Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by RedeemedLight
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RedeemedLight Liberated

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alright! So here we are.

Just so I can remind myself of Act I:
-Aria kills Lysa, Aria and Yerbol fight, discover a Star Map that leads to Quensu
-Duo go into the temple, find all sorts of stuff, including crazy flying blind force beast (one of our favorite creations, honestly)
-Report back, Bracknell and Saresh form an alliance, start to colonize Force users.
-Tython and Korriban implode.
-Retreat to Zinuthra after assembling remaining Masters and Lords.
-Fight against Bracknell rages for months.
-Finally Bracknell finds Zinuthra, launches full scale attack.
-Aria and Yerbol slay Bracknell on his own ship with the dogs.
-Peace (relatively)

Act II:
-Discovery of the Xiss and our favorite blue-skinned seductress.
-All sorts of Xiss try to overthrow the newly minted government.
-Eventually find where Xiss were created by True Sith, kill them, end of story.

Obviously this is truncated, but just trying to capture everything the way I remember.

How much change would you want to incorporate into the story? I've got a few ideas which I'll list in a second.

Edit: What I meant to say was: what do we want to do for the time skip? I'll get the ideas in a minute. I listed the events of Act I and II for later when we're ready to start that part of the story.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 4 days ago

As far as the summary goes that seems like it pretty much covers it yeah! :D

As far as the time skip...did you want to play out Meetra's rescue and eventual death or do we wanna just elude to it and we can start with them picking themselves up from that and so forth?
I imagine Revan is gonna be seven hells worth of PO'd at Arcann for killing his oldest and best friend so that could work? ;3

Open to any other ideas and/or modifications you've got as always :)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RedeemedLight
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RedeemedLight Liberated

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hmmm...how about we skip forward to where Meetra is being held? The team can infiltrate where Meetra is being held to find Arcann and Vaylin waiting for them.

By the way, did we talk about:
-Where Meetra is being held? I imagine that they wouldn't keep her somewhere easily accessible; maybe on a remote base on Zakuul somewhere? It could explain how Revan found her without having to comb the galaxy.
-How Valkorian is involved in this? Will he be a figure in the shadows, permanently dead or active in some fashion? IIRC, Valkorian used basically an avatar to be the Emperor that the JedI Knight (in our case, Voldon) killed in JK storyline. That would mean that Valkorian could still be alive somehow.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 4 days ago

That sounds great to me! :D

Edit: God this is a mega text wall/brainfart I'm so sorry XD

As to the other two points I think we touched on them but never ironed it out?
-I like the idea of it being some sort of (remote, perhaps?) facility on Zakuul that'll make it pretty easy for Vaylin and Arcann to call up a buncha those Zakuulan Knights to back them up and leave our heroes overwhelmed enough for Meetra to get axed :K

As for Valkorion I beliiieeeveee I have a solution for that so hear me out here, cause I promise there's method in my madness ;) XD
-So as far as I glean from the lore (and sprinkling in a bit of personal headcanon/embellishing) Vitiate is essentially an ancient Sith being/spirit who is so well-versed in the Force and using it to drain the life essences of others that he essentially cherry-picks bodies to use as avatars, and when one outlives its use and/or is killed (as with Voldon) his spirit then retreats back into the Force-void or wherever Force sensitive guys go when they die, till he finds a new host and so on and so forth

- I REALLY REALLY want to nix the whole SoR/crazy Revan brought Vitiate's spirit back to life just to kill him himself thing because it just spits on Revan's entire character arc from KOTOR and I DESPISE it XD

-The Sith Warrior (to put it into perspective of "our" characters, one of the major changes I would make would be to make Vano the Warrior/Wrath, I can fill in the holes etc as and when we go back to that part but I think I can hack in some retcons for now to make it work ;)) storyline ends with the Warrior becoming a person known as The Emperor's Wrath - essentially they hold the same political / social power and sway as a Dark Councillor, and they're technically "answerable" only to the Emperor.

