How long do you usually write?
Several paragraphs
Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.?
I do.
Is grammar and depth of writing important to you?
It very much is.
Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?
I enjoy exploring character depth and growth over time. Exploring how certain decisions can change a character from what they were over a period of time. Plots with intrigue and diplomacy are something I particularly like to explore, especially in a vast world like the Star Wars universe, where the intrigue and dialogue can have the potential of calming things down or devolving into something vast.
Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague?
Auto-killing and God-modding.
Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character?
Just ask first.
Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character?
Short-term goals: Complete a number of missions for the Republic, become a stronger Jedi, advance her skills.
Long-term Goals: Significantly hamper the Sith Threat and become a Jedi Master
Name: Dania Litz
Species: Echani
Homeworld: Eshan
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Rank: Knight
Master: N/A
Former master(s): Kromut Ro
Apprentice(s): N/A
Species: Echani
Homeworld: Eshan
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Rank: Knight
Master: N/A
Former master(s): Kromut Ro
Apprentice(s): N/A
Short description of the Jedi.
Dania Litz stands at around five feet and five inches with dark skin and a shock of white hair that falls to the middle of her back. Most would assume she's human until they look at her eyes, which are silver and vibrant with an almost cataracts-like appearance to them. She holds herself with a regal form, standing tall with her shoulders back and her chin held high. Hidden beneath her clothes are numerous battle scars scrapes around her body covered further with a number of tattoos depicting things she found of sentimental value or whatever she found interesting at the time.
Dania is most often seen wearing her Jedi robes which consist of a grey under-tunic, a black and fitted dress-like over-tunic with black tabards that go down to her ankles, all covered with a brown, long-sleeved robe. She has a number of variations of her robes, and she favours the darker colours over the lighter ones mostly to complement her skin.

Simplified report on known Force techniques and estimated levels.
Intermediate Talent:
- Telekinesis
- Telekinetic Defence
Intermediate Training
- Force Sight
- Force Jump
- Force Speed
Basic Training
- Mind Trick
- Tutaminis
- Force Healing
- Tapas
While in combat, and training, she has shown to use her force abilities in a mostly defensive capacity. Against force users, she diverts her force capabilities to defending against any potential force abilities her opponents use while also using it to aid her chosen sabre style's inherit defensive weakness, by momentarily augmenting her speed.
Simplified report on other known skills and estimated levels, including lightsaber training.
Lightsaber Forms:
- Form I (Shii-cho) - Intermediate Talent
- Although not the flashiest of forms, or even advanced in any way, Dania has fallen in love with the form when first introduced to it in her initiate years. The philosophy is what drew her to it, and as she grew older and more experienced with the force, made the form her default. She also has a simplistic outlook on life and the form complements that outlook, considering the simplicity the form has. It also complements well her beliefs that mastering the basics is vital for any sort of skill.
- Form III (Soresu) - Intermediate Training
- Dania uses this form in complement with Shii-cho, specifically trained in the defensive maneuvers against blaster rifles. She felt, after several missions with her master that Shii-cho, although her favoured form, needed more of a defensive boost from at-range combatants and thus she began implementing Soresu and weaving it into her form.
Other Skills
- Negotiations - Intermediate
- Ever since she was a young initiate, Dania wanted to be a peacekeeper Jedi, but as she grew older she began to understand that drawing out her Lightsaber was always a last resort. She mostly now tries to negotiate where she can and talk herself out of a fight whether through intimidation or some other form of negotiating tactic.
- Diplomacy - Intermediate
- Her master was a Jedi Diplomat, and although not all of their missions were diplomatic in nature, he questioned and tested her often on republic law and on how to deal with things in a diplomatic nature. He understood her desire to be a peacekeeper, and went out of his way to expose her to the skills she needed in order to be an effective one. But he coupled that with missions where diplomacy was heavily needed under the justification that a peacekeeper needed diplomatic knowledge and skill to go above and beyond.
- Tactics and leadership - Basic
- She has a basic understanding of tactics and warfare, only because she understands that she may be called upon in a time of need to lead troops in combat. She isn't skilled in any way, and she knows her deficiency in this skill. She has enough of rudimentary knowledge where she can act as a tactician and make plans in a pinch when no one more experienced is available.
