How long do you usually write?
One paragraph or less
One to two paragraphs
Several paragraphs
Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.?
Is grammar and depth of writing important to you?
Ah, si.
Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?
The fun ones?
Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague?
Emo moody fuckers.
Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character?
Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character?
To enable Corellia RP and technology/ship procurement for others.
One paragraph or less
One to two paragraphs
Several paragraphs
Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.?
Is grammar and depth of writing important to you?
Ah, si.
Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?
The fun ones?
Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague?
Emo moody fuckers.
Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character?
Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character?
To enable Corellia RP and technology/ship procurement for others.
Name: Veralai Brax
Species: Corellian
Homeworld: Corellia
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Specialization: Technological savant
Employer: Corellia Engineering Corporation
Current locaiton: Shipyards above Corellia
Species: Corellian
Homeworld: Corellia
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Specialization: Technological savant
Employer: Corellia Engineering Corporation
Current locaiton: Shipyards above Corellia
Short description of the corporate employee.
Under the surface of Corellian technopunk is a pretty face with long hair of ever-changing color. Tall enough at 5'6 and athletic enough, at least she tries to work out. She is always casual or street, even when she's talking to the loftiest self-important asshats in the Galaxy.
Simplified report on known skills and estimated levels.
Vera is a technological savant with few equals. It's not her only form of genius, either: she has proven herself as the CEO of CEC to be observant to scary degrees, and capable of long term and short term planning with the best of them, to say nothing of her ability to re-organize CEC on the fly several times to adjust to the changing galactic situation. As good with operating systems as she is laser welders and engine assemblies.
Quick report on political influence, associates and rivals.
Her political influence on Corellia is immeasurable. As the daughter of the former COO of CEC she has known CEC and Corellia as long as she's been alive, and Corellia and CEC have had plenty of time to get to know her and consider her their own at every level of society and business.
Report on role, specialization and responsibilities pertaining to the subject’s position.
Corellia rests in Vera's hands. When the Empire and Republic played at war Vera did nothing but prepare Corellia for the possibility that they were next. The shipyards around the planet are the key; any force that attempts to enter without permission will not survive, and any force that is fine with just the planet surface is under constant threat and watch if she decides you aren't someone they want to be friendly with. There is no plan to deal with her, without the shipyards and the savant leading it then Corellia doesn't have even half it's value. While some Sith have been smug enough to suggest that's a liability, not an advantage, none have been stupid enough to call Vera's bluff. Because she doesn't bluff. While most on Corellia see this as heroic, there's no denying it also personally benefits her.
Psychological evaluation of candidate.
Flippant, egotistical, funny, and underneath it all deeply protective and caring of what and who she loves. Though Veralai has no more living relatives she still sees all of CEC and Corellia by extension as part of her family. Utterly single-minded when it comes to research and design, yet she still knows the name of even the janitors down the hall and what the last vacation he went on was. She is constantly eschewing limelight and luxury for being down on the shipyard floor and Maintenance Control offices with front line supervisors and worker teams. It might be easy for the every day Corellian to feel that she is just another techhead; but it isn't true. There are few minds like her's in the entire galaxy, and it's said most organizations either consider her a high value target for recruitment, or an asset worth the life of several strike teams for.
List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.
She's a jerk. It's hard to get personally close to Vera, and harder still to become her friend. it's impossible to get her to love.
What? Her brilliant mind is hyperactive, and as such, good fucking luck ever keeping her attention. Even when you think you have her full attention, odds are you have maybe 10 percent of her full attention.
Stubborn. You can threaten her and her planet with a full war fleet, she's going to tell you strap in and bring it, bitch.
Major achievements and failures on record.
Designed the fastest hyperspace engine in production.
Took over the Head of R&D at CEC by the age 21. Became the CEO of CEC by age 24.
One of the most advanced technological minds in the Galaxy.
Personal biography, as detailed by the subject for use in republic archives. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note. Some details may be used for training purposes.
The little bitch. Before I knew it she had the entire Board behind her, sheep eager to follow whoever they think would lead them to the biggest payday to line their pockets with. She changed all the holonet terminals, it's safe to say she has the entire network in the palm of her hand. Not just for the company, but for the planet. Encryption seems to be something to yawn at for her. How is that fair? Her father was at least a company man that acted with dignity and respect before his untimely death. What kind of woman did he marry to have a child like this? She's sarcastic, arrogant, and dismissive.
In other words, she's a genius.
She always was, from the days her father brought her to the shipyards to let her see it, she was always asking questions of the man. Endless, endless questions to him, to the engineers, to the laborers, to the janitor down the damn hall. She didn't even go to school, she was privately tutored. Her father tried to get her to socialize, but she wasn't having it, always and forever in his workshop that quickly became apparent to all was now her workshop. She was ripping droids apart and modifying them before the age of eight. By the time she was ten she was rebuilding engines for fun.
Her Holonet program for encryption/decryption messaging became the default for anyone around the Galaxy, not just Corellians. She wrote the base code at twelve. When she was a teenager she went crazy, starting doing drugs, partying, hanging out on the streets with the kind of people that only got themselves or you killed on Corellia. It's hard to say when she grew up, because of these years so many people didn't take her seriously until it was far too late. She went from a designer on the shipyards to Head of R & D because the former Head of R & D was not only so impressed by her technical brilliance, but by the child herself.
She always tends to befriend the lower end of the spectrum Corellians, and does little more than placate the high end Corellian executives and crime bosses. She seems to know both in equal amounts. She hasn't known much of the Great War, but it's always been an obsession of her's from what corporate spies and profilers like to say about her. The Corellian Defense Fleet is an impressive thing, especially with her brain power behind it.
She seems to have no interest in helping Empire or Republic, Sith or Jedi. What her goals are, from what I've heard from my former executive colleagues, is to keep the shipyards in CEC control and Corellia in the hands of Corellians, not just a Republic or an Empire. If independence is really her goal? I wouldn't mind it, not at all. Hell I could even find it within myself to go back to work for her.
...scrub that last part, droid. In fact delete the entire log.
- Arteras Vasner, former CFO for CEC