Primary Armament/Weapon:
•Secondary Armament: (Optional)
•Shield?: (If your character does not use a shield put NA.)
•Demon Name: (Examples: Xabarax, Veerana, Kazynth, Abarath, Yavaloth, etc.)
•Realm: (Which Void Realm do you hail from?)
•Archdemon or Greater Demon?:
•Demon Race: (ONLY APPLICABLE TO GREATER DEMONS) (Choose from the list provided.)
•Demon Appearance: (If you choose a greater demon, make sure your image is relatable to lore. Make sure your picture is similar to the one from the above description.)
•Demon Description/Backstory: (Personality, enjoyments, plains you control, reasons for invading the mortal world, etc.)
•Legion of Minions: (How many demons lesser than you do you command? These numbers will effectively serve as your army during the coming conquest.) (Greater Demons: 10-200) (Archdemons: 1000-3000) (Be as specific as you want.)