Drop Character:
Name: Briar Essasa Vaughn
Faction: Sith Empire
Rank: Lieutenant
Role: Ace Pilot

Lieutenant Vaughn is the unusual case of a Sith Imperial officer with renown, at least initially, gained outside of combat: her longest assignments to date were those of test pilot (where a small amount of notoriety for natural skill developed within the Imperial pilot community) and that of first response rescue. Whether industrial calamity or natural disaster it became clear over time there was no better pilot to enter the maelstrom to save your life than Briar Vaughn.
The product of a conquered society and parents that pledged themselves to the ideals of the Sith Empire, Lieutenant Vaughn has risen through Sith Imperial military circles through hard work and natural skill so impressive she had been "tested" by a Sith to see if she had any Force connection. After her first combat missions resulted in nearly enough kills to be awarded the honor of ace, she was tested again by a different Sith, just for good measure.
There is no Force connection, and secretly Briar likes it that way: her skill is a result purely of natural talent and will power.
Now that she has gained some measure of renown in the Empire as an ace pilot there are whisperings that more powerful members of the Sith Empire have cast long gazes towards her, considering her as a potential worthy addition to their direct cords of influence and power be it a Sith Darth with a heavy Naval investment or an Imperial Naval family looking to marry in a new member.
Her involvement in Harvest Moon is purely a friendly favor. With her piloting skills, her blaster pistols, and her quick thinking they might just pull off the insanity that is Harvest Moon afterall.
Faction: Sith Empire
Rank: Lieutenant
Role: Ace Pilot

Lieutenant Vaughn is the unusual case of a Sith Imperial officer with renown, at least initially, gained outside of combat: her longest assignments to date were those of test pilot (where a small amount of notoriety for natural skill developed within the Imperial pilot community) and that of first response rescue. Whether industrial calamity or natural disaster it became clear over time there was no better pilot to enter the maelstrom to save your life than Briar Vaughn.
The product of a conquered society and parents that pledged themselves to the ideals of the Sith Empire, Lieutenant Vaughn has risen through Sith Imperial military circles through hard work and natural skill so impressive she had been "tested" by a Sith to see if she had any Force connection. After her first combat missions resulted in nearly enough kills to be awarded the honor of ace, she was tested again by a different Sith, just for good measure.
There is no Force connection, and secretly Briar likes it that way: her skill is a result purely of natural talent and will power.
Now that she has gained some measure of renown in the Empire as an ace pilot there are whisperings that more powerful members of the Sith Empire have cast long gazes towards her, considering her as a potential worthy addition to their direct cords of influence and power be it a Sith Darth with a heavy Naval investment or an Imperial Naval family looking to marry in a new member.
Her involvement in Harvest Moon is purely a friendly favor. With her piloting skills, her blaster pistols, and her quick thinking they might just pull off the insanity that is Harvest Moon afterall.
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