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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 1 hr ago

═════════════════ S E C T I O N S ═════════════════

Out of Character

Tribal Record
  • Name
  • Species
  • Homeworld
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Clan
  • Specialisation
  • Current area of operation
  • Achievements on Record
  • Failures on Record
  • Belongings
  • Known Interests
  • Detailed Apperance

Clan Record
  • Psychological Evaluation
  • Known and Suspected Flaws
  • Neo-Crusader versus Traditional Crusader
  • Skills and Talents
  • Combat Experience, Training and Weapons Training

  • Biography
  • Story Arcs

Supporting Cast
  • Clan Members
  • Contacts and Employers
  • Enemies and Rivals
  • Other Associates

Ship Specifications
═══════════════════ S T A T U S ══════════════════

- Completed

- Completed

✔ - Edited 2019/09/13

- Completed

- Accepted
✔ - Edited 2019/09/19

✖ (Not Required)

- Completed

- Incomplete (Not Required)
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 1 hr ago


═══════════════ P O S T L E N G T H ═══════════════


Length is entirely dependent on the situation. My minimum posting length would likely clock in around three to four paragraphs. Smaller if I was responding directly to someone and not trying to advance the scene myself.

When I'm driving the plot, my posts often run between 3000 to 6000 words as needed to properly advance the plot and/or scene. I strive to avoid writing posts which don't accomplish anything and prefer to optimize my content no matter the word count.

══════ C O L L A B O R A T I V E P R E F E R E N C E S ══════

I don't enjoy writing out player versus player combat at all. I find it becomes a battle of egos and often drags on far too long, boiling down to strike, dodge, counterstrike repeat. That said, collaborative posts are ideal for conversations so long as everyone in the scene is able to be included.

I'm a strong believer in outlining collabs before writing them. A skeletal outline help keeps the collab on task and prevents it from becoming a ramble. Too often I've seen collabs that are supposed to be a quick conversation between two characters become a fluff piece that does little beyond spotlighting the characters involved to only the benefit of the egos of those involved.

Ideally, collabs should also be written from an agreed-upon perspective. Changes in perspective every paragraph are jarring and break up the flow of the piece. In this case, you'd be better off to post back and forth instead of bothering with the collaborative effort.

══════════ W R I T I N G P R E F E R E N C E S ═══════════

Grammar and depth of writing matter to me but not to the point of being a stickler. I enjoy a well-written post as much as the next roleplayer, however, being technically sound doesn't always make a piece enjoyable. There are plenty of writers on the forum who suffer from consistent typos and breaks in syntax without sacrificing reader enjoyment. This is a hobby, people make mistakes. Just make your posts legible without blatant errors and I'll be happy.

═══════════════ P L O T C A N D I E S ═══════════════

Thematically, I'd like to explore more of the 'Space Western' side of Star Wars with my character and his supporting cast. Hunting, heists and capers are all crucial to this character's build and themes. There will be no shortage of seedy exchanges and shady employees for Sabata and the Starbird Courier and Cargo crew. Additionally, both Mandalorian culture and their identity are also equally as important to explore with Sabata. Mandalorians get a bad rap for being all business and war, but their culture goes far beyond that and is built around family. These themes would be a lot of fun to explore especially given how blood relation and birthplace means so little to them.

══════════════════ D I S L I K E S ══════════════════

I'm not fond of plots which are drawn out for no reason beyond players wanting to showboat or simply find themselves in a ramble. Likewise, I'm not a fan of forced interaction, especially if said interaction doesn't advance either character or the story. In general, I can say that I'm not a fan of posts which don't 'go' anywhere.

══════════════════ N O - G O E S ══════════════════

Given the amount of work that goes into these sheets, I'd rather not have the character die unnecessarily. Beyond that, I don't do forced plots or interactions simply because someone wants to interact with my character. If our plots cross naturally, I welcome that but don't ask me to be shoehorned into a story simply because you think my character would be fun to interact with. I'll take organic growth and interaction any day over predetermined bogus that breaks characterization.

═══════════════════ G O A L S ═══════════════════

I am a long-term planner. I'll develop an over arching story and then layout it on a post by post basis of how I want to accomplish it. I have no issue in writing solo to achieve these plans but also don't mind working with others if our situations align. That said, my plot will primarily be driven by Sabata's need to redeem himself in the eyes of the Resol'nare while also taking work both for himself and alongside the crew of the Jai'Galaar.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"I don't allow the beasts to suffer, only the animals."

═════════ H O L O N E T I M A G E ════════

════════ T R I B A L R E C O R D ═════════
Sabata Eldar, Son of Declan
Clan Eldar of House Bralor | 36 | Kiffar
Widower || Demisexual
Big-Game Hunter & Gun For Hire
Born: Dxun | Currently: Naboo

═══════ P H Y S I C A L P R O F I L E ═══════

═════ P E R F O R M A N C E R E C O R D ═════

═════ M I S C E L L A N E O U S I T E M S ═════

══════ D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E ══════

Standing within the average height for a humanoid male, Sabata is approximately one hundred and eighty centimetres tall and weighs in at eighty-two and a half kilograms without his armour. Broad-shouldered, his body is evenly proportioned and covered in lean, compact muscle from a life of combat. Sabata's skin tone is darker than the average humanoid, having a bronzed, almost tanned complexion due to his Kiffar biology. His eyes have the appearance of two burning stars. Sabata's irises are coloured with deep shades of orange and flecked with gold which stands in strong contrast to his dark pupils.

