Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Slowly the god rays of the morning sun broke through the trees, casting illusions and shapes among the dark trunks of the trees. The swift and silent movements of the hunting pack a mere whisper of sound in the early dawn. The elfin leader upon his giant black wolf, riding silently his eyes watching the ever expanding circle of light that streamed through the canopy of trees, his thoughts on finding a Nymph, a conduit of power for his own uses.

Somewhere ahead they would find what they sought, and they would do as they had been tasked, subjugate and crush any hope of resistance that might exist. Just as dozens of other hunting packs scoured the countryside, seeking to commit such atrocities that the will and hope of the people were crushed as word would spread of the consequences of betrayal to the Overlord.

Dynoz narrowed his eyes a moment as he thought of that, betrayal of the Overlord, such a foolish thought, such a foolish action. Yet even now, Dynoz displayed that which made the Elves a feared and dangerous enemy, for they fear nothing and would always seek to twist the circumstances to their benefit. A cruel, twisted smile flashed across his lips, a smile that gave only the briefest hint of pleasure, how he would savor the moment when he would seize power from the Overlord and establish a Hegemony of Elven families that would rule the world, completely, unassailable, resolute.

A human slave spoke haltingly to the elfin lord, hi svoice cracking under stress, "My...my lord my village lies just beyond those trees. Please my family...my wife and children. You promised they would be spared."

Without looking at the human who had addressed him, Dynoz said haughtily, “I believe they have found something worth their attention. Perhaps we have found another group of refugees…or perhaps more sport, remnants of the army that once faced the Overlord.”

"No my lord it is my village...there are no warriors there, we are simple farmers trying to survive...please."

The large wolf moved with an assurance that came from being a predator, and it also had caught the scent, dragons. Ahead somewhere were dragons. A thin stream of saliva sprayed as the wolf licked its large black lips, the thick sharp teeth glinted evilly.

Turning slowly, so that the eyes of the elf beheld the form next to him, “Remind me again what your position is among this company?” Dynoz said icily as he peered with a very visible malice into the eyes that looked back at him. Before an answer could be given, in the distance a yipping sound filled the air, followed by another and a third.

A cruel smile crossed the elf’s lips as his eyes narrowed, the angular face caught the shadows of the trees as they cascaded down upon the pair, “Come…I believe we shall find out what the scouts have discovered very shortly.” With that Dynoz nudged the large wolf into a trot. "And kill the human...we have no further need of him."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Adinraen sat in the trees, swaying back and forth - listening to the sounds of all the little creatures that would soon be painting the world of Sortiarius red with their blood. His commander, Dynoz, was talking to come filthy human from the town just ahead, and Adinraen had been tasked with keeping watch in case something had gotten bold and decided to strike at the glorious elven leader.

He chuckled as the human below groveled for his family, begging Dynoz to remember the promise his made of mercy. He could have spat right then and there. Humans and their mercy, pathetic - useless - they were nothing but target practice and Adinraen loved to be at the range. Adinraen knew not to speak in front of his lord until he was done conversing, but that didn’t mean he was forbidden from thinking of the ways to kill the prey in front of them.

The yipping ahead of them had been a signal, something of note had been found and Dynoz and Adinraen had been alerted. Oh the sweet smell of death tickled his nose and tongue, so hungry for the kill that though it had not yet happened - he could very well feel it.

Adinraen was the type of creature that thrived off death, the necklace of skulls he wore were a tribute to that. The Demon Elf, the Devil Elf, the Mad Elf Ring Blade, names he was called during his campaigns. A violent Fae that held no regard for any life that was not his own, or was not the life of his superiors. He turned away from the yipping scouts direction and back towards his commander, waiting for the man’s command. His eyes danced from Dynoz to the Human, hoping that his fate would be sealed by but a single sentence.

“And kill the human,”

Adinraen didn’t hear the rest - his Bone Blades were already in hand, and he was halfway down the enormous tree by the time Dynoz had finished the sentence. It was but a simple cut, the jagged blades made it messy - blood showered the demon elf as he landed and watched the head of the human fall to the ground with a soft thud. His eyes opened wide as he replaced the blades and reached down to grab the head. His druidic magic’s raced through his finger tips and the head was slowly stripped of its flesh - the bone shrinking until it was but a charm sized version of itself. Within moments, Adinraen was walking behind Dynoz, fastening the skull to his necklace.

“Those yips, it’s something rather… large out there, Commander Dynoz. I believe you may already know what survives these lands. Tell me! Is it a phoenix, a minotaur?! Is it a dragon?” Adinraen’s eyes flitted around the forest, watching and waiting. The scouts would soon be in eyeshot, hopefully with prey just a bit further than them.

“It’s dragons!” Adinraen exclaimed. Their stench wafted through the air heavily. His hand had already grasped one of the Bone Blades. All he needed as a word, a command, and he would go on the offensive. The scouts noted that their Commander and back up had arrived.

All around them, mythical beasts watched from the perceived safety of the forest, wondering who these people were and why they were so heavily armed. Adinraen’s eyes darted back and forth, “Twenty creatures, Sir - many of them helpless, but at least five would pose a problem to some of the weaker units, and one is particularly… large.”

He grabbed the newly added and seemed to speak to it. “Is that town full of vile, despicable dragons?!” He cackled and let the head fall back into place.

Up ahead he could make out the town, the little town with the man’s family, his wife and children. His prey. Perhaps he would save the wife, if she was attractive for a human - perhaps he would add her to budding stable of pillaged village women. A sickening smile crossed his lips.

“…die,” he whispered towards town, thinking for just a moment that the resistance they suspected would be there and hear him. That they would grab their arms and prepare to fight.

He liked his prey… feisty.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dynoz smiled with grim satisfaction as the death gurgle of the human filled his ears, Adinraen, was skilled like a surgeon with his blades. Urging the large wolf forward his eyes scanned the forest around them; it was glorious and feral and spoiled by the filthy hands of humans.