- Survival skills - Basic
- In an effort to make her a competent peacekeeper, her master exposed her to situations where she needed survival skills beyond the use of the force. After her knighthood, she exposed herself further to this, reading up on the various edible wildlife in the various planets in and around republic space. Her skill is basic and general covering a vast breadth of biomes and regions.
- Physical endurance - Expert
- Dania likes to keep herself at peak physical endurance because of the fact that it's incredibly useful. Not only in fights or combat, but in moments where she has to chase someone, survive in the woods of a backwater planet, or trek long distances from one point to another. She has a routine every morning, if she can manage, to keep herself in peak conditions as she believes the force can only enhance one's endurance by so much, and by having earned a great deal of natural endurance can augment it further with the force if needs be.
- Piloting and Navigating - Basic
- She has a basic understanding of piloting corvettes and other smaller star-ships, along with a rudimentary knowledge of how to get around the galaxy and plot courses to get her from point A to point B.
Quick report on political influence, associates and rivals.
Political Influence
- Eshan
- She has made efforts to make an alliance with the Eshani representative in the Republic, and after having done a few favours for her, she has a number of debts she can call upon should the need arise. It isn't a direct influence, and is limited by the number of favours she call upon, she knows that if she wants a particular bill passed in the Senate that the Eshani representative will vote in whichever way she decides, and may or may not convince others to vote likewise.
- Her aunt as well is part of the Female Council in the Eshan system and should the need arise, she can call upon her aunt to provide political aid.
- Onderon
- After having saved the King's nephew with her master while still a padawan, she now has some minor political influence in Onderon in the form of advisory role whenever she's on the planet or in the system. Although her political influence isn't strong enough to change a law that the King's mind on a law he wishes to pass, but she does have enough to persuade those in his court.
- Bernadina Estelle - her aunt in the Female Council
- Amedea Ash - Representative of Eshan in the Republic
- Otto Brisk - A smuggler and small-time crime boss in Coruscant
- Hemen Van - A bounty hunter that mostly operates in the outer rim
- Ignatia Osmar - A fellow Jedi Knight and close friend; she has a friendly rivalry with Ignatia over who can be the better Jedi.
- Wayland Anton - A sith she has encountered more than a couple times from her days as a padawan.
Psychological evaluation of Jedi Order member.
- Patient
- One of her most outstanding features is her patience and the resolve to hold herself back and know when to act. She has an aptitude for learning from her mistakes; her previously rash disposition, although still somewhat still apparent, has been replaced, through effort and determination, a great deal of patience. She is slow to anger and upset and even then shows great control over her emotions, allowing very little to phase her. Her decisions are always made with deliberation and after much mediation and council from those more experienced than her. She's proven that she isn't to jump to conclusions on a whim, but to look at all sides of a problem and evaluate the information to the best of her abilities.
- Ambitious
- Once considered a potential problem, her ambition has shown that she is a determined Jedi and one that draws limits upon herself and sticks within those boundaries. One such limit being her ambitious nature where she has confined it to being the best that she can be, while also taking steps in limiting the potential harm that can come from it. She is strong-willed and focused, amicable traits in a Jedi. She has shown thoroughness in her learning and training, pushing herself above and beyond to achieve her goals.
List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.
- Abrasive
- An unfavourable trait she has had for a while. Her master made efforts to remove it from her but has shown little success, perhaps why her diplomacy and diplomatic skills leaves much to be desired. She is perhaps too blunt and to the point, and because she shows very little outward emotions can be seen by many as cold, many even saying she may have a bit of arrogance within her from the way she holds herself. Many suspect this to be the cause of the ongoing war, and a manifestation of her subconscious protecting itself from the trauma she has seen at such a young and delicate age.
- Vengeful
- We are most concerned about this trait, and her master has shown great concern as well. It's relieving to see that she doesn't hold grudges over simple things, but once her ire has been drawn she will keep it inside of herself to fester, to dwell upon over and over until she has given answer to whoever has drawn her wrath. Removing and nurturing this trait from her has been attempted many times, but each met with either failure or middling success, almost as if she's stubborn to keep this darkness within her. She will go to any length, break all the rules for her vengeance, especially if its concerning a sith. This is a potential aisle to the darkside and it is hoped she can overcome this weakness.
Major achievements and failures on record.