-Its then heavily implied throughout the later game content of KOTFE and KOTET that the "Outlander" (for sake of continuity let's say this is the Wrath (ie. Vano) that Vitiate possesses them like he tried to do with the JK (I think, haven't played that far into the Knight storyline yet oop? XD) but this time is more successful due to having a deeper Force connection with them (having been his Wrath this is plausible? cause story-wise it makes the most sense, they have the most direct connection to the Emperor XD) and he essentially almost makes their mind his "summer house"

-Vitiate then intends to regain his strength enough that he may use the Outlanders body as his new avatar (again assuming this is Vano/the Wrath, Vitiate would know that they have the strength and power he desired to be able to subjugate the galaxy and blah blah)

-It would give him a "door in" as it were, I dont know how we would then go about introducing him and so forth but I was kind of intending to at least shoehorn it in a little bit that Vitiate was still messing with Vano's head so I tried to drop little bitty hints here and there that Vano's not 100% right mwahaha. And being the Lorekeeper and all she could inadvertently give Vitiate a lot of info on our heroes and their movements and so forth :K

-IIRC; KOTET ends with the Outlander and co finding an equally ancient Sith holocron that contained Vitiate's father (???) And persuaded him to help them Force walk into the Force-void place and kill him once and for all.

We'd have to bridge the gap between them realising Vitiate was still a problem and dealing with both him AND his kids but...its not a totally impossible thing to work out? XD iirc : Vitiate actually "helped" them defeat Vaylin and Arcann in order to get them the heck off his throne so he could do the possess-y come back to life thing with the Outlander's body once they were gone o.o

Let me know what ya think and any (or all? Hahahaha) parts you'd want to tweak around
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RedeemedLight
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RedeemedLight Liberated

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Thoughts on your thoughts:
-RIGHT! Totally forgot about how Vitiate was behind all this. Kinda the "Apex Sith" in this whole affair.
-Yes, I agree. I was SO excited when Bioware released the SoR expansion and then I read through the plot online and I just shuddered. Revan would NEVER do a lot of the things he did in that storyline.
-Ohhh, gotcha. I played through about 11 chapters of KOTFE, but never got to the point where Vitiate revealed that he was trying to use the Outlander as his new avatar. So my question is: how is Vano going to find them? Will she disappear from the Qyaari academy altogether and teleported somehow? Will she have already gotten on a ship and was on her way to Zakuul?

So basically our plotline would go something like:
-Go find Meetra at this remote base.
-Arcann and Vaylin intercept, battle ensues.
-From there...well, does Vitiate somehow intervene through Vano? Or some other way? Renso could communicate with multiple people, so I assume Vitiate (who surpasses Renso in power) could do the same and potentially give one of our party members extra power to give Arcann/Vaylin the creeps? Or could Vitiate possess Arcann AND Vaylin?
-In either case, Meetra dies here. How? I don't know if Arcann would willingly kill Meetra due to the powerful bargaining chip she is, but Vaylin is just cooky enough to do it in order to spite Revan and his gang of upstarts. If Vitiate possesses Vaylin/Arcann, then he could kill Meetra in order to get Revan off-balance enough to do something headstrong or foolish.
-The party manages to evacuate without Meetra and Yerbol will...well, let's just say he'll be changed from this encounter for a while (I can't give it away xD).

After that, we can start to piece together how to stop Vitiate. I'd be ok trying to find a solution other than Vitiate's father, seeing as I kinda feel like we've hit our limit on finding older and more powerful beings to fight the slightly younger, older more powerful beings xD
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 4 days ago

Ahhh I'm SO glad I'm not the only one who did a double take @ SoR ....that whole arc was just...nurp. Sooooo not Revan -__- After Meetra's death, however, I can totally see him going into more of an unstable "oh, this bastards gonna die and I don't care how but I'm gonna kill him" sort of mental state :K

Regarding Vano leaving the Qyaari worlds, I'd imagine she'd have taken on an apprentice (or several?) at this point to help her with the no doubt massive archive that the Qyaari now have XD so she could plausibly make up some sort of excuse eg. Going to Quensu to continue searching for an artefact and then slipping off to find Aria and Yerbol and what have you once shes not being watched as closely....OR I suppose Vitiate is powerful enough to teleport her someplace idk, I'm kinda inclined to go with option 1 cause it makes more sense (or a third option, if ya have a better one XD)