Cresting through scrub into a clearing that gave them good view of the village, Dynoz curled his lip as he spat on the ground, his eyes narrowed as he stared at the abomination. A palisade hid the structures of the village, but he could hear the squeals and laughter of children. The hammering of metal on metal as blacksmiths worked to forge weapons quickly and the sweet smell of honey-bread baking.

For a long minute Dynoz stared at the village, the disgust and hatred hidden on his angular face, his eyes showing the only signs of emotion, as they flared slightly at the sight of a human child tromping into the forest with a basket of bread.

Odd, why should that be? Rising a shimmering gem to eye level he glanced in the direction of the child, after a moment a curse slipped from his lips. The human had led them into an ambush, foolish man-thing, to believe he was smarter than the elves.

Licking his lips he lowered the spying gem and spoke softly, yet with icy conviction, “Adinraen, I wish that your skills be employed. Silently and swiftly, be as the hawk upon a hare,” Turning towards the Demon Elf, Dynoz smiled “Go, kill their strongest warriors, we shall be along shortly. Save the women and children…if you can.”

Turning back towards the rest of his command, he barked at them, “Centaurs…Centaurs are here. They shall try to save the humans. We have been led into a trap, but we shall survive, for we are the masters of this forest. Kill them where you find them…slay them all!”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

It was an ambush, that man - whose life was very much in danger - decided to use his last chance at life to send the elves to their death. Adinraen had to give it to the foolish man, a risky venture but one that was ultimately in vain. Adinraen stood on guard, the forest telling him something was creeping ever closer to them. Adinraen could almost taste the blood that would be spilled within the forest.

“Adinraen, I wish that your skills be employed. Silently and swiftly, be as the hawk upon a hare,... Go, kill their strongest warriors, we shall be along shortly. Save the women and children…if you can.”

A twisted smile crossed Adinraen's lips and he replaced his sword. "As you wish, Commander," Adinraen said - before he slinked off into the forest quickly. As he rushed through the forest, he could feel his energy leaking out - preparing to gain the dominance of the nature within the village to use as his own.

The town wasn't too far away and he was on the outskirts of it within minutes. "Time to play a little game." He reached behind him and removed his Ring Blade, the Ring of the Devil Elf. He leaped until the wall of one of the buildings and began making his way to the town center, where the enemy forces, the Resistance, were gathering themselves for the impending attack. In the center was a Centaur, a scout from the Centuarian forces that were now attacking the forces in the back.

With a vicious toss, the ring blade cut through the air and cleaved through the scout Centaur, implanting itself in the medium sized statue of the town center. Those around could barely get out a peep before blood showered them. They immediately went into a defensive position, but it was already too late.

Adinraen landed seven meters away from them and whipped out his blade, hacking the leg off one of the resistance fighters and the arms of another. They formed a circle around the Devil Elf, but it would do nothing to help them survive.

"Dynoz won't be too happy with me, he ordered me to stay quiet and move swiftly, like a hunting hawk. But he should know better, I prefer to make my prey scream before I touch them."

His energy lashed out of him and began permeating into the ground, preparing to give him his dominance.

"Bring me your strongest," Adinraen remarked as he pulled his Ring Blade from the statue.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dynoz Tarr, Inquisitor of the Overlord, an elf coming from a blood tradition of the darkest powers and magic. Dynoz is an elf that delighted in the wholesale slaughter of humans, whom he considered slightly above a monkey in intelligence.

However, the centaurs were another matter, another matter indeed. Long at odds with the will of the Overlord, the centaurs had finally openly opposed the will of the Eternal One, and now there was open war and little love lost between the two races. What the equine creatures saw in humans boggled Dynoz, they were dirty, fumbling creatures. They were struggling to garner even the most basic grasp of the magical arts, when they were not dying to the wild beasts that haunted the Great Plains or the darkest wodes.

The brutal war cries of the centaurs followed by a hail of arrows, all returned by the elves, neither side gave ground, the heavy thunk of arrows striking trees or flesh sounded much the same. Only the cries of pain that told the significance of the shots as elf and centaur stumbled and died.

Urging his wolf forward he found himself face to face with a female centaur, her dark flanks flowed into her tawny skin, her breasts protected by plate armor, her large eyes narrowed as she recognized him.

“Dynoz Tarr, surrender and face justice for your crimes against the humans.” The centaur shrieked as she wheeled around to bring her bow to bear.

“I am afraid not…” The elf said as he launched himself off the wolf, his bone white daggers gleaming in the god rays when they were struck, his eyes flaring with blood lust as the centaur cried out in horror.

Landing on her, Dynoz stuck her in the back with a dagger and pulled himself around so he was seated on her, then in a frenzy of arterial spray the daggers rose and fell with such rapidity they seems as lightning.

The centaur cried out, stumbling against a tree, frantically trying to turn to hurl the elf off her, as she did, one of the daggers rose and slashed her throat, causing her to pause a moment as she locked eyes with the elf. The grinning face, splattered in blood tilted side wise as the light faded, “Ah my pretty, fear not I shall use your tail to adorn my helm.”

Hurling himself off the centaur as she fell over, Dynoz cackled wickedly, a sound that carried far and wide, as he screamed, “Blood for the Overlord, kill them all!”


With a roar a thickly muscled man with a shimmering long sword and a flame enveloped mace, hurled himself from a hut, making a beeline for the demon elf.

“Murderer! Your days end here and now foul elf…”

As he approached, the man, dressed in a dull hued copper armor, spun quickly, the long sword drawing in close to his body, while the mace extended out a trailing flame behind it. Doing so the flames raced away from the mace head and wrapped themselves around the man, completing his spin, the man now fully engulfed in flames snarled, “Time to purge the Overlords dogs!”