- Saved the life of the King's nephew from a kidnapping in Onderon
- Liberated republic troops from a sith prison with her Master while a padawan
- Fought off an underground Sith presence in Genassa and removed Empire-aligned political elements from the local government
- Prevented an uprising in Sarka led by Sith-Sympathizers but failed to capture the sympathizers before they escaped
- Failed to stop an assassin that attempted the life of a republic senator
- Managed to capture a Sith spy and gain intel on a Sith operation allowing republic troops to win an unfavourable battle against the Empire.
- Managed to discover and apprehend an Empire Sleeper Agent on Ploo who was feeding intelligence to the Sith
- Failed to stop a Sith spy from finding out and make off with shipment drop locations from factories on Ubrikkia.
Personal biography, as detailed by the candidate for use in Jedi archives. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.
I don’t remember much of may family, it’s all muddled together. Faces, accents. They come in flashes but nothing substantial. I remember I had an older brother and two younger sisters. Or maybe one. It isn’t something I recall too well, but I know I had siblings. I also know my father was off fighting for the Republic in the war, but his features or anything else about him isn't something I remember. The one thing I do remember is the Jedi that discovered me. An old Mon Calamari with a funny accent; I remember that accent acutely for some reason. A lilting one, unique to him and one I haven’t seen on any other Mon Calamaris.
I remember he was a kind to me, gave me candy when I went onto his ship and let me play with the toys in there. Lots of dolls as if he were expecting to meet me, but thinking on it he was probably a Jedi recruiter and had some things to keep the children entertained during the ride. It’s a shame he died before I attained my knighthood. I would have liked him to be present at the ceremony. But he took me to the Temple in H’ratth where I was trained. My initiate years had some of my fondest memories, and some of my closest friends were made during that time.
The Jedi instructors were nurturing, competent, but strict and grew more and more demanding as we aged. I guess that’s where I got my ambitiousness from. That constant push to please the masters and instructors, to go above and beyond everyone else. That drive is also what made me and Ignatia such close friends while funnily enough being such fierce rivals. I can’t tell you the times the instructors had to break up a fight between us because one got a better grade or got an outstanding compliment for figuring something out. She was my sister and I loved her like one, and I still do.
As I grew older in the temple, more and more of our training was focused on combat and strategy due to the ongoing war. How to handle ourselves in difficult situations both outside and within a battlefield, leadership skills, and general tactics. These were some of my favourite moments, especially the combat drills, as I got train with my lightsaber and force abilities the most. And of course, spar with Igantia.
Not many would have guessed this, but she was the reason why I decided to focus on Shii-cho. I liked the form initially for its simplicity and wide range of versatility, it drew me in, but I was also curious about the other forms as well. That is until Ignatia told me I wouldn’t be a great duelist with Shii-cho. It peeved me at the time, so much so I decided to focus all my intent on that one form just so I could beat her Djem So. Which I eventually managed after a multitude of failures.
The rest of the years passed on and I grew stronger in the force with what I know now as a natural affinity towards telekinetic force abilities. There were many who were far more talented at it than I was, but I kept pace with them through effort and dedication, and in no small part from the guidance of the instructors and masters. Eventually, the initiate trials came by and of course, me and Ignatia passed with flying colours, the Jedi refusing to tell either of us who outperformed the other for fear of another fight. And they still refuse to tell us after so many years.
One of the moments I don’t think I’ll forget and that still causes me some worry, is during the leading moments to my trial. I had yet to find a crystal for my lightsaber as I was focused on reviewing the Jedi Code and making sure I knew it front to back. It was then that two instructors pulled me aside and told me they’d sensed a darkness in me; I won’t forget that particular conversation, or the look of concern on their faces. Knowing that they feared what I’d become nearly crushed my spirit, and I don’t think I cried harder than the few days following that incident.
Ignatia in helped me the most through that difficult time. She was there for me, our rivalry put aside, and she would sit with me for hours, sacrificing her own training time to make sure I was okay. And as the date for our trial was drawing closer, she advised me to embrace whatever darkness was inside me, not to hide it and let it fester, but to let it breathe so that it can heal properly. It was sound advice, and it was that advice that led me to have my coloured lightsaber.
The trials went without a hitch despite my sorrow at the news some of the instructors gave me.
Master Kromut chose me as his padawan when I was thirteen, and he was a kind-hearted man with a merciful spirit. I think it was because of what the other masters saw that he chose to take me on, to show me the greater aspects of the Light Side of the Force. During my years with him, I witnessed a number of battles at his side where my skill with Shii-Cho only got better – after all, it was either that or be slain. Master Kromut made sure to keep me away from the front lines during the early years of my apprenticeship, but started exposing me more and more to the front lines as I aged.