Yes to all the middle points!:D Hehehe I feel like Vitiate possessing or perhaps just influencing, since she's cooky enough already right LOL, Vaylin to kill Meetra in order to destabilize Revan would be a solid enough plan on his part? :)

As far as the "ending" goes I 100% agree with you on the father thing (hence the ??s Haha XD) , I think our duo are world-wise (and powerful) enough to come up with a solution themselves by now without some ancient entity's help? XD
I dunno WHAT just yet but, we got time to think of it Haha XD
Perhaps something along the lines of Vano/Vitiate kills either Vaylin or Arcann, Revan kills the other and just as they think they've won Vano "snaps" and reveals shes really Vitiate and que big fight where they try to kill Vitiate without killing Vano etc.

(and either Revan or Vano or both, could potentially die here too, depending on how mean we want to be to Aria and Yerbol at that point - also feel like Revan would suit a hero's death at this point? I can't see him successfully grafting himself back into the changed society all too well after he's essentially lost the last part of his old life when Meetra dies, it more feels to me like he would be done at that point, BUT he'd go down fighting and making sure Vitiate is never going to hurt anyone again?)
Thoughts? Bwahahaha
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RedeemedLight
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RedeemedLight Liberated

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So my question is: how would Vano know how to get to Zakuul?
Wasn't she the one who decoded the charts? Right, so she has nav data, but our characters used that slipspace technology Neta had on her ship to get them there in a much speedier fashion than hyperspace would. I guess my question would be logistical in nature. If we could explain how she got there, then she can absolutely intervene.

Yeah, I don't see Revan surviving this. I mean, he gave up EVERYTHING to find Vitiate. Bastila, Carth, his child. In our timeline, even Satele is dead and I have no idea where Theron is (do we even have him as a character in our AU? Or did he just get wiped out in Act I?)

Awesome, so I can get a post up tomorrow? Wife and I are trying out cars today. She's on the shorter side, so we have to sit in a bunch of cars and test out how well she can see out of them.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 4 days ago

Oh crap, yeah, I forgot about the slipspace thing *facepalm* Eeeerrrr, maybe Vitiate leads her to some ruin on Quensu or Nuncata that has some Rakata like, teleportation tech that she uses to catch up with them perhaps? They had a bunch of those transporter things on Belsavis, maybe Vitiate had a similar thing set up to port him from Zakuul to Known Space while he was still Emperor of the Sith? (: he'd have had to quickly get from Sith Space back to Nathema/Zakuul between dealing with Sith business and his crazy kids? XD and as you say, Vano figured out the star charts so she'd be able to program the coordinates in correctly.

Otherwise the other alternative is Vitiate just appearing briefly in spirit form to help them deal with Arcann/Vaylin and then the whole Vitiate/Revan thing could happen when they go back to Qyaari space to report perhaps? XD

I don't think we did ever include/mention Theron actually, being an SIS Agent he could have plausibly survived I guess? Would still be hella awkward for Revan to just show up all like "yoooooooo I'm your great great grandpa wassup" LOL so I feel like, sacrificing himself to kill Vitiate is a good "endgame" scenario for Revan without breaking out of his character too much :3

Sounds good to me! Best of luck with your car search! :D I'm only 5 foot 4 so I can relate to her frustration bwahahaha I dunno what sort of dealership(s) you guys are going to but I've got a Nissan and they seem to be quite high up in comparison to some of the other "brands", even little old me can see quite well without too much trouble :3
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 4 days ago

Okayyy so I didn't wanna jump them too far ahead, so sorry if this one is annoyingly purple-prosey, but I wasn't sure exactly HOW you wanted to set up them finding Meetra and I didn't want to assume :P

So feel free to get them moving along and I'll kinda, jump on the wagon from there as it were XD
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RedeemedLight
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RedeemedLight Liberated

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No worries! Sorry that I didn't set that up clearer. I'll try to give you a better "in" next time :)

Post coming in a bit!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 4 days ago

Oooohhh this is exciting *flails*

So my schedule is a little packed for this week but I'll do my best to try and get a post out for you by tomorrow at the latest! :D
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 4 days ago

There we gooooo! I THINK you were going for them being situated on a ship of some sort, from the end part of your post so I hope its okay that I kind of threw them into one XD