The heat emanating from him reached a temperature of nearly 120 degrees, as the warrior readied himself, the long sword low the mace in front of him, his eyes burning with hatred as he spat, “Prepare to die filth!”

With that, the man lunged forward, his long sword stabbing forward like a rocket towards the demon elf’s right leg, the streaking flame flaring white as it race forward.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"Bring me your strongest, and I promise to make it quick," Adinraen stated; those around him were slow to approach. His blood stained ring blade gleaming and dripping with the blood of the mythical centaur. Wild eyes looked at the would be warriors, ready for one to make the move that would ultimately be their last.

As he waited and turned the blade, his energy continued to infiltrate the land and allow him dominance over it. He already had extended dominance, but now it was growing. This was the second exerted expulsion of power, and now nature was under his control. Another few moments, and he would be completely in control of the nature around him for another two or three hundred feet. At the moment, he was in control, dominating, two hundred feet in either direction around him - a circumference of one thousand fifty-six point six-four feet.

“Murderer! Your days end here and now foul elf…”

A spark of happiness ran through Adinraen's eyes, someone had finally stepped up. A large, muscled man - wielding a flaming weapon thrust from a nearby hut and began his assault.

"Finally, one of you has shown remarkable bravery and has decided to step forth. Too bad it is fruitless!"

The man struck towards his left leg, both him and the weapon engulfed in flames. Adinraen quickly stepped to his left, in an attempt to avoid the flames of the mace, which had become white - a violent color for heat. As he stepped, he spun and swung the Ring Blade of the Devil Elf in an uppercut like fashion, using the momentum from the swing and his spinning to potentially cleave the head off the oncoming man.

Light on his feet due to his race, Adinraen had plans of ripping the man's head from his shoulders and adding another charm to his necklace. The force of the swinging ring blade would potentially cause the man, if he weren't outright decapitated, to be knocked away, or off balance to allow for a follow-up strike that would surely end it.

A wicked laugh cut from Barriurden's throat - anticipating the bloodshed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Through a portal from the realm of spirits Sukoh stepped into the mystic world of Sortiarius, a world where magic beasts were not uncommon. The bear loved places where there were creatures big and small for him to commune with, though it was known as relatively unsafe compared to planets like Earth. Sukoh wasn't concerned, no beast attacks him, and few blades are thick enough to harm him.

Entering the realm his nose was beset by the stench of meaningless death and bloodshed, Sukoh's eyes welled with tears and his lips parted. Whoever did this?! There was more up ahead, a trail of droplets and footprints leading away from an outcropping. Sukoh swung his massive head around and broke into as fast a sprint as he possibly could, the ground gave way beneath his steps and shook all around him. Every part of his body wobbled and jiggled with every footstep.

The great spirit bear's head rose upwards mid stride and he jaw parted, he let out a furious roar that would be heard from miles away. Spittle flew from his lips and into the air. The roar was primal and terrifying to those who could not understand the language of the animals. Those who could would hear: "Killer of Innocence! Beware the jaws of Sukoh!" From the edge of the forest he saw a city and the trail of blood ended outside of the tree line, Sukoh assumed the killer had run there. Laying his head low to pick up a bit stronger of a scent from the ground, also looking for footprints. There was no other way he could have run. It was only logical, so Sukoh let out another roar for all to hear, this one was much deeper and said with his head low to the ground. "I will put your essence to rest Killer of Innocence! No more aimless bloodshed!"

There was certainly no way he would reach the town before the monster killed another, his ears picked up a distant voice in a man-tongue. Someone was fighting! The killer had to be there, Sukoh wished he was faster at times like this. At this pace it would take another few minutes to catch up, and Sukoh didn't know how dangerous this monster was, he might have killed the entire town by then!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dynoz Tarr felt the ground quake beneath him as he slid from the centaur, his eyes narrowed as he scanned the area, when a roar filled the air. Staggering back, he bit his lower lip, his eyes wide. Allowing his stunted drudic energies to swarm through the forest he gasped as the hazy image of a gigantic bear filled his mind’s eye.

Spitting he glanced around, his troops were holding their own, but they would fall if this beast were to turn its attention on them. Slapping his wolf on its rump he hissed, follow me from the shadows, stay hidden old friend I may need your help.

Adjusting his bone daggers, he ducked into the brush hurrying forward in a crouching run, behind the giant beast as it lumbered towards the town. If the humans were capable of summoning such a protector they must surely all die, as well as the creature they called forth.

Moving effortlessly, he hurled logs and scampered over rocks with rapidity that befitted all elves. The gleaming bone white daggers, dripping with blood moaned softly as the thought of killing such beast filled their aura.

Focusing his energies he paused a moment and stabbed his daggers into the ground, "Fire, Earth, Air, Water. Eternal guardians of the four gates of North, East, South and West open the doors to the great abyss. Let the blood run deep that the cries of the Elves be heard in the far darkness where our Overlord resides among his minions of darkness."

With that Dynoz cut his palm and let the blood run into the loam where his daggers had created holes.


The human roared as his attack commenced however, he had misjudged the skill and speed of the elf. Trying to halt his action the man realized his mistake as the slashing blade swung around and cleaved his head from his body.

The body stumbled forward a few more steps, the flaming weapons flickering as the energy that powered them faded, but they managed to catch on some tinder and spark, creating a billowing black smoke and hungry flames that rose quickly, seeking other material to consume in its hunger.

A woman shrieked, grabbing a truncheon and hurled it at the demon elf, her voice stony, “That was my husband…you will die elf…” Grabbing a short spear the woman ran to the elf every intention of stabbing him in his leering face.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Adinraen screamed in delight as the head of the man was effortlessly loped off by the deadly Ring Blade. Adinraen proved masterful in its use, even if, at times it was a double edged sword. The head landed on the ground in a soft thud, and Adinraen reset himself just as it did.

