> Cass (Real Name Unknown)
Physical Description
> An angry young woman: Perhaps the best way to describe Cass, her ever-disapproving frown is matched in intensity only by her dedication to smoking cigarettes. Her thick and densely muscled arms are riddled with crude tribals and old wounds while her shoulders and neck are more suggestive of the male than the female. Perhaps in a different world, and a different time, her deep black hair and ashen eyes could have been groomed to suit a young lady, but dressed in worn and stained military garbs and armed with a mean gun and a meaner attitude, Cass represents only crass profanity. Although not readily apparent at a glance, the distinct electronic whine that accompanies every step and the unmoving hardness of her legs' outline against her pants provide ample evidence of their robotic nature. Lucky for her, she knows just how hard to step with them to sound and appear intimidating.
> As a debt-contractor of Mercury Inc. - a euhpemism for slave laborer - it is Cass's duty to do whatever her bosses tell her to, lest they threaten her with reclaiming their property, as it were. Currently, that duty has seen her shipped off to Maasym, to provide additional protection to the company's excavation efforts on Derelict's surface. While it is difficult not to be intrigued by the prospect of discovering a mechanical, alien world, Cass is not one for wild flights of fancy. Her interest is, first and foremost, monetary in nature, as only cold money can buy her freedom back.
> To be born on Heracles is to be born amidst craters and grieving families. To grow up playing with the spent shell casings and discarded battle gear of battles fought. To live in fear of falling warheads and marauding soldiers.
It is to die as one of millions, unlauded and ingloriously.
Split in twain by irreconcilable differences and the never-ending spiral of action and reaction, Heracles – formerly known as Tau Ceti f – saw itself consumed by civil war before a peace-keeping fleet from Earth arrived in Orbit; nominally to mediate the situation and provide assistance to the population, but the truth may be far less moral. The only fact is that, in spite of years of so-called peace-keeping, puppet leaders and self-made dictators are still waging bitter war over scraps as they have since as long as some can remember.
In spite of the world’s bleakness, life continues amidst the smoke-wreathed ruins. Nomadic groups of civilians travel from place to place, avoiding the worst of the fighting and scavenging for supplies where they can find it. Others become impromptu militia, appropriating discarded military gear to reinforce their homes and defend what’s theirs. And the luckiest, those who live in as-of-yet untouched districts, can continue life almost as if nothing was wrong – at least, if one can ignore the distant thumping of artillery fire deep in the night.
Cass remembers little of her childhood. Abandoned by her parents – by choice or by circumstance – her earliest years are a blur of unfamiliar faces and unremembered disasters. Following this were months, possibly years, of purposeless wandering and bottomless terror at the prospect of starvation and soldiers. The first name that holds any significance at all for Cass is Monday. Monday was the name of her first friend, and the one who introduced her to a group of ill-tempered – and surprisingly heavily armed – girls and women who banded together to protect each other. Life amongst these wildcats was a riot; for the first time she tasted things like liberty, drugs, pleasure and camaraderie.
But good things don’t last on Heracles. With their unique profile and notorious aggression towards outsiders, men in particular, the group inevitably painted a large target on their backs. Cass could not even say from where the attack came, not that it mattered. In the span of a single night, armed combat walkers and killers in impenetrable exo-suits broke through solid concrete walls, quickly and efficiently wiping them out room by room. By the time that half of them were smeared across the dust-caked walls, the rest surrendered and begged for their lives. Mercy, however, was in short supply.
Cass believes that they were looking for someone, a spy or a traitor of some kind whom they thought might be hiding amidst the women. Who could really tell? She had no idea, no matter how many times they had a 3-ton walker crush her legs. She survived the ordeal through mere stubbornness, subsisting on anger alone. With her legs now little more than mangled tatters, all she could do was to lay down and wait her fury to subside, that death may claim her. But if there be any gods watching Heracles, then they had other plans in store for her. By dawn, a search and rescue group from Earth’s fleet arrived and saved her life by a hair.
Crippled, broke and without any goals in life, Cass lived the unenviable life of a beggar until, one day, she was approached by a contractor for Mercury Inc. It was an offer neither she, nor any of the other victims of Heracles’ cycle of hatred and violence could refuse. Mercury’s ships always left with more passengers than they arrived with.
And so, through this Faustian deal, she regained the full use of her body - at the cost of her free will. Turned a slave knight for a heartless corporation, she now lives to appease her ruthless masters. But perhaps she can find a way out in the weird and lightless depths of Derelict's abyss.
> Sophia Arietta Hagiotheodorites
Physical Description
> Coming soon
> Coming soon
> Coming soon
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