While the majority of Sabata's face and neck are kept clean-shaven, he maintains a small beard around his mouth. His dark hair is kept in dreadlocks that are swept behind his head, often bound together for ease when putting on his armour.

As a male member of the Kiffar species, Sabata has little to no physical differences to the average human. The only noticeable difference between the Kiffar and humans are the presence of the qukuuf; the traditional facial markings of the species. Like all Kiffar, Sabata's qukuuf are inherited from his mother in accordance with the Kiffar belief that it is through one's mother that the child is given both life and the power of the Force.

In Sabata's case, his qukuuf appears on either side of his face in the form of three dots alongside a pair of parallel lines. The lines run vertically, starting on his cheekbones and ending a third of the way down his cheek. Drawn in a dark red, the rear line has a curve at the top that extends towards either ear while following the curve of the eye socket and ends curved upward towards the eyebrow. Additionally, his qukuuf also consists of a pair of parallel rings drawn either upper bicep. As with the markings on his face, these are also red and contain dots staggered on either side of the rings.

In addition to his qukuuf, Sabata has two chosen tattoos. The first is of Clan Eldar's sigil is located on the inside of Sabata's left forearm. The sigil depicts the head of a Raquor'daan, a wolf-like creature in solid, black ink. The second tattoo is of the Mandalorian mythosaur against a red lightning bolt. This tattoo is inked on his right shoulder above his qukuuf.

When out of his armour, Sabata prefers simple, loose-fitting garments. He tends to stick to neutral tones and avoids colours which draw unnecessary attention. His wardrobe is limited, as is the Mandalorian way, but he keeps two outfits which manage to provide adequate protection for the majority of climates. His current Mandalorian armour, however, is painted in reds, oranges and grays. Primarily red, Sabata chose the colour to honour his parents before placing grey stripes to display the mourning of his wife and child. Lastly, Sabata accented the armour with orange to show he isn't giving up and still has a lust for life. Much like Sabata himself, his armour is decorated with various markings from the Starbird of Rebirth on his left shoulder, to the emblem of Clan Eldar over his heart plate and lastly, the pair of Jaig Eyes adorning his helm.

The armour is often accompanied by a heavy brown half-cape draped from Sabata's right shoulder. The garment is sealed and water-resistant, having an almost leather-like texture. While it does little in terms of protection in a fight, it does allow Sabata an element of surprise due to concealing weapons while additionally providing some camouflage in applicable settings.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 1 hr ago

---══ P S Y C H O L O G I C A L E V A L U A T I O N ══

The strong and silent type, Sabata is a stoic figure in most settings, speaking solely when spoken to and divulging only what is necessary. He's not the kind of person to outwardly express emotions, but that's not to say he doesn't feel them. Like most Mandalorians, Sabata is raised to control his emotions and not easily succumb to them, especially in combat. The time for joy or grief comes later. In private, Sabata can be an expressive and passionate person, but when his armour is on, his emotions are pushed aside to better focus on the task at hand.

Sabata has a strong desire to remain busy least he is left alone with the ghosts of his past. To this end, he can often be found working on improving armour, weapons or himself. Unlike younger Mandalorians, Sabata is not quick to combat, instead, he often comes across passive until his hand is forced. There are exceptions to this of course. If he deems his potential opponent a challenge, Sabata will rise to the occasion. Likewise, if women, or especially children are in danger, Sabata will intervene quickly. But the likes of a bar brawl do little to interest the middle-aged man.

While Sabata values his family, above all else he values that which he believes brings glory and honour in accordance with the Resol'nare. The death of his loved ones has only further propelled this drive due to Sabata's fears of becoming dar'manda; a soulless fate to which many Mandalorians considered to be worth than death. More than anything else in the galaxy, Sabata fears becoming dar'manda and now believes he needs to redeem his manda or soul in the eyes of the Resol'nare.

▼ S H O R T C O M I N G S
Beserk Button
While striking or attacking a woman in front of Sabata is sure to garner the worst kind of attention from the Mandalorian, doing the same to a child, especially one who reminds Sabata of his own daughter, is a surefire way to end up dead. Harm towards children causes Sabata to react irrationally, potentially putting himself or others around him in harm's way.

While money is a motivator, Sabata is more so greedy towards opportunities which he sees as gaining himself glory and honour in the eyes of the Resol'nare. To this end, these opportunities often become his priority regardless of other responsibilities.

