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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Jb
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Jb Because we're here lad

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Carry on my Wayward Sons

This RP is now accepting new characters

Discord Link: discord.gg/xQHpmbM

"I hear them, all of them, every time I close my eyes. The distress calls that went unanswered. The appeals for aid that we might have offered had necessity been less cruel. Every world, every army, every fleet and colony and platform and outpost from which their voices echoed in a chorus of the dying and the damned -- I know that to save them would have been to lose the Imperium entire, and yet I hear their voices still. I always will, carrying them with me like some ghastly reliquary until the day I meet my end. Perhaps that is only right. Perhaps that is my punishment."

— Primarch Roboute Guilliman to Cato Sicarius before the Tri-fleet Address

It was obvious that the Primarch would never be able to save everyone - his warriors were too few, the galaxy too fractured, the Astronomican too weak. In the far corners and fringes of the Milky Way, and in the depths infected by the Great Rift, there could be no victory against the aliens, heretics and unknown horrors that beset entire sectors of the Imperium; regiments of Guard and their homeworlds ceased to exist, entire Chapters of Astartes were splintered, devoured or simply did what they could, and in the cruel darkness of the Imperium Nihilus the light of the blessed God-Emperor dwindled away to almost nothing...

Out of the darkness came a shadowy military formation, members of the Astra Militarum, Astartes and even robed Mechanicus fighting side-by-side... or so they say. From whence they came and where they went none could tell, their pitch black uniforms and armour as ad-hoc as their very existence and bearing general symbols of Imperial allegiance only. What was clear to any astute observer was that they used what they could find, taking what they needed with little regard to proper protocol or honours, helmets to belt-buckles from here and there.

This warband - known only as the 'Wayward Sons' - limps their way home after a lengthy engagement, unaware that they are being watched...


Hail and well met, and welcome to this roleplay.

I will make this short, as honestly there is nothing all that complex about what I'm attempting to set up here.

As the Plague Wars rage across the Realm of Ultramar, and the Lord-Protector fights to save his five-hundred worlds from eternal blight, the Imperium Nihilus had been left in the hands of Chapter Master Dante. Like Guilliman though, Dante cannot be everywhere at once! Planets continue to fall or become twisted to Chaos worship, aliens and marauders pillage and reave unchecked, and through it all the loyal servants of Him on Earth pray to him for salvation.

What I'm attempting to do here is basically write the tale of a small scratch-force of Imperial servants based on the likes of the Carcharodons Chapter or the Blackshields of the Horus Heresy, an impromptu formation that runs on loyalty to the Emperor before the Imperium and a healthy dose of (sometimes extreme) pragmatism.

To this end, and because it's not really difficult to find yourself cut off, alone or surrounded in the Dark Imperium, writers will have a choice of an Astartes, a 'mortal' of pretty much any middling stripe (no Inquisitors here), or a servant of the Mechanicus. Sororitas are not allowed, simply because their religious fervour would likely make them... incompatible with group and its possible actions.

Character Creation

Whether this works or not, I'm going to try something a little different here.

If you wish to join, I would like a post - the length of which is up to you, though I would advise shorter ones be of higher quality - of how your character came to be part of the Wayword Sons. The options are pretty much infinite, and could be anything from getting drafted into the unit to being cut off/the last survivor of a planet, unit etc and more.

Please PM them to me if you're interested in writing.


- No God-modding or power gaming of any kind. We're telling a story, not having a competition to see who is the biggest bad ass. Not to say you can't do awesome things when it comes around time for combat, but know your limitations. This includes self-insert characters, backstories that are designed to give the character access to abilities, skills, and equipment that would be considered an unfair or overpowered advantage, auto killing NPCs during fights with virtually no effort put into it, taking on a room full of people single handedly, meta gaming, trying to have everyone treat your character like they’re something unique and special, your character knowing things they shouldn’t, et cetera. The goal here is believable characters.

- The writing standard is typical Advanced. Read what you wrote over before you post, and ensure you have acceptable spelling and grammar. That said, I'm not a perfectionist, and mistakes are made by everyone. Just make an honest effort and we'll get along just fine. Posting expectations are at least 2 detailed paragraphs per post, probably more, within a two week period. If you think short paragraphs and single lines are the best thing in the world, than I direct you to the free section. Failure to post within the 14 day period without a notification of absence will result in your ejection from the game, no refunds.

- No speed posting. This means give other people a chance to post before you do. There won't be a strict posting order, but if I notice the same two people posting back and forward in a short time span without giving others involved in that group or conversation or whatever a chance to reply, I will not be happy. That said, if you have two characters conversing with each other, feel free to reply steadily back and forward if things are going slow. Just keep in mind posting expectations and if serious actions are taken during those posting, others will have to be taken into consideration.

- If you are going to be absent for any length of time, please let me know. I’m not going to kill of your character or kick you to the curb because stuff came up. Real life comes first, but that said, do try to be fairly active. Your character will be controlled by a GM until you return. If you vanish without word for more than 14 days, you will be removed from the game and your characters written off or killed. Consider this your only warning.

- If you disagree with contents of someone's posts, don't turn the OOC into some horrible flame fest. We're all hopefully mature enough to settle disagreements through logical discourse. If things start to go into flame war territory, I will warn the players. Failure to STFU will lead to your banishment from this RP with nothing more than an angry face to accompany you and your character being killed off brutally.

- If you want to do something, and you aren't sure, ask in the OOC so it can be discussed. Or, if you want it to be a surprise, PM the GMs. If it's a good idea, we'll work it into the plot. I like to encourage creativity and think that all good RPs involve ideas from all their players. Sometimes this leads to amazing subplots and character development.

- If you have questions or ideas for events, PM the GMs. Your input will help keep you not only invested, but it’ll give the GMs more fuel to work with for upcoming encounters and plot lines in the RP.

- If you feel the need to start a romance between characters, that's cool. This isn't exactly a rated role play, and it’s bound to happen. I personally like to graphically describe violence and swear quite a bit, but if you feel the need to indulge in smut, please take that stuff to PM. 4 pages of graphic sex isn't going to save the world; it'll just cause everyone else to feel really awkward and need a cold shower afterwards... or by Slaanesh you shall taste my shoe!

- Gary and Mary Sues will have an Officio Assassinorum contract put on them that they will never, ever escape from. The GMs may choose to do background checks to find out if you’re reliable and generally write at an acceptable quality, so beware that even if your character sheet is outstanding, if I discover you’re argumentative, write at an unacceptable level, go AWOL frequently, power game, and so on, there’s a good chance you WILL NOT be accepted.


I cannot stress enough how important questions are, and if you do have any - from background to that little nudge you might need to join - then please, please, ask me.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by TyrannosaursRex


Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jb
Avatar of Jb

Jb Because we're here lad

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Got three good'uns this far, anyone else wish to step into the breach?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jb
Avatar of Jb

Jb Because we're here lad

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Bump for the Imperium

And, if you're interested,[b]please[/b read the OP.
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