The stunned onlookers could barely pull themselves away, some running for their very lives - while some were frozen in fear . Adinraen reached down and grabbed the head, lifting it for all to see. In his hands the head passively began to lose its form and shrink, the skin peeling off. Before the process was completed, however, a woman human set her mind on revenge.

“That was my husband…you will die elf…”

Adinraen smiled at the woman's decloration, and at the flames that began to engulf the land from the man's magic. Soon, it would be considered a natural fire and belong to Adinraen and his steadily growing domain. By now, his reach extended out by a circumference of one thousand eight hundred and eighty four point ninety six feet.

"WILL I?" Adinraen raged and launched the head at the oncoming weapon, causing the two to collide mid air. The woman had to be mortified that she had just destroyed the head of her fallen husband, but in her revenge she carried on. Adinraen parried her spear and only took a nick to the arm before his blade was about to enter her.


The ground shook! Something large was coming, something very pissed off with the elf. Adinraen pierced the woman's heart, and looked in the direction of the voice, his eyes flashing with glee. He screeched into the air as he kicked the woman off his blade.


He was gleeful in the way he waited, launching himself from the ground and atop the split stature - waiting for the creature, this Sukoh, to come to him. He was the one dominating this land and Sukoh would be walking right into his cold embrace of death. For now, however, he continued to extend his dominance throughout the land. A strange twinge turned his eyes to where his Commander, Dynoz, was when he last saw him. The air tasted stranger there - as though something else were coming - something evil.


Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The battle had begun in earnest between the elven forces and centaur ambushers was well underway. The clash of steel on steel, and the whizz of arrows followed by the distinct 'thud' once it struck something solid. The chaos around the battlefield, the powerful foot steps of the great bear beast, almost concealed the tremor that had begun as Dynoz finished reciting his words of power. There was a moment as the tremor ended that nothing else was forth coming, aside from the clouds overhead darkening to a unnatural pitch black. Then suddenly a pillar of energy, the darkest hue of violet, shot down form the sky and landed several feet before the elf commander. Then, like a bolt of lightning it was gone again. As if it had never appeared from the skies above.

However, crackling with mystical sparks of energy, a gigantic figure now stood in all it's horrific glory in the center of a clearing the pillar of summoning had created. Trees bent visibly away from the center, as if seeking to crawl from the hideous behemoth that had abruptly appeared. The creatures head was bent low to the ground it's lower two arms folded over it's chest while the upper set hung lazily at it's sides. Its eyes were shut, as if it was asleep, and it made no signs of moving. Then there was sharp intake of breath, followed by a long exhale that sounded somewhere between a yawn and a hiss. It moved then, raising too it's full imposing height, towering over the area, blinking at the sun that was now peeking through the dispersing clouds above. It flexed it's neck and arms as if awaking from a deep sleep.

As it's eyes scanned the trees around it with a predator gleam that spoke intelligence that contrasted it's animalistic appearance, it mental voice rang out, with no hint of wariness in it. 'You have called me.' It began. 'Who? Who would dare oppose the overlord? What enemy shall I feast upon this day?'

It growled as it begin to sniff the air, taking in the fresh scent of blood. A savage grin came upon Snarnorgul. Ah yes her knew well the smell of blood, and it excited him. His eye cast about squinting in the light of the accursed sun, the yellow face was high in the air this day. It caught the scent of something new in it's great nostrils, yes something new, and luscious perhaps? It's mind wondered at what this scent could be while it awaited it's orders, for surely a great enemy had come to oppose the forces of the dark lord, yes, yes, and such bloodshed surely meant a great feast would soon follow! But before that, glories bloodshed!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dynoz cackled as the creature manifest, dancing a slightly wobbly and mad jig he spun around, his daggers puncturing the trees around him,

“Fee! Fie! Foe! Fum!
I smell the blood of a bear.
Be he 'live, or be he dead,
Grind his bones to make my bread.”

Dynoz twirled as his dagger slashed and stabbed at the trees again and again, working himself in a blood frenzy, his voice hoarse and his eyes wild, the rage was upon him.

“Kill the bear down the lane and crunch and stomp the humans bones to dust, let the earth drink deep of the sweet nectar of the dead.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

A foul presence, more immediate was nearby, something so cruel that Sukoh's heart twinged in pain. Many lives had been taken by this creature, and it had appeared from nowhere. Was it like him? Was this abomination a dark spirit? The titan swung around mid stride and saw a beast that was at eye level with his four legged posture, a horrid beast of unnatural anatomy. A cruel freak of nature with a spirit as black as coal, Sukoh's teeth clenched tightly. This thing was here for him, he just knew it. There was no coincidence that it showed up once he had left the forest, someone was watching him. It seemed impossible that he had failed to sniff it out but he had been tunnel visioned one the one who had done the killing before so now he was about to regret it.

Someone or something had been behind him, or this thing had just appeared out of nowhere. That means that there was either a summoner or this monster could teleport. He really hoped it was the former, a teleporting creature would prove dangerous. No, Sukoh would have to ignore it for now, there was something of a more immediate threat nearby. And it was inside of a town where people could die, Sukoh would have to deal with the second problem when it arose. Reluctantly his head whipped around back to the town and began running again. Hopefully this thing wasn't faster than he was, because if it was then he'd have a problem. Though if it wasn't faster than he was then it would never catch up to him by the time he attacked the first threat.