Throughtout his life, Sabata has often leapt before he looked. Despite the repercussions of these actions, he has continued to fail to consider the consequences of his actions. For this reason, Sabata is often regarded as shortsighted and failing to see the bigger picture. While detailed oriented, he's not the man to play a job nor to lead it.

Since the deaths of Amira and Tyri, Sabata's objectives have only been aligned to his desire to enact his revenge on Jedys Kelborn. This narrow-minded drive has caused him to make mistakes on more than one occasion.

Between both his greed and desire for revenge, Sabata is seen as selfish and self-centered. He acts in such a way to only take strides towards objectives which further his own goals and often keeps others at an arm's reach.

---═══ M A N D A L O R I A N P H I L O S O P H Y ═══

Having been raised on Dxun, Sabata was primarily influenced by the beliefs of the Neo-Crusaders in his youth. With the Clans scattered and broken, the ideals of uniformity, structure and expansion were certainly enticing to a brash Mandalorian. However, as he grew, Sabata began to put the Resol'nare above all else. Learning the six tenants and finding his own personal interpretations, Sabata began to develop a more traditional outlook. Realizing that being Mandalorian was not something that could be thrust upon someone but rather something that must be strived for, he began to adopt a more traditional Crusader outlook and apply it in his life.

For Sabata, any action he takes should bring honour and glory firstly to him, then his family and lastly the Clan and Mand'alor.

---═══════ A B I L I T I E S & S K I L L S ════════
▼ T A L E N T S
Psychometry - Trained
Psychometry is the ability to read the memories of inanimate objects — including formerly animate objects such as the deceased — through physical touch. Only one in every one hundred Kiffar are born with this ability including Sabata. Having discovered the ability during his youth while hunting with his father, Sabata has taken the time to hone his ability over the past couple of decades. That said, without a true instructor, much of this ability's potential has been left untapped.

▼ S K I L L S
Acrobatics - Intermediate
Raised in the jungles of Dxun, Sabata learned how to traverse the difficult terrain from a young age. Jumping across gaps, between trees and over obstacles was all part of a regular day. As he grew, this transfer to running across rooftops, leaping between buildings and over debris while in combat.

Athletism - Advanced
The jungles of Dxun were not kind to speeders. Most of Sabata's life has been spent on foot. He's used to physical exhertion and has the endurance and stamina to match.

Pragmatism - Advanced
A realist when dealing with most things, Sabata prefers a practical approach to dealing with any issue or situation. He relies on experience and facts more so than theories and possibilities making him often come across hardheaded to those around him.

Resourceful - Advanced
Almost anything is a weapon in the hands of a Mandalorian and Sabata is no exception. Clever and quick on his feet, Sabata is able to overcome obstacles with creative solutions on the fly, especially in combat situations.

Stealth - Intermediate
Silent and deadly, Sabata's experience hunting animals with far superior sense to most sentients has left him with a talent for remaining undetected. Despite his armour and size, Sabata can move silently almost effortlessly, seemingly appearing and disappearing at will.

Survival - Advanced
Due to spending long amounts of time alone in a variety of climates binomes, Sabata has learned to fend for himself without resupply. Sabata is capable of making camp, tools or weapons using only what's availble to him from the local envrionment. In terms of food and water, he's knowledgeable in xenobiology and a skilled hunter allowing him to provide sustence even in alien environments.

---════ E X P E R I E N C E & T R A I N I N G ══════
▼ C O M B A T E X P E R I E N C E
Anti-Insurgent Warfare - Intermediate
During his time on Ord Radama, Sabata was engaged in numerous conflicts against the local resistence. He would later use these skills again during the Sacking of Coruscant.

Battlefield Medicine - Basic
In an effort to show Sabata the consequences of his actions, he was temporarily assigned to medical during the Blockade of the Hydian Way.

Field Repair - Basic
During the Blockade of the Hydian Way, Sabata aided with repairs to the Mandalorian Cruisers after the Battle Near Devaron.

Guerilla Warfare - Intermediate
In an effort to infiltrade the capital of Ord Radama, Sabata along with Imperial soldiers employed guerilla warfare to weaken the local defenses. He has since used these tactics in situations where he's outnumbered or outgunned.

Intelligence Gathering - Intermediate
On Ord Radama, Sabata was part of a squad responsible for hunting down the resistance leaders. This required gathering local intelligence in several ways. These skills have been used since in both mercenary and bounty hunting work.

Weapons Calibration - Advanced
Sabata's steady position with Starbird Courier & Cargo as well as the first position he excelled at while serving during the Blockade of the Hydian Way. Sabata is excellent at calibrating and maintaing the weapons of both personnel and of the ship itself.

▼ T R A I N I N G
Camouflage - Intermediate
A key part of his ability to remain undetected, Sabata is skilled at blending in with his surroundings through camoufalge.

Hunting - Advanced
Having been hunting since the age of eight and naturally gifted due to his pscyhometry, Sabata is an excellent hunter whether for sport, survival or work.

Tracking - Advanced
A keen tracker and possessing an advantage due to his pscyhometry. Sabata is able to track most targets whether by the telltale signs they leave behind or by using his talent to view the memories of the object.

