Character song.
Character song.

🔷As a player, what is your preferred writing level?
🔸Several paragraphs
🔸Long stories with heavy collaboration
🔷Is grammar and depth of writing important to you?
🔸Extremely. I always look forward to reading about how other characters feel in the moment, and what they're thinking. Depth of writing is something I love, and something I'm working on myself.
🔷Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?
🔸Siblings bonds are my favorite, but in the case of the Star Wars PG, I love to explore the bonds between other characters. Writing about those bonds is one of my favorite things to do.
🔷Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague?
🔸Romance. Something I've never enjoyed, nor tried at all. Willing to, but only if it's natural between characters.
🔷Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character?
🔸Romance... Just not feelin' it unless it's natural, even then it'll take some time for me to get used to.
🔷Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character?
🔸Short Term: Dominik growing closer back into the Order, becoming less of a wanderer; missions with other Jedi. Just more character growth in general, perhaps he'll take in another Padawan?
🔸Long Term: Possible promotion to the Council, more intel gathering/teaching/training? Wouldn't mind a heroic death out of all of it, but only if it fits 🤷♀️
🔸Several paragraphs
🔸Long stories with heavy collaboration
🔷Is grammar and depth of writing important to you?
🔸Extremely. I always look forward to reading about how other characters feel in the moment, and what they're thinking. Depth of writing is something I love, and something I'm working on myself.
🔷Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?
🔸Siblings bonds are my favorite, but in the case of the Star Wars PG, I love to explore the bonds between other characters. Writing about those bonds is one of my favorite things to do.
🔷Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague?
🔸Romance. Something I've never enjoyed, nor tried at all. Willing to, but only if it's natural between characters.
🔷Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character?
🔸Romance... Just not feelin' it unless it's natural, even then it'll take some time for me to get used to.
🔷Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character?
🔸Short Term: Dominik growing closer back into the Order, becoming less of a wanderer; missions with other Jedi. Just more character growth in general, perhaps he'll take in another Padawan?
🔸Long Term: Possible promotion to the Council, more intel gathering/teaching/training? Wouldn't mind a heroic death out of all of it, but only if it fits 🤷♀️
🔸Dominik Rothul
🔸60 (Born in 3707.)
🔸Jedi Master
🔷Former master(s):
🔸Jedi Knight Elveyor Ki
🔷Trials Completed:
🔸Initiate Trials completed at age 13.
🔸Knight Trials completed at age 20.
🔷Known Skills:
🔷Known Force Techniques:
🔸Mastered Talent Force Cloak
🔸Advanced Training Basic Force Uses
🔸Advanced Training Force Stealth
🔸Intermediate Training Crucitorn
🔸Intermediate Training Tutaminis
🔷Known associates:
🔸 Jedi Grandmaster Satele Shan
🔸🔹One of the few he'd ever call a close friend. He met Satele when they were both Padawans, and they've kept in touch throughout both of their lives. She's someone Dominik trusts with his life, and one of the few he knows he can fight alongside with.
🔸 Jedi Padawan Xid Terrik (Location Unknown)
🔸🔹A Padawan Dominik had taught many times. The kid was shy, unsure of himself, but very very intelligent and showed a knack for playing with tech. The last time Dominik saw Xid was during the Sacking of Coruscant when the older Jedi was escorting Younglings to safety. Dominik presumes the boy died in the fighting, like his Padawan.
🔸 Jedi Padawan Evin Raethen (Deceased)
🔸🔹The single Padawan Dom took on so far as a Jedi. He and the kid got along well as they shared many similarities in their personality and interests. Evin died fighting next to Dom during the Sacking of Coruscant.
🔸️Jedi Knight Airus Vel Aath
🔸️🔹️Dom first met Airus when the man was a simple Initiate. He had attended many of Dom's teachings. Dominik remembers him as a bright and attentive learner. Dominik also knew Airus after he was chosen to be a Padawan to Sar Dan'ii.
🔸️Jedi Master Sar Dan'ii (Deceased)
🔸️🔹️A good friend that Dom met after he passed his Knight Trials. Sar was someone who's company he enjoyed, even if she was a little scatterbrained at times. Losing her connection as a friend through the Force also influenced Dom's change after the Sacking.
🔷Favored Equipment and clothes:
🔸Temple/Diplomatic Robes