In the distance a voice cried out, returning Sukoh's cries of anger. It was- It was happy? The monster who had killed the innocent enjoyed it. They're sick and evil, and Sukoh was getting angrier by the second. "You will wear my jaws as a crown as I bite your head off!" This roar was his loudest yet, as he approached the town's farthest perimeter his feet felt uncomfortable on the ground. As though some dark influence was over them, was this being a mage? It spoke animal tongue and the ground felt disgusting to his toes. Some powerful creature lied ahead and Sukoh was the only thing standing between it and the lives of these people. The bear was almost inside the town and he could see his target standing atop a statue, a sadistic creature he was. Donned in cruel armor and with a wicked face full of everything wrong with the world. An elf man with cruel intent and the smell of freshly spilled blood on the air. "You!" Sukoh wasn't close enough to strike him, but he was near enough to speak face to face. The spittle from his roar sprayed through the air as Sukoh locked eyes with him from a distance.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Upon hearing the command a feral grin appeared upon Snarnorgul maw, it bent back it's head as it raised it's massive pincers into the air and loosed such a howl it might have awakened the dead if such a thing was possible. The trees shook and like a wave leaves fell away and birds scattered by the hordes, even the elves and centaurs in the midst of battle could hear, and even 'feel' the hate and blood-lust in that cry almost as if it was a tangible force. Horses in the town bucked and went mad upon hearing it, and the beasts of the field scattered like fallen glass. The cry chilled men to the bone and even the toughest warrior was unsettled by it, wondering what manner of demon the overlord had sent to reap their lives.

Snarnorgul head shot back down in the direction of the heavy foot stomps that still shook the ground. He sniffed long and hard, as if savoring the scent, mixed with blood and the frequent smell of pine and wood. As the echo of the roar whined down, Snarnorgul stooped forward as it readied itself for the chase to follow. Then it took off with a great bounding step, shaking the earth with a mighty hoof, then another. It crashed into the trees at the edge of the clearing, knocking them down as if they were mere weeds and crushed them under foot. Snarnorgul huffed and lowered his head as he battered through the bush, seeking to gain on it's prey. The bear had a decent lead on the Tanar'ri, and it was hardly faster then it's fellow behemoth. Still it drove forward like a storm, making such a noise as it stampede forth like the flood gates had been opened.

There was no stealth, no finesse, or subtlety to his charge nor finesse in Snarnorgul's movements. Indeed it was to glad to even think of the noise it was making as it surged forward, now moving around the speed a man could sprint, though taking up much more ground with his stride. It felt good to be on the hunt again, to feel the rustle of wind pass it's ears, the sound of it's feet stomping the ground. Oh, and the smell of blood in the air! Oh! how it loved it! Great drops of saliva mixed with acid dripped freely from Snarnorgul's mouth now. Thinking of the feast soon to come. He barreled into a clearing where part of the battle was taking place. The elves had since taken note of the beasts foot strides, and were already seeking shelter. The centaurs sensed the foulness in the air no doubt, being attuned to the wild as they were. But they saw their hated enemy give ground, and thinking they were fleeing had given chase. Just then Snarnorgul burst through the treeline, sending pieces of wood mixed with splinters into the air. The Centaurs had not time to get out of the way, though some turned and ran while other fired missiles in his direction.

Centaurs would have easily outrun him normally, but he had come upon them too suddenly for them to get a good running start, and he trampled them underfoot. Arrows struck his tough outer hide, yet he seemed to not even take notice. They fell away harmlessly striking as they did his toughest sheet of protection, where bone meld with flesh. He leaped forward into a roll that crushed more combatants under him before he rolled to his feet again, the arm of a centaur hanging from his jaws now. He smashed into the opposite treeline leaving as quickly as he had come, arrows following his retreat. The missiles were shot wildly however, fear robbing the archers of their skill momentarily. All this Snarnorgul ignored, for it hunted far more worthy prey.

Still it cursed it's slow progress, for at this rate unless his prey halted it would reach the town first, as it was still by Snarnorgul's reckoning, a league away, roughly 680 feet ahead. It loosed another roar, this not as grande as before but still fearful in it's echo. Snarnorgul reached the rocky outing of a stream, a river no doubt to lesser beings. It glanced upon a large boulder near the border of the waters on the opposite bank. Crashing through the water, the icy drops cold on it's scaly hide, it seized the rock with a upper right pincer, as it passed it. It's sharp eyes just made out the great bear through the gaps in the trees ahead, indeed the path was not hard to find as the bear had left a great amount of ruin in it's passing.

Then it threw the great stone in a high arc before continuing to charge forth. The stone was aimed a little ahead of Snarnorgul prey, who himself had chanced a guess at the right amount of force, but it sailed true and might intercept the bear as it came toward the town proper, falling from above if the Bear continued at the same heading. To land with the force of a small car. Snarnorgul did not expect the boulder to do much harm, but it might slow it down and force it to face him. Anything to slow it so Snarnorgul could rip it to shreds. As it continued it did however notice another scent, indeed one that had been unnoticed so enthralled Snarnorgul had been in the hunt. Yes, no doubt it was the devil elf! Snarnorgul did not so easily forget the scent of the overlords most trusted allies. It's pace increased slightly in anticipation, for wherever that elf went death surely followed.

Fate had not smiled kindly on this shanty of a human town; for two great calamities would it face in but one day. Snarnorgul grin widened.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The room tremored slightly as the ruckus outside escalated to the point of all out war, throwing a few random items off of the shelves; clattering against the wooden floorboards like a disjointed song playing out over the nearby battlefield. Other then this brief clatter the room was much more peaceful then one would expect, given the situation. It was found on the second floor of a small inn; it's window overlooking the chaotic men screaming outside of it and the lone girl sleeping peacefully on the other side. It was a room meant to give weary travelers their rest, and as such it did wonders at canceling out the noise of the boisterous hustle that was often experienced outside in the town's square. This particular occupant made matters even worse. With all of her tiresome exploration she did through ought the day she often got very tired, plopping down onto whatever would serve as her bed that night to fall to sleep near instantaneously, not waking for anything, not even a hurricane, until morning came, or even past morning in some occasions when she had a particularly fun adventure that latest until the wee hours of the daylight. Today was one of those days, and she probably could have managed to sleep for a good couple of hours more had they let her.