Interogation - Intermediate
Capable of forcibly extorting information from a target, Sabata was training in interogation as part of his anti-insurgent experience.

Multilingual - Intermediate
Due to being Mandalorian, Sabata has been both raised in a multi-species community and is well traveled. Due to this he is fluent in both Galactic Basic and Mando'a while also capable of conversations in Durese, Huttese and Ryl. In addition to these, Sabata is also capble of understanding Chadra-Fan, Pak Pak, Quarrenese and Rodese

Weaponsmith - Advanced
A weaponsmith by trade, Sabata is very skilled at the forging, maintenance and modification of most blasters and melee weapons. The notable exception to this rule are exotic species specific weapons and the lightsabers wielded by both the Jedi and the Sith.

Weapons Technician - Intermediate
Sabata is a skill weapons tech, capable of maintaining, calibrating and even upgrading the weaponry found on ships and other vehicles.

▼ W E A P O N S T R A I N I N G
Blaster Pistol - Advanced
Sabata has been using a blaster almost as long as he has been able to walk. A quick draw with crack aim, he's incredibly deadly one on one and even more so if undetectd.

Blaster Rifle - Advanced
As with Blaster Pistols, Sabata is very capable of using Blaster Rifles. Though larger and heavier, the more accurate and powerful weapon makes up for it.

Hand to Hand - Intermediate
A sizeable man and well trained combatant, Sabata is a capable brawler.

Melee - Advanced
The beskad has long been a favourite weapon of Sabtata's and his skill with it shows this. Paired with the offhand kal, he's a force to be recokened with in close quarters.

Slugthrower - Intermediate
Primitive weapons, slugthrowers are rugged and durable makign them ideal for longs trips into the thick jungles and wetlands. Sabata has become fairly comfortable with using them.

Sniper Rifle - Intermediate
Less honourable than other forms of combat, nonetheless hunting some animals has necessated the use of such ranged weaponry and Sabata is more than a capable marksman.

Vibroweapons - Basic
While Sabata is aware of vibroweapons, they don't interest him and most of his knowledge comes from fighting against them rather than using them.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 1 hr ago

---═══════════ B I O G R A P H Y ════════════

▼ E A R L Y L I F E ( 1 2 9 7 - 1 3 1 3 P R E )
"Life before Dxun is nothing more than a fleeting shadow. I've always been Mandalorian."

An orphan from the twin planets of Kiffex and Kiffu, Sabata Eldar has no memory of his life before adoption. Though was not something Sabata ever felt the need to dwell upon as one's place of birth had no relevancy in Mandalorian society. Raised from near-infancy on the Demon Moon of Dxun, Sabata breathes the Resol'nare; the Six Actions which make up the tenants all Mandalorians swear to live by. From the moment he could talk, he could recite the tenants despite being far too young to fully comprehend the depth of their meaning.

Reaching the age of eight, the young Mandalorian began to accompany his father, Declan, into the jungles of Dxun. It was around this time that Sabata first discovered his psychometric abilities inherited through his biology. It wouldn't be for many years later that Sabata would learn that only one in every one hundred Kiffar were born with psychometry; the ability to read the memories of inanimate objects — including formerly animate objects such as the deceased — through physical touch. Despite having this advantage, Declan refused to allow his son to rely on his unique talent and taught him instead to hunt the same way his father had taught him.

The jungles of Dxun were a dangerous place which made them the perfect training grounds for any young Mandalorian. Like others his age, Sabata cut his teeth fighting the native fauna such as the booma and cannok. By the age of thirteen, Sabata was deemed ready to face his verd'goten; a Mandalorian rite of passage to adulthood. For his verd'goten, Sabata was tasked with killing a maalraas; a dangerous predator capable of rendering itself invisible using the Force. As Maalraas hunted in packs, half the challenge laid in getting one alone.

Sabata's vert'goten lasted nearly seven standard weeks. Day and night spent in storming jungles of the Demon Moon with nothing but his father's beskad, a single blaster and a rucksack containing limited rations. It wasn't until Taungsday of the third week that Sabata finally found a lone maalraas. Managing to get the drop on the predator, he nearly spent all of his blaster's magazine in that first encounter only to barely escape with his life. For the remaining four weeks, he played a game of cat and mouse with the beast. Both Sabata and maalraas spent time between their encounters licking their own wounds. For Sabata, this meant relying on the herbs and ointments he was able to harvest from the jungle to ward off infection and fever.

Finally, the pair had their final fateful encounter. By this point, Sabata was nearly two weeks without rations and his blaster ruined from the jungle's humidity, mud and constant rain. The fight came down to beskad versus claws, instinct versus raw ferocity. The maalraas held the advantage over the majority of the fight. It was better rested, better fed and better prepared. For Sabata, the beast was like nothing he had ever faced before. He would go on to retell the story from a perspective where he had held the upper hand. But the truth was that Sabata got lucky.