Taking on Ignatia’s advice, at the age of fifteen, I went to Hurrikane with Master Kromut, telling him I wanted a different coloured saber to show the duality that was inside of me. That I thought hiding it would only make it worse for me. He tentatively agreed, and I think he only agreed because it was a teaching moment for me, a moment where I could use my negotiation and diplomatic skills with the native species. It took some effort and a great deal of patience on my part, but I managed to convince them to give me a crystal.
The Trial of Combat was perhaps my easiest trial. Though, it wasn’t all we did. The war did consume much of our time, and I had a lot of exposure to combat, but Master Kromut was also adamant in showing me the other aspects of war. The political side of it all, where he was perhaps most skilled. I was exposed to negotiations and he would question me often on how best to talk to a hesitant potential ally on keeping themselves aligned or choosing to align with the Republic. Even going to so far as to negotiate with weapon dealers and smugglers in making sure their weapons stayed within republic territories.
Knowing that I wanted to be a Peacekeeper, Master Kromut also exposed me to a number planets behind the frontlines that were showing signs of dissent and dissatisfaction and expected me to quell those in peaceful ways, such as coming up with propaganda that showed the Republic in good light as the defenders against an Empire onslaught. Taking out Empire sympathizers in raids while collaborating with local police forces, and even maneuvering through local politics to remove and push out certain elements that were pushing for Empire-aligned policies. We also did a number of counter-intelligence missions, and although he knew very little of those, he would hand me off to local and internal police forces to show me how those particular missions were carried out. Throughout all of these, a figure I encountered more than others was a Sith by the name of Wayland Anton. A continuous thorn in my side from my days as a Padawan.
The war was a struggle, especially knowing what was inside me. Every time I entered combat and took the life of someone, I wondered if I was inching closer to the Dark Side.
As you can imagine, the Trial of the Spirit was the hardest for me when I was trying to go for knighthood. Even after so many years with Master Kromut, going all over the galaxy with him and absorbing all of his lessons and teachings, a part of me was afraid of looking inside myself. Afraid of what I’d find. I’ve heard so many stories of powerful Jedi being seduced by the dark side, and I didn’t want to be one of those. I didn’t want to fail all the efforts of my masters and bring shame to them, and I suppose I was afraid that I had a natural disposition to the dark-side. That the force would push me to align myself with the Sith.
A silly thought, I know, but the fear was there. And I almost gave up. I was so convinced I was going to turn into to the Dark Side that I was willing to put down the lightsaber and disappear to some outer rim planet, away from everyone just to prevent myself from turning. Master Kromut of course figured out what was going through my head and had a long talk with me. I never cried in front of him before then, I made myself promise I wouldn’t, but I broke down during that conversation, laid out all my fears and all the shame.
He was a father to me. Supportive, understanding and helped me realize that everyone had some darkness in them, some more than others, but that I shouldn’t be ashamed of what I am. I still struggle with it, but I owe my knighthood to him. I would’ve never passed the Trials had he not been there for me and I’ll love him dearly for it.
After my knighthood at the age of twenty, we went on a few missions together trying to keep allied planets and governments on our side and stopping potential assassins before I eventually went out on my own. We still keep in close contact. Afterwards I specialized as a Peacekeeper like I always wanted to, but not for my initial reasons. I wanted the Republic to be safe, I wanted to do my part both in and out of the front lines. But my new motivation was that in being a Peacekeeper, in helping countless lives, I could perhaps fight off that darkness within me by doing good. By making lives easier for the citizens of the Republic.
Last mission I had was a difficult one, nearly killed myself trying to stop a Sith spy from making off with Republic intelligence. I managed to capture him and prevent a potentially disastrous leak from getting to the other side.
Anything else you would like to know?
- Sith Agent
- The Sith operative escaped
- It was a Sith NPC and Dania's rival: Wayland Anton
- Nature of the espionage: finding out shipment drop locations of sensitive Republic hardware designed to help long-range monitoring of Imperial activities
- Took place on the planet Ubrikkia
- Dania was sent to Ubrikkia when the Sith paid the local criminal class to protest against Republic rule as a smokescreen to keep local police force eyes off him.
- Other people could have been involved in the thwarting.