Upon the latest booming sound the girl stirred in her sleep, mumbling something about annoying bublins before laying still once again, having found another comfortable position and pulled the sheets tightly around her. Only her head, bare feet and ankles, and her left hand that gripped onto the edge of the sheets was seen. Her messy light purple hair, which was no surprise to be in such a state even while awake, was haphazardly flowing in every which way, some of it covering her face and some of it even spilling down from the edge of the bed like a waterfall. It was long enough to reach about halfway down her back, so it was no surprise that some of it managed to touch the ground, sweeping across it like a broom with every light head movement. Her face was quite peaceful looking in her slumber, not showing how fierce she could become in battle.

The building rumbled. She stirred again, this time more heavily, her brow furrowing. It was also purple, revealing that this was indeed her natural hair color. She was not a normal human. Far from it, actually. She might even be considered a space alien if one wanted to get technical. She had stumbled onto this planet through a portal the night before, and was so exhausted from her subsequent search around her brand new environment that she barely managed to get a wink until she collapsed into bed at last, overcome with exhaustion. This put her sleep schedule a bit out of whack, but for her it was worth it. She would have stayed up all night had her body let her. However, she wasn't able to last in the end and was carried off to this inn by worried individuals. Little did they know she was used to sleeping outside so it wouldn't have bothered her, but it was the thought that counts. One of the kind villagers, a short brown haired boy about her age, stood over her now, shaking her shoulder vigorously to try and wake her. All of the other people were either too frightened, too inconsiderate, or simply did not notice, because they all ran past the now open doorway without pausing a moment to see if this girl would be okay if left sleeping on her own in an active warzone. The boy continued his efforts, getting rougher and rougher when it was clear that his efforts were in vain. He had no time to waste being gentle.

"Hey, wake up! Please, there's a-" he began to shout, but he was interrupted by a loud, deafening roar just mere feet from outside of the village. A roar loud enough to rattle the windows. What the heck was that?! The boy instinctively stumbled backwards, falling onto his butt. It was a chilling cry that seemed to course through his entire body. It was a voice that he did not, under any circumstance, wish to find who it belonged too. He needed to just make sure this girl was okay and then try to get everyone a chance to escape. That was the best that he could do, being a mere human against what was clearly some sort of a monster.

The girl was groggy, but apparently when combined with the boy's jostling, this latest scream had finally been enough to rouse her into a state of half awakening. Her left eyelid lifted in order to survey her surroundings as she let out a light moan. The pupil was slit like a cat, slowly getting larger and more rounded to allow in more light from outside the window. They then became so large that they were almost indistinguishable from human pupils when one was in a state of shock. What she saw outside the window she could hardly believe. She jolted up into a sitting position in her soft bed, pushing the covers aside, barely even bother recognizing that she was somehow in an inn when she had fallen asleep out in the forest. That fact didn't matter at all to her brain as she tried to process what was going on before her. It was a large scale battle taking place in what she had considered to be a peaceful town from what she had seen of it the night before. How could war erupt here so quickly?!

Her light green wings and tail were now exposed, fluttering to life at what she was witnessing. They protruded out of her bare back, the girl's dislike of clothing so extreme that she had somehow managed to discard, in her sleep, the nightgown they had put on her before tucking her into bed. The boy averted his eyes, blushing, but he knew it was far too grave of a situation to allow himself to be flustered for very long. That was far to much of a waste of time. He turned back to her, extending a hand.

"There's been a surprise attack by the elves. We need to get you out of here, and-"

Evvie knocked his hand away with her own, still facing the window. She wasn't a mean person, and was in fact grateful to this boy, but she needed to get out there quickly, and he was now quite frankly in her way. Her eyes locked onto her emerald green bikini armor that lay at the foot of her bed. She swiftly scooped the two pieces up and clicked them into place behind her, all the while eyes darting across the battlefield to see where she would go first.

"Um...like, I said, we need to get ou-"

She gave him a sympathetic smile. Her wings twitched open and with a powerful flap she burst out of the window, paying no regard to the shattering glass that exploded all around her. None of it endangered the boy on the other side, and the ground below her was vacated of all terrified bystanders. The glass harmlessly clattered against the road, her feet landing down no more then half a second later. She popped her knuckles, eyes glaring at the beings who she was able to determine were her enemies. How dare they do so much damage and interrupt a perfectly good nap time. They were going to pay.

The boy watched her in shock, having no clue of this girl's power; how she had managed to get out of the window before he could even have time to react. His clothing and hair, as well as many objects inside of the room, rustled in the breeze she had made before settling down. It now looked like the room had been in a hurricane, equal parts her fault as well as the battle outside. His eyes blinked a couple times as he stared down at her, watching her advance towards the battle. Well, there was no way he was catching up with her pace. He didn't know what else to do so he darted from the room in search of more people that might need evacuation.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sukoh did not skip a step as he roared at the vile elf before him, mid stride he crushed a farming plow and toppled a length of fence. From behind a great roar echoed across the land followed by crashing and yet another roar. And then the sound of something being uprooted. Like a great stone was wrest from the ground below, Sukoh slowed and turned his side to look properly at the noise. His right side was more than exposed to the great monster's attack.

That's when it struck him, a boulder the size of a buick crashed into the great bear's side. It hit him like a cannonball hits a fat man's stomach, the shockwaves rippled across his hide and when the force had all been transfered Sukoh was sent rolling. The bear tumbled three times crashing into the outer wall of the township, shattering it like it were made out of mud, his feet replaced themselves on the ground at the height of the third roll. The bear wheezed, it had struck him in his ribcage and his lung was probably bruised. A boulder thrown by somthing that big was incredibly painful, even to someone as big as Sukoh. The right side of his face tensed up as he hefted his incredible bulk upwards into the sky, standing impressively over the town he snarled. "The dark beast! Evil of other worlds! If you wish to fight me, then you shall have a fight!"