With a final pounce, the maalraas pinned the young Mandalorian to the ground. Its snapping jaws falling just short of Sabata's face. To this day, he can still feel the warm saliva running down his brow. But with that fateful pounce, the maalraas had impaled itself upon Sabata's ancestral blade. The beast's body was heavy and Sabata was exhausted. But the adrenaline of his triumph allowed him to push the corpse off of him and sever its head before returning home.

His mother's uj'alayi had never tasted as good as it did that night. Returning home, his Clan celebrated his ascent to adulthood, reviling through the night in a way only Mandalorians could. That night was also the first time that Sabata met Amira of Clan Deshra, the woman who would go on to become his wife.

Now deemed an adult, Sabata was expected to take on more responsibilities within the clan. Apprenticing under the Clan's weaponsmith, Sabata showed a natural talent for the forging and maintaining of both weapons and armours. While under this apprenticeship, Sabata forged his first set of beskar'gam.

At the age of sixteen, Sabata was wed to Amira Deshra. The pair enjoyed a private ceremony before joining the rest of their clans to celebrate their nuptials as was traditional. No longer a part of Clan Deshra, Amira would integrate into Clan Eldar and with Sabata's help find a place to use her skills to the benefit of the Clan. Though content with their new lives, Mandalorians often crave battle, especially those with youth still within them. The Mandalorians had yet to enter the Great War raging between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, but that was all about to change when a new Manda'lor arrived.

▼ T H E G R E A T G A L A C T I C W A R ( 1 3 1 3 - 1 3 2 7 P R E )
"There's nothing a Mandalorian loves more than a good fight, except maybe their child."

Shortly after the matrimony of Sabata and Amira, the call of the Mand'alor, Mandalore the Lesser, reached Dxun. The Mand'alor, an infamous gladiator from the sands of Geonosis, had set out to unite the Clans. Rallying them together, he aimed to align them with the Sith Empire in order to push back to the Republic and finally destroy the Mandalorains' greatest enemy, the Jedi.

In accordance with the tenants of the Resol'nare, the Mandalorians were to answer the call of the Mand'alor. Sabata, like many others, felt compelled to comply and when the Mand'alor called to Dxun, the House of Bralor answered. Mandalorians were almost singular in their efficiency when it came to waging war and the village of Clan Eldar was no exception. Within hours of receiving the call, Sabata had already begun to modify his beskar'gam for active combat.

At this time, the Great War was considered to be at a stalemate. But the addition of the Mandalorian Clans was the first step in tipping it in the Sith's favour. This was solidated with the Mandalorian Blockade of the Hydian Way. Boarding the Clan Eldar warship, Sabata found his place working to help maintain the ship's weapons systems. Along with others of similar talents, Sabata was charged with keeping the weapons calibrated and serviced. Any damage that came to the ship's system, Sabata was to aid in the repairs, even if it meant taking a walk onto the ship's exterior. This was a service he would provide for the next long year.

The Adenn'parjai saw action in almost every major battle over the course of the year. Sabata had never been aboard a ship before this time, let alone left Dxun. He only had limited experience with the village's defences and working aboard the Adenn'parjai required a lot of on the job training. This was most apparent during the ship's first actual engagement.

Sabata had calibrated the ship's weapons, but he had failed to take into factor the differences in space and ground warfare. He hadn't accounted for the numerous other systems onboard the ship and had diverted the majority of the ship's reactor power to the turbolasers. When the Adenn'parjai opened fire, she obliterated her targets in a single blow at the cost of nearly shutting down all but essential systems across the massive vessel. While the ship ceased fire, Sabata and the other weapons technicians scrambled to repair his mistake but it was too late. The Adenn'parjai suffered heavy damage due to Sabata's miscalculation.

Heavily reprimanded for his mistake, Sabata was temporarily reassigned to aid with medical and dressing the injured in order to learn the consequences of his actions. He was not returned to his original position until the repairs to the Adenn'parjai had been completed nearly three months later. However, by the end of the blockade, Sabata would go on to earn the respect of his peers. His mistake had provided a learning experience and a life lesson. The weight of the dead and injured sat on his shoulders and at the end of each rotation, before Sabata slept, he would say aloud the names of those who had been harmed by his actions. No longer a wet behind the ears recruit, Sabata had gained seniority over his fellow weapons techs and worked hard to ensure none repeated his error.

Still, the young Mandalorian longed to have his boots on the ground. A wish that wouldn't come true under the Battle of Ord Radama. When the Blockade was broken, so too was the united Mandalorian front. But that didn't mean their services weren't still desired. Shortly after returning to his family on Dxun, Sabata was recruited by his father to aid the Imperial attack on Ord Radama. Declan had been approached with a rather lucrative sum to put together a squad of Mandalorian warriors. Departing Dxun, the group flew to join the Imperial Assault.