🔸Casual/Combat Robes

🔷Personality traits:
🔸 Charismatic
🔸 Observant
🔸 Scholarly, Wise
🔸 Selfless
🔸Dominik Rothul
🔸60 (Born in 3707.)
🔸Jedi Master
🔷Former master(s):
🔸Jedi Knight Elveyor Ki
🔷Trials Completed:
🔸Initiate Trials completed at age 13.
🔸Knight Trials completed at age 20.
🔷Known Skills:
🔸Mastery Shii-Cho
🔸Advanced Ataru
🔸Advanced Niman
🔸Advanced Ataru
🔸Advanced Niman
🔷Known Force Techniques:
🔸Mastered Talent Force Cloak
🔸Advanced Training Basic Force Uses
🔸Advanced Training Force Stealth
🔸Intermediate Training Crucitorn
🔸Intermediate Training Tutaminis
🔷Known associates:
🔸 Jedi Grandmaster Satele Shan
🔸🔹One of the few he'd ever call a close friend. He met Satele when they were both Padawans, and they've kept in touch throughout both of their lives. She's someone Dominik trusts with his life, and one of the few he knows he can fight alongside with.
🔸 Jedi Padawan Xid Terrik (Location Unknown)
🔸🔹A Padawan Dominik had taught many times. The kid was shy, unsure of himself, but very very intelligent and showed a knack for playing with tech. The last time Dominik saw Xid was during the Sacking of Coruscant when the older Jedi was escorting Younglings to safety. Dominik presumes the boy died in the fighting, like his Padawan.
🔸 Jedi Padawan Evin Raethen (Deceased)
🔸🔹The single Padawan Dom took on so far as a Jedi. He and the kid got along well as they shared many similarities in their personality and interests. Evin died fighting next to Dom during the Sacking of Coruscant.
🔸️Jedi Knight Airus Vel Aath
🔸️🔹️Dom first met Airus when the man was a simple Initiate. He had attended many of Dom's teachings. Dominik remembers him as a bright and attentive learner. Dominik also knew Airus after he was chosen to be a Padawan to Sar Dan'ii.
🔸️Jedi Master Sar Dan'ii (Deceased)
🔸️🔹️A good friend that Dom met after he passed his Knight Trials. Sar was someone who's company he enjoyed, even if she was a little scatterbrained at times. Losing her connection as a friend through the Force also influenced Dom's change after the Sacking.
🔷Favored Equipment and clothes:
🔸Temple/Diplomatic Robes

🔸Casual/Combat Robes

🔷Personality traits:
🔸 Charismatic
🔸 Observant
🔸 Scholarly, Wise
🔸 Selfless
🔷Detailed appearance. Imagery insufficient.