In his absolute greatest height he slammed down on the ground paws first, the earth beneath his feet sunk deeply into the earth. The monster had attacked Sukoh, and though he was concerned about the well being of the people he had to stop the beast first. A persistent and evil menace that had attacked him was now within a few hundred yards of him and the city. It had just hit him hard enough to almost break his ribs, Sukoh feared to find out what it could do to a human being. At least there were others to fight the evil elf, Sukoh was the only thing big enough to fight this monstrosity.

The bear shrugged off the pain burning in his right side and began shaking his bulky fat, waving his head and body side to side. Every hair on his body, every pound of fat, they all wove back and forth. This was an intimidation tactic, specifically for making one look bigger than they actually are. Which, combined with Sukoh's massive size, is an impressive feat. His mouth hung open and he let out several deep and guttural grunts, taking a couple steps forward. "You will not hurt these people!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Clash Of Titans


Snarnorgul hooted and howled as the stone struck home with a gratifying 'thud'. The force of the throw hurled the bear into the palisades -stake wall as the lesser races called it- smashing them asunder. The bear beast soon recovered from the surprise blow however, and then rose on its hind legs, towering over the walls as if they were hardly more than a low fence. It stood even taller than Snarnorgul‘s considerable size; Tanar'ri guessed that the creature outweighed him by a great deal. The bear certainly had Snarnorgul outclassed in size. But was he stronger? Snarnorgul would soon find out. If any of this daunted the colossal titan however, Snarnorgul did not show it. In fact he was beside himself with glee, anticipating the bloody battle too soon commence. He was now exiting the woods entering the more open farmland that surrounded the town. The battle was still raging on the town’s borders between the centaurs and blood elves. They gave way before Snarnorgul's charge however, and he crushed underfoot those who were not quick enough. He swung this way and that, sending centaurs, and the rare elf, into the air in his mad rage.

He did not stop for any of them to pay them any heed, for now the bear had ceased is running and waited his fury! Mentally projecting his force in a great roar he announced his arrival.

'Make Way Mortals! Make way before the might of Snarnorgul! The Great and Terrible!' He boasted proudly for all those willing to hear. Even his mind voice was guttural and sounded as if it was full of malice and ill intent. 'The Gods have weighed the value of your loves and found it wanting! For behold! Disaster has come upon you!'

His feet shook the ground with each footfall digging up clouts of dirt mixed with soil. Steam shot from his nostrils as saliva mixed with toxic acids flew away from his maw and dripped from his fangs. His eyes gleamed with a red fire, his muscles tensed as he sprinted forward. Snarnorgul bowed his head in the direction of his enemy, bearing his horns toward him, he made sure to clutch his chin close to his chest, a tactic to assure any impact would not cause his neck to snap. He would gore and maul this beast of the forest in his charge. He registered in the back of his mind that he might have been served better to soften up his foe from afar with more missles where he could find them. But Snarnorgul brushed aside such thoughts; a straight forward attack was all he would need. To feel each crash of claw on flesh, too feel the blood spill onto it's hide and horns.

Both bear and Tanar'ri were no doubt terrifying images in the minds of onlookers all round. A wide birth had already been given to both combatants. By now the Tanar'ri was only several yards away. With every intent to use his gathered momentum for an earth shattering charge. He doubted the bear was agile enough to dodge him, but a agile foe might have sprung away in time. The bear had the weight advantage, but Snarnorgul had the running start. He would charge into Sukoh with the force of a locomotive. Seeking to barrel him the rest of the way into the town and hopefully into a building behind him. His long horns and tusk would no doubt deliver ugly wounds upon the great bear, how much this would harm it overall Snarnorgul could only guess.

If the charge was checked, Snarnorgul already had his larger upper armed stationed on each side of his head too ward to block any blows forth coming.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Adinraen eyes stared out towards where the Sukoh voice had come from, hoping that whatever it was would make an appearance. He was not to be disappointed, for he could make out the gigantic ursine foe on the outskirts of town. He delighted in the fact that he may indeed do battle with a foe so large, a skull that would soon be added to his own depository necklace.

"Like a crown you say?! I will your your jaws like a crown when you bite my head off! COME MY FOE! COME TO DANCE WITH THE DEVIL!"

Suddenly, he saw a large boulder come from further out and slam into the large foe! Dynoz' creature had arrived and made its presence known to a foe of equal stature. "Chop him up for meat!" Adinraen screeched loudly.

Adinraen let more of his energy permeat the earth, extending it out to a gracious four hundred feet in radius. The town was not overly large, but Adinraen still had a ways to go before the nature of the land was under his control, under his domination.

Off in the distance, the window of an Inn was blown out. It caught his attention, and like a light he leapt from the statue and onto another building. As he moved, so did his Area of Domination; it moved to keep him at the epicenter of it. But, as he did so, land he already dominated left his control; every foot he took, he gained in the direction he was heading, but lost behind him - so that his range didn't extend prematurely. Gain and loss, gain and loss.

He ran quickly and steadily, still well within the range he would have been anyway. Perhaps this foe was strong, perhaps it would put up a great fight while he waited for the Sukoh, oh how joyful!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Your world has been spared, to a degree. Aurora is a strange place, filled with an energy only the Angar-Ryllan's can truly see. For the time being, they will not attempt to invade again; the Maelstrom has proved too difficult. If you go now, and seek revenge and succeed, they may turn their attention once more to Aurora. They are not above revenge themselves."

"You seem to hold revenge in a negative light."

"I am not a Dragonborn."

"Indeed. Now send me beyond."