Storming the planet's capital of Livien Magnus, the Imperial forces lay siege to the city. The city's defences held against the Imperials' initial assaults but eventually, they fell to the Sith's deception. On the orders of Sith Lord Adraas, a team of battle droids were sent as a distraction while Darth Venemal led a team of commandos to penetrate the thus far impregnable city. The small group of well-paid Mandalorians were brought in to aid the Imperial efforts and bolster their ranks. In addition to both Sabata and his father, the Mandalorians also included Amira, Sabata's wife, among their ranks.

Once inside the city, the team made their way towards the city's shield generator. Led by a pair of Sith, Sabata had never seen such raw ferocity as that wielded by the two Dark Lords. He couldn't help but note what a formidable foe such a person would be. It was no wonder that the Crusaders had sought the Jedi for combat. But if the Jedi were a challenge, then the Sith were a whole other meshgeroya game. Watching their lightsabers cut through both sentient and inanimate without discrimination made Sabata realize just how much honour killing a Sith would bring both himself and his Clan.

Destroying the shield generator allowed the Sith and their soldiers to take the city without further difficulty. Regrouping with his Clansmen, Sabata reviled in their victory, celebrating throughout the night unaware of the hardships to come. The Sith reorganized their forces the following day, their strategy no longer taking the city but rather holding it. But if taking the city was considered difficult, then holding it was impossible.

The locals refused to lay down their arms leading to days on end of open conflict throughout the city. The Imperials pushed back and Sabata himself was tasked with taking down members of the local resistance. Gathering information and taking names, the Mandalorians were more interested in targeting leaders than engaging in open conflict alongside the Imperial Soldiers. It was here that Sabata's unique talents came into play, tracking the resistance members out of the city and deep into the planet's wetlands. Remembering his errors from his verd'goten, Sabata never failed to clean his weapons, ensuring they were kept dry while wandering the planet's numerous swamps.

Still, even with resistance leader after leader meeting their end, the constant guerilla attacks continued to pick away at the remaining Imperial forces and while the Mandalorians were capable of surviving on the limited rations, the Imperial Soldiers had a harder time making due. Several weeks had gone by without Imperial resupply. Even with the miserable conditions, Sabata found himself to be content on the battlefront. At least until Amira revealed a recent development to him.

She was pregnant with their child.

No longer was service on Ord Radama was Sabata's primary desire. Torn between his desire to return to Duxn with Amira and that to keep fighting on Ord Radama, it was the first time that Sabata felt torn to comply with the tenants of the Resol'nare. The choice, however, was made for Sabata after eighty-six long days on Ord Radama when Darth Malgus' capital ship was taken out of the sky by the Republic's forces. Unfortunately, the falling destroyed devastated the city beneath it, killing the majority of those within it, including Sabata's father.

There was no time to mourn or search the city for his father's body with the Republic army quickly descending on what was left of the Imperial forces. Still, once Sabata had ensured Amira was safely off-world, he ventured back into the devastated city. Evading Republic forces, Sabata searched among the dead and the wreckage hoping to find something, even just a gauntlet to give his father a proper send-off. After the third day, Sabata began to believe his efforts were in vain until he found a memory in the debris.

Using his gift to follow the memory, Sabata came across a group of scavengers who had already unearthed his father. A short altercation later, and he had reclaimed that which belonged to Clan Eldar. However, the blaster fire had attracted the attention of the Republic soldiers. Overburdened, Sabata was forced to evade conflict and narrowly escaped the remains of Livien Magnus.

Returning to the Demon Moon, Sabata remitted his father's armour to the Clan while retaining Declan's beskad for himself. Resuming his former duties as a weapons' smith, Sabata remained on Dxun throughout much of Amira's pregnancy despite the war still raging on throughout the galaxy. Time passed and Amira gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Upon her birth, Sabata bestowed the child with the name, Tyri and soon little else in the universe mattered to him but his child. Warming to life as a father, Sabata grew content with life on Dxun. At dawn, he would venture into the jungles and hunt for the day's meat. Throughout the day, Sabata worked the forge, maintaining the warriors' weapons and armours against the harsh conditions of the jungle and in the evening he inspected the village's defences to ensure no harm came to its occupants throughout the night.

▼ D A R ' Y A I M ( 1 3 2 7 - 1 3 3 3 P R E )
"Joining the Crusader's Schism was my worst failing. It left me dar'buir."

Sabata would return to activate combat during the twilight of the Great Galactic War. Using false pretenses, the Sith Empire extended an offer of peace negotiations to the Republic. Despite fearing a ruse, the Republic knew the war could not be won and reluctantly accepted the Empire's offer. That was when the Mand'alor reached out again, attempting to unit his dwindling support to storm the Republic Capital. Leaving his daughter and wife, Sabata once again heeded the call of his Mand'alor and departed from Dxun for Coruscant.

A Mandalorian from Clan Vizla had gone ahead of the fleets, infiltrating the planet's defences and disabling the Republic's planetary shields. Arriving shortly after with the rest of the Imperial Fleet, Sabata stormed the capital with a score to settle. But something was different from Ord Radama. Despite seeking vengeance for his father's death at the hand of the Republic forces, sacking the city no longer brought the thrill of combat. There was no glory to be found in destroying families and their lives, this was not what the Resol'nare described. The Mand'alor was wrong to support this.