🔸Scars adorn his chest and back from his time spent in captivity. A long, ragged scar runs from the back of his head, down the left side of his neck and across his chest.
🔸Sometimes he can be seen walking with a slight limp, favoring his right leg as he moves. In more casual settings, he'll carry a waist high walking stick to aid with his geriatric tendencies. Healers have deduced that the limp was caused by a combination of his experiences in wartime coupled with the simple fact of old age. It is an injury that hasn't responded to any forms of healing.
🔷Simplified report on natural ability with the Force.
🔸Dominik chose to focus on his connection with the Force over his skill with the lightsaber. Due to the innate talent of Force Cloak that was discovered when he was a boy, Dominik was thrown headfirst into meditation, holocrons, and a Force-based training regimen. Dominik prefers to use the Force while he fights, as it is a part of his identity as a Jedi. The man is well known for his past of being behind enemy lines and gathering intel, and surviving for a year as a captive after the siege of Alderaan.
🔷List of all known ownerships, including vessels, (non-standard) equipment, and locations.
🔸Corellian Defender-class Light Corevette - Mirage
🔷Quick report on political influence, associates and rivals.
🔸Dominik has a fair share of both political rivals and friendly associates. After pulling away from his main duty gathering intel, Dominik fell into diplomacy rather easily. He made frequent visits to Alderaan a couple years after it's siege, in an attempt to calm the people Alderaan and quell the division amongst them between the pacifists and those that began to advocate aggressive military operations against the Empire
🔷Psychological evaluation of Jedi Order member.
🔸To his friends and associates, Dominik Rothul is kind-hearted man who loves to joke around and discuss anything about the galaxy. To those who do not know him, Dominik is often seen as callous, unapproachable, and very independent. Due to the isolation Dominik put himself in throughout his years as a Master, he only has a small circle of those he would call friends and acquaintances. He is dedicated to the Jedi Order and the safety of its members, be they Master or Youngling. He shows a fierceness and determination to protect those which he cares about, and is not often caught unprepared nor underskilled.
🔷List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.
🔸🔹To those who do not know Dominik well, or to those Dominik does not know at all, he can seem quite hardened to emotions. He rarely shows any forms of expressions if he's amongst those he does not know, trust, or like. He is often described as cold to other Jedi who haven't work with him much.
🔸🔹Though Dominik shies away from heavy and physical combat, he is often described as violent and intense should the outcome of a fight influence the lives of those he cares about. Due to his experiences in captivity, Dominik often reflects upon the fights beforehand that lead to his capture, and refuses to let anyone else meet that fate, or worse.
🔸🔹Due to being on his own for most of his Knight years and as a Jedi Master, Dominik finds it hard to trust those he does not know well. He is quite independent and often makes his own decisions if he feels he cannot get a good opinion from those around him.
🔷Major achievements on record.
🔸Successfully constructed his first lightsaber.
🔸Completed Initiate Trials.
🔸Completed Knight Trials.
🔸Was captured and interrogated by independent forces, but managed to escape.
🔸Successfully gathered intel that was proven to be vital to the Jedi Order in thwarting ambushes, coups, and invasions by unfriendly forces throughout the galaxy.
🔸Appointed to the rank of Jedi Master by the Council at the age of 52.
🔸Survived the Sacking of Coruscant.
🔷Major failures on record. Confidential.
🔸Was captured and interrogated by independent forces, but managed to escape.
🔸Was captured and interrogated by Sith during the siege of Alderaan.
🔸Lost a Padawan during a fight with multiple Sith during the Sacking of Coruscant.
🔸🔹Dominik Rothul, Timeline of Important Events:…
🔷Personal biography, as detailed by the candidate for use in Jedi archives. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.
🔸 Mic on. You may begin.
🔸🔹"Ahem- I am Jedi Master Dominik Rothul. I was born on Alderaan, in the capital city of Aldera, in the year 3707. I lived as a commoner for the first years of my life before, at the age of ten, I discovered that I was connected to the Force. I learned quickly that I was to be trained to become a Jedi. It was- two days past when a Jedi came to my home and explained to me that I was to leave my home immediately to begin training at a Jedi Temple. I was scared, as any young boy would be, to leave my family and my life behind for something completely different and strange to me.
I said my goodbyes to my mother and father, and next thing I knew I was dressed in robes and held a lightsaber in my hand. I dove into my studies- found some interest in information gathering, forms of stealth, and in my connection with the Force. I was directed to begin training in Shii-Cho and Niman, and quickly discovered that I had an innate talent for a skill which the Masters called Force Cloak. It seemed that ninety-percent of my focus went into lightsaber training, learning to use my talent, and becoming one with the Force.
My padawan years seemed to be just as chaotic. I was quickly paired with Jedi Knight Elveyor Ki. Master Elveyor and I didn't see eye to eye on many things. He was more combat oriented whereas I liked to observe my surroundings and make a plan. We fought often, but we still watched each others backs. We both had our close calls, and there were a couple times in which we had to look back on the decisions we made and what we'd change, but all in all he taught me well. I stuck by his side as we jumped from mission to mission. It didn't seem like there was any downtime at all, which I was fine with. Life finally seemed to slow down as I was preparing for my trials. He taught me a lot, which helped in the success I had in my trials.
After I became a Jedi Knight, I was constantly on the move. This time I had only myself, and Jedi Holocrons to gain knowledge from. As a Padawan I followed my Master almost endlessly, my focus was merely to train and gain knowledge, and to hone my skills if the situation allowed. On my own though, I started to focus more on my skills in the Force, and oftentimes I found myself sent off to gather intel- Dark Jedi and deviants were still a priority. I found myself using my skills in conjunction with one another so that I could slip past defenses others couldn't, and to avoid being detected by those I was following."
White noise fills a few moments of static.
"In my time gathering intel, I was caught twice. The first happened when I was only a year into my Knighthood. I stepped too far into independent enemy territory and my only decision was to fight my way out. Needless to say I was overwhelmed. I spent a month as a captive until I decided to fight back. I still don't know how long I had been there but my absence was noticed when I returned to Coruscant. After being debriefed I was instructed to go into recovery, which I did for a short time to reflect and meditate on what happened and to prepare myself to go back into the field.
The second time I was apprehended was on Alderaan in 3667. Aldera, my home, was under siege by the Sith. I was not there, however, as I had a mission to gather intel on this threat from points of Alderaan that had shown... extremism. My area of operation was exposed by people whom I trusted. Locals, mostly, those who hadn't shown extremism or preached about the glory of the Sith, and some other agents who were thought loyal to the Republic. I was exposed, captured, and taken off planet to _______. I spent nearly a year under their hand. I can't recall much of the experience except that Crucitorn was my only saving grace. I was able to withstand many of their sessions without giving away any vital information that would endanger the Jedi Order.
I was rescued by a small task force of Jedi led by Grandmaster Satele Shan.
Afterwards, I returned to a praxeum to heal and reflect on my experience, as it wasn't apparent at first how much it had affected me and my connection to the Force. With the guidance from friends, colleagues, and Masters, I was able to find myself again and I returned to my duties after a few months of healing.
I quickly found out that I had a knack for diplomacy, so I started to pursue that as part of my Master studies. Many times I found myself on Coruscant teaching at the Temple. Not long after I was made Master, I took on a Padawan. He was a younger boy, unsure of himself, shy, but strong with the Force and a little bullheaded at times. I often found I was comparing him to my younger self after I had left Alderaan for my training. I found it comforting, to have someone at my side while I travelled."
Sounds of the mic being put down, shuffling in the background. Intervewee returns to the mic, taking a deep breath before continuing.
"I went into teaching for a short time in the Temple- but after the Sacking of Coruscant, after losing my Padawan among many others, I found myself buried under immense guilt. I felt as though I could've helped prevent the ambush on Coruscant, if I had been in a different field, focusing on my old ways; finding intel, watching POI's. I grew more distant from the Order and decided to focus on my studies, and returning to my old field of gathering intel. Now I find myself reflecting again on my past, digging up leads to some very frightening plots, and reuniting with old friends."

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