Vera Threi Shivan reflected on that chance meeting, for a moment cautious of her decisions to leave Aurora in search of Angar-Ryllans, or a force that could oppose them. As she was now, and with a distinct knowledge of one's own capabilities, Vera knew well that an empire spanning so called "stars" was not something that could be felled by the breath of a single dragon. She needed aid, someone else who shared her sentiment. In the end, that force was not to be found in this place "Sortarius". It was much too like her own world of Aurora, and with a distinct lack of power similar to the Bulwark.

Certainly the troll that hung limp in her jaws, blood and shredded flesh sliding off into the underbrush cemented her conception of how unimpressive this world was. With a flick of her long neck and a chomp, she severed the thick hide and fat body in half, and gulped down the flesh that was trapped in her maw. Its head and legs splattered on the ground, but she paid no mind. The sound of a distinct human cry in the distance had caught her attention away from the hunger she had satiated. Rising above the treeline, she caught the faint smell of blood, small but definite. There was a battle starting, evident by the blood, but given how quickly more of it began to accumulate in the air, she could tell it was not simply a scuffle. A band of raiders was attacking.

Vera stretched her massive wings over the canopy and beat them twice, disturbing a flock of birds that had deduced she was originally no threat to their small size. The town in the distance had granted her shelter earlier in the night, being quite dazed after having warped from Aurora with aid of a certain transporter. They offered her a bed and some food, but having since recuperated, she declined their offer of sustenance and flew off into the mountains beyond. Their measly offerings of bread couldn't possibly satisfy her belly. Within hours she found a wandering cave troll and swiftly butchered it, vastly greater in size and strength. It was like a goat to a lion for her, despite the fact that in her human form it could easily crush her under its weight.

Whatever was going on in the town, Vera felt a small sense of duty towards their safety. The possibility of discerning better what this world was capable of, too, enticed her. With a single great lunge, she took off into the air and soared for the plains in the distance, and unleashed a sky-rumbling roar to signal her approach.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The burning in his side subsided but the pain was sure to return as another bellow from the ugly maw of the awesome monstrosity rang out, this time from much closer. Almost striking distance for Sukoh but not quite. Though it was charging at him it wasn't like a mad bull, this thing was intelligent, its shoulders were held just so to protect its head and its tusks were pointed forward for the best goring position. This thing was certainly no wild animal, an intelligent but cruel creature. Using its intelligence to hurt those around it for its own sick amusement. Ending its life is the only blessing he can bestow upon its wretched existence.

Without thinking Sukoh reared up again, hiking his body up to its absolute greatest height before the beast collided with him. Both of his paws raised upwards and claws bared ready to dig into this foe. "Evil being! Face the wrath of Sukoh!" Even though his words would not pass the ears of a being that could not understand his tongue, his words were roars loud enough to deafen so it didn't really matter. It still got the point across quite well.

In the distance however, only visible because he rose upwards. A flying beast was in the sky, something large, something very large was flying this way. As he saw it a roar met his ears, different from the one the monstrosity let out. A dragon's call? Dragons were not uncommon to Sukoh, but to see one at a time like this was odd. There were many personalities among dragons, some evil some kind. Sukoh might have even wished a little that this dragon was a kind one, to help the defenseless ones in the town from the other being. Sukoh's attention, however, was wrest back to the Snarnorgul before him.

Sukoh's teeth bared and his claws flexed, he was going to try and end this battle as quickly as possible. As the aberration rampaged towards him the ground beneath Sukoh's feet trembled. It had no respect for the lives of those around it, no decency. It trampled enemy and friend alike, the bear's eyes welled with tears at the sight of such meaningless violence. Before it entered his reach Sukoh let every single pound of his weight drop down on top of it. If his great mass struck at terminal velocity it would be devastating. Two foot long claws and several thousand pounds being swung downwards like a hammer. Even the toughest of foes would crumble at an attack like this. Sukoh hoped.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As Snarnorgul approached the bear, like a rampaging storm, Sukoh then rose on its hind-legs. At first Snarnorgul imagined it was attempting another display of intimidation, for surely knocking it off two legs would prove far easier than if it was braced on all fours. It realized to late, from the way it flexed it's claws, that it sought to crush him under it's great mass. He might have loosed a great roar himself to incapacitate the bear during the maneuver, but it would require stressing his lungs more than he was currently able too. But the wily predator had a trick up his sleeve his prey would never see coming. Indeed, it would not even be visible to the naked eye. He projected another mental shout, but this one was more focused and powerful in scope, he then sent this mental scream like a ripple through a body of water toward Sukoh just as Snarnorgul entered within 60 feet of it. Sending all his hate, and malice into that one mind blast.

The ripples would pound into Sukoh's mind like a tidal wave of pure psionic energy. Hopefully stealing strength from it's great frontal stomp, as Snarnorgul had met few beings with psionic powers, he expected the bear would be quite of guard to say the least. Such a tactic would not likely work a second time, for the bears mind would be slightly more resistant to a mind blast for some time, as such attacks relied on surprise. With it's focus broken or not, Snarnorgul bent forward at the last moment to bring it's curved horns to bare planted upward. If Sukoh still fell forward he would impale himself on over 3 feet of razor sharp diamond hard horn. Even a blunt sword would pierce deeply with so much weight baring down. Snarnorgul also made certain that his head was bowed toward it's center mass, hopefully where it's heart should be.

Snarnorgul was determined to destroy this creature that would DARE stand and oppose him, thus, as if these precautions might not be enough. Snarnorgul aimed his massive pincers for the under arms of the bear beast, robbing it of the chance to bring the full brunt of it's claws to bare. At that point there was no more time for last minute adjustments, and certainly too late to turn back now. Snarnorgul would ram directly into Sukoh, over 5,000 pounds of force smashing into a mass weighting many more times that. A resounding clap like thunder would ring out from the clash of two titans.

It was the aged old question asked again once more, which would prevail. The Immovable object, or the unstoppable force?
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