The Sacking of Coruscant proved to be a transformative experience for the now thirty-year-old Mandalorian. It shook his very interpretation of the Resol'nare and his return home saw him spent a lot of time in silent reflection. Had any of his actions throughout the war brought him honour or glory? Had he defended himself or his family? These thoughts preyed on Sabata more so than the beasts of Dxun's jungles. He had lived his life leading his family into danger and it had cost him his father.

But Sabata wasn't alone in questioning the decisions made by the current Mand'alor. Mandalore the Lesser's support was at an all-time following the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant. Though he had started strong in reuniting the clans, the Mandalorians' defeat at the Blockade of the Hydian Way had fractured the support for the Mand'alor and it had continuously dissolved from that point. To rectify this, the Mand'alor called one of the Mandalorians oldest tradition; The Great Hunt.

Competing in the Great Hunt gave Sabata awakened a thrill within Sabata that he hadn't felt since he first stepped foot onto Ord Radama. Through the Hunt he found a way he could seek glory and honour in combat while still being able to protect and provide for his family. In many ways, the Hunt brought about change for all of the Mandalorians. The winner of the hunt, Artus Lok, challenged the Mand'alor to a gladiatorial duel on the world of Geonosis. The fight was over in minutes, with Lok taking the mantle of Mand'alor for himself. Consolidating his power, the new Mand'alor sought out to unite the clans and give them a fighting chance at prospering off of the Cold War.

Following the conclusion of the Great Hunt, Sabata began to hunt for sport, travelling from system to system in search of the most formidable predators. Between planning his hunts, Sabata took other work. Mostly odd jobs here and there, sometimes he would take wealthy thrillseekers on their own hunts, other times he would work as an overpaid bodyguard. There was no shortage of individuals willing to part with a fistful of credits to merely appear to have a Mandalorian warrior at their beck and call. Sabata was even approached with the occasional bounty and if he deemed the opponent enough of a challenge and the fee lucrative enough, he'd take the job.

By this point, Tyri had reached the age of eight and as Sabata and Amira had borne no further children, Tyri began to train under her father. The family enjoyed their new lives, they met interesting people and travelled to interesting places. It was through these travels that Sabata was introduced to Jicoln Cadera.

Tired of being aligned with the Sith and believing the Mand'alor and the Clans should follow the example set by Mandalore the Preserver, Jicoln had reached out to several clans, including Clan Ordo, for support in overthrowing the current Mandalore. Through conversation and drink, Jicoln eventually learned of Sabata's feeling towards their alignment with the Sith, the Sacking of Coruscant and Sabata's skill set as a weaponsmith. While Sabata couldn't pledge Clan Eldar's support to Jicoln's cause, he and Amira both pledged theirs and offered to help.

But the Crusader's Schism, as Jicoln's faction was dubbed, was promptly crushed by Mandalore the Vindicated. The Clans involved were nearly wiped out with only the women and young children being left alive. Sabata had been on a hunt when Jicoln took action thus leaving his involvement unknown.

At least, until someone talked.

A surviving member of Clan Kelborn, Jedys, knew of Sabata aid to Jicoln's warriors and swore revenge against his fellow Mandalorian. He felt that Sabata had dishonoured the Resol'nare by not standing on the battlefield with the rest of Jicoln's soldiers and that the Son of Delcan needed to suffer like the rest of the Crusader's Schism had.

And so Jedys began to hunt Sabata and his family.

Once again, Sabata had failed the Resol'nare and endangered his family. Blissfully unaware, the family continued their travels, arriving on the remote world of Naboo. The untamed frontier allowed Sabata to resume Tyri's training, teaching her to hunt and survive in unfamiliar surroundings. It was a life they had all desired, free of the war, they were faced instead with the untamed wilds of Naboo. It was the type of glory that Sabata believed the Resol'nare intended for each Mandalorian to seek.

But nothing lasts forever and the family was eventually found.

Work was easy to come by on Naboo and Sabata's skills made him desirable to the settlers who wanted protection from the natives and the wild fauna. Accepting one such expedition, Sabata led the group deep into the lowlands only to realize too late it was a ruse. He had been misled, the entire expedition was a distraction, a way to separate the three Mandalorians. Realizing that their cover had been blown, the group turned their guns onto the Mandalorian. Overwhelmed and outgunned, Sabata was forced to rely on the terrain to change the outcome of the battle. It was a prolonged fight, but eventually, Sabata gained the upper hand. Ultimately, however, he was too late. Returning to the burning ruins of his family's vheh'yaim, Sabata found only ash waiting for him.

Using his gift of psychometry, Sabata was unable to uncover the identity of his family's killer. Recognizing Jedys from Jicoln's forces, Sabata swore revenge on the other Mandalorian. The Resol'nare demanded justice for the dishonour Sabata and his family had suffered at the hands of the Kelborn. Unfortunately for Sabata, he was left stranded on Naboo. The family's shuttle had been taken by who Sabata could only have assumed was Jedys himself leaving him without any form of transport off of the remote planet. At least until he met Captain Nel’ye Azole.