If not it could always be a red herring designed to lure and capture them or something too Haha

As far as Revan's reactions, I imagine while he's normally a cool, calm and collected master of strategy, he still has a tendency to have "blinkers" on at times when his close associates and friends are concerned...
So the same stubbornness that meant he refused to give up on Bastila when she fell to the Dark side in KOTOR is sorta working against him here because he feels hes let Meetra down enough times already by taking so long to rescue her etc so hes kind of willing to risk it being a trap if it means he can get her freed if that makes sense? XD

Could work that into being part of the reason why the mission ultimately ends in Meetra biting the dust, if it works XD
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RedeemedLight
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RedeemedLight Liberated

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yep, perfect! As I thought about it, I realized that Arcann probably wouldn't take the chance of having Meetra at a stationary location, so throwing her onto a mobile prison might work better.

Haha, yeah, I'm pretty sure Revan has had enough of people he cares about being in danger. No time for subtlety at this stage of the game xD

I just realized my posts have been a bit shorter than normal. I'll have to rectify that in the next one...heh xD
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 4 days ago

Awesome, sounds good to me, gives them less chance of escape too since I doubt they'd want to jump into the cold, dark vacuum of space, to quote Rogue One

I figured so much, glad it works! Hahaha , and no worries about the length thing, mine are a bit shorter too...we're both getting back into the swing of things ;)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RedeemedLight
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RedeemedLight Liberated

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There we go! Felt better about that post. Trying to get Neta more involved and explore her more as a character through this arc. Hope you don't mind our operative getting a bit more love :)

Speaking of her finding love, I have seriously thought about trying to get her a love interest, but man it's been tough. Any ideas? Maybe she stays single? I don't know xD
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

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Omgggg that post is AMAZING I love it so much!! *squees* Ohhh, the suspense is killing me hahaha

And YAY Neta!! I missed her, glad to see her taking part again, definitely! And as for her finding a love interest, it would be nice so she could be happy, but at the same time you don't want it to feel forced do ya so its a toughy o.o

Maybe they could meet someone whilst working with the Heralds, I dunno...they must have one or two technician-type people at the very least, to keep all their equipment up and running? XD Otherwise, I don't think her staying single is necessarily a bad thing...Neta's a strong independant woman after all! ;) XD

I've had a super duper crazy week, so I might not get a response out for ya before the weekend, I'll try to start one though so I can drop one on Monday hopefully! If I don't get anything out before then, have a good weekend! :D
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 4 days ago

Apologies for my sudden silence, I've had a pretty busy/rough week so sitting down to write has been a struggle!

But I promise, I AM working on something, just want to make sure its good first hahaha
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RedeemedLight
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RedeemedLight Liberated

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No worries! I know the feeling ALL too well. :)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 4 days ago

Ok, that ended up being not as short as I was worried it was going to be.

As far as Arcann and Vaylin are concerned, I was kind of shooting for the angle of "they know they've got the advantage on several fronts and at least one or two of this rescue party is definitely going to die before they get away" so they're less, per se, worried about them escaping than they are keen to 'toy with' them and watch them suffer a bit XD

But as always, feel free to modify any part of it to continue them along, I don't know how you'd planned for Meetra to go out so I didn't want to jump too far ahead or assume they even get off the ship before someone (given her overall kookyness I want to assume Vaylin? XD) gets her, so feel free to run ahead with that ;)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RedeemedLight
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RedeemedLight Liberated

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ari with the Force scream! It has been a long time, hasn't it? She's gotta use that more often. I will admit, though, it is slightly amusing to picture pint-sized Ari manage to create that much power with her voice alone. Of course, her being as small as she is has been the crux of a few jokes, hasn't it? xD

Yeah, Arcann lured them all to that ship specifically to get them all in one place so he can deal with them (kind of arrogant, but I thought that meshed well with him as a character). Meetra will most certainly get going in my next post, seeing as I have to do one of my favorite characters in SW canon justice before she dies. Funnily enough, I played as a male Exile in my playthroughs, but the female canon seems to make more sense? I don't know why, but it just seems to click? Ah well.

I'll get you a post tomorrow :)
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