Name: Tatsuya Mashiba
Age: 41
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 185 lbs
- Diogenes-Enlistment Booster - Standard gene therapy cocktail that maximizes full potential of the human anatomy. Like many soldiers during The Bidding Wars, he was given these treatments to perform to the best of his abilities. 20 years later, the after effects of these unvetted experiments have taken a toll on many veterans, Tatsuya included. While his body still functions at an Olympic-level, he is prone to migraines, and has developed an abnormal cardiovascular disease from pumping hyper accelerants through his blood stream.
- Drop-Socket - The minimal alternative compared to a fully cyberized netbrain. The Drop-Socket is a basic input jack surgically implanted on the back of the neck, serving as a buffer for hardwired entries into the kairo. While it’s a primitive technology, its less invasive approach is the ideal scenario for his more conservative lifestyle.
Basic Info:
Tatsuya Mashiba came from a poor family business on the verge of bankruptcy. This Bidding War veteran became an unlikely hero, and as a result, accelerated his family status along the social pyramid.
He is known for holding off enemy forces from advancing Koromogawa bridge, which lead to a vital data hub, the place where legendary Yoshitsune Minamoto committed Seppuku (more specifically, sacrificed his body to merge with the network and super hack enemy forces, effectively turning the tide of the war in Tokugawa’s favor before the Emperor overrode him out of existence).