Nel'ye, or Nel as she preferred, was a Devaronian Smuggler who ran odd jobs under the radar of both the Republic and the Imperials. She agreed to take Sabata off-world but refused any monetary form of payment, instead, she requested that he pay for transport in the form of services rendered. In other terms, she needed muscle for a job. Hesitant to accept with Kelborn getting further away with each planetary rotation, Sabata was faced with the reality that he had no better options. Reluctantly accepting the Captain's offer, Sabata was brought aboard.

After all, what more did he have to lose?

---══════════ S T O R Y A R C S ═════════════

▼ O N G O I N G P L O T ( S )
► E P I S O D E I


Characters Involved:
Character as portrayed by Player
Character - NPC

▼ P R O P O S E D P L O T ( S )
► E P I S O D E I I


Characters Involved:
Character as portrayed by Player
Character - NPC
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 1 hr ago

---═══════ S U P P O R T I N G C A S T ═════════

▼ C L A N M E M B E R S

Amira Deshra, Daughter of Mereel - Deceased
Sabata's late wife. Amira was of Clan Deshra of House Bralor before the two were wed at the age of sixteen. Like Sabata, Amira had an appetite for adventure and participated in the Great Galactic War employed by the Empire. After becoming pregnant, however, she returned to Dxun until the pair departed for an adventure as a family. She met her untimely demise at the hands of Jedys Kelborn on the remote world of Naboo.

Declan Eldar, Son of El'riq - Deceased
Sabata's adoptive father. Declan raised and train Sabata, accompanying him into battle numerous times through the Great Galactic War before his time came to an end on Ord Radama.

Prymrose Bralor, Daughter of Elise - Alive
Sabata's adoptive mother and only living relative. She currently resides on Dxun with the rest of Clan Eldar.

Tyri Eldar, Daughter of Amira - Deceased
The daughter of Sabata and Amira. She was killed by Jedys Kelborn along with her mother on the remote world of Naboo.

▼ C O N T A C T S & E M P L O Y E R S
Starbird Courier & Cargo
Starbird Courier & Cargo is a front for Captain Nel'ye Azole less than legal operations. Smuggling, gun running and even fugitive transport. If the risk is good and it pays well, Nel will take the job. She keeps Sabata on payroll due to the advantage of having a Mandalorian on her side.

Xiarya Taj
A Falleen Royal and ally to Starbird Courier & Cargo. Xiarya often enlists the crew for her own personal agenda and has at times hired solely Sabata himself.

▼ E N E M I E S & R I V A L S
Chanka Trex
A rival mercenary in the employ of Starbird Courier & Cargo. Like Sabata, the Houk was hired for his muscle more than anything else.

Jedys Kelborn, Son of Ptylar
A disgraced Mandalorian warrior who was formerly part of the Crusader's Schism. Killed Sabata's wife and child due to resentment over the fact Sabata had aided the Schism with no reprecussion of his own.

▼ O T H E R A S S O C I A T E S
Drekl Piik
Starbird Courier & Cargo's Engineer, if it has an engine, this Chadra-Fan can make it fly.

Jib Kutter
Starbird Courier & Cargo's primary pilot, Jib Kutter is an Ardennian and one of the best pilots in the galaxy.

A Sentinel Medical Droid, K8-T3 is responsible for patching up the crew of Starbird Courier & Cargo after their adventures go wayside.

Nel’ye Azole
Owner of Starbird Courier & Cargo and Captain to her crew, Nel'ye is a Devaronian Smuggler.

Suul Padros
An ally and informant to Starbird Courier & Cargo, Suul Padros is a highly religious Chagrian and Desciple of the Whills

A former Imperial Astromech Droid that has been reprogrammed by Drekl. Serves as the latter's assistent and the two can constantly be heard arguing in a series of beeps and squeaks in the engine room.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 1 hr ago


---═════ P R O D U C T I N F O R M A T I O N ══════

▼ M A N U F A C T U R E R

▼ D E S I G N E R

▼ L I N E

▼ M O D E L

▼ C L A S S

▼ C O S T


---═══ T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N S ═══

▼ D I M E N S I O N S



▼ E N G I N E S Y S T E M S
Maximum Acceleration


Maximum Atmospheric Speed

▼ P R O P U L S I O N U N I T S
Primary Sublight Drive

Secondary Sublight Drive

Manuevering Thrusters

Repulsorlift Engines

▼ H Y P E R D R I V E
Hyperdrive Rating

Primary Hyperdrive

Secondary Hyperdrive

Power Plant:
Sensor Systems:
Targeting Systems:

Navigation System:


Cargo Capacity:
Life Support:
Communications System:
Other Systems:

  • Official:


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Ruby No One Cares

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Heat Hey, nice marmot

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Make it two. Approved.
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